Silvia Toniolo

Linguistic expert: University Language Centre

Via Verdi, 8 - 38122 Trento
silvia.toniolo[at]unitn [dot] it
Ufficio Cel Tedesco

I ricevimenti riprenderanno giovedì 24. Febbraio 2022 con orario 10-12 in presenza oppure online.

The ricevimeti start at the beginning of classes in the 2nd semester. It is, however, possible to arrange extra "ricevimenti", with an appointment agreed by e-mail.

Friday 23 February 10-11 a.m,

Friday 01 March 14-15,

Friday 08 March 14-15

Friday 15 March 14-15

Friday 22 March 12-14

Tuesday 26 March 17-18

Thursday 04 April 11-12

Friday 12 April 12-13

 at the following link and/or by e-mail:




Last updated Friday 14 June 2024