Manuela Basso

Via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Povo
tel. 0461 285219 | 0461 283732
manuela.basso[at]unitn [dot] it
Area CUN: Scienze biologiche (05)
Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOLOGIA APPLICATA (BIO/13)


01/09/2003 – 14/03/2008        Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Life Science, The Open University Milton Keynes/UK

01/09/1997 – 08/10/2002        Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology, School of Medicine, University of Torino, Torino, Italy



Carriera accademica ed attività didattica



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Life Science

The Open University Milton Keynes, UK and the Institute of Pharmacological Research Mario Negri, Milan, Italy

Supervisors: Pamela Shaw and Valentina Bonetto


Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology

School of Medicine, University of Torino, Torino, Italy

Final grade: 110/110 cum laude and honors


Current Position


Assistant Professor, Ricercatore Linea B. Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology

University of Trento/Italy


Past positions

2013 – 2018        

Assistant Professor, Ricercatore Linea A. Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology - CIBIO University of Trento/Italy



The Brain and Mind Institute, Cornell University, NY, USA

PI: Dr. Rajiv R. Ratan

Transcriptional biology and neurobiology


Postdoctoral Fellow        

Burke-Cornell Medical Research Institute

PI: Dr. Rajiv R. Ratan

Neurobiology; Homeostasis


Visiting Scientist                  

Burke-Cornell Medical Research Institute

PI: Dr. Alvaro Estevez

Motor neuron biology

Interessi di ricerca

The laboratory is generally interested in deciphering the pro-survival mechanisms linked to neuronal activity and the neuronal adaptive response to stress. 

At the moment, we are investigating the pathological processes occurring in two motor diseases: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Spinal and bulbar Muscle Atrophy (SBMA).

We are keen in understanding the intercellular mis(communication) between different cellular populations in the central nervous system and periphery

Attività di ricerca

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

2018-present          Member of the Associazione Italiana di Biologia e Genetica (AIBG)

2016-present          Member of the Italian Society of Neuroscience

2008- 2013                        Member, Society for Neuroscience

2013                     Member, International Society for Neurochemistry

2012                      Member, ISSNAF - Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation

2008- 2013                       Member, New York Academy of Sciences       

2001-2003              Member, Italian Association for the Cure of Parkinson’s disease

Premi e riconoscimenti

2019                               Best poster award at the Decennale ARISLA, Milan, Italy

2017                               Recipient of the Trampoline grant 2016 from the French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM, France)

2017                               Recipient of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (RI panel)

2016                               Recipient of the Young Investigator Award from the Kennedy’s disease association (USA)

2016                                Travel award, National ataxia Foundation meeting, Orlando, USA

2015                                Travel award for the Italian Symposium on Neuroscience (SINS), Cagliari, Italy

2013                                Travel award for the International Society of Neurochemistry, Cancun, Mexico and selected speaker for the Young Investigator Colloquia.

2012                                 Poster award at the annual Burke Research Medical Institute contest, Weill Medical College, Cornell University, White Plains, NY, USA

2006 -2007                       PhD (Leonardi) Fellowship, Mario Negri Institute, Milan, Italy

2003-2006                       PhD Fellowship from the Dulbecco Telethon Institute, Italy

2002                                 Magna cum laude and Honors, University of Torino, Italy

Convegni e conferenze

List of Invited or selected Speaker at Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

November 2019: Intercellular miscommunication in the brain and periphery: characterization of extracellular vesicle in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. EVITA, Palermo, Italy.

April 2019: Extracellular vesicles and the intercellular communication in neurodegenerative disease. Spring Meeting. University of Ulm. Germany.

April 2019: Arginine methylation: a novel post translational modification that impacts huntingtin function in Huntington’s disease. Seminar series. Burke neurological institute, White Plains, NY, USA

March 2019: Characterization of plasma extracellular vesicles as a mean for patient profiling. Workshop on Converging micro-nano-bio technologies towards integrated biomedical systems, Roncegno (TN), Italy

February 2019: Targeting PRMT6 to attenuate spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: a silencing approach. Toward a European Consortium for SBMA. European Neuromuscular Centre. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

June 2018: Beyond TG2 in Neurodegeneration - TG6 Loss and Gain of Function in Spinocerebellar Ataxia 35. Transglutaminases in Human Disease Processes. Gordon Research Conference. Switzerland.

February 2017: Extracellular RNA and biomarker discovery: the contribution of extracellular vesicles. miRNA DisEASY –Workshop. Trento.

June 2016: Role of extracellular vesicles and their associated cargos in health and disease. EMBO course. Regulatory small and long non-coding RNAs: Durat et Lucet.

October 2015: Effect of class I HDAC inhibition in R6/2 mice, a model of Huntington’s disease. SINS, Cagliari.

October 2015: Extracellular vesicles in ALS. SINS, Cagliari.

March 2015: Transglutaminases and the neuronal adaptive response. University of Nottingham, UK.

July 2014: Understanding transglutaminase upregulation in neuronal stress. Gordon Research Conference “Transglutaminase in Human Disease Conditions” 2014, Il Ciocco, Italy.

April 2013: Transglutaminase inhibition abrogates oxidative stress-mediated and excitotoxic death: a new epigenetic modulator on the CNS block. ISN 2013, Cancun.

December 2012: University of Trento. Transglutaminase 2 as a novel candidate modulator of metabolic gene transcription.

October 2012: University of Kansas. Transglutaminase 2 as a novel candidate modulator of metabolic gene transcription.

July 2012: Transglutaminase in the nucleus: novel targets for an old enzyme. Gordon Research Conference “Transglutaminase in Human Disease Conditions” 2012, Davidson College, NC.

September 2011: 5th Neurodegenerative Conditions Research and Development 2011, San Francisco, CA. Adaptation to Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Alzheimer's Disease and Huntington's Disease Via Inhibition of Transglutaminase 2.

June 2006: ENCALS meeting, The Netherlands.

June 2005: Busto Proteomica, Seconda Giornata di Studio e Discussione sulla Proteomica applicata alla Ricerca Biomedica, Università dell’Insubria, Busto Arsizio (VA), Italia.

Altre attività

Commissions of Trust


Editorial board: Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Aging

Reviewer for the Journal: Brain, Scientific Reports, Glia

Reviewer for the grant agency: The MNDA, The UK dystrophy association, AFM Telethon


Editorial board: Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Genetics

Reviewer for the Journal: Brain, Scientific Reports, Stem Cell Reviews, Neuroscience, Glia, The Journal of Neuroscience Research, The Journal of Neuroscience

Reviewer for the grant agency: Alzheimer’s association, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual fellowships


Reviewer for the Journal: Brain, Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, Neurochemistry International, Neuroscience, The American Journal of Pathology, Brain Research Bulletin, The Journal of Neuroscience, Disease Markers

Reviewer for the grant agency: Alzheimer’s association


Reviewer for the Journal: Neuroscience, Molecular Cellular Neuroscience, Neuroinflammation, Scientific Reports, The Journal of Neuroscience, Drug Discovery Today, Molecular Neurobiology, Frontiers Neuroscience.

Reviewer for the grant agency: The Downhill Medical Trust (UK), MND Association (UK), Human Frontiers HFSP Fellowships (France)


Reviewer for the Journal: Neuroscience, Biomaterials, Experimental Neurology, Scientific Reports

Reviewer for the grant agency: Thierry Latran, Alzheimer’s Association


Reviewer for the Journal: eNeuro, Neuroscience, Glia, Experimental Neurology

Reviewer for the grant agency: Alzheimer’s Association


Reviewer for the Journal: Proteomics, Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, La Prensa Medica, The Journal of Neuroscience, Cell Death & Differentiation

Reviewer for the grant agency: Alzheimer’s Association


Reviewer for the Journal: The Journal of Neuroscience, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, Cell Biology and Toxicology, British Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, FASEB Journal, Amino Acids, Recent patents on CNS drug discovery


Reviewer for the grant agency: Alzheimer’s Association (2012 and 2013), Croatian Science Foundation (2012), Italian Ministry of Education (PRIN and Future and Research 2013), Thierry Latran (ALS Foundation)


Reviewer for the Journal: Journal of Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, Neuroscience


Institutional responsabilities

2018-Present                              Coordinator of the Master degree in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology, University of Trento

2018                                         Organizer of the meetings from the Bench to the Clinics (monthly seminars between Academia and the local Hospital)

2014-2018                                  CIBIO Delegate for the Linguistic Centre of the Ateneum (CLA)

2013-Present                    Faculty at the University of Trento, Dep. CIBIO                  

2012-2013                       Instructor at the Weill Medical College, Cornell University, NY, USA