23.10.2018. Invited Speaker at the Conference "La Medicina Incantata", Università degli Studi di Firenze. Title of the paper presented: "Il mal gentile. La tisi e l'individualità interessante nella cultura del lungo Ottocento".
09.10.2018. Invited Speaker at the Seminar Series "Raccontare la scienza e l'innovazione", Università degli Studi di Trento, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale. Title of the paper presented: "'My Hideous Progeny'. Frankenstein tra scienza, letteratura e cultura popolare".
20.09.2018. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Books, Readers, and Reading: Celebrating the 250 Years of the Leeds Library”, University of Leeds, UK (20-22 September 2018). Title of the paper presented: “‘Tis NOVEL Most Beguiles the Female Heart’: Women Readers and the Pathologies of Leisure Time in the Early 19th Century".
09.08.2018. Invited speaker at the Sanatorium Museum (Museo dei Sanatori) in Sondalo (So). Title of the paper presented:”Il sanatorio e il malato interessante: riflessioni dalla letteratura”.
08.06.2018. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Cultural Histories of Air and Illness”, University of Warwick, UK (8-9 June 2018). Title of the paper presented: “The Purity of Air and the Medical Treatment of Consumption: Constructing the Interesting Self in 19th- and Early 20th-Century Culture”.
14.11.2017. Invited Speaker at the Seminar Series “Geni ed eroi della scienza”, Università degli Studi di Trento, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale. Title of the paper presented: “Kazuo Ishiguro. Romanziere del mondo fluttuante”.
15.06.2017. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “CHIMED 1 – First International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse”, Università degli Studi di Milano (14-16 June 2017). Title of the paper presented: “‘That Fine Edge of Light’. The Medical Gaze and the Transparent Body in Late Nineteenth-Century Culture”.
05.05.2017. Collaboration as chair at the AIA Seminar “Cultures, Literatures and Languages in the Contact Zones”, Università degli Studi di Trento (4-5 May 2017).
29.09.2016. Participation as speaker at the Conference “Rina Sara Virgillito, poeta e traduttore”, on the centenary of Rina Sara Virgillito’s birth, Università degli Studi di Bergamo (29 September 2016). Title of the paper presented: “‘Conosco vite’. Le traduzioni poetiche dall’inglese di Rina Sara Virgillito”.
20.05.2015. Invited Speaker at the Doctoral Seminar "Il corpo consapevole. Immaginario scientifico, arti visive e tecnologie della visione", Università degli Studi di Pavia, in collaboration with the PhD in Intercultural Humanistic Studies (Studi umanistici interculturali, Università degli Studi di Bergamo). Organised by Prof. Federica Villa (Pavia). Title of the paper presented: "Il corpo trasparente. Diagnostica per immagini e cultura visuale".
20.06.2014. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Theories of Light in the British Arts of the 19th and 20th Century”, Université Paris 7, Paris Diderot (20-21 June 2014). Title of the paper presented: “The Medical Gaze and the Construction of the Consumptive Body in Early Nineteenth-Century Culture”.
21.02.2014. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Districare il nodo genere-potere: sguardi interdisciplinari su politica, lavoro, sessualità e cultura”, Università degli Studi di Trento (20-21 February 2014). Title of the paper presented: “‘How Shapely She Is / What Fine Bones’: L’Immagine medica del corpo femminile e il potere della trasparenza nella cultura di inizio Novecento”.
04.12.2013. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Corpi in pietra”, Università degli Studi di Milano (3-4 December 2013). Title of the paper presented: “Teatro e memoria nella cultura elisabettiana”.
06.06.2013. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Shakespeare’s Cracked Mirrors: Broken Female Bodies and Savage Minds”, The International Shakespearean Centre, Romanian Cultural Institute, London (6-7 June 2013). Title of the paper presented: “‘[B]ut it appears she lives’: Frozen Bodies and Female Passions in Shakespeare’s Plays”.
17.04.2013. Invited Speaker at the Seminar "Letteratura e Corpo" of the PhD School in English Studies (Scuola di dottorato in anglistica", Università degli Studi di Genova, organised by Prof. Laura Colombino (Genova). Title of the paper presented: "Corpi sottili, corpi trasparenti: la malattia di consunzione nelle rappresentazioni del discorso medico e letterario".
02.12.2011. Invited speaker at the Seminar “Modelli Vittoriani”, sponsored and funded by ERSU, Università degli Studi di Sassari (2 December 2011). Title of the paper presented: “From the Philosophy of the Mind to the Physiology of the Brain: Imagination between Creativity and Pathology in Victorian Culture”.
08.11.2011. Invited Speaker at the Seminar "Anatomie politiche: le rappresentazioni del corpo tra medicina, arte e letteratura" of the PhD School in Humanistic and Visual Cultures (Scuola di dottorato in culture umanistiche e visive), Università degli Studi di Bergamo, organised by Prof. Alessandra Violi (Bergamo). Title of the paper presented: "L'invisibile visibile. La malattia polmonare nel discorso medico e letterario della modernità".
29.11.2010. Invited Speaker at the Seminar "Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones" of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate "Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones", organised by Prof. Franca Franchi (Bergamo). Title of the paper presented: "Translations and Transformations: Science, Literature and 'Cultural Encounters' in the Nineteenth Century".
15.10.2010. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “La letteratura e cultura vittoriana”, Università degli Studi di Sassari (13-15 October 2010). Title of the paper presented: “Fantasmagorie della mente. Gli spettri dell’immaginazione nella cultura medico-letteraria del periodo vittoriano”.
10.10.2009. Participation as speaker at the ‘Dickens Day’ organised by Birkbeck College, London University College, and the School of Advanced Studies, Institute of English, London (10 October 2009). Title of the paper presented: “‘A Belief in Our Personal Identity?’ Dickens, Victorian Mental Sciences, and Mnemonic Errancy”.
09.06.2009. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Dickens and the Voices of Victorian Culture”, Università degli Studi di Verona (8-10 June 2009). Title of the paper presented: “Dickens and the Voices of Victorian Psychology on Memory”.
09.05.2009. Participation as speaker at the International Conference “Conceptualising Interfaces between the Sciences, Literature, and the Humanities: Travelling Concepts, Metaphors, and Narratives”, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (8-10 May 2009). Title of the paper presented: “‘Experiment’ and its Travelling in British Romanticism”.
28.03.2008. Participation as speaker at the Third International Conference of the British Society for Literature and Science, University of Keele (27-29 March 2008). Title of the paper presented: “Remembering Too Much: The Hypermnesic Imagination in Victorian Literature and Science”.
20.11.2007. Participation as speaker at the First Trilateral Italian, French and German Conference “Imagination as camera obscura of narrative processes. Patterns and practices of representation of inner life in Europe (17th-20th Century)”, Centro Italo-Tedesco Villa Vigoni, Menaggio, Como (19-21 November 2007). Title of the paper presented: “Shadows, Ghosts, and Spectres. Disruptive Memory and the ‘Phrenological Personality’ in Charlotte Brontë’s Mature Novels”.
05.07.2007. Participation as speaker at the Third International Conference of the British Comparative Literature Association, Goldsmith College, University of London (2-5 July 2007). Title of the paper presented: “‘Agonising, Burning, and, alas! Maddening Thoughts’: Pathological Memory and the Dis-(re)-membering Self in Nineteenth-Century Culture”.
19.02.2005. Participation as speaker at the Conference organised to launch a special research fund for Rina Sara Virgillito’s works, Civic Library “Angelo Maj”, Bergamo (19 February 2005). Title of the paper presented: “La voce dei maestri e la parola poetica di Rina Sara Virgillito”.
26.11.2003. Invited Speaker at the Seminar “La parola poetica di Rina Sara Virgillito”, Ateneo di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, Bergamo (26 November 2003). Title of the paper presented: “Amor Cognitio Est: la parola poetica di Incarnazioni del Fuoco di Rina Sara Virgillito”.
22.03.2003. Participation as speaker at the Conference “Come tuono comprimersi nel limite. Il femminile, l’amore e l’estasi in Emily Dickinson e Rina Sara Virgillito”, Civic Library “Angelo Maj”, Bergamo (22 March 2003). Title of the paper presented: “Tra privilegio e condanna: estasi e poesia in Emily Dickinson e Rina Sara Virgillito”.