Silvia Toniolo

Linguistic expert: University Language Centre

Via Verdi, 8 - 38122 Trento
silvia.toniolo[at]unitn [dot] it

Degree with honours from the Faculty - Institute for Interpreters and Translators SSLMIT - at the University of Trieste.  1. language German, 2. language English.

Two-year postgraduate specialisation in foreign language teaching - and successful state exam in foreign language didactics for high school teaching.

Cross-cultural communication and German as a foreign Language at the SSIS of the University of Trieste.

Training in cross- and intercultural communication as part of the seminars on the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Teaching and Learning at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt (Austria).

Academic career and teaching activities

October 2023 Designation as German Language Area Coordinator.

Member of the interdisciplinary team conflict managers of tomorrow in innovative teaching activities at national and international level. Application workshop in intercultural communication in the field of conflict prevention at the Faculty of Law in Trento and at the Institute of Italienisches Recht at the University of Innsbruck.

Since 2001 Lecturer and examiner for the German language at the University Language Centre.

Main activities at the three-year and specialist degree course in Language Mediation for Tourism and Business and at the Faculty of Law.

Specialist translation laboratory for European Union law in German and German legal.

Since 2005 Linguistic-methodological trainer and lecturer for the Autonomous Province of Trento. Trainerin für interkulturelle Kommunikation&Deutsch als Fremdsprache.

Member of the interdisciplinary team conflict managers of tomorrow in the field of innovative didactics.

Research interests

Cross- and intercultural communication in the area of economics and tourism. Soft skills Training. Conflict prevention and inclusion.

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

2021-2022 Mother Tongue University Teachers' Delegate at Didactic Committee

Conferences and lectures

SPEAKER at The 1st World Conference of EDiLiC Plurilingualism and Linguistic Awareness: Discussing the Connections 2-5 July 2006. Université du Maine. Keynote speech: The relevance of language awareness in language and cultural mediation between German and Italian. Le Mans, 2-5 July 2006.

SPEAKER at the V National Conference AICLU at the University of Parma: 1997-2007: AICLU and language policy in Italian Universities. Personal presentation: Dalla mediazione guidata alla mediazione tout court. Parma, 24 - 26 May 2007

SPEAKER at the Conference LSP and Self-learning at the Free University of Bolzano - What is the role of university language centres in the teaching of specialised languages? - Proceedings of the 10th AICLU Seminar. Own talk: The Reference Framework for Languages and Written Language Mediation at the degree course in Language Mediation for Tourism and Business at the University of Trento. Bolzano, 16-17 February 2006

SPEAKER at the 1st National Meeting of Language Collaborators and Experts. University of Perugia. Speaker: The Common European Framework: un approccio integrato in l'insegnamento delle Lingue: buone pratiche ed esperienze a confronto. National Meeting of Language Collaborators and Experts. University of Perugia, 25 September 2015

SPEAKER at 2. National Meeting of Language Collaborators and Experts. Sapienza University of Rome. Own speech: Alles begann mit blondem Salat. Multimodality and multimedia: how sustainable is language in change? 2. National Meeting of Language Collaborators and Experts. Sapienza University of Rome. 27 September 2018

SPEAKER at the Faculty of Law, University of Trento. Own talk: "Peer tutoring and soft skills: a cooperative approach to learning".  Trento, 19.09.2019 and 26.09.2019

SPEAKER at video conference event: Communicating, negotiating and mediating on the web. Own talk: Communicating between cultures "through" and "mediated by" technology. 25 September 2020

Published in the Quaderni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Trento, n. 46/ 2020

SPEAKER at the event in video conference: Mediation and mediators for the conscious management of conflict: vehicles of a new interculturality? Cycle of interdisciplinary dialogues on interculturality. Own talk: Tools for understanding: from multicultural communication to intercultural communication. Reflections as a member of the Conflict Managers of Tomorrow team, University of Trento 26 March 2021

SPEAKER at La Maisonnette. Trilingual International Nurseries and Kindergartens. Own talk: 

"At home in the world with well-trained life skills". Rome 4-5 September 2021.

SPEAKER at Masaryk University International Conference on Appreciating Plurilingual Competencies: Current and Future Perspectives. "Silvia Toniolo, Alice Siviero: "Monolingualism is Treatable! 

The sooner you start, the better". Brno 02-03 June 2022.

LECTURER Seminar "Soft skills: a jump beyond the comfort zone" at the Faculty of Education in Bressanone 27.02.2023.

SPEAKER at the Università degli Stranieri di Perugia VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE ITALIAN SOCIETY OF LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE EDUCATION. Own talk: "Kulturkompetenz e cittadinanza globale". Perugia 18 June 2023.


Other work

April 2023 and April 2024 Co-Teacher (with focus on intercultural language mediation) in the course Alternative dispute resolution methods held by Prof. Silvana Dalla Bontà at the Institute of Italian Law, University of Innsbruck.

20-21 November 2023 Trainer in Inclusive Leadership and Women's Empowerment on behalf of Newton S.p.A. for Nordsee AG at its headquarters in Bremerhaven Germany.

9-10 October 2023 Member of the working group Diversity in action: a cross-border space for training teachers through multilingual and multicultural experiences at the PH Pädagogische Hochschule Wien.

September - November 2023 Commission member as language expert for the selection procedure of examiners for the bilingualism examination assigned by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

Methodological trainer of teachers of the Provincial Infancy School on behalf of the Infancy Office of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

Trainer in cross-cultural communication, member of the "Conflict Managers of Tomorrow" 

Project, an innovative and interdisciplinary teaching project of the Faculty of Law of Trento, coordinated by Prof. Silvana Dalla Bontà.

February 2021 Member of the Technical Commission for the German language to verufy the professional qualifications and skills of candidates for the position of Director of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation. 


Member of the interdisciplinary working group conflict managers of tomorrow at the Faculty of Law, Trento. Own subject area: intercultural communication and conflict prevention topics within international working groups.