Federica Ricci Garotti

Full professor

Department of Humanities

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 281786
f.riccigarotti[at]unitn [dot] it
Themen der Diplomarbeiten
Thursday 07 March 2024

Proposed topics for thesis papers: language acquisition, bilingualism, foreign language learning and teaching, linguistics of German-speaking minorities (particularly of the Mocheno), languages of advertising, language policy.


I do not, on principle, respond to solicitation emails or pressure to read the thesis.  The exam is sustainable only if my assessment of the thesis is positive. At the request of undergraduates and graduate students, I can give a very general evaluation of the thesis, which is, however, not binding for the assignment of a grade on the final exam.  Undergraduate and graduate students who propose a paper to me therefore accept these covenants and act accordingly.


Delivery to me must be made at least one month before the deadline set by the secretary's office: delivery after this deadline will result in being moved to subsequent sessions.

In writing the paper, please observe the following textual coordinates.

In-text citations. If citing an author's thought or thesis: as Chomsky states (Chomsky, 1978). If citing phrases: "the human mind is predisposed to language" (Chomsky, 1978: page number)

In bibliography (in strict alphabetical order):

Balboni, Paolo 1999, Bilingual Education, Perugia, Guerra.

Ricci Garotti, Federica 2005, "Bilingualer Erwerb: Fünf Forschungsfragen," in Foschi, M. (herausgegeben) Mehrsprachigkeit, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 14-29.

Ricci Garotti, Federica 2008, "Warum so wenige Kompetenzen nach so vielen Jahren Deutsch?" in: Zeitschfrift für interkulturelle Fremdsprachendidaktik, Universität Darmstadt und Alberta, no. 24, XXXV, 1-23.

For online articles and websites cite, in addition to the website itself, the date of the last online consultation.