Maria Luigia Segnana
Professore senior
Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Formazione |
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
Full Professor of International Economics, Dipartimento di Economia, Faculty of Economics, Universita' di Trento PAST POSITIONS: 2014-2016 Member of the Italian Executive Committee of SIE (Società Italiana degli Economisti) 2007-2010 HEAD of the Department of Economics, Universita' di Trento. VISITING ACADEMIC, Freie Universitaet, Berlin, 2007. 2001-...Full Professor of International Economics, Department of Economics,Universita' di Trento. VISITING ACADEMIC, Sussex University, Dept. of Economics, 2000- 2001 1996-2001 Associate PROFESSOR of Microeconomics, Department of Faculty of Economics, Universita' di Trento VISITING ACADEMIC, Sussex University, Department of Economics, 2000- 2001 VISITING ACADEMIC, Institute fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Halle, September, 1999 1994-1996 Associate PROFESSOR, Department of Economics, Università di Trieste 1992-1993 Associate PROFESSOR of Economics, Department of Economic Sciences, Universita' di Lecce. 1986-1992 RESEARCHER, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universita' di Trento. VISITING ACADEMIC, World Bank, 1987 1984-1986 ECONOMIST, Nomisma, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Bologna. |
Interessi di ricerca |
Research interest are mainly concentrated on trade theories and firm behavior in open economy. On the theoretical side, the focus is on models of vertical specialization, trade flows of intermediate products and disintegration of production processes. On firm behavior in open economy, the focus is on the interrelationships between firms’ initial business strategies, growth objectives and international orientation. Theoretical and empirical analyses are concentrated upon the growth effects of offshoring activities, by looking at the productive, organizative and technological choices and the gains and losses from offshoring practices. On trade policies, the focus is on internationalization processes of Italian firms by looking at the domestic and export activities within the context of the firms’ overall business strategies, the role of global value chain for small business sector, the role of trade agreements. They all require empirical investigations at the economic and managerial level.
Attività di ricerca |
Work in progress
Past research activities
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
Premi e riconoscimenti |
Convegni e conferenze |
2019 Società Italiana degli Economisti, 60a Riunione Scientifica Annuale, “Why managerial practice differs? Firm and country characteristics in understudied regions” (paper with Roberto Iorio) October 24-26, Palermo. 2018 14th ISGEP Workshop Trade policy and firm performance, 26-27 September, Department of Economics and Management, Trento. 2018 XV Workshop c.MET05 "Hard and soft innovation. The case of managerial quality" (paper with Roberto Iorio) 7-8 June, Prato, Economia e politiche per lo sviluppo dell'industria e della società. 2012 XVI ITSG, International Trade, firms and Organization, Workshop, November 29-30 Department of Economics and Management, Trento. 2012 EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Studies) 12th Conference, "Competing abroad, competing in organisations", Glasgow, September. 2010 EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Studies) 11th Conference, "Offshoring and firm internationalization strategies" (paper with Alex Bernard), Tartu, September. 2009 ACE (3th Conference) "International Sourcing. Country and firm level analysis" (paper with Alex Bernard) Hong-Khong, December 2003 EU, V Framework Programme, 2nd Workshop, Trade and Productivity. What do we really know?, Prague, June 2002 EU, V Framework Programme, 1st Workshop, Intra-Industry trade between European Union and Transition Economies.The emerging Patterns (paper with Hubert Gabrisch), Warsaw, September 2002 AEA (American Economic Association), Annual Meeting, Intra-Industry trade between European Union and Transition Economies. Does Income distribution matters? , Atlanta, January 2000 SIE Conference (Società Italiana degli Economisti), Annual Meeting, “Distributional Effects of European Integration” (paper with Giovanni Facchini), Cagliari, October 1999 SIE Conference (Società Italiana degli Economisti), Annual Meeting, "L'impatto dell' integrazione commerciale sul mercato del lavoro. Tra modelli "americani" ed "europei" Milan, September 1999 ITFA (International Trade and Finance Association) Conference, “An Empirical Note on Trade and Structural Adjustment in Transition Economies”, (paper with Hubert Gabritsch), Casablanca, May 1999 Conference on “European Integration and Labour market”, Bocconi University, May. 1999 Conference on “Development and Job Creation”, “The local effects of trade”, Trento, 10-11 June. 1999 National Research Council – Meeting on “Politiche pubbliche per il lavoro”, Pavia, June 1999, ‘Le potenzialità occupazionali del terzo settore tra mito e realtà. Analisi critica del dibattito e delle politiche’ (paper with C. Borzaga and L. Bonatti). 1998 XX Meeting on Labour Segmentation, "Skills and labour demand in Northern and Southern Italy (paper with Giuseppe Celi), Arco, July 1998 EACES, (European Association for Comparative Economics Studies) “Regional effects of European Integration, Varna, Bulgaria, September 1998) 1998 National Research Council – Workshop (Trento, December 1998) “Institutional Rigidities and Employment” 1997 American Economic Association, New Orleans, "The Financing of the Industry 1989-1994: An International Comparison by Company Accounts" , New Orleans, January 1997 Associazione Italiana Economisti del lavoro (AIEL), “Trade and labour markets. Vertical and regional differentiations in Italy”(paper with Giuseppe Celi), Cagliari, October
Altre attività |
Referee for the following journals: Economia politica, Labour, Politica Economica, Journal of Common Market Studies, Economic Systems, International Economic Journal. Reviewer for the Freie University of Berlin, National Research Council, Ministery of University and Research, EU Framework Programmes
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