Alberto Nucciarelli
Comitato paritetico di Ateneo per il diritto allo studio
Professore associato
Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Formazione |
February 2007: University of L’Aquila (Italy) - PhD in Electrical and Information Engineering (profile “economic systems”). Dissertation title: "The development of a new generation telecom network: from a regulation approach to a real options evaluation process". Supervisors: Professor M.Gastaldi (University of L'Aquila), Professor N.Kulatilaka (Boston University, School of Management) April-June 2006: Visiting PhD student at the School of Management of the Boston University, Massachusetts (USA) (Supervisor: Professor Nalin Kulatilaka) November 2002: LUISS University of Rome – Master in Economics (Italian Laurea degree) |
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
Current academic positions December 2018 - present: Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento March 2019 - present: Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Management, Cass Business School, London, UK Former academic positions December 2015 - December 2018: Assistant Professor (Ricercatore di tipo b) at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento January 2016 - December 2018: Honorary Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Management at Cass Business School, City University London October 2013 - December 2015: Research Fellow at the Faculty of Management of Cass Business School, City University London, UK February 2012 - September 2013: Research Scientist in healthcare economics at Philips Research, Department of Healthcare Information Management, Eindhoven, Netherlands July 2007 - January 2012: Postdoc researcher at the School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands |
Interessi di ricerca |
Main areas
Attività di ricerca |
Papers in academic journals Aversa, P., Bianchi, E., Gaio, L., & Nucciarelli, A. 2022. The grand tour: the role of catalyzing places for industry emergence. Academy of Management Journal, 65(6), 2058-2091. Goumagias, N., Fernandes, K. J., Nucciarelli, A., & Li, F. 2022. How to overcome path dependency through resource reconfiguration. Journal of Business Research, 145, 78-91. Bagnoli, C., Mas, F. D., Lombardi, R., & Nucciarelli, A. 2021. Translating knowledge through business model tensions: a case study. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 20(2), 182-197. Nucciarelli A, Li F., Fernandes K., Goumagias N., Cabras I., Devlin S., Kudenko D. and Cowling P. 2017. From value chains to technological platforms: The effects of crowdfunding in the digital game industry. Journal of Business Research, 78, 341-352 Roden, S., Nucciarelli, A., Li, F., & Graham, G. 2017. Big data and the transformation of operations models: a framework and a new research agenda. Production Planning & Control, 28(11-12), 929-944 Cabras I., Goumagias N., Fernandes K., Cowling P., Li F. Kudenko D. and Nucciarelli A. 2017. Exploring survival rates of companies in the UK video-games industry: An empirical study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 117, 305-314 Li F., Nucciarelli A., Roden S. and Graham G., 2016, How Smart Cities Transform Operations Models: A New Research Agenda for Operations Management in the Digital Economy, Production Planning and Control, 27(6), 514-528 Nucciarelli A., Sadowski B., Ruhle E.-O., 2014, Should Next Generation Access networks fall within the scope of Universal Service? A European Union perspective, Government Information Quarterly, 31, 90-99 Nucciarelli A., Castaldo A., Conte E. and Sadowski B., 2013, Unlocking the potential of Italian broadband. Case studies and policy lessons, Telecommunications Policy, 37, 955-969 Whalley J., Nucciarelli A., 2013, Editorial: Understanding ICT adoption and market trends – Papers from recent European ITS regional conferences, Telecommunications Policy, 37, 911-914 Nucciarelli A., Sadowski B.M., Achard P.O., 2010, Emerging models for public-private interplay for European broadband access: Evidence from Italy and the Netherlands, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 34(9), 513-527 Nucciarelli A., Sadowski B., 2010, The Italian approach to functional separation. An assessment of background and criticalities, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 34(7), 384-391 Sadowski B., Nucciarelli A., de Rooij M., 2009, Providing incentives for private investment in municipal broadband networks: evidence from the Netherlands, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 33(10-11), 582-595 (doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2009.08.005) Nucciarelli A., Gastaldi M., 2009, Collaboration in the airport business through the Development of an IT platform, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 121, pp.562-573, (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2007.02.017) Nucciarelli A., Gastaldi M., 2008, Information technology and collaboration tools within the e-supply chain management of the aviation industry, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. 20(2), 169-184, (doi: 10.1080/09537320801931309) Nucciarelli A., Gastaldi M., Levialdi N., 2008, Asymmetric competition and collection rate differentials: determinants of prices in international telephone service markets, Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, Vol. 11(3), 315-329. (doi: 10.1007/s11066-009-9042-5) Achard P.O., Nucciarelli A., Rosato R. and Svensson G., 2008, Risk identification in the infrastructure construction industry: A supply chain case study, International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalization, Vol. 1(3/4), 343-356, (doi: 10.1504/IJLEG.2008.023166) Gastaldi M., Levialdi N.G. and Nucciarelli A., 2008, The international telecommunications imbalances: an empirical analysis, International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalization, Vol. 1(2), 141-159, (doi: 10.1504/IJLEG.2008.020527)
Papers in non-academic journals Nucciarelli A., Ivanovic A., 2013, Hospitals in the reformed Dutch health care system: balancing products and services, Eurohealth - LSE Eds., 19(2), 40-43 Nucciarelli A., 2013, Interview with Jussi Hatonen, ICT Economist - European Investment Bank, Communications & Strategies, 91(3rd quarter 2013), 107-109 Sadowski, B.M., Howell B., Nucciarelli A., 2013, Structural separation and the role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in New Zealand's UFB initiative. Communications & Strategies, 91(3rd quarter 2013), 57-80. Van der Wee M., Mattsson, C., Raju, A., Braet, O., Nucciarelli, A., Sadowski, B., Verbrugge S. and Pickavet M., 2011, Making a success of FTTH learning from case studies in Europe, Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals, 5(4), 22-31 Sadowski B.M., Verheijen M., Nucciarelli A., 2008, From experimentation to citywide rollout: real options for a municipal WiMax network in the Netherlands, Communications & Strategies. DigiWorld Economic Journal, IDATE, Vol. 70, 2nd quarter 2008, 101-123
Book chapters Nucciarelli, A. 2023. Il bike sharing: riflessioni sul fenomeno e prospettive future (Chapter 17). In Ferrigno, G., Ferrucci, L. and Piccaluga, A. 2023. La bicicletta nel nuovo millennio. La rinascita di un settore tra innovazione, internazionalizzazione e sostenibilità. Franco Angeli, Milano. Gallino G., Leporelli C., Nucciarelli A. 2015, Case Study: Italy (Chapter 10), in Lemstra, W. and Melody W,H., The Dynamics of Broadband Markets in Europe. Realizing the 2020 Digital Agenda, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Goumagias, N., Cabras, I., Fernandes,K., Li, F., Nucciarelli, A., Cowling, P., Devlin, S. and Kudenko, D. 2014. A Phylogenetic Classification of the Video-Game Industry’s Business Model Ecosystem, In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H. (Eds), Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments - 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014. Proceedings, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 285-294, (doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_28) Sadowski B., Verheijen M., Nucciarelli A., 2010, Strategic Options for Mobile Broadband Services: the Case of a Municipal WiMAX Network in the Netherlands, in Falch, M, and Markendahl, J. (eds.), Promoting New Telecom Infrastructures, London: Edward Elgar Nucciarelli A. and Achard P.O., 2009, New frontiers of the European Airport Management: Performances, Risks and Trends of Development, in Larauge P.B. and Castille M.E. (eds.), Airports: Performance, Risks and Problems, Novascience Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-60692-393-1 (invited chapter)
Book reviews Nucciarelli A., 2014, Crowdstorm: the future of innovation, ideas, and problem solving by Shaun Abrahamson, Peter Ryder and Bastian Unterberg, Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley, 2013, 230 pp., Book review, Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation, 32(1), 111-113. |
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
Editorial positions Reviewing activity for: British Journal of Management, Long Range Planning, Technovation, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, International Journal of Industrial Economics, Telecommunications Policy, International Journal of Production Economics, Communications & Strategies, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries.
Editorial experiences Member of the Editorial Board of Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier) Guest Editor of Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier) (with Professor Jason Whalley, Northumbria University) Member of the Editorial Board of Communications & Strategies, Digiworld Economic Journal Co-editor of Communications & Strategies Special Issue on Public-Private Interplay in the Telecom Sector (Fall 2013)
Premi e riconoscimenti |
Research grant by Fondazione CARITRO: “Hot Snow: Addressing Global Warming in the Alpine Sport and Tourism Industry” (2023). Winner of the 2012 Rita Levi Montalcini Award (sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Education) Winning applicant for the UK-based project "GAMification for Better living in the cities by Influencing Tourist behaviour (GAMBIT)", funded by InnovateUK (September 2015) |
Convegni e conferenze |
Conference papers (to-be-updated) Li, Feng; Alberto, Nucciarelli; Nikolaos, Goumagias; Ignazio, Cabras; Kiran Jude, Fernandes; Sam, Devlin; Daniel, Kudenko; Peter, Cowling, "Towards a Holistic Business Model Framework: New Insights from the Games Industry" in British Academy of Management, UK: BAM, 2015. Atti di: British Academy of Management Conference, University of Portsmouth, 8-10 settembre 2015. - URL: Nucciarelli A., Sadowski B. and Ruhle E.-O., Should next generation access networks fall within the scope of universal service? A EU27 perspective, Regional ITS Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2012 Nucciarelli A., Castaldo, A. Sadowski B., and Conte E., Unlocking fixed broadband uptake in the Italian market: policy lessons learned from case studies, Regional ITS Conference, Budapest, Hungary, September 2011 Van der Wee, M., Mattsson, C., Raju, A. Braet, O., Nucciarelli, A., Sadowski, B.M., Verbrugge, S., and Pickavet, M. How to measure the success rate of fiber-based access networks? Evaluation of the Stokab case and comparison to other European cases, 50th FITCE Congress, Palermo, Italy, 2011, DOI: 10.1109/FITCE.2011.6133419 Nucciarelli A. and Sadowski B., Public Involvement in Broadband Deployment: a Call for new scheme of Universal Service Obligation?, ITS 18th Biennial Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 2010 Sadowski, B. and Nucciarelli, A., Towards open access for innovation: Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the Netherlands, ITS 18th Biennial Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 2010 Sadowski, B. and Nucciarelli, A., The effects of new fibre-based services on digital inequality: The case of the Netherlands, ITS 18th Biennial Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 2010 Sadowski B. and Nucciarelli A, Technological change, market liberalization and the emergence of public-private partnerships: The case of telecommunications in the Netherlands, DIME Workshop on 'The Changing Governance of Network Industries', Naples, Italy, April 2010 Matzat U., Sadowski B.M. and Nucciarelli A, Disentangling social purposes of online applications: Linking forms of Web 2.0 use with access to social resources, GOR – General Online Research 2009, Vienna, Austria, April 2009 Matzat U., Sadowski B. and Nucciarelli A., Use of Web 2.0 services and social capital of citizens: Results of a user survey in the "Kenniswijk" region, Politics: Web2.0: An International conference, Royal Halloway, University of London, April 2008 Sadowski B.M. and Nucciarelli A., New challenges in municipal broadband network management: from vertical integration to wholesale-retail model, 17th Biennal ITS Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2008 Sadowski B.M., Nucciarelli A. and Verheijen M., Mobile broadband services for a citywide wireless network: real options for a WiMAX network in the Netherlands, 19th ITS European Regional Conference, Rome, Italy, September 2008 Nucciarelli A., Sadowski B.M. and Achard P.O., The new frontiers of broadband. Comparing governance, technologies, and business models over the Italian and Dutch markets, 19th ITS European Regional Conference, Rome, Italy, September 2008 Sadowski B.M., Matzat U. and Nucciarelli A., Municipal Glass Fiber Networks and High Speed Access: Case Study Evidence from the Netherlands, TPRC 2008 - George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, USA, September 2008 Nucciarelli A., Sadowski B.M. and Achard P.A., Public-private partnerships for broadband access: case study evidence from Italy and the Netherlands, Public/Private Interplay in NGCs Conference, Seville, Spain, December 2008 Sadowski B., Nucciarelli A. and de Rooij, Providing incentives for private investment in municipal broadband networks: evidence from the Netherlands, 5th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM) 2008, Maastricht, the Netherlands, December 2008 Gastaldi M., Levialdi N. and Nucciarelli A., Asymmetric competition and collection rates differentials: determinants of prices in international telephone service markets. CTTE – Conference on Telecommunications Techno-Economics, Helsinki, Finland, June 2007 (IEEE Xplore indexed - doi: 10.1109/CTTE.2007.4389900) Gastaldi M., Nucciarelli A., “Supply chain management in the airport business: an Italian case study”, 14th International working seminar on production economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2006, Volume I, 267-276 Gastaldi M., Levialdi N., Nucciarelli A., “Technology and Competition in International Telecommunications Imbalances”, 13th International Conference on Telecommunications – ICT 2006, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 2006 Gastaldi M., Nucciarelli A., Rosato R., “Supply chain management in the construction industry: new trends in risk management and internal audit”, 4th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems - SCMIS 2006, Taichung, Taiwan, July 2006, Volume II, 989-997 Gastaldi M., Nucciarelli A., E-Supply Chain Management and e-business impact over the aviation industry, 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems - SCMIS 2005, July 2005, Tessalonica, Greece, 819-831 |
Altre attività |
(to-be-updated) Organization of international events Chair and co-organizer of the R&D Management Conference 2022 (University of Trento, July 2022, ca.500 participants) Chair of the Digital Conference 2023 (February 2023, ca. 50 participants) Chair of the ITS Telecommunication Society Conference 2018 (July 2018, ca. 100 participants) Research projects University of Ghent and Eindhoven University of Technology joint project on broadband services supporting next generation access networks (2011-2012) CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies), Digital Forum initiative, Brussels (2010-2012) University of Rome “La Sapienza” and AGCOM (Italian regulatory agency for communications) within the ISBUL international research projects to map the social and economic impact of innovation in the broadband sector (2010-2011) Treccani Institute, Writing copyright protected entries for the Treccani Economics Encyclopedia (i.e. “Lessico dell’economia Treccani”)
Invited speeches The European healthcare systems: public funding vs. market competition (Eindhoven University of Technology, Feb. 2013) Reimbursement challenges in the Dutch healthcare system (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Nov. 2012) Let’s make it flexible! Creating value in ICT with real options (ASML, Sept. 2009) Innovation management and decision-making in Dutch municipal environment. An economic and managerial analysis of municipal broadband networks (University "La Sapienza" of Rome, Faculty of Managerial Engineering – ISBUL project, June 2009) Municipal broadband networks: a European challenge. Real options methodology for dynamic sectors (Eindhoven University of Technology, June 2009) How does public-private interplay influence technological innovation? A conceptual model for municipal broadband networks (FttH Forum 2009, Barcelona, Spain, May 2009) |
Note |
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Professional activities Professional Chartered Accountant and Accounting Auditor (Dottore Commercialista e Revisore dei Conti)