Rachele Nieri
Formazione |
2017 Dottorato di ricerca in Etologia ed ecologia, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italia).
2012 Laurea magistrale in Biologia LM-6 (curriculum in comportamento animale), Università d egli Studi di Firenze (Italia), 110/110 e lode.
2010 Laurea triennale in Scienze biologiche, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italia), 110/110 e lode.
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
Academic career2021 Research fellowship (Post-doc) Department of Civil, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering, Università di Trento, supervisor Prof. Pugno. 2018-2020 Postdoctoral Research Associate North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, supervisors Prof. Wiman, Prof. Walton. 2019 Visiting scientist University of Missouri, Division of Biological Sciences, supervisor Prof Rex Cocroft. 2017-2018 Research fellowship (Post-doc) Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A), Università di Trento, supervisor Prof. Anfora. 2014 Visiting scientist United States Department of Agriculture, San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences Center (California, USA), supervisor Dr Krugner. Teaching15/06/2023 - 2034 ASN (National Scientific Qualification) as Associate Professor (II fascia) in the Italian higher education system, for the disciplinary field of 07/D1 -Plant pathology and entomology (patologia vegetale e entomologia). Teaching experience 2022 – 23 Assistant professor
2021 Invited lecturer, “Insect drummers, vibrations applicability in horticulture” (2 hours), Master in Agrifood innovation management, C3A, Università di Trento 2018 - 20 Invited lecturer, “Insect chemical communication” and “Insect acoustic communication” (8 hours), Oregon State University (OR, USA) 2018 - 20 Teaching Assistant, Course Plagues, Pests, and Politics (ENT_300), Oregon State University (OR, USA) 2016 - 17 Instructor and Teaching Assistant,
2015 Invited lecturer, “Vibrational communication in insects and vibrational mating disruption” (2 hours), Master in Viticulture and Oenology, Fondazione Edmund Mach. |
Interessi di ricerca |
L’oggetto di studio della mia attività di ricerca sono le strategie innovative di disinfestazione basate sulla manipolazione del comportamento degli insetti. In particolare, studio l'etologia degli insetti con un focus specifico sulla biotremologia, una disciplina scientifica definita solo recentemente che studia la comunicazione vibrazionale negli animali.
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
Premi e riconoscimenti |
Awards 2018 Professional Development Award by the OSU Postdoctoral Association ($1,000) 2012 PhD scholarship FIRS>T International PhD School granted by the Edmund Mach Foundation, project “Mating Disruption with Vibrational Signals - Study of the applicability to different pests of the vineyard”, supervisors: Dr. Valerio Mazzoni and Prof. Gianfranco Anfora (€80,000) 2013 1st award FameLab Trento, national competition in science communication (€500) 2013 1st award Researcher Open Mic, Trento, local competition in science communication
Travel awards 2017 by SIE (Italian Society of Ethology) for attendance at the XXVII Congress SIE 2016 by AISASP (Italian section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects) for attendance at the Euro IUSSI 2016 (Meeting of the European sections) 2015 by IRSAE (International Research School in Applied Ecology) for attendance at the Entomology Congress 2015, organized by the "German Society for General and Applied Entomology" 2012 by SIE (Italian Society of Ethology) for attendance at the XXV Congress SIE 2012 by AISASP (Italian section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects) for attendance at the 2ndAISASP Student Meeting |
Convegni e conferenze |
Invited talks/chairmen/convener 2022 Invited speaker, R. Nieri. Talk: “A case study of vibrational pest control for fruit growers (Halyomorpha halis)”, BIOFRUITNET, 2nd online seminar. Chairmen 3rd Biotremology Conference (Piran, 19-22 Sep. 2022), session “Behavior and social insects”. 2021 Invited speaker, R. Nieri. Talk: “Comunicazione vibrazionale: cosa è e come può esserci utile”, Incontri di etologia, ecologia, evoluzione, online. 2020 Symposium organizer, Behavior manipulation. Entomological Society of America Pacific Branch meeting. Spokane (Washington, USA). (cancelled due to COVID) 2019 Symposium organizer, 8th Annual Postdoc Research Symposium (Oregon, USA).
International and national congress presentations Only talks given as primary presenter are listed. 2023 Nieri R., Berardo A., Akassou I., Zaffaroni-Caorsi V., Anfora G., Pugno N.M. & Mazzoni V. “Vibrational mating disruption against insect pests: five years of experimentation in the vineyard”, 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Prague, Czech Republic. 2022 R. Nieri, V. Zaffaroni Caorsi, N. Pugno, V. Mazzoni. Talk: “Not just mating: The unexpected side-effects of the disturbance noise on the flight activity and oviposition behavior of leafhoppers”, 3rd International Conference on Biotremology, Piran, Slovenia R. Nieri, A. berardo, V. Zaffaroni Caorsi, N. Pugno, G. Anfora, V. Veronelli, V. Mazzoni. Talk: “Vibrational Mating Disruption: potentiality and actuality of applied biotremology in the vineyard”, Plant BioProTech Symposium, 28-30 June 2022, Reims, France. 2021 R. Nieri, A. Cini, M.V. Rossi Stacconi, I. Pepiciello, N.M. Pugno, V. Mazzoni, R. Cervo. Talk: “Biotremology of social wasps: A neglected communication channel”, EU-IUSSI Symposium Diversity, plasticity and evolution of communication in insect societies, Online. R. Nieri, G. Anfora, V. Mazzoni, MV Rossi Stacconi. Talk: “Semiochemicals, semiophysicals and their integration for the development of innovative multi-modal systems for agricultural pests’ monitoring and control.”, Ecoacoustics Congress, Online. 2019 R. Nieri, HC Cromwell, V. Walton, MV Rossi Stacconi and N. Wiman.Talk: “Behavioral manipulation of Drosophila suzukii exposed to different oviposition substrates.”, ESA Pacific Branch Meeting, San Diego, California (USA). R. Nieri, DT Dalton, JZ Buser, S. Nizich, N. Wiman and V. Walton. Talk: “The vibrational mating duet and the potential for a vibrational pest management strategy of treehopper pests.”, ESA Pacific Branch Meeting, San Diego, California (USA). 2018 R. Nieri, MV. Rossi Stacconi, N. Wiman and V. Walton. Talk: “Behavioral manipulation of Drosophila suzukii: immediate and longterm effects of different oviposition substrates exposure”, ESA, ESC and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting, Vancouver (Canada), R. Nieri, I. Pepiciello, A Cini, V Mazzoni and R Cervo. Talk: “Adult-larvae vibrational communication in paper wasps: the role of abdominal wagging in Polistes dominula” 2nd International Symposium on Biotremology, Riva del Garda (Italy). 2017 R. Nieri and V. Mazzoni. Talk: “Open-field vibrational mating disruption: the effect on leafhopper pests and thevineyard ecosystem”, Future IPM 3.0, Riva del Garda (Italy). R. Nieri and V. Mazzoni. Talk: “Open-field vibrational mating disruption: The effect on leafhopper pests and vineyard ecosystem”, 16th ISV international meeting, Rauischholzhausen (Germany). R. Nieri, V. Mazzoni, S.D. Gordon and R. Krugner. Talk: “Mimicking the female to cheat another male: the rivalrystrategy of a leafhopper”, 27th SIE Congress, Calci, Italy. 2016 R. Nieri and V. Mazzoni. Talk: “The role of substrate-borne vibrations in pair formation and mating disruption of theleafhopper Empoasca vitis Göthe”, 1st International Symposium on Biotremology, S. Michele all’Adige (Italy). 2015 R. Nieri and V. Mazzoni. Talk: “Il ruolo dei segnali vibrazionali nel comportamento riproduttivo di Empoasca vitis (Göthe)”, 26th SIE Congress, Parma, Italy. |
Allegati |