Diego Misseroni

Via Mesiano, 77 - 38123 Trento
tel. 0461 282684 | 0461 282555
diego.misseroni[at]unitn [dot] it

The extended version of the CV is available here or on his webpage


2013 Ph.D., University of Trento, Italy          

PhD. in Engineering of Civil and Mechanical Structural Systems 

Dissertation title: Experimental models of elastic structures: tensile buckling and Eshelby-like forces. Supervisor: D. Bigoni

2010 Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering - Structures, 110/110 cum laude, University of Trento, Italy      

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

The extended version of the CV is available here or on his webpage

Academic positions

04/2022-Present:  Associate Professor, University of Trento, DICAM, Italy.

04/2016–03/2022:  Assistant Professor (RTDA – RTDB), University of Trento, DICAM, Italy.

04/2016–03/2022:  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Trento, DICAM, Italy.

04/2016–03/2022:  Marie Curie Experienced Research Associate , University of Liverpool, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UK.

Interessi di ricerca

The extended version of the CV is available here or on his webpage

The research interests are in the field of the Mechanics of Solids and Structures and include:

  • Architected materials, metamaterials and origami engineering;
  • buckling and instabilities of structures undergoing large deformations and subjected to "dead" and "live" loading;
  • fracture mechanics and contact mechanics.
Premi e riconoscimenti

The extended version of the CV is available here or on his webpage


2024 Thomas J. R. Hughes (ASME) Young Investigator Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA

2023 DICAM Teaching Excellence Award, University of Trento, Italy

2022 Zwick Roell Science Award, ZwickRoell, Germany

2022 Paul Roell Medal, ZwickRoell, Germany

2022 ERC Consolidator Grant, European Research Council

2022 EML Young Investigator Award, Extreme Mechanics Letters Team - Elsevier

2022 Fulbright fellowship - Research Scholar, the US - Italy Fulbright Commission

2022 Trentino Research Award - Young Researchers, PAT - Italy

2019 DICAM Teaching Excellence Award, University of Trento, Italy

2017 AIMETA Junior Prize in Solid and Structural Mechanics, Salerno (Italy), 2017


10 Covers of International Journals

1 frontispiece of Advanced Materials, 2 cover of Materials Today, 1 cover of Extreme Mechanics Letters, and 6 covers of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.