Francesca Mussi

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - 38122 Trento
francesca.mussi[at]unitn [dot] it

4 luglio 2023 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (II Fascia) - Settore Concorsuale 12/E1 (diritto internazionale)

Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto internazionale, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2017

Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza, Università di Parma, 2011


Abilitazione all'esercizio della professione forense, 2018

Interessi di ricerca

Tutela dei diritti umani

Diritto delle migrazioni internazionali

Diritto del mare

Accesso alla giustizia in Africa


Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Membro della Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale

Convegni e conferenze

“The Intersection of Climate Change and the Right to Life in the Verein Klimaseniorinnen Judgment: A Step Ahead of the “Imminent and Foreseeable Threat” Standard?”, paper presented at the Lisbon Climate Conference “Human Rights and Climate Change: Where Next?”, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (School of Law), 24-25.10.2024;

“La normativa europea in materia di rendicontazione societaria di sostenibilità”, paper presented at the seminar “Dall’obbligo al valore. Le aziende raccontano il loro approccio al bilancio di sostenibilità”, NOI Techpark, Bolzano, 13.06.2024;

"The EU Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: Which Implications for Environmental Protection in African Least Developed Countries?”, paper presented at the International Conference “Shaping Climate Law: Dynamic Roles of State and Non-State Actors”, Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies), 30-31.05.2024;

“Diritti umani e identità di genere: quale tutela per le persone trans a livello internazionale?”, paper presented at the seminar “La protezione internazionale delle persone trans”, University of Trento (School of Law), 13.05.2024;

“The EU Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: Which Implications for Environmental Protection in African Least Developed Countries?”, paper presented at the “Screening for Sustainability - Expert Workshop”, University of Lund, 29-30.04.2024;

“Contrasto al greenwashing: l’azione dell’Unione europea e dell’OCSE a confronto”, paper presented at the seminar “Greenwashing e sostenibilità: rischi e opportunità per le imprese del Trentino-Alto Adige”, School of International Studies, University of Trento, 6.12.2023;

“Using the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to Address Climate Change-Related Issues”, paper presented at the 2023 Lausanne Business and Human Rights Conference, University of Lausanne, 1.6.2023;

“Using the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to Address Climate Change-Related Issues: Which Contribution from the Case-Law of the NCPs?”, paper presented at the International Conference “Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in OECD Case Law: Actors, Issues, Responsibilities and Remedy”, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 5.5.2023;

“The EU Draft Directive on Corporate Due Diligence: A Legal Instrument to Effectively Encourage a Gender-responsive Sustainability?”, paper presented at the International Conference “Contested Equality: International and Comparative Legal Perspectives”, University of Zurich, 21.10.2022; 

“Corporate due diligence obligations on human rights and the environment: the perspective of EU law”, paper presented at the Seminar “Corporate due diligence in Europe and legislative initiatives of single nations. Towards an actual state engagement for human rights respect along the supply chain?”, School of Law, University of Trento, 12.10.2022;

“Migration Flows and the Protection of Women’s Rights”, paper presented at the Conference LAWGEM – Gendering Law: Challenges and Perspectives, LUMSA University Palermo, 7.10.2022;

“An Umbrella with Holes? The EU Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and Its Potential Impact on the Protection of Fundamental Rights”, paper presented at the Young Researchers’ Workshop “European Human Rights Protection – Twenty Years from Now”, Academy for European Human Rights Protection, University of Cologne, 15.9.2022;

“Obblighi di diligenza delle imprese in materia di diritti umani e ambiente: la prospettiva del diritto dell’Unione europea”, paper presented at the Conference “Le nuove frontiere della responsabilità sociale d’impresa: verso una crescita sostenibile e inclusiva”, School of International Studies, University of Trento, 4.7.2022;

"Migrazioni irregolari via mare: spunti per un'analisi meno frammentaria del quadro normativo internazionale di riferimento”, paper presented at the Conference “El Desarrollo del Derecho del Mar desde una perspectiva Argentina y Europea”, Universidad FASTA Mar del Plata (Argentina); Universidade da Coruña; Università degli Studi di Perugia, 1.10.2021;

“La cooperazione bilaterale tra Stati quale strumento di gestione delle migrazioni: linee di tendenza della prassi italiana e spunti in relazione al Kosovo”, paper presented at the Conference “Minori stranieri non accompagnati e istituzioni in Friuli Venezia Giulia”, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 1.07.2021;

"Il diritto di lasciare qualsiasi Paese, incluso il proprio, nel diritto internazionale”: paper presented at the Conference “Esternalizzazione delle frontiere: pratiche di detenzione e negazione del diritto di asilo”, organised by Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione (ASGI), Lagos (Nigeria), 25-26.02.2020;

“International Law and Cinema”, paper presented at the International Conference “Teaching International Law”, University of Innsbruck, 16.01.2020;

"International Waters as a Legal No Man’s Land? The Approach of Italian Courts on the Exercise of Criminal Jurisdiction over Migrant Smugglers on the High Seas", paper presented at the 5th Annual TAU Workshop for Junior Scholars in Law "Rethinking Law and Boundaries", Tel Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law, 18.11.2019;

“Exercising Criminal Jurisdiction over Migrant Smugglers in International Waters: Some Remarks on the Recent Case-Law of Italian Courts”, paper presented at the International Conference“La seguridad nacional en el mar: más allá de la estrategia de seguridad marítima”, University of Santiago de Compostela, School of Law, 3.10.2019;

“Monitoring Progress on SDG 16 and Aspiration 3 of the 2063 Agenda: Can the African Peer Review Mechanism Represent an Effective Tool for Both?”, paper presented at the International Conference “Rule of Law in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda”, Loyola University of Chicago, School of Law, Campus J. Felice (Rome), 1.02.2019;

“Using Film Resources in International Law/European Law Courses”, paper presented at the International Conference “Teaching International Law”, University of Innsbruck, 24.01.2019;

“From the Campbell Case to a Recent Ruling of the High Court of Pretoria: Not All Hope Is Lost for the Tribunal of the Southern African Development Community?”, paper presented at the International Conference “The Judicial Power of Africa’s Supranational Courts/Le pouvoir judiciaire des cours supranationales d’Afrique”, University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, 21.09. 2018;

“The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa: An EU Instrument to Effectively Promote the Rule of Law?”, paper presented at the 11th Annual Legal Research Network Conference “Legal Developments in Europe and the Future of European Rule of Law”, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 5.09.2018;

"Aspetti giuridici (diritto internazionale)" (with Prof. Tullio Scovazzi), paper presented at the Conference "Il diritto all’identità dei migranti morti in viaggio”, University of Milano-Bicocca, School of Law, 14.11.2017; 

"Facing the Challenges of Migration at Sea: The Controversial Implementation of the Duty to Render Assistance at Sea in the Mediterranean", paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge “Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and Sea”, University of Salerno, 27.09.2017; 

"Irregular Migration at Sea: Some Remarks on the Adequacy of the Gender-neutral Character of the UN Smuggling Protocol", paper presented at the International Conference "Exploring the Human Element of the Oceans: The Gender Implications of the Law of the Sea ", University of Milano-Bicocca, School of Law, 26.05.2017; 

"Smuggling of Migrants in the Mediterranean Sea: Assessing the Adequacy of Recent EU Measures from the Perspective of Migrants' Rights Protection", paper presented at the workshop "Protecting the Unprotected", Ruhr-University Bochum, School of Law, 20.9.2016; 

"Protecting Europe or Smuggled Migrants? The Mandate of the UN Security Council in the Mediterranean Sea", paper presented at the "Human Rights Research Students' Conference 2016", University of Essex, School of Law, 6.7.2016; 

"Bilateral Cooperation on Migration Control: Comparing Italy-Libya and Australia-Indonesia" (with Nikolas Tan), paper presented at the 18th UCD Irish European Law Forum "Europe's Shared Burden: Collective Responsibility for Migrants at Sea", University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law, 9.10.2015; 

"Climate Induced Migration: What Legal Protection for Climate Migrants at the International Level?", paper presented at the International Conference "The Common Good: The Role of Integrity in the Support of Life and Human Security", University of Parma, 2.07.2015; 

"The Italian Case: Reconciling the Fight against Irregular Migration by Sea with Human Rights Protection", paper presented at the "Graduate Conference on Human Rights 2015", University of Glasgow, School of Law, 21.05.2015; 

"The Impact of the Hirsi Jamaa Judgment on the Cooperation between Italy and Libya on Migration Control", paper presented at the "University of Copenhagen Postgraduate Law Conference 2015", University of Copenhagen, School of Law, 30.01.2015; 

"Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean Basin: Cooperation between States or a Way to Evade Responsibilities?", paper presented at the IVème session du Centre de recherche Franco-Italien "La gestion et la recomposition des espaces: aspects de droit international et de droit européen", Faculté de Droit de l'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 11.09.2014.

(Scientific Coordinator ) International Roundtable“The Role of Africa’s Supranational Courts in the Protection of Fundamental Rights: Contributions and Challenges”, University of Trento, School of Law, 13.05.2019;

(Scientific Coordinator with Prof. Marco Pertile) Seminar on “L’attuazione della Convenzione di Istanbul in Italia: il ruolo della società civile nel monitoraggio sulla violenza di genere”, University of Trento, School of Law, 10.05.2019.