Sara Assecondi
Formazione |
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
Professional position
Teaching activity
Interessi di ricerca |
My focus revolves around the exploration of memory and its translation from laboratory assessments to real-world applications. In my research, I employ cutting-edge techniques to evaluate cognitive decline and its impact on daily life by incorporating naturalistic scenarios into traditional lab testing. Utilizing electroencephalography (EEG), I quantify brain activity during memory tests, examining how behavioral interventions influence brain networks. Simultaneously, my work involves developing interventions to ameliorate or decelerate memory decline. This encompasses a combination of brain stimulation and cognitive training exercises. My expertise lies in employing multimodal approaches to understand cognition in both health and disease. I possess a particular interest in signal processing and recordings of EEG and ERP, connectivity analyses in EEG, ERP, and fMRI, and the integration of diverse modalities for comprehensive human brain mapping (EEG, TMS, fMRI). |
Attività di ricerca |
Scientific activityProjectsCognition and ageing: I am interested in how healthy ageing changes cognitive performance and I work on designing interventions that could slow down physiological cognitive decline. I work with healthy and clinical populations. Representative publications:
Cognitive neuroscience: I have participated in projects, providing technical expertise in EEG and behavioural data analysis. Representative publications:
Modelling: I have used simulations and models of brain activity to test hypothesis or new analysis approaches in neuroscience. Representative publications:
Data quality: over the years I have worked to improve quality of biomedical data, in particular when two different measuring techniques are combined Representative publications:
Supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students
Reviewer’s activityEditor:
Abstracts reviewer: XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) (2010); 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (2010); Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting (HBM) (2011) Referee for scientific journals: Physiological Measurements, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Brain Topography, Scientific Reports, Physics in Medicine and Biology, NeuroImage, Cortex, IEEE Transaction in Biomedical Engineering, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Journal of Neural Engineering, Behavioural Research Methods, Entropy, Human-Computer Interaction, PLOSone Referee for funding bodies: Research Foundation - Flanders |
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
Premi e riconoscimenti |
Convegni e conferenze |
Invited talks
Conference / symposium organization
Proceedings in international and national conferences
Altre attività |
InventionsI have been able to translate my research output into a patent application, on which I am named inventor (publication number WO/2022/106850) jointly submitted by the University of Birmingham and Dalhousie University, titled “IMPROVING COGNITIVE FUNCTION”, currently in the PCT phase (international application No. PCT/G82021/053019). Public engagement
Media coverage
Allegati |