Gabriele Baratto

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
gabriele.baratto[at]unitn [dot] it

2019 - Dottore di ricerca (cum laude) in Studi Internazionali (area: criminologia), Doctoral School of International Studies, Unversità di Trento

2013 - Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza 110/110 con lode, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Trento

2006 - Maturità scientifica, Liceo Scientifico “Giorgio Dal Piaz” di Feltre, Belluno

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

[Ultimo aggiornamento: febbraio 2024]

Didattica @UniTrento

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Master (LL.M.)

Academic specialist | LL.M.  in Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and International Law | United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) - United Nations University  for Peace (UPEACE) - CSSC

Guest lecture (Università straniere)

  • 30 November 2023. Universidade da Coruña - Facultade de Dereito. Grado en Derecho, course "Criminal Law - Special Part". Title (lecture): AI, Image-Based Sexual Abuse and Gender Violence. 
  • 28 November 2023. Universidade da Coruña - Facultade de Dereito. Grado en Derecho, course "Criminal Law - Special Part". Title (lecture): From the Sicilian fields to artificial intelligence: the evolution of the mafia and the anti-mafia system. 
  • 20 June 2018. Franklin University (American University Switzerland, Lugano). Course “Criminology”. Title (lecture): Crime and ICT. 
  • 20 June 2017. Franklin University (American University Switzerland, Lugano). Course “Criminology”. Title (lecture): Security and information society. 

Guest lecture (Università italiane)

  • 7 November 2023. University of Trento, School of International Studies, Master Degree in International Security Studies, course “Global Markets and Security Issues”. Title (lecture): The illegal trade of medicines.  
  • 31 March 2023. CAIT - University of Verona - University of Trieste - University of Udine - [...]. Master in "law of foreigners" (Corso di formazione in diritto degli stranieri). Title (lecture): "Il diritto penale dello straniero come diritto d’autore? Spunti per un’analisi sociologica e criminologica del diritto penale dello straniero: i fenomeni criminali che coinvolgono i migranti quali vittime e quali autori di reato; immigrazione e integrazione nel contesto della prevenzione del crimine. Reati “culturalmente orientati”: compatibilità dell’eventuale condanna con la finalità rieducativa della pena ex art. 27 Cost.” (EN: "Criminal law of the foreigner as "author law"? Hints for a sociological and criminological analysis of the criminal law of the foreigner: the criminal phenomena involving migrants as victims and as perpetrators of crime; immigration and integration in the context of crime prevention. "Culturally oriented" crimes: compatibility of any conviction with the re-educational purpose of the sentence pursuant to art. 27 of the Constitution".
  • 11 November 2022. University of Trento, School of International Studies, Master Degree in International Security Studies, course “Global Markets and Security Issues”. Title (lecture): The illegal trade of medicines.  
  • 21 December 2021. University of Torino, Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Bachelor degree in Professional Education, course “Sociology”. Title (lecture): Criminologia e sociologia della devianza (EN: Criminology and sociology of deviance). 
  • 19 November 2021. University of Trento, School of International Studies, Master Degree in International Security Studies, course “Global Markets”. Title (lecture): The illegal trade of medicines.   
  • 21 May 2021. University of Torino, Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Bachelor degree in Professional Education, course “Sociology”. Title (lecture): Criminologia e sociologia della devianza (EN: Criminology and sociology of deviance). 
  • 11 December 2020. Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Milan), Master for public and private security professionals (Corso di Formazione per Professionisti della Sicurezza Pubblica e Privata). Title (guest): Criminology and security (modules e and f) - ID thefts and frauds / social media and security.
  • 4 December 2020. Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Milan), Master for public and private security professionals (Corso di Formazione per Professionisti della Sicurezza Pubblica e Privata). Title (guest): Criminology and security (modules c and d) - Counterfeiting / online illegal trades.
  • 9 October 2020. Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Milan), Master for public and private security professionals (Corso di Formazione per Professionisti della Sicurezza Pubblica e Privata). Title (guest): Criminology and security (modules a and b) - Cigarette smuggling / predictive policing.
  • 4 November 2020. University of Trento, School of International Studies, Master Degree in International Security Studies, course “Global Markets”. Title (lecture): The illegal trade of medicines.   
  • 13 November 2019. University of Trento, School of International Studies, Master Degree in International Security Studies, course “Global Markets”. Title (lecture): Title (lecture): The illegal trade of medicines.   
  • 26 July 2019. University of Trento, Department of Information Engineering and Science, EIT Digital Summer School “Digital Cities as infrastructures for Smart Mobility (DCSM2019)”. Title (guest lecture): eCriminology.
  • 18 March 2019. University of Trento, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, Master Degree in Human-Computer Interaction, course “Design for social inclusion”. Title (guest lecture): eCriminology - Multidisciplinary applied research to fight against crime, and to support victims. 
  • 8-9 November 2018. University of Trento, School of International Studies, Master Degree in International Security Studies, course “Global Markets”. Titles (lectures): The illegal trade of medicines / Migrant smuggling.   
  • 14 July 2017. University of Trento, Department of Information Engineering and Science, EIT Digital Summer School “Cybersecurity and Privacy 2017 (CSP2017)”. Title (guest lecture): eCrime - From theory to practice.
  • 8 November 2016. Università di Ferrara, Department of Medicine and Surgery Bachelor degree in Professional Education, course “Sociology”. Title (lecture): Il farmaco che uccide: la falsificazione dei medicinali (EN: The medicine that kills: the falsification of pharmaceuticals). 
  • 7 July 2016. University of Trento, Department of Information Engineering and Science, EIT Digital Summer School “Security and Privacy in Digital Life (SPDL)”. Title (guest lecture): How organised crime does business thanks to the ICT
  • a.y. 2014/2015. Università di Ferrara, Deparment of Medicine and Surgery Beachelor degree in Professional Educations, course “Sociology”. Title (lecture): Criminalità organizzata e traffico illecito di medicinali (EN: Organised crime and the online trade of falsified medicines).
  • a.y. 2014/2015. Università di Ferrara, Department of Medicine and Surgery Bachelor degree in Professional Education, course “Sociology”. Title (lecture): Criminali razionali e il commercio di farmaci falsificati (EN: Rational offenders and the online trade of falsified medicines).

Attività didattica presso istituti internazionali

  • 05 May 2021. Course “Prevention and fight against terrorism and subversion”, International School of Higher Education for the prevention and the fight against Organised Crime. Title (lecture module): Violent extremism on social media. 
  • 26 April 2021. Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Transnational Crime and Justice 2020/2021 - United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). Title (lecture): Transnational Organised Crime.
  • 10 November 2020. Course “Understanding and Preventing Violent Extremism: programs and methods”, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) & University of Siena. Title (lecture): Understanding violent extremism - A focus on hate speech and hate crime.
  • 30 November 2017. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). Title (lecture): Organised crime in cyberspace - Case studies on migrant smuggling, human trafficking and falsified medicines. 

Attività di training presso istituti/istituzioni nazionali e internazionali

  • 16-17 May 2023. Training course for police officers on innovative investigative techniques and strategies to combat human trafficking organised by the Trento Public Prosecutor Office (project BIGOSINT). Place: Trento (IT). Title (lecture/seminar): Tratta di esseri umani e società digitale (EN: Human trafficking and the digital society). 
  • 22 March 2019. EU training speech in the context of “Operation OPSON” (EUROPOL). Place: Den Haag (NL). Title (training speech): The contribution of the academia in the fight against food counterfeiting. 
  • 14 May 2019. 1-day training seminar for the cadets of the Guardia di Finanza (“Alpine Scholl of the Guardia di Finanza”). Place: Predazzo, (IT). Title (training lectures): Il ruolo di Intenret nella tratta di esseri umani e il traffico di migranti e richiedenti asilo / Il contrabbando di sigarette (EN: The role of the iInternet in human smuggling and people smuggling / Cigarettes smuggling).
  • 16 February 2016. Training lecture to the cadets of the Guardia di Finanza (“Alpine Scholl of the Guardia di Finanza”). Place: Predazzo, (IT). Title (lecture): La tratta di esseri umani e il traffico di migranti e richiedenti asilo  (EN: Human trafficking and people smuggling).

Altre attività di training

  •  9 June 2023. Training event “Il ruolo degli enti locali e della comunità nel contrasto ai fenomeni criminali” (EN: “The role of local entities and community in the fight against criminal phenomena”) - Municipality of Cento. Place: Cento (IT) Title (lecture/seminar): La sicurezza urbana integrata (EN: Integrated urban security).
  • 10 February 2023. Training event on people smuggling for Emergency Volunteers. Place: Perugia (IT). 
  • 9 September 2022. Training course on human trafficking (Project InVisibile). Place: Bologna (IT) - “Regione Emilia-Romagna” Headquarters. Title (lecture/seminar): Pandemia e tratta: tra digitalizzazione e legislazione (EN: Pandemic and trafficking: between digitization and legislation). 
  • 28 April 2022. Training course on trafficking and exploitation “HTH LIGURIA 3 - Hope This Helps”. Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (lecture/seminar): Il punto sullo sfruttamento indoor e il ruolo della rete. Lo sviluppo dopo la pandemia (EN: The situation concerning indoor exploitation and the role of new technologies. Development after the pandemic).
  • 8 November 2021. Training course “FREE2LINK - Definizioni, case studies e strumenti per il contrasto dell’e-trafficking” (EN: Definitions, case studies and tools for combatting e-Trafficking). Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (lecture): Una panoramica criminologica sulla digitalizzazione della tratta di esseri umani (EN: A criminological overview on the digitalisation of human trafficking). 
  • 16 June 2021. Training course "Trafficking and Re-Trafficking Prevention" - Andreia Project. Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (lecture/seminar): The role of the Internet and new technologies in human trafficking. 
  • 14 April 2021. Training seminar for the parents of the Primary/Secondary School Institute of Pedavena (IT). Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (seminar): Bullismo e cyberbyllismo: dall’analisi criminologica alle misure di prevenzione e di contrasto (EN: Bullying and cyberbulling: from the criminological analysis to counteractions and prevention measures). 
  • 12 April 2021. Training seminar for the teachers for the Primary/Secondary School Institute of Pedavena (IT). Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (seminar): Bullismo e cyberbyllismo: dall’analisi criminologica alle misure di prevenzione e di contrasto (EN: Bullying and cyberbulling: from the criminological analysis to counteractions and prevention measures).
  • 14 and 21 December 2020. Training seminars for the students of the “P. F. Calvi” high school in Belluno (IT). Titles (lectures/seminars): Cyberbullismo e pornografia non consensuale (EN: Cyberbullying and non-consensual pornography).
  • 21 October 2020. Training seminar for the high-school teachers of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (IT). Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (training seminar): Cyberbullismo (EN: Cyberbulling. 
  • 31 January 2020. Training seminar for the students of the “U. Follador - A. De Rossi” high school in Falcade (IT). Title (lecture/seminar): Internet e nuove tecnologie - Opportunità e rischi (EN: The internet and ICT - Opportunities and risks).
  • 13 September 2018. Training seminar “HTC LIGURIA”. Place: Genova (IT). Title (lecture): The role of the internet in people smuggling and human trafficking.
Attività di ricerca

Si prega di vedere: 

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Membro della Società Italiana di Criminologia e della Società Europea di Criminologia. 

Premi e riconoscimenti

Premio per la "migliore comunicazione" - Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Criminologia 2018

Titolo intervento premiato: Relazioni violente tra giovani in internet: conoscere cyber-bulli e cyber-vittime grazie alla ricerca quali-quantitativa. 

Convegni e conferenze

Partecipazione in qualità di relatore (aggiornato a febbraio 2024):

  • 20 October 2023. National conference: 36th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Criminology - “Genere, cultura e criminalità” (EN: Gender, culture and crime). Place: Siena (IT). Plenary session. Title (speech/presentation): Transizione digitale e violenza di genere: la deepfake pornography (EN: Digital transition and gender violence: deepfake pornography).
  • 20 October 2023. National conference: 36th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Criminology - “Genere, cultura e criminalità” (EN: Gender, culture and crime). Place: Siena (IT). Plenary session. Title (speech/presentation): Donne vittime di tratta: le differenti politiche degli Stati membri dell’UE sulla prostituzione e le loro implicazioni sui diritti delle donne (EN: Women victims of trafficking: the different policies of the EU Member States on prostitution and their implications on women’s rights).
  • 22 September 2023. National conference: Giornate di studio "Le transizioni e il diritto" (EN: Study days "Transitions and the law"). Title (speech/presentation): La deepfake pornography: tra criminologia e diritto (Deepfake pornography: between criminology and law).
  • 21 September 2023. International conference: Giornate di studio "Le transizioni e il diritto" (EN: Study days "Transitions and the law"). Title (speech/presentation): La protezione dell’identità nella società digitale: considerazioni criminologiche e giuridiche (Protecting identity in the digital society: criminological and juridical considerations).
  • 7 September 2023. International conference: 23rd Annual conference of the European Society of Criminology - “The Renaissance of European Criminology. Place: Florence (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Movida: from media representantion to perception of urban disorder. The case study of Trento (Italy).
  • 6 September 2023. International conference: 23rd Annual conference of the European Society of Criminology - “The Renaissance of European Criminology. Place: Florence (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Human trafficking in the digital society: state of the art, theoretical perspectives and future directions.
  • 16 June 2023. National conference: XXII Edizione Delle Giornate Tridentine Di Retorica - "Il diritto come cura. L'esperienza delle cliniche legali nella prospettiva della retorica forense" (EN: XXII Edition of the Tridentine Rhetoric Days - "Law as a cure. The experience of legal clinics in the perspective of forensic rhetoric"). Title (speech/presentation):  L'esperienza della criminologia (The experience of criminology).
  • 24 March 2023. National conference: Crimini economici-finanziari: analisi e contrasto del fenomeno (EN: Economic and financial crime: analysing and combating the phenomenon). Place: Treviso (IT).  Title (speech/presentation):  Crimini economici-finanziari e società digitale (Economic and financial crime and digital society).  
  • 10 November 2022. International Conference: Protection of victims of Human trafficking: grounding in consolidated experiences to address new challenges. Place: Torino (IT).  Title (speech/presentation):  The digitalization of human trafficking.  
  • 12 October 2022. National conference: Prevenzione e gestione del sovraindebitamento. Presupposti e procedura: dalla ristrutturazione dei debiti del consumatore alla liquidazione controllata (EN: Prevention and management of over-indebtedness. Assumptions and procedure: from the restructuring of the consumer's debts to controlled liquidation). Place: Trento (IT). Title (speech/presentation):  Test di autovalutazione del rischio da sovraindebitamento (EN: Over-indebtedness risk self-assessment test).  
  • 7 October 2022. National conference: 35th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Criminology - “Relazioni virtuali, vittime reali” (EN: Virtual relations, real victims). Place: Rome (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Il commercio del sesso nella società digitale (EN: Sex commerce in digital society).
  • 18 June 2022. International Conference: “Countering Hate Speech in Media”. Place: Istanbul (TR). Title (speech/presentation): Monitoring, analyzing, and tackling online hate speech.
  • 24 November 2021. International conference in the context of “Operation Aphrodite” (EUROPOL). Place: Den Haag (NL), remote participation due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (speech/presentation): The role of social media in the illegal trade of medicines.
  • 17 November 2021. International conference: “2021 Anti-Counterfeiting Virtual Research Symposium”, organised by Underwriters Laboratories (USA). Featured speaker and round table participant. Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (speech/presentation): The illegal trade of medicines on social media. Title (round-table): Counterfeit products and social media.
  • 20 September 2021. International conference: “Best Practices against Islamophobia”. Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (speech/presentation): The experience of the University of Trento - Project Hatemeter.
  • 7 July 2021. International workshop: “Online identity theft - best practices workshop”. Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (speech/presentation n.1): “The Irish experience on law enforcement and monitoring”. Title (speech/presentation n.2): “The Irish experience on victim support and protection”.
  • 11 June 2020. National seminar: “Quando il bullismo è cyber” (EN: When bulling is cyber). Place: Online event due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Title (speech/presentation): Cyberbullismo - La prospettiva criminologica (EN: Cyberbulling - The criminological perspective).
  • 21-22 November 2019. International workshop: “Technical meeting on e-commerce controls system”, jointly organised by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies/ICQRF and the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. Place: Rome (IT). Title (speech/presentation): The role of academia in preventing and fighting food fraud.
  • 20 November 2019. Seminar: “Codice rosso: una novità legislativa non priva di criticità” (EN: The so-called “red code”: a novel law with some critical pointes). Place: Rovereto (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Nuove tecnologie e pornografia non consensuale (EN: New technlogies and non-consensual pornography).
  • 25 October 2019. National conference: 33rd Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Criminology - “Dal rischio al crimine” (EN: From risk to crime). Place: Modena (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Hatemeter:misurare e combattere l’islamofobia online attraverso l’uso di strategie e contro-narrative intelligenti (EN: Hatemeter: measuring and fighting online islamophobia through intelligent strategies and counter-narratives).
  • 20 September 2019. International conference: 19th Annual conference of the European Society of Criminology - “Convergent roads, bridges and new pathways in criminology”. Place: Ghent (BE). Title (speech/presentation): Hate speech against Muslims on social media - evidence from project Hatemeter.
  • 21 August 2019. International conference: 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association - “Europe and beyond: boundaries, barriers and belonging”. Place: Manchester (UK). Title (speech/presentation): Hate speech against Muslims on social media in Italy and the United Kingdom - Evidence from European project Hatemeter.
  • 20 June 2019. International conference: 7th Migration Conference. Place: Bari (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Hate speech against Muslims on social media in Italy - Evidence from the European project Hatemeter.
  • 11 May 2019. TEDx: “BE SAFE! La sicurezza a 350°” (EN: BE SAFE! Security at 350°). Place: Trento (IT). Title (speech): Sicurezza social (EN: “Social” security).
  • 19-20 February 2019. International conference in the context of the Operation IOS kick-off meeting (EUROPOL). Place: Den Haag (NL). Title (speech/presentation, 19 February): IPR Infringements and the illegal trade of dangerous products. Chair and moderator of the workshop (20 February) with academics, representatives of LEAs and private industries titled: Tailoring academic activities on the needs of the public and private sectors.
  • 19 October 2018. National conference: 32nd Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Criminology - “Relazioni violente” (EN: Violent relationships). Place: Catanzaro (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Relazioni violente tra giovani in internet - Conoscere cyber-bulli e cyber-vittime grazie alla ricerca quali-quantitativa (EN: Violent relationships between young people on the internet - Knowing cyber-bullies and cyber-victims thanks to qualitative-quantitative research).
  • 8 October 2018. National seminar: “Fuori campo: Confini” (EN: Out of scope: borders). Place: Milan (IT). Title (speech): Trafficanti social (EN: Social traffickers).
  • 26 October 2017. National conference: “La sicurezza urbana tra ordinanze, regolamenti di polizia locale e nuovi poteri dei Sindaci” (EN: “Urban security between ordinances, local police regulations and new powers of the Mayors”). Place: Trento (IT). Title (speech/presentantion): Sicurezza urbana oggettiva e percezione di insicurezza - Una prospettiva criminologica (EN: “Objective” urban security and perception of insecurity - A criminological perspective).
  • 21 September 2017. International conference: Cybersecurity Management Challenges Symposium 2017. Place: Lugano (CH). Title (speech/presentation): Cybercrime and health.
  • 20 September 2017. International conference: “Europol IP Crime Conference - Innovative Strategies for Effective Enforcement”. Place: Antwerp (BE). Title (speech/presentation): Pharma crime and the role of academia.
  • 14 July 2017. International conference: 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology - "Challenging Crime and Crime Control in Contemporary Europe". Place: Cardiff (Wales, UK). Title (speech/presentation): Social smugglers - The role of the Internet in people smuggling.
  • 13 April 2017. National conference/public hearing organised by the Italian Parliament (Parliamentary investigatory commission on counterfeiting, product piracy and illegal trade): “La tecnologia della tracciabilità nella lotta alla contraffazione” (EN: The traceability technology in the fight against counterfeiting). Place: Rome (IT). Title (speech): Le tecnologie anticontraffazione - Modelli, punti di forza e criticità (EN: Anticounterfeiting technologies - Models, strenghts and weaknesses).
  • 29 March 2017. International conference: “Social Traffickers The role of the Internet in human trafficking and migrants’ smuggling”. Place: Trento (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Guidelines for LEAs and NGOs.
  • 26 March 2017. National seminar (speaker and moderator): Il ruolo di internet nella tratta di esseri umani e nel traffico di migranti e richiedenti asilo (EN: The role of the Internet in people smuggling and human trafficking). Place: Rome (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Il ruolo di internet nel traffico di migranti e richiedenti asilo (EN: The role of the internet in the smuggling of migrants an asylum seekers).
  • 3 March 2017. National conference: “Novel Psychoactive Substances –  diffusione del fenomeno, aspetti sociali, clinici, psicopatologici e nuove strategie terapeutiche” (EN: Novel Psychoactive Substances - diffusion of the phenomenon, social, clinical, psychopathological aspects and new therapeutic strategies). Place: Trento (IT). Title (speech/presentation): Il mercato online delle NPS (EN: The online trade of NPS).
  • 23 September 2016. International conference: 16th Annual Conference, European Society of Criminology - "Crime and Crime Control - Structures, Developments and Actors". Place: Münster (DE). Title (speech/presentation): Improving and sharing knowledge on the Internet role in human trafficking and people smuggling processes - Evidence from the EU project
  • 20-21 June 2016. International conference: “Present and future of countering pharmaceutical crime”. Place: Osnabrück (DE). Title (speech/presentation): The FAKECARE project: EU logo and technical tools.
  • 17 December 2015. Internation conference: “The online trade of falsified medicinal products. Knowledge and tools from research to support institutions, pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies”. Place: Trento (IT). Title (speech/presentation): The EU Directive 62/2011 - Implementation and vulnerability of the EU logo.
  • 11 December 2012. International conference: “The Online Trade of Fake Medicines: From Research to Action”. Place: Trento (IT). Title (speech/presentation): The contribution of legal analysis: comparing regulations on online pharmacies in the EU Member States.
Altre attività

Guest editor - Journal "Humanities & Social Sciences Communications" (Springer Nature) - Argomento: Cybercrime: human and socio-economic perspectives. 

Reviewer for per rassegne e riviste scientifiche nazionali e internazionali, such as: Trends in Organised Crime; Humanities & Social Sciences Communications; Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia.  

In più occasioni, Consulente Tecnico d'Ufficio (CTU) della Procura Distrettuale della Repubblica presso il Tribunale Ordinario di Trento in indagini preliminari in tema di criminalità organizzata e reati collegati. 

Socio (ex membro del consiglio di amministrazione e rappresentante legale) di Intellegit s.r.l., la start up innovativa sui rischi legati alla sicurezza dell'Università di Trento ( 



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