Francesca Forno
Professoressa associata
Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
Formazione |
2003 PhD in Politics - University of Strathclyde (UK) Department of Government. 1995 Degree in Sociology [BA], Summa cum laude - University of Urbino. |
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
Academic positions 2017-present Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research 2019-present Associate professor of Sociology, University of Trento, Centre Agriculture Food Environment - C3A 2005 -2016 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Bergamo Teaching experiences Doctorate level |
Interessi di ricerca |
Collective Action and Social Movements |
Attività di ricerca |
2024-2026 Head/Principal investigator in the project SURFIT: Scaling Urban Regenerative Food Systems In Transition. DUT (Driving Urban Transitions) project. Coordinator: Christian Scholl: Maastricht University |
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
Professional services Editorial roles 2021-present Member of the international editorial advisory board of the Journal “Consumption and Society” published by Bristol University Press Membership in scientific and professional committees/Research groups 2021-present Coordinator of CoACT (Collective Action Change and Transition), Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento. 2019-present Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Agrifood and Environmental Sciences at the University of Trento. 2014-2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations 2016-2017 - Member of the Board and Deputy-Director of the Centre for Socio-Economic Dynamics and Cooperation (CESC), University of Bergamo 2014 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations 2014-2016 Member of the Board of the "Lelio Pagani" Centre for Territorial Studies (CST) 2010-2012 Member of the Board of the Research Centre for statistical analysis and sample surveys (CASI). 2005 - Member of the PolisLombardia research group – Osservatorio di ricerca politica e sociale, University of Milano-Bicocca 2012 - Member of the Athena Network for Public Communication and social advertising 2010 - 2015 Member of the Steering Committee of the Ecpr Standing Group “Forms of Participation” 2004 - 2009 Co-promoter and Co-convenor and of the Ecpr Standing Group “Forms of Participation” (with M. Micheletti) 1997 - 2005 Member of the LaPoliS research group – Centro di Ricerca Politica e Sociale, University of Urbino |
Premi e riconoscimenti |
2019 November, grant. Innovative Teaching, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. Awarded 2, 500 euros 2019 August, grant. SNIS project meeting, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. Awarded 7, 415 euros 2016 Grants for Visiting Professor and Scholar, Project ITALY® - University of Bergamo. 2015 Grants for Visiting Professor and Scholar, Project ITALY® - University of Bergamo. |
Convegni e conferenze |
Conference and panel organizer and/or discussant 2019 Conference organizer: Food, territory and sustainability: new food strategies and local policies to feed cities, University of Trento, 15-16 November (with P. Fontana). 2017 SASE Mini-Conference Organizer: Re-embedding the Social: Cooperatives, Political Consumerism and Alternative Lifestyles - University of Lyon, What's Next? Disruptive/Collaborative Economy or Business as Usual?, 29 June – 1 July (with P. R. Graziano, L. Monticelli, and T. Geelan). 2016 SASE Mini-Conference Organizer: Re-embedding the Social: New Modes of Production, Critical Consumption and Alternative Lifestyles. - University of California Berkeley, Moral Economies, Economic Moralities, 24-26 June (with P. R. Graziano, L. Monticelli, and T. Geelan). Presentations at conferences and workshops 2019 “Mind the Gap: Between the Chain and the Pplatform” RN12 - Environment and Society, 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, 20-23 August (with Emanuela Bozzini, Filippo Oncini and Natalia Magnani). 2018 “Green Shops. Mapping and analysing small sustainable retail shops as spaces for sustainable consumption”, Research Network of Sociology of Consumption, European Sociological Association, Mid-term Conference, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29.8-1.9 (with Chiara Demaldè). 2017 Urban Food Strategies: the role of Food Champions and policy entrepreneurship in Cork and Bergamo", AESOP Conference, Coventry University, 14-15 November (with Gloria Gambartolomei and Colin Sage) 2017 “Re-embedding the Social: Cooperatives, Political Consumerism and Alternative Lifestyles”, ISA Mid-term conference, From the Streets to Public Debate, Social Movement and the Making of Alternative, Catania University, Catania 30-31 May (with P. R. Graziano, L. Monticelli, and T. Geelan). 2016 “Grassroots Movements, Market and Public Administration: Between conflicts and cooperation. Some reflections on a case study from Northern Italy”, Conference on Democratizing Food Governance, The American University of Rome, Rome, 14 October (with S. Maurano). 2016 “Between Resilience and Resistance: SCMOs in Italy in Times of Crisis”, ECPR Joint Session - Workshop Environmental Social Movements and the New Politics of Consumption, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa 24-28 April (with P.R. Graziano). 2014 “Solidarity Purchase Groups. How the consumer becomes collective “, International Seminar on Grassroots responses to the global crisis: between protest and self and mutual help, 27 May, University of Trento. 2007 “Shopping for a Sustainable Future: The Structure of the Italian Anti-Consumerist Mobilisation” 3rd Karlstad Seminar of Studying Political Action, Karlstad (Sweden), 12-14 October. Invited lectures and talks 2019 “Sustainable Practices in the Food Industry”, keynote Speaker at October days for sustainable development, 17 October EIB Head Office, Luxemburg 2019 “Protest, Social Movements, and Spaces for Politically-Oriented Consumerist Actions”, University of Geneve, March 14th, Geneve. 2018 “Organizing for Sustainable Transition: The case of Solidarity Purchase Groups”, Hecua 2018, Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Justice, Castello Sonnino International Education Centre, 15 October. 2017 “Percorsi di sostenibilità, consumo critico e partecipazione. Verso un nuovo modello di cittadinanza”, Scuola Gallileiana di Studi Superiori, Padova 26 April. 2016 “Fabbriche recuperate e nuove forme di partecipazione politica”, Seminari di Scienza politica, Università degli Studi di Padova, 14 December. 2016 “Path of sustainability, ethical consumption and participation. Towards a new model of citizenship”, Istituto di Scienze Umane e Sociali, Scuola Normale Superiore, Conference Hall “l’Altana”, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 9 March. |
Altre attività |
Other academic activities 2011 - Co-organizer of the annual Seminar on “Social communication and sustainability” at Bergamo University (five editions; with F. Giorgia Paleari and Vittorio Montieri). 2013 - Co-organizer of the annual Workshop on “FoodLab: Ripensare l’immagine del territorio attraverso forme innovative di produzione e consumo” at Bergamo University (three editions; with Ettore Castagna). Member of the following professional associations: ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research), ESA (European Sociological Association), ISA (International Sociological Association), SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica), AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia), ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education). External/Anonymous reviewer Evaluator of research projects Participation in local projects Scientific coordinator of the project “Feeding Trento”, Joint Project between the University and the Municipality of Trento. Member of the Advisory Group of the Horizon2020 project “Big Picnic: Big Questions. Engaging the public with Responsible Research and Innovation on Food Security”; Bergamo Botanic Garden (2014-2020). Member of the Advisory Group of the project EA(S)TITALY [Task 2: “Promoting a Local System of Sustainable Food”], Municipality of Bergamo (2016-2017). |
Note |
Short Bio: Francesca FORNO è professoressa associata di Sociologia all'Università di Trento. I suoi interessi includono la partecipazione civica e il cambiamento sociale. Ha pubblicato e svolto ricerche sul consumerismo politico, il consumo collaborativo, l'innovazione eco-sociale e le reti alimentari alternative (AFN). I suoi lavori sono apparsi su importanti riviste, tra cui: The Annals of the America Academy of Political and Social Science, Journal of Consumer Culture, Southern European Society and Politics, International Journal of Consumer Studies, European Societies, British Food Journal, Food Policy e in raccolte di saggi pubblicate da Oxford University Press, Wiley-Blackwell, Zed Books e Routledge. Blog: Socio(eco)logico |
Allegati |