Andrea Signoretti

Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 281366
a.signoretti[at]unitn [dot] it

2007 Laurea quadriennale (vecchio ordinamento) in Sociologia. Indirizzo Pianificazione Sociale. Università of Trento.

2009. ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques. Course attended: Mixed Method Research. Università di Ljubljana.

2012. Phd in Sociologia Economica, Università di Brescia.

2017. XVIII Trento Summer School: New thinking on the firm: bringing together Law, Economics, Organization and History. Università di Trento.

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica


2017. Abilitazione nazionale a Professore di II Fascia

(September 2017). Visiting-Scholar presso University College Dublin (UCD), Department of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations.

February 2017- present. Researcher Type A, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. 

March 2016-February 2017: Research Fellow, Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento.


2016-2018. University of Trento, Degree in Methodology, Organization and Evaluation of Social Services

Course: Organization of social services and human resource management

2016-2017 University of Verona

Course: Sociology of organizational processes


Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Membership of Editorial Boards:

Industrial Relations Journal

Frontiers in Sociology - Section Work, Employment and Organizations

Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale


Membership of Academic Associations:

International Sociological Association (ISA)

European Sociological Association (Esa)

European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)

International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA)

British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA)

Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica (Sisec)

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (Sase)

Convegni e conferenze

(December 2023). Adapt Bergamo. Workshop: Work put to the test of individualization and the crisis of representation. The role of the collective dimension. Paper presented:Micro-determinants of decentralized bargaining. An explorative study on the Brescian manufacturing sector (with Niccolò Casnici and Marco Castellani'.

(December 2023). Adapt, Bergamo. Workshop: Work put to the test of individualization and the crisis of representation. The role of the collective dimension. Paper presented: Hr systems and mis-matched frames of references between employers and unions. Dynamics and hybridity over time (with Niccolò Casnici and Marco Castellani).

(July 2023). EGOS, Cagliari. Sub-theme: Reimagining the Institutions, Actors, and Practices of Good Work. Paper presented: Multiple unions’ frames and representation of workers (with Marcello Pedaci, Sabrina Perra, Katia Pilati), discussed by Pierrette Howayeck, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

(June 2023). LERA, Detroit. Session Evolving Power Dynamics Impacting Work. Paper: When Union Officers Leave the Unions: A Three-Country Comparison (with Lorenzo Frangi and Tingting Zhang).

(June 2023). Seminar ‘Lavoro e impresa: confini e conflitti’, organized by Sociologia del Lavoro, Comma 3 and Magistratura Democratica with a contribution on Le trasformazioni delle forme del conflitto del lavoro.

(June 2023). DISCUSSANT. Seminar ‘Moving beyond crises, building cooperative ecosystems’, Prof. Marcelo Vieta, University of Toronto. Co-Act Research Unit, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. 

(May 2023). Seminar Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU), University of Warwick, presenting the working paper ‘When Union Officers Leave the Unions: Push, Pull and Strained Values’ (with Lorenzo Frangi and Tingting Zhang).

(April 2023). Seminar Sheffield Management School, University of Sheffield. Paper: ‘When Union Officers Leave the Unions: Push, Pull and Strained Values’ (with Lorenzo Frangi and Tingting Zhang).

(March 2023). PhD Programme in Labour, Development and Innovation Unimore – Marco Biagi Foundation. Seminar ‘Why do employees cooperate with their employers?’ (with John Geary).

(February 2023). Sisec – Convegno nazionale Brescia. Sessione ‘Lavoro, riproduzione, ecologia. I conflitti e la questione sociale’. Paper presented: “Multiple union representation in the Italian logistic sector” (with Marcello Pedaci, Sabrina Perra, Katia Pilati).

(July 2022). EGOS, Wien. Sub-theme: Re-organizing Imperfections at Work: Negotiating Power and Control in Employment Relations. Paper presented: “Factors at Play in Turnaway: The Case of Union Officials in Three Countries” (with Lorenzo Frangi and Tingting Zhang). Chair: Markus Helfen, Professor of HRM and ER, Università di Berlino. Discussants: Juliette Fronty & Caroline Rieu Plichon (Ièseg School of Management, Paris).

(July 2022). DISCUSSANT. EGOS, Wien. Sub-theme: Re-organizing Imperfections at Work: Negotiating Power and Control in Employment Relations. Paper reviewed: Tragic performances? How trade unions stage their online identity, Vincent Pasquier, Christian Lévesque and Marc-Antonin Hennebert.

(June 2022). Sisec – Convegno nazionale Bologna. Sessione: Nuove prospettive sul conflitto di lavoro e le forme di organizzazione e rappresentanza collettiva dei lavoratori. Paper presented: “Workers’ protests and union representation in the Italian logistic sector” (with Marcello Pedaci, Sabrina Perra, Katia Pilati).

(March 2022). Chair. Co-Act Research Unit, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. On-LineSeminar: Trade unions (ism), social movements and the community: reflecting on connections and politics? Professor Miguel Martinez Lucio, University of Manchester.

(January 2022). Discussant. Co-Act Research Unit, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. Labour Movement Towards Movements? Professor Lorenzo Frangi, University of Quebec, Montreal and Tingting Zhang, University of Illinois. 

(May 2021). European Commission. EU Vocational Skills Week. Work Integration Social Enterpises in Europe. B-Wise Project. “Skills needs and gaps”.

(September 2021). CHAIR: European Sociological Association (ESA), RN17 Work, Employment and Industrial Relations. Session "IT and Remote Working".

(September 2021). European Sociological Association (ESA), RN17. On-line Conference, “The role of socio-economic embeddedness in promoting cooperation in the workplace: Evidence from family-owned Italian firms”. Chair: Joanna Karmowska, Organization Studies and International Management, Oxford Brookes University

(July 2021). British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA). On-line Conference, “The Role of Socio-Economic Embeddedness in Promoting Cooperation in the Workplace: Evidence from Italy. Chair: Laura William, Associate Professor of Employment Relations and Equality, University of Greenwhich.

(July 2021). DISCUSSANT: EGOS, On-line Conference, Sub-theme: Discrimination at Work: The Causes and Consequences of Organizational Uncertainty and Inequality. Session: International and comparative perspectives on precarious work.Paper reviewed: Beyond Precarity? Technology-enabled gig work through the worker’s eyes, including in COVID 19, Suzanne Gagnon, Jui Ramaprasad, Mohammad Azizur Rahman and Daniel Plourde.

(July 2021). EGOS, On-line Conference, “The Role of Socio-Economic Embeddedness in Promoting Cooperation in the Workplace: Evidence from Italy. Chair: Markus Helfen, Professor of HRM and ER, Università di Berlino.Session: International and comparative perspectives on precarious work. Discussant Chiara Benassi, Senior Lecturer in HRM, King’s College London.

(June 2021) ILERA, On-Line Conference, ‘Trading-Off Flexibility: Contingent Workers or Human Resource Practices? A Neo-confgurational Approach’ (with Lucia Pederiva and Enrico Zaninotto). Chair: Professor in Management, Bernd Brandle, Durham University.

(June 2021) ILERA, On-Line Conference, ‘Accounting for the Conditions Underpinning Long-Lasting Cooperative Employment Relations: The Case of SMEs and Socio-Economic Embeddedness (with John Geary). Chair: Associate Professor in Sociology, Christopher Mathieu, Lund University.

(June 2021). Istituti di Ricerca Sull’Impresa Sociale (Iris Network), On-Line Conference, ‘Ridisegnare i Sistemi di Gestione delle Risorse Umane nell’Agricoltura Sociale’ (with Silvia Sacchetti and Francesca Vaccari). Discussant: Elisa Chiaf.

(June 2021) Gerpisa, On-Line Conference, ‘Contested Views of Lean Production from the Social Sciences’ (with Darina Lepadatu). Discussant: Juan Sebastian Carbonell, ENS Paris-Saclay, IDHES.

(June 2021) Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica (Sisec), On-Line Conference. ‘Accounting for the Conditions Underpinning Long-Lasting Cooperative Employment Relations: The Case of SMEs and Socio-Economic Embeddedness (with John Geary). Discussant: Professor of Economic Sociology, Guglielmo Meardi, Scuola Normale Superiore.

(April 2021), DISCUSSANT: National Conference Associazione Italiana di Studio delle Relazioni Industriali (Aisri) Il lavoro e le relazioni industriali dopo la pandemia, session: Le parti sociali e la regolazione del lavoro.

(February 2021) International Sociological Association (ISA), On-Line Conference. 'Human Resource Management As Systems to Improve the Working Inclusion of Disadvantaged People: Case-Studie from Social Agriculture (with Silvia Sacchetti and Francesca Vaccari). Discussant: Professor of Social Work, Kjeld Hosgbro, Aalborg University.

(July 2020) Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), On-Line Conference, 'Trading-off flexibility: Contingent workers or human resource practices? A neo-configurational approach' (with Lucia Pederiva and Enrico Zaninotto). Discussant: Professor of Comparative Sociology, Karen Shire, Duisburg-Essen University.

(July 2020) European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), On-Line Conference, 'Trading-off flexibility: Contingent workers or human resource practices? A neo-configurational approach' (with Lucia Pederiva and Enrico Zaninotto). Discussant: Professor of Management and Organization, Peer Fiss, University of Southern California.

(September 2019) International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA). University of Düsseldorf. The sub-systems shaping lean production and their managerial application in Italian work-integration social enterprises (with Silvia Sacchetti). Chair: Professor Markus Helfen (Human Resource Management and Employment Relations), University of Innsbruck..

(September 2019) International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA). University of Düsseldorf. Context-based explanations for different occupational opportunities and employment conditions experienced by women and migrants. Chair: Isabella Biletta, Research Manager Eurofound.

(June 2019). 7th CIRIEC Conference on Social Economy, Bucharest, Romania. ‘The Sub-Systems Shaping Lean Production and Their Application In Italian Work-Integration Social Enterprises’ (with Silvia Sacchetti). Chair: Ignacio Bretos (Organization and Management), University of Zaragoza.

(September 2018). Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (2018). Centre for Sociological Research and Institute for Labour Law, University of Leuven. 'Overcoming the Barriers to Lean Production Implementation in Small Firms'. Chair: Prof. Valeria Pulignano (Sociology of Work and Employment Relations).

(June 2018) Dipartimento di Economia e Management e Associazione Italiana Direttori del Personale (Aidp). 'La flessibilità del lavoro aiuta la competitività delle imprese?. Chair: Professor Enrico Zaninotto (Company Organization).

(March 2018) Lares Trento. Invited speaker to the seminar 'Le relazioni industriali in Europa e in Italia. Evoluzioni, minacce e prospettive'. Participants: Lucio Baccaro Director of Max Planck Institute), Mimmo Carrieri (Università La Sapienza, Roma, Innocenzo Cipolletta, Presidente dell'Università di Trento, Franca Alacevich (Università di Firenze), Stefania Scarponi, Università di Trento.

(January 2018) Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica (Sisec). Secondo Convegno Nazionale, Università Cattolica di Milano, Italy, 'La produzione snella nelle piccole e grandi imprese: Diversi rischi e opportunità per il personale?' Poster Session

(September 2017) University College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland, 'Explaining lean production outcomes for workers'. Discussant: Professor of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management, John Geary, UCD.

(September 2017) Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (Aisre), Cagliari, 'Use of atypical work and firm’s productivity: A regional study' (with Enrico Tundis ed Enrico Zaninotto).

(June 2017) Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Lyon, 'Implementation of High Performance Work Systems: Do Trade Unions Play a Role?'. Discussant: Professor of Management, Sukanya Sen Gupta, Royal Holloway University of London.

(June 2017) Trento Summer School in Adaptive Economic Dynamics 2017, 'New Theory of the Firm'. Presentation 'Lean production results in the supply sector: Evidence from Italy and US'. Discussant: Prof. Anna Grandori, Bocconi University (Company Organization).

(May 2017) Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento. Invited speaker. Seminar "Flessibilità, lavoro atipico e modelli organizzativi". Discussant: Dr. Maria Laura Frigotto (Company Organization)

(May 2017) Lares Trento, Invited speaker. Seminar "Globalizzazione e fabbriche", with Luciano Pero (Company Organization)

(April 2017) Department of Economic and Social Sciences, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Invited Speaker. Strategie del sindacato, flessibilità e regolazione del lavoro atipico. Discussant: Prof. Domenico Carrieri (Economic Sociology)

(September 2016), ILERA Europe Regional Conference, University of Milan, Italy. Union strategies, national institutions and the use of temporary labour in Italian and US plants Discussants: Proff. Melanie Simms (Work and Employment) and Roberto Pedersini (Economic sociology)

(September 2016), ILERA Europe Regional Conference, University of Milan, Italy. Analysis of Italian medium-sized enterprises’ collective bargaining from an international perspective. Discussant: Prof. Serafino Negrelli (Sociology of Work)

(October 2016), Associazione Italiana di Studio delle Relazioni Industriali (Aisri), Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. Partecipazione diretta in due imprese altoatesine. Discussants: Proff. Domenico Carrieri (Economic Sociology) and Gaetano Zilio Grandi (Labour Law)

(September 2016), Ires, Mestre. Seminar “Towards an analysis of company’s collective bargaining in Veneto. 2010-2015”. Discussant: Prof. Donata Gottardi (Labour Law),

(May 2016) Bocconi University, Management School, Milano. Seminar “Industrial relations and attractiveness of foreign direct investments”. Discussant: Professor Giuseppe Berta (Contemporary History).

(November 2015) Afi-Ipl, Trade Union Research Centre, Bolzano. Conference “Advanced forms of work organization and collaborative industrial relations”, with the participation of Professor Domenico Carrieri (Economic Sociology) and Dr. Silvia Hruska-Frank, AK Vienna (Industrial Relations).

(October 2015) Federmanager Verona. Seminar with the presentation of the book “Fabbriche Globali. Un confronto fra Torino e Detroit”. Discussants: Proff. Giorgio Gosetti (Economic Sociology) and Donata Gottardi (Labour Law).

(May 2015) Confindustria Pordenone. Seminar with the presentation of the book “Fabbriche Globali. Un confronto fra Torino e Detroit”. Discussant: Prof. Paolo Feltrin (Political Science).

(April 2015) Lares (Trade Union Training Research Center), Trento. Seminar with the presentation of the book “Fabbriche Globali. Un confronto fra Torino e Detroit”.

(February 2015) Vera Nocentini Trade Union Association, Torino. Seminar with the presentation of the book “Fabbriche Globali. Un confronto fra Torino e Detroit”. Discussants: Proff. Giancarlo Cerruti (Sociology of Organization), Giuseppe Berta (Contemporary History) and Aldo Enrietti (Company Management),

(September 2014) Lares (Trade Union Training Research Center), Trento. Seminar “American unionism: Collective bargaining, industrial relations and strategies for re-launching unionims in Europe and in the US”.

(June 2014) Ires, Mestre, "The peculiar characteristics of collective bargaining in the commercial and cleaning sectors for Filcams Veneto”. Discussant: Dr. Salvo Leonardi (Labour Law)

(April 2014) Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. Seminar with the presentation of the paper “Lean production, good jobs and employees’ satisfaction: results from the automobile supply sector in Italy and US”. Discussant: Marco Hauptmeier (Comparative International Human Resource Management).

(December 2013) Department of Economics and Management, Cà Foscari University, Venice. Seminar “Employment and Labor Relations within Multinationals”. Discussant: Prof. Francesco Zirpoli (Company Management).

(July 2013) Province of Turin. Seminar “Lean production diffusion in the province of Turin: Perspective from an empirical research”, with the participation of Professors Giancarlo Cerruti (Sociology of Organization) and Aldo Enrietti (Company Management).

(May 2013) Province of Turin. Seminar “Training activities within lean production implementation: How public funds can support organizational innovation”, with the participation of Professors Giancarlo Cerruti (Sociology of Organization) and Aldo Enrietti (Company Management).

(February 2013) Province of Turin. Seminar “Process of lean production implementation in manufacturing companies”, with the participation of Professors Giancarlo Cerruti (Sociology of Organization) and Aldo Enrietti (Company Economics).

(January 2013), Ires, Verona, Seminar "Work quality and Company Collective Bargaining”. Discussant: Prof. Giorgio Gosetti (Sociology of Organization)

(September 2012), National Conference of the Italian Sociology National Association, Division Economy, Work and Organization (Ais-Elo), University of Calabria. Automotive crisis: global issues and local answers, Discussant: Prof. Bruno Cattero (Company organization and Employment Relations)

(June 2012), Inter-department University of Brescia, Seminar “Work organization and human resource management in Italy and US”. Discussant: Prof. Giancarlo Provasi (Economic Sociology)

(April 2012) Departments of Economics and Management, University of Bergamo. Seminar “Work organization and human resource management”. Discussant: Prof. Riccardo Leoni (Labour Economics).

(March 2012) Bocconi University, Management School, Milan. Seminar “Management Rules and Values in Multinational Companies”. Discussant: Prof. Giuseppe Berta (Contemporary History).

(March 2012) Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento, Lecture “Work organization and industrial relations in the Italian and American automobile sectors”, invited by Prof. Bruno Grancelli (Economic Sociology).

(February 2012) Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia, Seminar “Work organization and industrial relations in Italy and United States: evidence from a case-study comparison in Turin and Detroit”. Discussant: Prof. Ivana Pais (Economic Sociology).

(January 2012) Faculty of Auto Engineering, Design Center, Torino. Seminar “World Class Manufacturing. Rethinking the factory, re-organizing the work”.

(July 2011) Inter-department seminar (Sociology, Economics and Law), Wayne State University Detroit. Seminar “Multinational companies and convergent employment practices”. Discussant: Prof. David Fasenfest (Sociology of Work)





Altre attività


Human Resource Management Journal

Human Relations

Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Economic and Industrial Democracy

Industrial Relations Journal


Journal of Organizational Effectiveness

Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit

Frontiers in Psychology

Studi Organizzativi

Sociologia del Lavoro

Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity

Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies


Impresa Sociale