Alberto Nucciarelli

Via Inama, 5 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283155
alberto.nucciarelli[at]unitn [dot] it

February 2007: University of L’Aquila (Italy) - PhD in Electrical and Information Engineering (profile “economic systems”). Dissertation title: "The development of a new generation telecom network: from a regulation approach to a real options evaluation process". Supervisors: Professor M.Gastaldi (University of L'Aquila), Professor N.Kulatilaka (Boston University, School of Management)

April-June 2006: Visiting PhD student at the School of Management of the Boston University, Massachusetts (USA) (Supervisor: Professor Nalin Kulatilaka)

November 2002: LUISS University of Rome – Master in Economics (Italian Laurea degree)

Academic career and teaching activities

Current academic positions

December 2018 - present: Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento

March 2019 - present: Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Management, Cass Business School, London, UK

Former academic positions

December 2015 - December 2018: Assistant Professor (Ricercatore di tipo b) at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento

January 2016 - December 2018: Honorary Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Management at Cass Business School, City University London

October 2013 - December 2015: Research Fellow at the Faculty of Management of Cass Business School, City University London, UK

February 2012 - September 2013: Research Scientist in healthcare economics at Philips Research, Department of Healthcare Information Management, Eindhoven, Netherlands

July 2007 - January 2012: Postdoc researcher at the School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Research interests

Main areas

  • Industry emergence
  • Categories and categorization in firms' strategies
  • Business models and innovation of business models
  • Digital platforms and ecosystems
  • Entrepreneurship for start-ups


  • The nascent cultivated meat industry
  • Biotech and Pharma
  • Broadband networks
  • Game industry
Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Editorial positions

Reviewing activity for: British Journal of Management, Long Range PlanningTechnovation, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, International Journal of Industrial Economics, Telecommunications Policy, International Journal of Production Economics, Communications & Strategies, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries.


Editorial experiences

Member of the Editorial Board of Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier)

Guest Editor of Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier) (with Professor Jason Whalley, Northumbria University)

Member of the Editorial Board of Communications & Strategies, Digiworld Economic Journal

Co-editor of Communications & Strategies Special Issue on Public-Private Interplay in the Telecom Sector (Fall 2013)