Arlo Poletti
Formazione |
2009 PhD in Political Science - Faculty of Political Science ‘Roberto Ruffilli’ (Forlì); University of Bologna 2003 MSc in European Studies - European Institute; London School of Economics and Political Science 2002 Laurea degree (BA equivalent) in International Relations - Facoltà di Scienze Politiche ‘Roberto Ruffilli’ (Forlì); University of Bologna |
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
2016 Assistant Professor (Ricercatore a tempo determinato, ex art. 24, co. 3 lett. B, L. B 240/2010) - Department of Political and Social Sciences; Università degli Studi di Bologna 2013-2016 Assistant Professor (Ricercatore a tempo determinato, ex art. 24, co. 3 lett. A, L. B 240/2010) - Department of Political Science – School of Government; LUISS Guido Carli 2009 - 2013 Postdoctoral Researcher - ACIM – Antwerp Centre for Institutions and Multilevel Politics; Department of Political Science – University of Antwerp 2010 Guest Professor - Department of Political Science – University of Antwerp 2006 – 2009 PhD Researcher - Faculty of Political Science ‘Roberto Ruffilli’ in Forlì - University of Bologna
Interessi di ricerca |
- Political economy of trade - Political economy of international regulation - Global governance
Convegni e conferenze |
Conference presentations - 2017. Yildirim A, Poletti A, and De Bièvre D. 'The internationalization of production and the politics of dispute initiation at the WTO', Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Univeristy of Bern, 12-14 January, B - 2016, Yildirim A., Chatagnier T. and Poletti A. ‘The internationalization of production and the politics of compliance in WTO disputes’, European Political Science Association Conference, Brussels, 23-25 June. - 2016, Poletti A., De Bièvre D. and Hanegraaff M., ‘WTO judicial politics and European Union trade policy: business associations as vessels of special interests?’, Paper presented at the BISA Conference, 15 June, Edinburgh. - 2016, De Bièvre D. and Poletti A., ‘Why the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is not (so) new, and why it is also not (so) bad’, Paper presented at the Flemish-Dutch Annual Political Science Conference, Brussels, 3 June. - 2016, De Bièvre D. and Poletti A., ‘Why the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is not (so) new, and why it is also not (so) bad’, Paper presented at the EU in International Affairs Conference, VUB, Brussels, 12 May. - 2016, De Bièvre D., Espa I. and Poletti A., ‘No iceberg in sight: on the absence of disputes targeting fossil fuel subsidies in the WTO’, Paper presented at the Global Public Goods Conference, Leuven Centre for global governance studies, Leuven, 23 February. - 2016, Yildirim A., Poletti A. and Chatagnier T., ‘The Political Economy of WTO Dispute Settlement Resolution: the impact of global value chains’, Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), 7-9 January, Salt Lake City. - 2015, De Bièvre D., Yildirim A. and Poletti A. ‘About the melting of icebergs: discovering the political economic determinants of dispute initiation and resolution in the WTO’, Paper presented at the World Trade Forum, Bern, 25-26 September. - 2015, De Bièvre and Poletti A., ‘Actual and potential WTO disputes on energy subsidies’, Concept paper presented at the Refract Kick-Off Meeting, Institute for European Studies, Brussels, June 25-26 - 2015, Eckhardt J. and Poletti A., ‘Trading with Asia: import-dependent firms and EU-Asia Trade Agreements’, Paper Presented at the Conference ‘Free Trade Agreements in a Changing Landscape of Global Governance’ 30 June - 1 July 2015, London. - 2014, Eckhardt J. and Poletti A., ‘Trading with Asia: import-dependent firms and EU bilateral trade negotiations with South Korea, ASEAN and India’, paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Standing Group of International Relations, 27-28 June, Trento. - 2014, Hanegraaff M. and Poletti A., ‘Explaining lobbying styles across the Atlantic: an empirical assessment of the cultural and institutional hypotheses’, Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, 10-15 April, Salamanca. - 2013, Bièvre D. and Poletti A., ‘To enforce or not to enforce? WTO judicialization, forum shopping and global regulatory harmonization’, paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4-7 September. - 2013, Poletti A., De Bièvre D. and Chatagnier T. ‘Cooperation in the shadow of WTO law: why litigate when you can negotiate’, paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4-7 September. - 2013, De Bièvre D. and Poletti A. ‘The EU in trade policy: From regime shaper to status quo power’, Paper presented at the 54th ISA Annual Convention in San Francisco. - 2013, Bièvre D., Poletti A. Hanegraaff M. and Beyers J. ‘International institutions and domestic coalitions: the WTO and lobbying in EU and US trade policy’, paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, 12-15 March, Mainz. - 2012, Eckhardt J. and Poletti A. ‘Trading with Asia: import-dependent firms and the EU-South Korea free trade agreement’, Paper presented at the XXVI Annual Meeting of the Italian Political Science Association, 12-15 September, Rome. - 2012, Moschella M. and Poletti. A., Organization of the Panel ‘Governing political-economic changes in times of crisis: the EU under stress’ at the XXVI Annual Meeting of the Italian Political Science Association, 12-15 September, Rome. - 2012, Poletti A. and De Bièvre D., ‘Rule enforcement in the WTO: legal vulnerability, issue characteristics and negotiation strategies in the Doha round’, Paper presented at the workshop ‘The transformation of international trade governance’ at the ECPR Joint Sessions 11-14 April, Antwerp. - 2011, Poletti A. ‘The domestic determinants of defendants’ responses in WTO litigation’, Paper presented at the XXV Annual Meeting of the Italian Political Science Association, 8-10 September, Palermo. - 2011, De Bièvre D. and Poletti A. ‘Cooperation in the shadow of WTO law: why litigate when you can negotiate’, Paper presented at the Kick-Off Workshop ‘The cause, consequences and democratic legitimacy of international institutions’ of the Research Program Global Democratic Governance, Univesity of St. Gallen, 9-10 June. - 2011, Poletti A. and Sicurelli D. ‘Searching for immunity under the shadow of WTO law: the EU as a promoter of environmental norms in the Dona round’, Paper presented at the EUSA 12th Biennial International Conference, Boston, 3-5 March. - 2010, Poletti A. ’Making sense of multiple and shifting trade politics: the European Union in the Doha round’, Paper presented at the Workshop ‘Diverging Paradigms on EU trade policy’, KU Leuven, 16-17 December. - 2010, De Bièvre and Poletti A. ‘Cooperating under the shadow of WTO law: how legal vulnerability encourages issue linkage’, Paper presented at the REPI Workshop on ‘Issue linkages and regime complexes’, 21-22 May, ULB, Brussels. - 2010, Poletti A. ‘Accounting for variation in the politics of trade preferences formation: the European Union in the Doha Round’, Paper presented at the GARNET Conference 'The European Union in International Affairs', Brussels, 24-26 April 2008. - 2010, De Bièvre D. and Poletti A. ‘Cooperation in the Shadow of WTO law: legalization as a response to judicialization’, Paper presented at the workshop ‘Between Facts and Norms? International Legalization Research and International Political Theory’, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Münster, 22-27 March 2010 - 2009, Poletti A. ‘Cooperating in the shadow of the law: judicialization and the expansion of WTO reach’, Paper presented at the XXIII Annual Meeting of the Italian Political Science Association, 19-21 September, Rome. - 2009, Poletti A. ‘The EU, judicialization and trade liberalization: why too much caution is not needed’,Paper presented at the Workshop ‘The EU in the World Economy’ at the ECPR Joint Sessions, 14-19 April, Lisbon. - 2008, Poletti A. ‘Trade as an instrument of structural foreign policy: the EU in international trade negotiations’, Paper presented Autumn Seminar of the EFSPS Programme ‘ST. Malo 10 Years On: Taking stock of the EU as an International Player’, 9-11 October, Brussels - 2008, Poletti A. ‘The logic of protection through multilateralism: the EU and agricultural trade negotiations in the Doha Round’, Paper presented at the XXII Annual Conference of the Italian Political Science Society, 4-6 September, Pavia ( - 2007, Poletti A. ‘EU trade preferences: a theoretical assessment’, Paper presented at the third Autumn Seminar and Final Conference of the First Cohort of the European Foreign and Security Studies Programme “A Common Foreign and Security Policy in the Making”, 17-21 October, Brussels. - 2007, Fioramonti L. and Poletti A., ‘The External Image of the EU: Brazil, India and South Africa’, Paper presented at the 4th ECPR General Conference, 6-8 September, Pisa.
Invited talks - 2015, Guest lecture at the China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) PhD Programme ‘The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership’s Implications for the Political Economy of Asian Regionalism’, 10 November, Beijing. - 2014, Guest lecture at the GEM-PhD Summer School ‘Competing for Growth, Trade and Influence’, ULB Brussels, 4 September. Title: Trading with Asia: Global Value Chains, Import-Dependent Firms, and the EU Strategy of Competitive Trade Liberalization in the Asian Region. - 2013, Guest lecture at the Summer School on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe organized by the School of Government of the LUISS Guido Carli in Rome. Title: Introductory note to negotiation theory. - 2010, Guest Lecture at the School of International Studies of the University of Trento (Italy) Title - Judicializaition and Cooperation in the WTO: Why too Much Caution is Not Needed. - 2010, Research design session for PhD researchers in the ECPR Summer School on Interest Groups (Antwerp, July 2010) organized by the ECPR Standing Group on Interest Groups.