Informazioni corso Laboratory of Sustainable Materials Processing and Characterization (NEW!)
martedì 27 agosto 2024

LM Materials Engineering, Sandra Dirè & Mattia Biesuz (Wednesday & Thursday, 14,30-17,30)

Laboratory activity, including a short introduction to the different production methods, characterization techniques, and theoretical approaches to model the microstructural evolution of ceramics during sintering (densification and grain growth).
Materials will be produced using sustainable approaches (use of raw materials and by-products, low T synthesis, low-impact sintering technologies, functionalization under green conditions,..).
Produced samples will be subjected to structural, chemical-physical, mechanical, thermal, electro-optical characterization using various instrumental techniques (XRD, SEM, FTIR, NMR, ICP-OES, DR-UVVis, TGA/DTA/DIL, pycnometry and porosimetry, mechanical tests), depending on the problems to be solved in the laboratory activity.

Informazioni corso di Chimica-Ingegneria Ambiente e Territorio
martedì 27 agosto 2024

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