Alessandro Palazzo
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Formazione |
3.10.2009: Licence in Mediaeval Studies (magna cum laude), Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies of Toronto, Canada. Dissertation title: “Albert the Great’s Doctrine of Fascination in the Context of his Philosophical System”; Ron B. Thomson, supervisor 16.6.2005: PhD in Historico-philosophical Disciplines, University of Lecce. Thesis title: “Il De summo bono di Ulrico di Strasburgo: uno studio complessivo e l’edizione del trattato 3 del libro IV (Ulrich of Strasbourg’s De summo bono: a comprehensive study and the edition of treatise 3 of Book IV)”; Loris Sturlese, supervisor 19.7.2000: Master’s degree in Philosophy (110/110 cum laude), University of Lecce. Thesis title: “Le fonti aristoteliche nel De bono di Alberto Magno (The Aristotelian sources in Albert the Great’s De bono)”; Loris Sturlese, supervisor |
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Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
Associate Professor in the History of medieval philosophy (and History of philosophy) 28.3.2017: he was awarded the “Abilitazione” as Full Professor of History of Philosophy Since July 2014: Associate Professor February 2014: he was awarded the “Abilitazione” as Associate Professor of History of Philosophy November 2008-July 2014: Assistant Professor (tenured position) Since 2009: member of the teaching body of the Doctoral school in “Studi Umanistici. Discipline Filosofiche, Storiche e dei Beni culturali” (since 2011 “Studi Umanistici”, since 2014 Culture d’Europa. Ambienti, spazi, storie, arti, idee”), Università di Trento Since November 2008: member of the “Dipartmento di Filosofia, Storia e Beni Culturali”, Università di Trento (since 2012 “Dipartmento di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Trento”) Teaching Activity at University of Trento 2021-22 March-April 2022, University of Trento, History of Ideas, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Sex, Marriage, and Philosophy”) February-March 2022, University of Trento, History of Medicine, Graduate course (30 hrs) September-November 2021, University of Trento, History of Philosophy from Late Anquituity to the Middle Ages, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “The Soul: from Augustine to Meister Eckhart”) 2020-21 March-April 2021, University of Trento, History of Medicine, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Medical Concepts and Theories of Albert the Great: an Overview”) February-March 2021, University of Trento, History of Ancient Philosophy, Graduate course (30 hrs: “The Dream in the Ancient Culture”) October-December 2020, University of Trento, History of Philosophy from Late Anquituity to the Middle Ages, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “An Outline of Philosophy from Late-ancient Platonism to Nicholas of Cusa”) 2019-20 April-May 2020, University of Trento, History of Medieval Philosophy, Undergraduate course (50 hrs: “An Outline of Albert the Great’s Philosophy”) February-March 2020, University of Trento, History of philosophical and theological ideas, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Astrology and Prophecy”) October-December 2019, University of Trento, History of 20th Century Philosophy, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “Herbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt School”) 2018-19 April-May 2018, University of Trento, History of Medieval Philosophy, Undergraduate course (50 hrs: “Outline of Eckhart’s Philosophy”) February-March 2018, University of Trento, History of philosophical and theological ideas, Graduate course (30 hrs: “The Other Middle Ages”) October-December 2018, University of Trento, History of 20th Century Philosophy, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “The reemergence of the Ancient Philosophy in the 20th-century Philosophy”) 2017-18 April-May 2018, University of Trento, History of Medieval Philosophy, Undergraduate course (50 hrs: “General outline of medieval philosophy; Peter Abelard's Scito te ipsum") February-March 2018, University of Trento, History of philosophical and theological ideas, Graduate course (30 hrs: “The Platonisms in Western Thought”) October-November 2017, University of Trento, History of 20th Century Philosophy, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “Michel Foucault: from The Will of Knowledge to The Hermeneutics of the Self”) 2016-17 April-May 2017, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (50 hrs: “General outline of medieval philosophy; Albert the Great’s De intellectu intellectus contra Averroistas and De fato") February-March 2017, University of Trento, History of philosophical and theological ideas, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Forms of Rationality in Western Philosophy”) October-November 2016, University of Trento, History of 20th Century Philosophy, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “Herbert Marcuse’s Eros and Civilization”) 2015-16 April-May 2016, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (30 hrs: “Thomas Aquinas’ De ente et essentia”) February-March 2016, University of Trento, History of theological concepts, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Yearning for God and Desires of the World”) October-November 2015, University of Trento, History of 20th Century Philosophy, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “The Marriage in the 20th Century”) 2014-15 February-March 2015, University of Trento, History of theological concepts, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Demons in the Middle Ages”) February-March 2015, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (30 hrs: “The Consolation of Philosophy. Boethius’ De consolatione philosophiae and Eckhart's Buch der göttlichen Tröstung”) November-December 2014, University of Trento, History of 20th Century Philosophy, Undergraduate course (60 hrs: “Eroticism and Sexuality in the 20th Century: Bataille and Foucalt”) 2013-14 February-March 2014, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (30 hrs: “Eckhart’s Expositio libri Genesis”) October-November 2013, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Eckhart’s Liber parabolarum Genesis”) 2012-13 February-April 2013, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (30 hrs: “Abelard’s Ethica and Collationes”) October-November 2012, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Sex, Marriage, and Philosophy in the Middle Ages”) 2011-12 April-May 2012, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Graduate course (30 hrs: “Meister Eckhart's Commentary on the Gospel of St. John”) February-March 2012, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (30 hrs: “Metaphysical Views in Two Aquinas’ Early Works: the «De ente et essentia» and the «Commentary on Boethius' De Ebdomadibus»”) 2010-11 November-December 2010, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Graduate course (30 hrs: “An Outline of Meister Eckhart’s Thought”) September-October 2010, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (30 hrs: “The Noetics and the Doctrine of Fate of Albert the Great”) 2009-10 April-May 2010, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Graduate course (30 hrs: “The ‘School’ of Chartres”) February-March 2010, University of Trento, History of medieval philosophy, Undergraduate course (30 hrs: “The ‘Renaissance’ of the 12th Century”) 2008-09 February-May 2009, University of Trento: two undergraduate courses: History of medieval philosophy A (20 hrs: “The Philosophical Thought in the Middle Ages; the Monologion by Anselm of Aosta) and History of medieval philosophy B (20 hrs: “Critical Reading of the Proslogion”) Teaching Activity at Doctoral Schools May 2021 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Culture d’Europa. Ambienti, spazi, storie, arti, idee (2 hrs) “La concordia discors nel pensiero medievale: alcuni esempi” January 2020 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Culture d’Europa. Ambienti, spazi, storie, arti, idee (2 hrs) “Filosofia medievale: fonti, testi, dibattiti: Natural Inequality in Albert the Great’s Politica” January 2019 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Culture d’Europa. Ambienti, spazi, storie, arti, idee (2 hrs) “Astral Determinism and Human History in Albert the Great’s Work” January 2018 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Culture d’Europa. Ambienti, spazi, storie, arti, idee (4 hrs) “Abstinence and Truth from Late-Antiquity to the Middle Ages” January 2017 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Culture d’Europa. Ambienti, spazi, storie, arti, idee (4 hrs) “Geomancy and Divination” February 2015 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Culture d’Europa. Ambienti, spazi, storie, arti, idee (4 hrs) “Styles and Ways of Expressions of the Late Medieval Theology”; “Medieval Philosophy: Historiographical Issues” January 2014 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Studi Umanistici (4 hrs) “Styles and Ways of Expressions of the Late Medieval Theology”; “Medieval Philosophy: Historiographical Issues” January 2013 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Studi Umanistici (4 hrs) “How to Do a Critical Edition of Medieval Philosophical and Theological Texts”; “Reading Medieval Philosophical Texts” January 2012 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Studi Umanistici. Discipline Filosofiche, Storiche e dei Beni culturali (6 hrs) “Per rationes naturales philosophorum. Eckhart’s Scriptural Commentaries: Structure, Characters and Sources” January 2011 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Studi Umanistici. Discipline Filosofiche, Storiche e dei Beni culturali (4 hrs) “Echkart’s mysticism: beyond stereotypes” November 2009 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Studi Umanistici. Discipline Filosofiche, Storiche e dei Beni culturali (4 hrs) “Eckhart’ Arabic and Hebrew Sources. Methodological Implications of a Case of Quellenforschung” November 2008 Università degli studi di Trento, Scuola di dottorato in Studi Umanistici. Discipline Filosofiche, Storiche e dei Beni culturali (4 hrs) “The History of Medieval Philosophy: Historiographical and Methodological Issues” Teaching activity at other universities Università del Salento, Lecce 2007-08 Undergraduate course in German language October-December 2007 Medieval Latin Paleography and Textual Criticism Seminar within the Graduate Course in the history of medieval philosophy 2005-06 February-May 2006 Seminar on Aristotle’s Metaphysics within the Undergraduate Course in the history of ancient philosophy October-December 2005 and February-May 2006 Medieval Latin paleography and textual criticism Seminar within the Graduate course in the history of medieval philosophy
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Interessi di ricerca |
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Attività di ricerca |
Projects as coordinator
Projects as participant
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Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
Scientific Societies 2022-: Vicepresident of the Societé Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM) 2022-: Coordinator of the unit of Trento of Centro interuniversitario di Ricerca per l’Edizione di Testi filosofici medievali e rinascimentali (CETEFIL) 2017-2022: Assessor of the Bureau of SIEPM 2015-2018, 2021-: Member of the Direttivo of the Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale (SISPM)
Memberships 2022-: member (socio ordinario) of the Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati (Tn) 2021-: member of the Albertus Magnus Society 2019-: member of Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca di Studi sulla tradizione 2019-: member of the Humboldt-Italia 2015-: member of the Société Dantesque de France 2010-: member of the EGSAMP (European Graduate School for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy) 2005-: member of the Meister-Echkart-Gesellschaft 2003-: member of the SISPM 2002-: member of the SIEPM
Editorial and Scientific Boards Bulletin de philosophie médiévale Flumen Sapientiae. Studi sul pensiero medievale (series of the publisher Aracne) |
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Premi e riconoscimenti |
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Convegni e conferenze |
Papers given at peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences, congresses and workshops
“Use and Meaning of Myth in Albert the Great and Henry of Herford” (24 August 2022)
Organization of Conferences 22 and 24 August 2022, Paris-Aubervilliers, The XVth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy: “Radical Thinking in the Middle Ages” Two Special Sessions on “Radical Thinking in Albert the Great” 3-4 November 2021, Trento, “Prospettive mediche e filosofiche sulla malattia nel medioevo” 10 March – 18 May 2021, Trento (Webinar), “La filosofia e le scienze nel Medioevo” 20 October 2020, Trento (Webinar), “La tradizione platonica nel medioevo” 26-28 March 2018, Lecce, “Centri e periferie nella storia del pensiero filosofico” (Member of the scientific committee) 19-20 March 2018, Trento, “Teologia e filosofia della natura” 5-6 October 2017, Trento, “L’uomo nel pensiero di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio. Ad 800 anni dalla nascita del Doctor Seraphicus” (he co-organized) 31 August-4 September 2015, Trento, “Language, Culture and Society. The Challenges of Transformation in Europe” 11-12 June 2015, Trento, “Geomancy and Other Forms of Divination. Foreseeing Events and Dominating Nature: Models of Operative Rationality and the Circulation of Knowledge in the Arab, Hebrew and Latin Middle Ages” 9-10 May 2014, Trento, “Nobilitas. Crocevia di saperi tra medioevo ed età moderna” 4-5 October 2013, Trento, “Il desiderio nel medioevo” 31 August-6 September 2011, Levico Terme (Tn), Summer school “Translatio studiorum: Critical Editions and Translations of Philosophical Texts” 27-29 September 2010, Trento, XIX Convegno internazionale della SISPM (Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale) “L’antichità classica nel pensiero medievale” Medieval Lectures
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Altre attività |
Terza missione 17.2-14.4.2022, Rovereto (Tn), Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, Series of six conferences “La filosofia incontra gli altri saperi” 9.2.2022, Archivio Diocesano di Trento, Inaugurazione della collezione digitale “Peste e astrologia” (dal Medioevo al’Età Moderna), curata da F. Bonini e A. Palazzo F. Bonini e A. Palazzo, “La malattia nel medioevo. Diagnosi e cure tra scienza filosofia e religione”, in UniTrentoMag. L’informazione dell’Università di Trento (19 Dicembre 2021) – F. Bonini e A. Palazzo, “La malattia nel Medioevo tra medicina e filosofia”, in Bollettino Medico Trentino (04/2021), pp. 14-17 – 24.9.2021, Trento, Notte Europea dei Ricercatori – European Researchers’ Night (SharperNight) 2021 in cooperation with MUSE – Museo della Scienza – 2020-21: Rovereto (Tn), Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati: Series of four conferences “Il filosofo e il coraggio della verità” Conversation with author: Online presentation of A. Palazzo, A. Rodolfi, (eds.), Prophecy and Prophets in Middle Ages, Firenze, Sismel – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2020 (Micrologus Library, 103) ISBN 978-88-9290-041-7 21 November 2019: Television Interview: : Universidade Federal do Abc (Brasil) Didattica extrauniversitaria 4.3.2022. Liceo Rosmini, Rovereto: seminario tematico di orientamento: “Storia e filosofia: due saperi a confronto” 12.4.2021: Liceo Foppa, Brescia: seminario tematico di orientamento: “Sogni profetici nel mito e nella filosofia” 17.3.2017: Istituto Pluricomprensivo Brunico Val Pusteria (Bolzano): seminario di orientamento: "Medioevo: millennio oscuro o età di progresso?" January 2013: Università degli studi di Trento, TFA (Tirocinio formativo attivo) – ambito filosofico (tot. 6 ore) 13.4.2011: Università degli studi di Trento, lezione di orientamento e presentazione della Facoltà (tot. 2 ore) a una classe dell’ITC di Mezzolombardo nel quadro del programma FSE |
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Allegati |