Alessandra Russo

Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283150
alessandra.russo[at]unitn [dot] it
Area CUN: Scienze politiche e sociali (14)
Settore scientifico disciplinare: SCIENZA POLITICA (SPS/04)

Attività di ricerca


Books published by an academic publisher

  1. Regions in Transition in the Former Soviet Area: Ideas and Institutions in the Making (2018). Basingstoke: Palgrave

- reviewed by Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro for Europe-Asia Studies, 71:5, 2019: 865-866.

  1. Fringe Regionalism: When Peripheries Become Regions (2018). Cham: Palgrave Pivot (with Frank Mattheis and Luca Raineri)



  1. Governance Beyond the Law: The Immoral, The Illegal, The Criminal (Abel Polese, Alessandra Russo and Francesco Strazzari eds.) (2019). Palgrave Macmillan (International Political Economy Series)

- reviewed by Predrag Bejaković for Public Sector Economics, 43:3, 2019: 325-335.

  1. “Islands of Organised Crime: Spatiality, Mobility and Confinement” (2019). Special issue in European Review of Organised Crime (guest editors: Alessandra Russo and Francesco Strazzari)


Articles in scientific journals

  1. “The External Dimension of the EU’s Fight against Transnational Crime: Transferring Political Rationalities of Crime Control” (2021). Review of International Studies DOI 10.1017/S0260210521000358 (with Eva Stambøl)
  2. “Actors and Sites for Knowledge Production on Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond” (2021). Journal of Contemporary European Studies DOI 10.1080/14782804.2021.1997729 (with Ervjola Selenica)
  3. “Whose Enemy at the Gates? Border Management in the Context of EU Crisis Response in Libya and Ukraine” (2020). Geopolitics, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2020.1716739 (with Chiara Loschi)
  4. “Rethinking Space, Violence and Control: Criminal Insularities at Europe's Borders and Beyond” (2019). European Review of Organised Crime 5(1): 1-9 (with Francesco Strazzari)
  5. “The Securitisation of Cultural Heritage” (2018). International Journal of Cultural Policy (with Serena Giusti)
  6. “Region-making at last in the former Soviet area: our ‘two-cents’ for future research” (2018). Mir Rossii 7(4): 120-128 (with Caroline Dufy)
  7. “Why do Authoritarian Leaders do Regionalism? Ontological Security and Eurasian Regional Cooperation” (2018). The International Spectator 53(3): 20-37 (with Edward Stoddard)
  8. “Overlap with contestation? Comparing norms and policies of regional organisations in the former Soviet area” (2017). Central Asian Survey 36(3): 331-352 (with Andrea Gawrich)
  9. “Comparative Regionalism: still emerging, already to be reformed?” (2016). International Politics Reviews 4(1): 7-16
  10. “Regional security governance in the former Soviet space? Researching on institutions, actors and practices” (2016). Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 24(3): pp. 273-291
  11. “A regional house…of cards? Discursive and imaginative processes of region-building within and around Georgia” (2015). Caucasus Social Science Review 3(1): 1-18
  12. “Democratic diffusion failures or successful authoritarian protection? Central Asian undeclared policies vis-à-vis the ‘Arab Spring’” (2014). Italian Political Science Review XLIV (3): 247-265 (with Elisa Piras)
  13. “US mainland, EU archipelago? Convergence and divergence on transnational organised crime” (2014). European Security 23(4): 529-545 (with Francesco Strazzari)


Book chapters

1. “The State Before Criminal Firearms” (with Francesco Buscemi) (2021). In Felia Allum and Stan Gilmour (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Transnational Organized Crime 2nd edition. London: Routledge

2. “In the Field” (with Ilyas Saliba, Ellen Lust, Emma Beals, Osama Diab) (2020). In J. Grimm, K. Koehler, E. Lust, I. Saliba, I. Schierenbeck (eds.) Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences: A Guide to Human and Digital Security in Hostile Environments. London: SAGE

3. “The Politics of Safe Research in Violent and Illiberal Contexts” (with Francesco Strazzari) (2020). In Berit Bliesemann de Guevara and Morten Boas (eds.) Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention. Bristol: Bristol University Press

4. “Caring, protecting and disciplining: The surveillance of social science researchers in the dangerhood” (with Francesco Strazzari) (2019). In Nina Græger and Halvard Leira (eds.) The Duty of Care in International Relations. London: Routledge (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics)

5. “‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’: Transnational Perspectives on the Extra-legal Field” (with Abel Polese and Francesco Strazzari) (2019). In Abel Polese, Alessandra Russo and Francesco Strazzari (eds) Governance Beyond the Law: The Immoral, The Illegal, The Criminal. Berlin: Springer

6. “Le armi nel mondo: mercati legali ed extralegali, tra prospettive globali e locali” (2018). In Paolo Beccegato e Walter Nanni (eds.) Il peso delle armi. Rapporto di ricerca sui conflitti dimenticati. Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 49-80

7. “A ‘Potemkin Village’? Governance Transfer by the CIS” (2015). In: Tanja A. Börzel and Vera van Hüllen (eds.) Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-156


Other publications

  1. “The EU at the Borders: Crisis Response and Border Management in Libya and Ukraine” (with Chiara Loschi) (2018). EUNPACK Project Deliverable
  2. Working paper on implementation of EU crisis response in Ukraine (with Roman Petrov, Pernille Rieker, Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik) (2018). EUNPACK Project Deliverable
  3. “Free to think, free to research: challenges to academic freedom in the context of contemporary global politics” (2017). Interdisciplinary Political Studies Issue 3(1): 7-10 (editorial, with Federico Russo)
  4. “Book review of Christopher Baker-Beall, The European Union’s Fight Against Terrorism. Discourse, Policies and Identity” (2017). Europe Now Journal
  5. Monuments under attack: from protection to securitization (2017). Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper No. 32. European University Institute, Global Governance Programme (with Serena Giusti)
  6. Policy brief: A summary of perception studies in Ukraine (with Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik, Roman Petrov) (2017). EUNPACK Project Deliverable
  7. How the EU is facing crises in its neighbourhood: evidence from Libya and Ukraine (with Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik, Roman Petrov, Luca Raineri, Pernille Riecker, Francesco Strazzari) (2017). EUNPACK Project Deliverable
  8. “Decontaminating the University - or the Cognitive Repression of Radical Thinking” (2017). Security Praxis
  9. “Cartografie per una ricerca sicura” (2016) Il Manifesto
  10. “Cause of Death: Research - On Giulio Regeni's abduction and killing in Cairo” (2016). Security Praxis
  11. “Walking between Praxis and Practices” (2016). Security Praxis
  12. “Mercato delle armi, guerre, migrazioni” (2015). Il Mulino. Rivista bimestrale di cultura ed di politica 6/2015 (Anno LXIV - Numero 482): 1039-1045
  13. “Armi e armamenti: mercato in crescita, immune dalla crisi” (2015). In Cibo di Guerra. 5^ Rapporto di Ricerca sui Conflitti Dimenticati. Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 30-33
  14. “Practice … If You Dare. How do films end? How does the 'practice turn' in IR end? A few impractical and impertinent considerations” (2014). Security Praxis
  15. “The Ivory Tower under Siege: the Ultimate Frontier of Governmentality” (2014). Security Praxis
  16. “Why Grounded Theory is not for emotional PhD students” (2014). Security Praxis
  17. “Algorithmic sovereignty in a post-preemptive world” (2014). Security Praxis
  18. “Sicurezza energetica eurasiatica e cooperazione regionale” (2013). Informazioni della Difesa S6: 154-164
  19. “Il Mercato Internazionale delle Armi” (2012). In: Paolo Beccegato, Walter Nanni, Francesco Strazzari (eds.) Mercati di Guerra. Rapporto di Ricerca su Finanza, Povertà, Ambiente e Conflitti Dimenticati. Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 54-56