Serena Tomasi

Ricercatrice (RTD-B)

Facoltà di Giurisprudenza

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283513
serena.tomasi_1[at]unitn [dot] it

1997-2002  High school: Liceo Classico G. Prati (Trento, Italy)

Final vote: 100/100


14/12/2005   Degree in Legal Sciences

Faculty of Law – University of Trento

Degree Course: Laurea in Scienze Giuridiche

Final Vote: 110 /110 cum laude,

Thesis Title: Causa Curiana


12/03/2008  Degree in Law

 Faculty of Law – University of Trento

Degree Course: Laurea specialistica/magistrale

Final Vote: 110/110 cum laude

Thesis Title: Il principio del contraddittorio


01/09/2009 -12/10/2010 Post-Graduate Legal Training School

Ordine degli Avvocati di Trento – L.go Pigarelli n. 1 - Trento

(Winner of the 2010 ‘Coretti Prize’ for the first classified in the competition of merit of the School)


05/07/2010-07/07/2010 ISSA Summer School on Argumentation 

Faculty of Humanities

Department of Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric

University of Amsterdam (Spuistraat 134 1012 VB Amsterdam -The Netherlands)


09/05/2011-27/05/2011 OSSA Summer Institute on Argumentation

 Reasoning & Argument: Computing and Cognitive Science Perspective

Centre for Research on Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR)

Department of Philosophy - University of Windsor (Canada)


17/10/2008 - 15/03/2012 Ph.D. In Comparative and European Legal Studies

Faculty of Law – University of Trento (Italy)

PhD Thesis: Teorie dell’argomentazione e processo penale. Un’analisi delle principali teorie argomentative contemporanee con profili applicativi al processo penale. Final Vote: Excellent


29/10/2012  Lawyer enrolled in the Bar of Trento, after two years of legal practice and passing the qualifying examination to practice the legal profession.


20/01/2022- 20/01/2031  National Scientific Qualification (art.16 of the law 30 December 2010, n.240)National Scientific Qualification – Italian Associate Professor (II)- Competition sector 12 / H3 – Philosophy of Law (=Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Fascia II – Settore concorsuale 12/H3)


Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

Teaching Assistant

  Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)

Courses: Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Law -advanced course, Legal Argumentation, Legal Informatics, Legal Ethics


01/02/2015 - 31/01/2016 Post-doc Researcher (CARITRO Foundation Fellowship) (L. 240/2010)

SIS – School of International  Studies – University of Trento

Dep. L.240/2010 School of International Studies

Research Topic: Differenze, migrazione, integrazione: educare alla cittadinanza nell’età del pluralismo giuridico


28/10/16-28/03/17 Maternity Leave: I declare that I have benefited from the allowances provided for professionals pursuant to Legislative Decree 151/01 for 5 months following the birth of the child, which took place on 28.10.16.    


01/07/2019 - 31/08/2020 Fixed-Term Fellow Researcher in Philosophy of Law (L. 240/2010)

   Faculty of Law – University of Trento

   Dep. L. 240/2010 Faculty of Law

Research Topic: I processi cognitivi e la componente emotiva nella formazione del iudicatum: analisi e valutazione delle fallacie del ragionamento giudiziale



Sessional Lecturer:


08/10/2010-03/12/2010 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2010/11, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


28/09/2011-06/12/2011 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2011/12, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


03/03/2014 - 22/05/2014 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (40hr)

a.y. 2013/14, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


31/10/2014-11/12/2014 Lecturer in “Legal Informatics & Argumentative Tecniques” (21hr)

a.y. 2014/15, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


02/03/2015-18/05/2015 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2014/15, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


21/10/2015-03/12/2015 Lecturer in “Deontologia e metodo delle professioni legali” (21hr)

a.y. 2015/16, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


14/03/2016-26/04/2016 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2015/16, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


20/02/2017-27/03/2017 Lecturer in “Tecniche di argomentazione giuridica (Lab. Appl.) (20hr)

a.y. 2016/17, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


03/04/2017-16/05/2017 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2016/17, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


26/02/2018-14/05/2018 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2017/18, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


12/03/2018-08/05/2018 Lecturer in “Philosophy of Law” (15hr)

a.y. 2017/18, Degree Course: CEILS Comparative European and International Legal Studies

University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


20/11/2018-13/12/2018 Lecturer in “Logic, Argumentation and the Law” (14hr)

   a.y. 2017/18, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

   University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


20/02/2019-10/05/2019 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2018/19, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


04/03/2019-29/04/2019 Lecturer in “Philosophy of Law” (15hr)

a.y. 2018/19, Degree Course: CEILS Comparative European and International Legal Studies

University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


17/09/2019-04/11/2019 Lecturer in “Philosophy of Law” (21hr)

a.y. 2019/20, Degree Course: CEILS Comparative European and International Legal Studies

University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


25/02/2020-07/05/2020 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2019/20, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


30/03/2020-05/05/2020 Lecturer in “Teoria e pratica delle conversazioni in contesti legali “(10hr)

a.y. 2019/20, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza – Innovative Didactic Methods

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


14/09/2020-07/12/2020 Lecturer in “Philosophy of Law” (40hr)

a.y. 2020/21, Degree Course: CEILS Comparative European and International Legal Studies

University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


05/03/2021-14/05/2021 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (20hr)

a.y. 2020/21, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza,

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


05/03/2021-14/05/2021 Lecturer in “Filosofia del diritto (esercitazioni)” (22hr)

a.y. 2020/21, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza (K-Z),

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


12/04/2021-11/05/2021 Lecturer in “Teoria e pratica delle conversazioni in contesti legali “(10hr)

a.y. 2020/21, Degree Course: Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza – Innovative Didactic Methods

Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


13/09/2021-09/12/2021 Lecturer in “Philosophy of Law” (21hr)

a.y. 2021/22, Degree Course: CEILS Comparative European and International Legal Studies

University of Trento, Trento (Italy)


   Teaching assignments, in PhD Schools and Programmes and Professional Masters


07/04/2015-08/04/2015  Lectures (10hr)

2nd level Master “Argomentazione giuridica"

University of Bari Aldo Moro

Title: Argomentazione e retorica forense


13/05/2016-14/05/2016 Lectures (10hr)

2nd level Master “Argomentazione giuridica"

University of Bari Aldo Moro

Title: Argomentazione e retorica forense


18/05/2018-18/05/2018 Lecture (4hr)

Doctoral Programme in Comparative and European Legal Studies (1st,2nd yr students)

University of Trento

Title: Principio di cooperazione e ragionamento giudiziale. La "svolta pragmatica" delle filosofie linguistiche nella prospettiva dell’argomentazione giuridica.


15/03/2019-15/03/2019 Lecture (2hr)

Doctoral Programme in Comparative and European Legal Studies (1st yr students)

University of Trento

Title: Pragmatica dell'argomentazione



Other Teaching Assignments:


02/03/2012  Lecture

Parma Law School (Professional Specialist Program)

   University of Parma (Italy)

   Topic: Dispositio et elocution (2hr)


01/02/2014-31/05/2014 Training Course on Argumentation for high-school teachers

   s.y. 2013/2014 – University of Trento and Istituto M.Curie in Pergine Valsugana (Tn)

   Topic: Laboratorio di argomentazione (12hr)


07/06/2014  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Bolzano Bar Association)

   Topic: Il parere penale. Indicazioni di metodologia giuridica (2hr)


03/10/2014  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Bolzano Bar Association)

   Topic: Metodologia giuridica (4hr)


 10/10/2014  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Bolzano Bar Association)

   Topic: Metodologia giuridica – tecniche di argomentazione (2hr)


27/11/2015  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Arezzo Bar Association – Associazione Formazione Forense del Sud della Toscana)

   Topic: Logica e Argomentazione (3hr)


2016-2019  Lecture (annual)

   University of Trento (Faculty of Law) – Liceo Classico G. Prati di Trento

   Project ‘IUS al Prati’

   Topic: Il lessico del giurista (2hr)


23/03/2018  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Trento Bar Association)

   Topic: Metodologia giuridica. Analisi e lettura della traccia (4hr)


27/09/2018  1st Experimental Course – Writing lessons and exercises

Law School (Trento Bar Association) – ALUMNI, University of Trento

   Faculty of Law –University of Trento

   Topic: Fondamenti di psicologia forense. Strategie per persuadere (2hr)


05/11/2018  Lecture

  IALS, Istituto di Argomentazione, Linguistica e Semiotica

  USI, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano

  Topic: La retorica forense: un modello di comunicazione in processo (2hr)


14/02/2019  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Trento Bar Association)

   Topic: Metodologia giuridica. Analisi e lettura della traccia (3hr)


27/09/2019  2nd  Experimental Course – Writing lessons and exercises

Law School (Trento Bar Association) – ALUMNI, University of Trento

   Faculty of Law –University of Trento

   Topic: Opacità o trasparenza delle ragioni in processo (2hr)


20/02/2020  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Trento Bar Association)

   Topic: Teorie e tecniche di argomentazione giuridica (3hr)


21/02/2020  Faculty of Law –University of Trento

   Innovative Didactic – Teaching Seminar

Discussant on J. Convertini (USI, Università della Svizzera Italiana)

Topic: Istintività e giochi nel processo di apprendimento dell’argomentazione


16/10/2020  3rd Experimental Course – Writing lessons and exercises

Law School (Trento Bar Association) – ALUMNI, University of Trento

   Faculty of Law –University of Trento

   Topic: Il desiderio in ascolto: riscoprire gli intrecci della persuasione, tra discorsi e sensazioni


25/02/2021  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Trento Bar Association)

   Topic: Metodologia giuridica. Analisi e lettura della traccia (3hr)


16/04/2021  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Trento Bar Association)

   Topic: Metodologia giuridica. Analisi e lettura della traccia (3hr)


19/11/2021  Lecture – Program for Professional Legal Training

   Law School (Trento Bar Association)

   Topic: Metodologia giuridica. Analisi e lettura della traccia (3hr)


   Other Activites:


01/04/2008-31/12/2010 Editorial collaboration with Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre Spa for the series “Percorso Avvocato” –

“Pareri di diritto penale. Prova scritta esame avvocato”, participating in the drafting of comments.



Interessi di ricerca

Filosofia del diritto
Teoria dell’argomentazione
Retorica Forense
Metodologia della Scienza Giuridica
Informatica Giuridica
Teoria Generale del Diritto



Attività di ricerca

01/06/2012-On  Member of CERMEG (Centro di ricerca sulla metodologia giuridica)

   Research Group of the Faculty of Law (University of Trento)

Permanent research project: organization and participation in national and international research projects, seminars, conferences, lectures on the subject of argumentation and rhetoric in the legal field; organization of the annual Conference Trento Days of Rhetoric - GTR.

Funding: University of Trento, Faculty of Law


01/11/2011-31/12/2011 Member of the Research Project “Comunicare la professionalità"

Partner: Cermeg; Professional Orders of Trento

Research activity: seminars and publication of proceedings (in Tigor - Journal of Communication Sciences. A. IV (2012), n. 1 (January-June).

Funding: Gipro – Provincia Autonoma di Trento


01/06/2012-30/04/2020 Member of the Research Project “Osservatorio sulla Giustizia di Pace”

  Member of the Research Unity of the Faculty of Law (director: prof. Fornasari)

  Partners: Faculty of Law, University of Trento, Regione Trentino Alto Adige

Research Activity: repertory of the judgments, analysis of the legal opinions, topical selection, maximization, website database implementation; participation at annual conference; participation in periodic coordination meetings.

Funding: Regione TAA – University of Trento


01/02/2015 - 31/01/2016 Research Direction

Post-doc Researcher (CARITRO Foundation Fellowship) (L. 240/2010)

SIS – School of International  Studies – University of Trento

Research Topic: Differenze, migrazione, integrazione: educare alla cittadinanza nell’età del pluralismo giuridico


15/02/2016- 15/06/2016 Member of Trento University Strategic Project

  Project Title: LIL - Living Integration Laws

  Partner: Faculty of Law, Department of Sociology and Social Research, Department of Humanities

University of Trento

Research Activity: member of the research unit of the Faculty of Law; project communication management, developing and processing a web project (website communication).


01/01/2019-31/12/2019 Research Direction

Proponent with A.C. Cermeg of the winning project of the Pog2019 call.

Project Title: Hospitable Professions.

Research activity: establishment of a network of migration experts; creation of links between researchers and professionals and third sector entities; organization of seminars.

Funding: GIPRO - Autonomous Province of Trento.


01/07/2019 - 31/08/2020 Research Direction

   Faculty of Law – University of Trento

   Dep. L. 240/2010 Faculty of Law

Research Topic: I processi cognitivi e la componente emotiva nella formazione del iudicatum: analisi e valutazione delle fallacie del ragionamento giudiziale


01/01/2020-31/12/2020 Research Direction

Proponent with A.C. Cermeg of the winning project of the Pog2020call.

Title: Hospitable Professions (II)

Research activity: establishment of a network of migration experts; creation of links between researchers and professionals and third sector entities; organization of seminars.

Funding: GIPRO - Autonomous Province of Trento.


01/11/2020-present Member of COST Action CA17132

Member of Research Group WG1: Empirical Study of Public Argumentation

and WG2: Norms of Public Argument: Concepts and Methods

Research Activity: participation in the organization of Cost Action Events (Trento Training School - The rhetorical roots of argumentation. A legal experience, Faculty of Law, University of Trento 2021); participation in Short Term Scientific Meeting (6-18 September, 2021) on “The duty to state reasons in European Union legislation: arguing for subsidiarity”, with C. Andone -University of Amsterdam.

Funding: EU Funding




Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Member of the Editorial Board of the "Studies on Argumentation & Legal Philosophy" series, for the Quaderni Series of the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento, Publisher: University of Trento.


Member of the editorial board of the Journal TCRS - Theory and criticism of social regulation, Issn: 1970-5476, Publisher: MIM EDIZIONI SRL.


Member of the Peer-Reviewers Panel of MDPI (Open Access Journals)


Member of RSE - Rhetoric Society of Europe (RSE)


Member  of ISSA - International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA)


Member of SIFD - Società Italiana di Filosofia del Diritto


Member of CERMEG - Centro di Ricerca sulla Metodologia Giuridica (Research Group – Faculty of Law – University of Trento)

Convegni e conferenze

29/06/2010-02/07/2010 Speaker at the International Conference

7th Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam,  June 29-July 2, 2010,

Title: Adversarial principle and argumentation: an outline of Italian Criminal Trial

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


07/09/2010-09/09/2010 Speaker at the International Conference

   “Persuasion et argumentation »

Colloque international organisé par le CRAL à l’EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)

Paris (France)

Title : Forensic Rhetoric: Truth or Persuasive Efficacy? Some Outlines on the Italian Experience

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


03/03/2011-24/03/2011 Invited Participant (Seminars organized by M. Meyer)

   Topic: La Rhetorique, l'Argumentation et les Sciences Humaines

Seminars at College de France (3, 10, 17, 24 marzo 2011)


21/04/2012-21/04/2012 Speaker at the International Conference

  1st International Conference on Rhetoric DAYS OF IVO ŠKARIĆ

Croatia, Postira, April 21, 2020

Title: Characters on CQs in argumentation schemes

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


07/06/2012-08/06/2012 Speaker at the International Conference

   GTR12 XII Giornate Tridentine di Retorica 1st International Workshop,

Argumentation & Rhetoric (in Public Discourse, in Language, in Law), 7-8 June, 2012

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Title: A comparative analysis of argumentation: some bridging concepts    (peer-reviewed paper submissions)


31/10/2013-31/10/2013 Speaker at Workshop

“Giornata di Studio. L'eccezione nel diritto (Trento, 31 ottobre 2013)”

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Title: La struttura argomentativa dell'eccezione. Una proposta di studio su base pragma-dialettica

23/06/2014- 26/06/2014 Speaker at the International Conference

  DAYS OF IVO ŠKARIĆ - 2nd International Conference on Rhetoric

Croatia, Postira, April 22 – 25, 2020

Title: Writing a statement of defence

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


01/07/2014-05/07/2014 Speaker at the International Conference

   8th International Conference on Argumentation - ISSA, July 1-July 4, 2014


Title: Ethos And Pathos In Legal Argumentation. The Case Of Proceedings Relating To Children (with M. Manzin)

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


09/06/2015-12/06/2015 Speaker at the International Conference

1st European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Reasoned Action, 9-12 June 2015

Lisbon, Portugal

Title: Comment on fairness, definition and the legislator's intent. Arguments from epieikeia in Aristotle's Rhetoric


17/06/2015-19/06/2015 Member of the Organizing Committee

GTR15: Giornate Tridentine di Retorica – XV ed.

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Topic: " Strategie d’immagine e razionalità argomentativa nel processo giudiziale”


17/06/2015-19/06/2015 Speaker at the International Conference

GTR15: Giornate Tridentine di Retorica – XV ed., “Strategie d’immagine e razionalità argomentativa nel processo giudiziale”

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Title: Forensic rhetoric & civil dialogue: a model for education at school


26/06/2015-26/06/2015 Speaker at the International Conference

“Legal Argumentation and the Rule of Law”, 25-26 June 2015

Rotterdam, Netherlands, Erasmus School of Law

Title: Dressing arguments: the formulas and the Rule of Law  


20/11/2015-21/11/2015 Speaker at the International Conference

7th International Conference – Legal Theory, Legal Argumentation and Legal Philosophy, (20–21 November 2015

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Title: "EU values for lawyers: the CCBE Code of Conduct" (peer-reviewed paper submissions)


21/11/2015-21/11/2015 Speaker in a Seminar

   SSI – School of International Studies (University of Trento) – Internationale Centre for Intercultural

Exchange (Siena) – Centre of Intercultural Studies (Verona)

School of International Studies of Trento

Topic: Legal argumentation: a win win approach for conflict resolution education. A pilot experiment

in secondary schools


20/04/2016-23/04/2016 Speaker at the International Conference

  3rd International Conference on Rhetoric “Days of Ivo Škarić”, April 20 – 23, 2016

Croatia, Postira

Title: Legal argumentation: a win-win approach for conflict resolution education

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


25/01/2016-25/01/2016 Speaker at the Workshop

  Tavola Rotonda - Joint Event. Integrazione tra diritto e parola.

SSI – School of International Studies (University of Trento)

Title: Argomentazione ed educazione alla cittadinanza


16/06/2016-17/06/2016 Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference; Session Chair

GTR16: Trento Day on Rhetoric - XVI ed.

7th ISLL- Italian Society for Law & Literature

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Topic: A Picture of Law. Multimodal Argumentation, Pluralism and Images in Law


08/06/2017-09/06/2017 Member of the Organizing Committee; Session Chair

GTR17: Giornate Tridentine di Retorica - XVII ed.

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Topic: "Argomentazione e legalità nell'epoca dei pluralismi"


20/06/2017-23/06/2017 Speaker at the International Conference

2nd European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Inference, 20-23 June 2017, Fribourg, Switzerland

Title: Cultural Disagreements and Legal Argumentation: An Educational Program in Middle Schools

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


07/02/2018-09/02/2018 Speaker at the International Conference

  Argage Conference - “Argumentation & Language” , 7 - 9 of February 2018

USI - Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Switzerland

Title: Styles formulas and argumentation in legal speeches

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


03/06/2018-06/06/2018 Speaker at the International Conference

  The Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation - 3-6 June 2018

University of Amesterdam

Title: "Dressed Arguments in Legal Speeches: The Use of Style Formulas"

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


21/06/2018-22/06/2018 Member of the Organizing Committee; Session Chair

GTR18: Giornate Tridentine di Retorica - XVIII ed.

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Topic: Sessant'anni dopo la "svolta argomentativa": cosa è cambiato? Comunicazione, contesti e diritto


13/09/2018-15/09/2018 Speaker at the Conference

   XXXI Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Filosofia del Diritto

“Diritto e futuro dell'Europa”, 13-15 settembre 2018

University of Bergamo

Title: "Identità e cittadinanza”


08/01/2019-09/01/2019 Discussant at Workshop

"Young Children in Argumentative Discussions" January, 8 - 9, 2019

University Neuchatel (Swiss), Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines

Institut de psychologie et éducation

Discussant on the results of the Arg-Imp research project concerning the study of argumentation of children and the procedural and material premises of their inferential processes.


17/01/2019-18/01/2019 Discussant at Workshop (promoted by Associazione Alumni Giurisprudenza, Alumni SGCE)

   “Giornate di studio - Le (in)certezze del diritto”

Faculty of Law, University of Trento (Italy)

Discussant of the interventions of the workshop session dedicated to the analysis of the tools for legal certainty (from the new challenges of nomofilachy, to the civil liability regime, from the constraint of the previous one to the ANAC guidelines in system of sources)


31/05/2019-31/05/2019 Speaker at the Conference

“Natural Law Day IV. 31 May 2019”

Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Budapest,

Title: "Nature and Reason in the Perspective of Forensic Rhetoric. The Contribution of Forensic Rhetoric to the Study of Natural Logic"


13/06/2019-14/06/2019 Member of the Organizing Committee

“GTR 2019 - XIX Ed. Giornate Tridentine di Retorica” June 13 – 14, 2019

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Topic: ONUS PROBANDI - La formazione della prova tra ragioni ed emozioni


24/06/2019-27/06/2019 Speaker at the International Conference

ECA Groningen 2019 - 3rd European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2019

"Reason to Dissent", Monday, June 24 – Thursday, June 27 2019

University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Title: Cultural Disagreements and Legal Argumentation: An Educational Program in Middle Schools

(peer-reviewed paper submissions)


08/11/2019-06/12/2019 Organization of a cycle of seminars (n. 5); participation as introductory speaker and session chair

“Dialoghi dei Professionisti Ospitali”

Faculty of Law (University of Trento - Gi.Pro - Provincia Autonoma di Trento)

Topic: philosophy of law, migration law.


03/06/2020-06/06/2020 Speaker at the International Conference

The Twelfth Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation

"EVIDENCE, PERSUASION & DIVERSITY" University of Windsor – June 3 - 6, 2020

Title: "Diversity of Judgments: reason and emotion in forensic practice"

Regular paper with commentator (peer-reviewed paper submissions)  


25/06/2020-26/06/2020 Speaker at the International Conference

“International Conference On Legal Argumentation”

Conference Theme: ‘Legal argumentation: reasoned dissensus and common ground’

(Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam the Netherlands) -June 25 and 26, 2020.

Paper accepted (peer-reviewed paper submissions); Conference postponed due to Covid-19.


13/11/2020-11/12/2020 Organization of a cycle of seminars (n. 5); participation as introductory speaker and session chair

“Dialoghi dei Professionisti Ospitali”

Faculty of Law (University of Trento - Gi.Pro - Provincia Autonoma di Trento)

Topic: philosophy of law, migration law.


10/06/2021-11/06/2021 Member of the Organizing Committee; Session Chair

“GTR 2021 - XX Ed. Giornate Tridentine di Retorica” June 10 – 11, 2021

Faculty of Law, University of Trento

Topic: Retorica e valori nella decisione giudiziale


17/03/2021-19/05/2021 Speaker in a Seminar

Università del Piemonte Orientale - Scuola di Formazione Forense G. Ambrosoli

Title: Metodo retorico e verità


02/07/2021-02/07/2021 Speaker in a Seminar

   “Presentazione dei progetti di ricerca e dei libri. Con gli Avvocati Serena Tomasi e Francesca Pesce”

   Trento Bar Association, Fondazione Bisia Tommasini,

   Faculty of Law, University of Trento

   Title: Argumentation in legal practice


30/08/2021-04/09/2021 Member of the Organizing Committee; Trainer

   “Trento Training School: The rhetorical roots of argumentation. A legal experience”

Within “COST Action CA17132 - APPLY European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis”

   Faculty of Law, University of Trento


25/11/2021-26/11/2021 Speaker at the International Conference

   11th LEGARG 2021-Legal Argumentation and/or Legal Rhetoric?

   European Faculty of Law (New University), Mestni trg 23, Ljubljan

   Title: Rhetoric in Legal Education: Theoretical and Methodological Perspective

   (peer-reviewed paper submissions)


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Avvocato -  Iscritto all'Elenco Speciale dei docenti e ricercatori universitari a tempo pieno annesso all'Albo ordinario