Alessandro Grecucci
Professore associato
Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive
Formazione |
MS in Psychology (Laurea magistrale), University of Padua (110/110, magna cum laude). Dissertation: La rappresentazione neurale della numerosità: uno studio computazionale; Supervisor: Prof. Marco Zorzi PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience (XX ciclo), International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS/SISSA), Trieste, Cognitive Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging lab of Prof. Timothy Shallice. Dissertation: Neurocognitive mechanisms of the emotional control of imitation; Supervisor: Prof. Raffaella Ida Rumiati Certified Psychotherapist, Department of Psychology, University of Trieste / Center for Research in Psychotherapy (CeRP), Trento. Dissertation: Psicopatologia come Epistemopatologia: teoria e trattamento delle difettualità del pensiero; Supervisor: Dott. Clara Monari
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
2021 Eligible for the position of Full Professor in Psychobiology (M/PSI-02) (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, ASN)2019- Associate Professor in Psychobiology, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento 2021- Associate Professor in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology, CISMed – Center for Medical Sciences, University of Trento (01/2021) 2019 -Associate Professor in Psychobiology, DiPSCo - Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento (02/11/2019). 2016 -2019 Assistant Professor in Psychobiology (RTD-b), Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento (02/11/2016). 2015 – 2016 - Research fellowship by International Society for Neuropsychoanalysis, New York (09/2015 - 10/2016). 2014-2015 - Post doc researcher, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento; Supervisor: Remo Job. Project title: Cognitive and Emotional factors in Emotion Regulation (20/06/2014 – 20/09/2015) 2013-2014 - Post doc researcher, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento; Supervisor: Remo Job. Project title: New Forms of Addictions and Emotion Regulation: an investigation in Trentino (20/06/2013-19/06/2014) 2011-2012 - Post doc researcher, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento; Supervisor: Nicolao Bonini (past president of the European Association for Decision Making. Project title: Cognitive and emotional factors in pathological gambling: an experimental investigation (11/06/2012-10/06/2013) 2009-2014 - Member of Alan Sanfey Decision Neuroscience Lab 2009-2011 - Post-doc researcher, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences. University of Trento; Supervisor: Alan Gerard Sanfey. Project title: Neuroeconomics of Decision-Making (16/03/2009 - 06/06/2012) 2006-2007 - Honorary research fellowship at School of Psychology / Birmingham Imaging University Center (BUIC), Birmingham University (10/07/2006 – 30/11/2007) 2004-2008 - PhD student at the International School for Advanced Study, SISSA, Neuroscience programme
Interessi di ricerca |
1) Affective and Social Neuroscience In everyday life, we are all involved in situations and interactions that generate emotion. Our aim is to study the psychological and neural mechanisms of normal emotion generation and regulation by the usage of up to date neuroscientific methodologies. 2) Clinical Neuroscience A recent view of psychopathology suggests that the majority of clinical syndromes (anxiety, depression, personality disorders, addictions…) are characterized and caused by a dysregulation of specific emotions. This area of research aims at studying the neural mechanisms behind abnormal emotion regulation in clinical populations. Another aim is to study the neural mechanisms behind new therapeutic techniques and protocols designed to treat emotional deficits. |
Attività di ricerca |
Please visit the Clinical and Affective Neuroscience Lab webpage for further details ( ) 1) Neural bases of emotion perception and regulation (fMRI, EEG, MEG, tDCS) 2) Machine learning based analyses of clinical disorders (anxiety, bipolars, schizophrenia, personality disorders) (sMRI) 3) Abnormal emotional processing in neurological patients (brain tumors and ischemic patients) 4) Development of treatment protocols to treat emotion regulation deficits |
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
- Cognitive Science Society - Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) - Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) - Society for Neuroscience (SfN) - Psychonomic Society - European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) - Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive (SIPF)
Premi e riconoscimenti |
- Deficit linguisitico-emozionali in pazienti affetti da tumore cerebrale trattati tramite protonterapia, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (€40.000), 2016 - Shame on you! Neuropsychological mechanisms of the interpersonal dynamic regulation of shame, International society for neuropsychonalitic association (€15.000), 2015 - Best research paper of the year in Psychotherapy (Third position), State of Mind journal, with the paper: Reappraising the Ultimatum: an fMRI Study of Emotion Regulation and Decision Making, 2012 - LABSI conference grant for scientific quality of the work presented (€ 200), 2010 - Beneficentia grant for studying autism (€ 20.000), with Raffaella Ida Rumiati, 2009 - CAOs conference travel grant for scientific quality of the work presented (€ 200), 2008 - European Psychological Society travel grant to run an experiment in UK (£ 1.200), 2007 - Honorary Research Fellowship, Prof. G.W. Humphreys, University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, Behavioral Brain Sciences Department, 2006 |
Convegni e conferenze |
November 17, 2021. “Predicting emotion abilities from structural and functional brain data: a machine learning approach”. Division of Psychology, Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences, University of Bradford, UK. July 07, 2021, invited speaker “From Neuroaesthetic to Aesthetic Meditation: How Art is Experienced by Our Brains, and How We Can Improve its Experience”, Summer School in Psychological Humanities and Cognitive Science (PsyHuman) 5-16 July 2021, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science (DiPSCo), Rovereto. April 29, 2021, invited speaker: “Predicting emotion regulation abilities from functional and structural brain features: A Machine learning approach”, Perspective in Psychology, a series of lectures organized by the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science and the Moscow Institute for Psychoanalysis. February, 1, 2021, Invited speaker: “Using machine learning to classify personality and predict emotion regulation abilities from brain structural data”. Workshop: Blending theories and techniques in brain functioning and imaginig: some examples from ongoing studies. Organized by R. Job and P. Wongupparaj. October 31, 2019, Invited speaker: “Advanced morphometric methods to study Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder, toward an extended continuum hypothesis”. Psychopathology of the Social Brain – EUCALIPT Congress, 29/10/2019-2/11/2019, Dresden, Germany September 27 - 29, 2019, Invited speaker “Neurocognitive evidence of the expanded continuum between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder”, Symposium: Integrating affective neuroscience and dynamic psychology: new insights for the understanding of psychopathology " (organized by I. Messina), XXI Congress AIP 2019 Clinical Psychology. November 26-29, 2017, Invited speaker: “Advanced Morphometric Methods to Study Clinical Populations”, XXI Congresso Nazionale e Corso Residenziale dell’Associazione Italiana di Neuro-Oncologia, Trento, Italy. October 31, 2017, Invited speaker: “Come la vergogna e la colpa guidano il sé. Psicologia, criminologia e neuroscienze in dialogo”, Convegno: “Il lato oscuro. Le emozioni negative dall’antichità a oggi, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Trento, Italy. September 29 - October 1, 2017, Invited speaker “Fractionating the emotional brain: psychological and morphometric differences in emotion regulation abilities”, Symposium: Emotion regulation: neuronal correlates and clinical dimensions" (organized by P. Velotti), XIX Congress AIP 2017 Clinical Psychology. September 29 - October 1, 2017, Invited speaker “Mentalizing emotions. Neurocognitive mechanisms of interpersonal emotion regulation”, Symposium: Efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy: insights from neuroscience" (Organized by M. Sambin), XIX Congresso AIP 2017 Clinical Psychology. October, 26, 2014, “Psychoanalysis, Mentalizazion and Emotion Regulation”, organized by Gruppo Psicologi di Venezia, G. Bertan, Venezia, Italy. July 23, 2013, Invited speaker: “Region of interest (ROI) analysis in fMRI studies”, Social Cognitive Neuroscience Summer School, SCONE, SISSA, Trieste, Italy. July 22, 2013, Invited speaker: “Psychopathology and emotion regulation theory, paradigms, neuroscientific findings”, Social Cognitive Neuroscience Summer School, SCONE, SISSA, Trieste, Italy. May 13, 2013, Invited speaker: “Regulating Emotions: from affective Neuroscience to Clinical Practice”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. June 11, 2012, Invited speaker: “Emotion Regulation and Social Decision-Making: Behavioral and fMRI Evidence”, Universiy of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. May 3, 2012, Invited speaker: “Impulsività e Scelte Intertemporali: Implicazioni per il Gioco d’Azzardo Patologico”, Giogo D’Azzardo, una nuova cultura per non essere sottomessi all’azzardo, organized by A.M.A. and University of Trento, Italy. February 11, 2012, Invited speaker: "Meccanismi neurocognitivi della regolazione emozionale e della mentalizzazione", Psicoterapia e Neuroscienze in Dialogo, organized by Associazione Psicologi Bassanesi, APB, Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza, Italy. March 15, 2010, Invited speaker: “Social decision making: from normality to psychopathology”, Economic and Emotional Decision-Making: from Normality to Psychopathology. Department of Pathology and Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Psychiatry Unit, University of Udine, Italy. March 23, 2009, Invited speaker “Effects of emotions on autistic individuals”. Emotions and Motor Control Workshop, SISSA, Trieste, Italy December 12, 2008, Invited speaker: “Neurocognitive mechanisms of the empathy for actions: from normal to abnormal populations”, Psicosi nell'età evolutiva e adulta: diagnosi, trattamento precoce. Verso la prevenzione? Trieste, Italy. September 2-5, 2008, Invited speaker: “The emotional control of imitation, behavioral and ERPs data”. Federation of the European Society of Neuropsychology, FESN, Edimburgh, UK. April 4-8, 2006, Invited speaker: “The emotional enhancement of Stimulus Response-Compatibility. A computational study”, International Conference on Cognitive Modelling, ICCM, Trieste, Italy.
2) Organization of workshops and chair:
Jennuary, 26-31, 2020, Chair of the Emotion and Social Cognition evening session for the 38th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. October - December, 2018, Seminars: Io, L’arte, e L’estetica, in collaboration with Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Mart, and URLA students association, Rovereto. November 26-29, 2017, Workshop “Neuroimaging Methods for Basic and Clinical Research”, organized by A. Grecucci, XXI Congresso Nazionale e Corso Residenziale dell’Associazione Italiana di Neuro-Oncologia, Trento, Italy.
3) Oral and poster presentations:
September 8-10, Pappaianni, E., Piretti, L., Monachesi, B., Zampiero, M., Onofrio, F., Vuillumier, P., Job, R., Grecucci, A., Proposing the Shame Task: an innovative paradigm for eliciting and measuring first and third person shame, Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sperimentale, Lecce, Italy June, 23-26, 2021, Poster presentation. Ahmadi Ghomroudi, P., Monachesi, B., Messina, I., Grecucci, A. Neural correlates of cognitive reappraisal and acceptance: a meta-analytic comparison of two clinically relevant emotion regulation strategies. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Conference, ESCAN April 13-16, 2021, Oral presentation. Grecucci, A., Ciftci, Z. Predicting Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Traits From Brain Features via Machine Learning, Society of Affective Science, SAS April 13-16, 2021, Oral presentation. Lapomarda, G., Job, R., Grecucci, A. Theta and Delta Changes in Resting-state EEG Activity After Regulating Emotions, Society of Affective Science, SAS April 13-16, 2021, Oral presentation. Consolini, J, Sorella, S., Grecucci, A., Prefrontal Asymmetry and Anger: a functional connectivity study, Society of Affective Science, SAS April 13-16, 2021, Oral presentation. Grecucci, A., Monachesi, B., Lapomarda, G., Messina, I, Sorella, S., Siugzdaite, R. Building a biomarker for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Machine Learning approach, Society of Affective Science, SAS September, 2-4, 2020, Oral presentation. Grecucci A., Sulpizio, S., Lapomarda, G., Job, R. ERP and time frequency explorations of regulating emotional words and pictures, Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, sez. Sperimentale, Lecce, Italia. July, 11-15, 2020. Sorella, A., Siugzdaite, R., Vellani, V., Grecucci, A. Structural and functional evidence of specialized brain networks for trait anger and anger control. Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, online. Jennuary, 26-31, 2020, Poster presentation, Pappaianni, E., Grecucci, A., Carlson, H., Piretti, L., Job, R., Vuilleumier, P., A Network for Self-Conscious Emotions: a resting-state fMRI study. 38th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jennuary, 26-31, 2020, Poster presentation, Lapomarda, G., Valer, S., Job, R., Grecucci, A., Resting state changes after regulating emotions: EEG evidence. 38th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jennuary, 26-31, 2020, Poster presentation, Sorella, S., Piretti, L., Job, R., Grecucci, A., The neural bases of anger perception and anger experience: coordinate-based meta-analytic evidence of similar and different mechanisms. 38th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. September, 18-20, 2019, Poster presentation, Amodeo L., Wang Y., Grecucci A., Marinazzo D., Vanderkerckhove M. The interplay between emotion regulation strategies and functional connectivity: a resting-state fMRI study. AIP sperimentale, Milan, Italy September, 18-20, 2019, Poster presentation, Lapomarda G., Valer S., Job R., Grecucci A. Theta changes in resting state EEG activity after regulating emotions. AIP sperimentale, Milan, Italy September, 18-20, 2019, Poster presentation, Pappaianni E., Piretti L., Gobbo S., Rumiati R., Job R., Grecucci A. Il ruolo della dACC e della dlPFC nel processamento emotivo: uno studio di neuromodulazione. AIP sperimentale, Milan, Italy June, 9-13, 2019, Poster presentation: Saviola, F., Pappaianni, E., Monti, A., Grecucci, A., De Pisapia, N. The Anxious Brain: structural and functional correlates of anxiety in healthy subjects. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy. June, 9-13, 2019, Poster presentation: Lapomarda, G., Valer, S., Job, R., Grecucci, A. Theta changes in resting state EEG activity after regulating emotions. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy. June, 9-13, 2019, Poster presentation: Pappaianni, E. Piretti, L., Job, R., Grecucci, A. Revealing the neural trace of shame and guilt: a functional voxel-based meta-analysis. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy. June, 9-13, 2019, Poster presentation: Sorella, S., Lapomarda, G., Siugzdaite, R., Messina, R., Job, R., Grecucci, A. Exploring the Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder continuum: a morphometric and psychological study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy. Jennuary, 21-26, 2019, Poster presentation: Pappaianni, E., Piretti, L., Galetto, V., Aiello, M., Radicchi, G., Leopizzi, M., Zettin, M., Job, R., Grecucci, A., Ashamed. Preliminary neuropsychological evidence of shame deficits in traumatic brain injury. 37th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jennuary, 21-26, 2019, Poster presentation: Piretti, L., Pappaianni, E., Gobbo, S., Rumiati R. I., Job R., Grecucci, A. Cathodical tDCS stimulation of pre-SMA modulates arousal ratings. 37th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jennuary, 21-26, 2019, Poster presentation: Lapomarda G., Pappaianni, E., Siugzdaite, R., Rumiati, R. I., Grecucci A. Risky brains: fronto-temporal abnormalities in bipolar disorder related to risk-taking behavior, 37th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jennuary, 21-26, 2019, Poster presentation: Sorella, S., Lapomarda, G., Siugzdaite, R., Messina, I., Grecucci, A. Shared and separate brain networks in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: a Source-based Morphometry investigation, 37th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. December, 6-7. 2018, Poster presentation: Piretti, L., Pappaianni, E., Gobbo, S., Rumiati, R.I., Job, R., Grecucci, A. Cathodical tDCS stimulation of pre-SMA modulates arousal ratings. Transcranial Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop, Rovereto 2018. September, 27-29, 2018 Poster presentation: Pappaianni, E., De Pisapia, N., Crescentini, F., Siugzdaite, R., Calcagnì, A., Job, R., Grecucci, A. The neuropsychological identikit of the good emotion regulator. 5th International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and Allied Disorder., Barcelona (Spain) September, 27-29, 2018 Poster presentation: Sorella S., Lapomarda G., Siugzdaite R., Grecucci A. The psychotic continuum. Morphometric evidence of brain similarities between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 5th International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder, 27-29 September 2018, Sitges/Barcelona, Spain. Jennuary, 21-26, 2018, Poster presentation: Pappaianni, E., Siugzdaite, R., Venuti, P., Job, R., Grecucci, A. The grey side of the mood: An investigation on structural abnormalities in patients with bipolar disorder. 36th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jennuary, 21-26, 2018, Poster presentation: Lapomarda G., Pergola G., Passiatore R., Fazio L., Antonucci L.A., Caforio G., Bertolino A., Blasi G., Rumiati R.I., Grecucci A. Similar and yet different: gray matter differentiates patients with schizophrenia and unaffected siblings from healthy controls without familial risk for psychiatric disorders. 36th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jennuary, 21-26, 2018, Poster presentation: Piretti, L., Lunardelli, A., Pappaianni, E., Job, E., Rumiati, R.I., Pesavento, V., Grecucci, A. The role of amygdala in shame processing: a single-case study, 36th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. July, 06 - 08, 2017, Poster accepted: Grecucci, A., et al. Shades of grey: Source-, Voxel- and Surface-based Morphometry evidence of brain abnormalities in autism. 3rd Neurological Disorders Summit (NDS-2017), San Francisco, CA. May, 26-27, 2017, Poster presentation: Giorgetta, C., Carpentier, S., Grecucci, A. Poster presentation: Parkinson Disease: A study on shame and cognitive reappraisal. Rome Workshop on Experimental Psychopathology 2017, Rome, Italy. Jenuary, 23-27, 2017, Poster presentation: Pappaianni, E., Job, R., Grecucci, A. The identikit of the perfect homo emoticus. Neural markers of the abilities to regulate emotions. 34th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jenuary, 23-27, 2017, Poster presentation: Pappaianni, E., Sigzdaite, R., Remo, J., Grecucci, A., Behind the grey: Abnormal neural markers in children with autism by using Source-based Morphometry. 34th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Poster presentation: Jenuary, 23-27, 2017, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Social and non-social emotion regulation in the brain: a Source-Based Morphometry study. 34th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jenuary, 23-27, 2017, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Emotions at the border. Increased punishment behaviors in Borderline Personality Disorder, 34th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Poster presentation: September, 6-10, 2016. Poster accepted: Grecucci, A., et al., Diagnosing autism with neural markers: a Source-Based Morphometry study. Fourth International Congress on Borderline Personality disorder and Allied Disorders. Vienna, Austria. Jenuary, 2016. Poster presentation: Pappaianni, E., … Grecucci, A. Detecting the neural signature of autism by using Source- and Voxel-Based Morphometry. 34th European Workshop of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. September, 12-15, 2015, Poster accepted: Grecucci, A., et al., The shape of the social brain in autism. a source-based morphometric study. European Brain and Behavior Society, Annual Meeting, Verona. September, 12-15, 2015, Poster accepted: Grecucci, A., et al., Neurocognitive mechanisms of social emotion regulation: functional, connectivity and structural evidence. European Brain and Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Verona. October, 1-4, 2015. Poster accepted: Grecucci, A., et al., “Applying source-based morphometry (SBM) to detect structural deficts in autism” IC-BrainEngiNe 2015: International Conference on Brain Engineering and Neurocomputing, Greece, Mykonos. April, 25-26, 2015, Poster presentation: Sigzdaite, R., Grecucci, A., et al., Uncovering the social deficits in the autistic brain. A morphometry study. Implications of Research on the Neuroscience of Affect, Attachment and Social Cognition, London, UK. Jenuary, 25-29, 2015, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., “Social deficits in the autistic brain. A morphometric study”. 32th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jenuary, 25-29, 2015, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Seeing emotions, reading emotions: ERPs evidence of the regulation of emotional pictures but not emotional words. 32th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. October 16-19, 2014, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Neurocognitive mechanisms of social emotion regulation. International Congress on Borderline and Allied Disorders, Roma, Italy. October 16-19, 2014, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Separating social and non-social emotion regulation in the brain: a Source Based Morphometry study. International Congress on Borderline and Allied Disorders, Roma, Italy. October 13-15, 2014, Oral presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Regulating Emotions: from Psychotherapy to Neuroscience and back. International Society for Transfert Focused Psychotherapy, Parma, Italy. Jenuary 25-30, 2014, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., “Two separate pathways for social and non-social emotion regulation: Combined Source and Voxel based morphometry”. 32th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. Jenuary 25-30, 2014, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Improved baseline and strategical emotion regulation in Mindfulness meditators. 32th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. August 18-22, 2013, Oral presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Tempus edax rerum: how impulsivity affect inter-temporal decisions in pathological gambling. Subjective probability, utility, and decision-making conference (Spudm). June 16, 2013, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Tempus edax rerum: how time affect decisions in pathological gambling. Context-dependent consumer decision-making: An interdisciplinary inquiry, Trento, Italy. September 22-26, 2011, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Reappraising social emotions: the role of dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex and insula in emotional regulation. International conference on Neuroscience (ICON) IX°, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. August 21-25, 2011, Oral presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Emotional regulation and dysregulation in social decision making: insight from fMRI and abnormal populations. Subjective probability, utility, and decision-making conference (Spudm), London, UK. April 29/30, 2011, Oral presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Anxiety makes unfariness go away. How anxiety disorders affect socio-economic behavior, Florence workshop on behavioural and experimental economics, Florence, Italy. Jenuary 23-38, 2011, Oral presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Retracting the Ultimatum: an fMRI study of decision making and emotion regulation. 28th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy October 28-31, 2010, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., “Emotional regulation and decision making: an fMRI study of regulated decison making”. Social and affective Neuroscience, SAN. Chicago. September 20, 2010, Oral presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Emotional regulation and decision making: an fMRI study of regulated decison making. LabSi Conference on Neuroscience and Decision Making. Collegio S. Chiara, University of Siena, Italy. Jenuary 25-30, 2009, Oral presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Challenging the broken mirror theory of autism: dissociating action resonance from empathic resonance deficits. 27th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy. October 6-7, 2008, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., “Challenging the broken mirror hypothesis: dissociating imitation from empathic deficits in autistic children”, Autism Neuroscience conference, London, UK. April 23-25, 2008, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., “When imitating is surviving. Imitation in emotional contexts”. Concepts, Action, and objects (CAOs) conference, Rovereto, Italy. April 19-22, 2007, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., The emotional modulation of action: ERP evidence. Concepts, Action, and objects (CAOs) conference, Rovereto, Italy. Jenuary 22-27, 2007, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., Effects of emotional context on search for a non-emotional target: Preliminary Behavioral and fMRI results. 25th International Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy October 18-20, 2006, Poster presentation: Grecucci, A., et al., A computational model of the action resonance mechanism, European Society of Neuropsychology, Toulouse.
Altre attività |
Third mission (Includes media coverage of my research, generalist talks and publications, magazine, radio and TV interviews, seminars for teachers and clinicians)
March 11, 2021, Tavola rotonda su Allenamanto mentale con Nicola De Pisapia e Michela Vignoli, Healthy Life style, UniTrento
February, 4, 2021, Invited speaker: “Il cervello emotivo”, Seminar organized by UNITN Orienta for secondary schools.
November 27-28, 2020, Tavola rotonda sul tema: dissonanze musicali, evento “DIMMI” organizzato dal Liceo musicale “F.A. Bonporti” di Trento e Riva del Garda Trento
November, 29, 2020 Invited speaker: “Il cervello astratto: la percezione dell'arte astratta”, Gestaltart, Tra arte terapia e neuroscienze, Mart museum, Rovereto, Italy
Febbraio 25, 2020. Videointervista sui meccanismi della paura durante il covid e partecipazione alla trasmissione televisiva Mattino insieme, Trentino Tv.
Novembre 2019, “La felicità attraverso l’arte”, Seminari di Neuroestetica per il Mart, Rovereto
September, 14, 2019, Invited speaker: “Effetti del videogaming sul cervello”. Il tempo delle Donne, Corriere della Sera Evento pubblico, Milano.
June 20, 2019, “Neuroscience of Emotions and Emotion Regulation”, RAI Fruili Venezia Giulia, by Cristina Serra e Ornella Serafini, for “Come Terra e Sole”
November 6, 2018, Invited speaker: “Neuroestetica e meditazione estetica”, for seminars: Io, L’arte, e L’estetica, Mart, Rovereto.
October 27, 2018, Invited speaker: “In cerebrum veritas: verità e inganno nel cervello”, Pensa Trasversale, Università di Trento, Trento.
May 18, 2018, Commenti e presentazione del libro di Simona Vinci, con Lucia Rodler, Attraversamenti, momenti d'incontro, Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive, Rovereto
November 14, 2017, “La gestione scientifica delle emozioni”. By Gennaro Romagnoli,
2016, Pappaianni, E., Dadomo, H., Grecucci, A. (2016). Mindfulness e regolazione emozionale: teoria ed applicazioni. In-Mind Magazine (web) ( )
March 17, 2016, “Emozioni e neuroscienze: dal laboratorio alle tecniche di regolazione emozionale”, Percorsi di aggiornamento per docenti della scuola primaria e secondaria LO STUDIO DELLA MENTE E L’ARTE DELL’INSEGNARE, Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive, Rovereto
October 29, 2014 “Mindfulness: meditazione e scienze cognitive si incontrano”, UNITN magazine, online journal of the University of Trento ( )
October, 02, 2014. “Così la psicoterapia aiuta i ludopatici: ridare al denaro il giusto valore” by Marcello Palmieri, l’Avvenire
September 26, 2014, “Tutto ciò che devi sapere sulla mindfulness” by Alice de Pace, Wired,
October 21, 2013, “Emozioni: Neuroscienze e Psicoterapia” Radio Rai Bolzano.
September 05, 2013 "Ecco le chiavi del benessere psicologico e della regolazione emozionale" by Gabriele Biandolino, Net1News,
March 2, 2013, "Meccanismi psicologici della regolazione e disregolazione emozionale", Albo degli Psicologi di Trento, Unità Operativa di Psicologia di Rovereto, APSS, Trento, Italy.
2012, "Meccanismi neurocognitivi della regolazione emozionale", formazione agli infermieri e agli psicologi della APSS, Presidio Ospedaliero S. Maria del Carmine, Rovereto, Italy,
2011, "Valutazione neuropsicologica", aggiornamento per i clinici della Unità di Psicologia di Rovereto, APSS, 2011.
October 19, 2011, "Emozioni ed empatia aiutano ad apprendere" by Gabriele Biandolino, Net1news
Jenuary, 23, 2009, “Cervelli di destra e di sinistra”, by Luca Sciortino, Panorama
September 25, 2008 “Come leggere la mente attraverso il cervello”, by Maria Brecelj, Slovenian RAI (TV)
Sempteber 20, 2008, Invited speaker: “Leggere la mente, osservando il cervello”, Open Day of the scientific Centers of Research of Trieste, Italy.
June 10, 2008, “La psicoterapia funziona: ce lo dice la Neuroscienza” by Marco Pivato, Il Giorno
October 10, 2006, “Research on Emotion at SISSA”, RAI 3