Marco Pertile

Professore ordinario

Facoltà di Giurisprudenza

Professore ordinario: Scuola di Studi Internazionali - SSI

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283123
marco.pertile[at]unitn [dot] it


Ph.D. in International Organization Law, University of Teramo (2004).

Degree in Law (Laurea in Giurisprudenza), University of Trento, Full Marks cum laude (2000).


International Law Seminar at the UN International Law Commission, 45th Session, Geneva (6-24 July 2009).

Core Training on Advanced Principles of Humanitarian Law and Policy and Thematic Workshop on Occupation and Peacebulding, Harvard Program on Conflict Resolution, Amman - Jordan (22-26 February 2009).

Advanced Training Course in International Humanitarian Law for University Teachers, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights – ICRC, , Geneva, Switzerland (25-30 August 2008).

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica


Full Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law and School of International Studies (SIS), University of Trento, since 2023.

Associate Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law and School of International Studies (SIS), University of Trento, 2014-2022.

Chargé d’enseignement, Paris School of International Affairs – Sciences Po, 2018-present.

Visiting Professor and Visiting Lecturer, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (IHEID), Master in International Affairs – Geneva, 2012-2017. 

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University – Prague, May 2017.

Lecturer, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, 2011-12.

Marie Curie Fellow, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva, 2010-2012 (received EU funding for 173270,80€ under a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship).

Research Scholar in International Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Trento, 2007-2013.

Visiting Professional, The International Criminal Court, Pre-Trial Chamber II, The Hague, November 2006 - February 2007.

Research Fellow, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Trento, 2003-2005.

Visiting Research Scholar, International Labour Organization and Institut de Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva, Switzerland, January-March 2006.

Visiting Research Scholar, Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Public International Law, Heidelberg, Germany, January–March 2003, July–October 2003, September–April 2004, August 2006.


Academic Year 2021-2022

‘Human Rights and Natural Resources under International Law’, 36h, SIS, University of Trento, since 2014-15.

‘Elements of International and EU Law’ (Int. Law Unit), 24h, SIS, University of Trento, since 2013-14.

‘Natural Resources and Energy Security’ (Int. Law Unit), 18h, SIS, University of Trento, since 2017-18. 

‘Diritto internazionale dei conflitti armati’, 42h, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, since 2014-15.

‘Human Rights and Natural Resources’, 24h, PSIA – Paris, since 2017-18.

Previous Academic Years (selection)

‘Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts under International Law’, 24h, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, IHEID, Geneva, from 2012 to 2017.

‘Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts under International Law’, 12h, Charles University of Prague, 2017.

‘Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts under International Law’, 24h, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, 2011.

Tutela dei diritti fondamentali nel diritto internazionale ed europeo, 24h, SIS, University of Trento, 2007-08. 

Diritto internazionale, 48h, SIS, University of Trento, from 2005 to 2008.

Tutela internazionale dei diritti umani, 42h, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, 2008-09 and 2009-10.


Supervision of two Post-Doc Research Scholars: Dr. Francesca Mussi, with a three-year contract (RTDa) within a PON project on corporate social responsibility, SIS, University of Trento, since December 2021 - present; Dr. Ludovica Di Lullo, with a one-year contract within the University of Trento project on ‘The World Health Organization and the Covid-19 emergency’, since September 2021 - present.

Supervision of eight PhD Students in the fields of International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Protection, International Environmental Law. Federica Cittadino, Alice Gadler, Alice Ruzza, Manuel Galvis Martinez, Iotam Lerer, Piergiuseppe Parisi, and Jean Paul Moinet successfully defended their theses within the PhD in International Studies of the SIS. Giulia Cagol is currently writing her thesis under my supervision within the PhD in Comparative and European Studies of the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento.

Supervision of more than 150 Master’s theses, data (not entirely up to date) available at:

Member of the Board of Examiners for the PhD final exam of Martina Gualtieri, University of Milano-Bicocca, 2019; Maria Sole Continiello Neri, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, 2015; Vittorio Corasaniti, University of Milano-Bicocca, 2014. External Examiner for Agnese Vitale, University of Florence, 2022. 


Deputy Director of the School of International Studies (SIS), University of Trento, 18.4.2019 - 31.12.2020.

Delegate of the Director of the SIS for relations with institutional partners and the organization of the SIS Applied Workshops on Global Affairs (SAWGA), since 15.1.2021.

Coordinator for the University of Trento of the International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS), a 24-month Erasmus Mundus joint master with the University of Glasgow, Charles University of Prague and Dublin City University, 1.2.2018 - 28.10.2019.  

Co-Director of the Master in International Security Studies (MISS) jointly established by the School of International Studies and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, 1.2.2016 - 18.9.2019.

Member of the Graduate School Committee of the PhD in International Studies, SIS, 2012-present.

Member of the Executive Board of the SIS, 1.2.2016 - 18.9.2019.

Member of the Sub-commission for the bar exam of the Court of Appeal of Trento, 2019 session.

Coordinator of the Integrated Graduate Program in International Studies and Transnational Governance (ISTG) jointly established by the SIS and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, 26.11.2012 - 31.1.2016.

Coordinator of the international law area, School for Legal Professions, University of Trento and University of Verona, 2015-2016.

Member of the Executive Board of the Department of Legal Sciences, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, 5.11.2008 - 27.10.2010.

Member of the Board of the Master in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution, SIS, 2008-2010.

Interessi di ricerca

Natural Resources

Use of Force


International Humanitarian Law

International Criminal Law

Human Rights

Attività di ricerca

Marie Curie Fellow at the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, European Commission Marie-Curie funding for an individual two-year research project on the relationship between natural resources and armed conflicts under international law (2010-2012).

Research Scholar in International Law, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Trento, 1 September 2007-2013.

Visiting Professional, The International Criminal Court, Pre-Trial Chamber II, November 2006-February 2007.

Research Fellow, Department of Legal Sciences, University of Trento, November 2003 - November 2005.

Visiting Researcher, International Labour Organization and Institut de Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva, Switzerland, January-March 2006.

Visiting Researcher, Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Public International Law, Heidelberg, Germany, January–March 2003, July–October 2003, September–April 2004, August 2006.


The World Health Organization and the Covid-19 emergency. Functions, limits and impacts on territory, project funded by the University of Trento (coordinator of the research team, 2020-2022).

The EU Trade Policy in Civil Wars and Other Cases of Contested Sovereignty: An International Law Perspective, co-funded by Trentino Sviluppo, Autonomous Province of Trento and University of Verona, 2017-2020 (coordinator of the research team, with A. Fracasso).

The Global Virtual-Water Network: Social, Economic and Environmental Implications, ViWaN Research Project, FIRB - RBFR12BA3Y, with: Politecnico of Turin, University of Florence, and the IMT School of Lucca, 2013-2016, (member of the research team)

Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts under International Law (NATRESACIL), Marie Curie Intra-European Project, 2010-2012, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva, (Marie Curie Fellow under the supervision of A. Bianchi).

La repressione penale degli atti di terrorismo commessi nel corso di conflitti armati (The repression of acts of terrorism during armed conflicts) (PRIN-2007) national coordinator: F. Pocar, local coordinator: G. Nesi, (member of the research team).

Attività di monitoraggio dell'Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro e tutela del lavoro minorile (The ILO monitoring system and child labour protection) (PRIN 2004), national and local coordinator: L. Nogler (member of the research team).

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Co-Director of the journal ‘Questions of International Law/Questions de droit international’ (QIL) (, since 1.12.2017.

Member of the Editorial Board of the journal QIL, 1.5.2014 - 30.11.2017. 

Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal ‘Italian Yearbook of International Law’, since 1.5.2015.

Member of the Scientific Committee of OSORIN (‘Osservatorio sulle attività delle organizzazioni internazionali e sovranazionali, universali e regionali, sui temi di interesse della politica estera italiana - Observatory on the Activities of International and Supranational, Universal and Regional Organizations on Issues of Interest of the Italian Foreign Policy) of the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI), since 2020.

Member of the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law. 

Co-Editor of the Italian Parliamentary and Diplomatic Practice for the Italian Yearbook of International Law, 2002–present.

Founder and Editor in Chief of, a website on the diplomatic and parliamentary practice of the Republic of Italy (


Premi e riconoscimenti

Marie Curie Fellowship (Intra-European): 173270,80€

Convegni e conferenze


University of Milan-Bicocca, Book presentation ‘The Occupation of Justice. The Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories, Second edition, OUP, 2021’ (discussant to David Kretzmer), 17 March 2022.

University of Trento, Faculty of Law, Italian Society of Law and Economics Annual Conference (presentation on ‘Social clauses in investment contracts: towards sustainable Foreign Direct Investment?’), 17 December 2021.

University of Trento, Faculty of Law, International Investment Law and the Pandemic: New Trends and Old Standards, 8th Expert Seminar on Contemporary Perspectives on International Investment Law (presentation on: ‘The WHO’s role in providing scientific knowledge in investment arbitration’), 1 December 2021.

Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflicts, Institute San Pio V/University of Perugia/Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, International Intensive Course on Building competencies and awareness on the international protection of children, particularly girls, affected by armed conflict, (invited web seminar on ‘International law and the protection of Children in Armed Conflict’), 6 October 2021.

Geneva Academy on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Online Expert Meeting ‘Cyber Operations and the Protection of Water’ (invited presentation on: ‘The protection of water and energy infrastructure against cyberattacks under human rights law and other areas of international law in post-conflict situations’), 23 June 2021.

Roccella Summer School on International Law, ‘Versus – Struggles for International Law’, (invited presentation on: ‘Preventing conflicts of over natural resources under international law: From certification schemes to corporate due diligence’), 8 July 2021.

University of Camerino, Web Seminar on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (invited presentation on: ‘Sovranità e diritti umani nel conflitto israelo-palestinese’ in dialogue with prof. Luca Scuccimarra), 3 June 2021.

Italian Society of International Law (SIDI), Interest Group on Cinema and International Law, Inaugural Meeting on ‘Il diritto internazionale fra pace e giustizia. Il caso del muro nel Territorio palestinese occupato’ (on-line presentation commenting upon the documentary ‘Broken – A Palestinian Journey through International Law’), 30 November 2020.

University of Trento, SIS, International Conference on ‘EU Sanctions against the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran in a comparative perspective’ (presentation on ‘Economic sanctions and general international law obligations. The effects of sanctions on the investments in Crimea/Ukraine/Russia’ with S. Faccio), 20 September 2019.

University of Rome-La Sapienza, Book presentation ‘The Use of Armed Force in Occupied Territory’, CUP, 2018 (discussant to Marco Longobardo), 23 May 2019.

UN Headquarters Geneva, International Conference on ‘The Impacts of Illegal Economic Activities in Conflict Areas on Human Rights’, Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan (invited presentation on: ‘Economic, social and cultural rights in occupied territories: Reflections on their applicability and interaction with international humanitarian law’), 9 April 2019. 

World Metereological Organization, Geneva, Participant in the Expert Roundtable ‘The List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructures in Relation to Armed Conflicts’ – Geneva Water Hub, 13-14 December 2018.

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, International Conference on ‘Insurgencies: An Interdisciplinary Approach’ (presentation on ‘Territorial administration by insurgents and economic relations in civil wars’), 25 September 2018. 

Centro Studi Gentiliani, San Ginesio, XVIII giornata gentiliana (title of the presentation: ‘Questioning the stability of unlawful territorial situations: The duty of non-recognition from a jus post bellum perspective’), 21-22 September 2018.

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Udine, The 10th Anniversary of the Bolzano/Bozen Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations: New Challenges and Lessons Learned (Panelist representing Italy), 15-16 July 2018.

University of Leiden, Expert Seminar on International Law and Environmental Peace-Building (presentation on: ‘Extractive Industry for Sustainable Development? Some Reflections on the Role of Investment Contracts in Ensuring Benefit Sharing and Community Participation in Natural Resource Governance’), 28-29 June 2018.

Accademia di Studi Italo-Germanici, Merano, (presentation on: ‘Sanctions against terrorism in civil wars’), 4 May, 2018.

Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva, CIES Lunch Seminar,  (presentation on ‘Resource Conflicts Within and Beyond the State: Is There a Role for International Law?’), 13 April 2017.

University of Milan ‘Statale’, International conference on armed drones, ‘Droni armati in Italia e in Europa: problemi e prospettive’, (invited presentation on ‘Armed drones under international law’), 25 September 2017.

University of Innsbruck, Short course on ‘The European International Law Tradition: The German, Austrian and Italian contribution’, (invited presentation on: ‘The sources of International Law - The Italian perspective’), 26 January 2017.

University of Verona, invited lecture on water wars and hydro-hegemony within the Master’s degree in Emergency Governance, (title: ‘Le guerre per l’acqua e il concetto di idroegemonia: Quale ruolo per il diritto internazionale?’), 1 December 2016. 

ECPR Annual Meeting of Prague, Panel on Human Rights and Judicial Activism in the EU and Beyond, (paper presentation on: ‘Civil society campaigns and contested sovereignty: Assessing their legal strategies and their impact on the policies of the EU’), 9 September 2016.

University of Palermo, invited lecture within the summer school of the PhD course in ‘Human Rights: evolution, protection and limits’, title of the lecture: ‘International law and the resource curse: assessing the role and the limits of international norms in the light of the paradox of poverty from plenty’, 29 June 2016.

Politecnico of Turin, First Symposium on ‘Acqua Risorsa Globale’, (invited presentation on ‘Le guerre per l'acqua e il concetto di idroegemonia: quale ruolo per il diritto internazionale?’), 5 May 2016.

IV National Training of the Humanitarian Law Instructors of the Italian Red Cross Society, Verona, (invited presentation on ‘Health Care in Danger’), 30 April 2016.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome, Human Right to Water Day (Chairperson of the session on ‘Towards human rights to water: proposals discussed’), 5 April 2016.

World Water Congress, Edinburgh, Special Session Pro Forma, ‘Equity and Water: Questions of Access and Benefit Sharing’, (invited presentation on ‘Equity in Trade and Investment’), 25 May 2015. 

University of Innsbruck, Management Center, International Symposium on Human Trafficking: Global and Local Perspectives, (invited presentation on: ‘Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants under International Law: Assessing the Impact of a Problematic Relationship’), 12 November 2015.

University of Bologna, Conference on ‘Interesse collettivo e obblighi erga omnes nel diritto internazionale contemporaneo’, Ravenna, (invited presentation on: ‘Autodeterminazione dei popoli e “senso comune”: nuovi (e inattesi) modi di contribuire alla realizzazione di un principio fondamentale’), 7-8 May 2015. 

University of Geneva, Institute for Environmental Sciences, (invited presentation on: ‘International Law Crossing Virtual Water Rivers: An Overview’, with Paolo Turrini), 12 November 2014. 

University of Parma, Seminar within the PhD Course in Legal Sciences (presentation on the exploitation of natural resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, titled: ‘Territori occupati e sfruttamento delle risorse naturali: la sentenza dell’Alta Corte di giustizia israeliana del 26 dicembre 2011’), 2 April 2014.

Festival dell’Economia, Ninth Edition, Trento, (Chairperson and introduction to the session on ‘Le parole chiave – “Potere”’, with Tommaso Nannicini), 2 June 2014.

University of Cagliari, ‘Natural Resources Grabbing: Erosion or Legitimate Exercise of State Sovereignty?’ 4 and 5 October 2013, Faculty of Law, (paper presentation: ‘On the Financing of Civil Wars Through Natural Resources: Is there a Duty of Vigilance for Third States on the Activities of Trans‐national Corporations?’), 5 October 2013. 

Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations, New York, Workshop on ‘Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law: The Repression of Terrorist Acts and the Laws of War’, (invited presentation on: ‘Fighting Terror within the Law? A Few Remarks on the Relationship between Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Military Occupations’), 7 September 2011.

University of Catania, Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of International Law, (paper presentation on: ‘Il principio di proporzionalità nell’interazione tra diritto umanitario e tutela dei diritti umani’), 24 June 2011.

University of Bologna, Conference on ‘Il Parere della Corte internazionale di Giustizia sulla dichiarazione di indipendenza del Kosovo’, (paper presentation on: ‘L’autodeterminazione assente’), 16 December 2010.

Biennial Meeting of the Humanitarian Law Instructors of the Italian Red Cross Society, Senigallia, (invited presentation on ‘Il diritto dell’occupazione bellica è desueto?’), 3-5 October 2008.


L'autodeterminazione dei popoli e i conflitti contemporanei (Self-Determination in Contemporary Conflicts), Faculty of Law, University of Trento, 16 May 2022, (

Organization of a training course for the International Humanitarian Law instructors of the Trentino-South Tyrol Red Cross, Six two-hour classes on the fundamental questions of IHL, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, 29 April 2022 – 24 June 2022. (

L'accertamento dei fatti e le gravi violazioni dei diritti umani: dalla Palestina all'Ucraina (Fact Finding and the gross violations of human rights: From Palestine to Ukraine), Seminar with Vito Todeschini, International Commission of Jurists, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, 29 April 2022.

International Investment Law and the Pandemic: New Trends and Old Standards, 8th Expert Seminar on Contemporary Perspectives on International Investment Law, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, 30 November – 1 December 2021 (co-organized with S. Faccio and A. Alì).

Organization of three editions of the School of International Studies’ Applied Workshops on Global Affairs (SAWGA). The Workshops introduce students to specific problems of international relations, European affairs and policy, and international security by adopting a practical approach and innovative teaching methods. Students are involved in simulations, debates, role-play, etc., by qualified instructors with direct knowledge in the relevant field (

COVID-19: Assessing Impacts, foreseeing solutions, Master in International Security Studies Opening Seminar, SIS, University of Trento, 20 September 2021 (co-organized with A. Casaglia) (

XXII Annual SIDI Conference, Migration and International Law: Beyond Emergency?, Faculty of Law, University of Trento (co-organizer with G. Nesi, P. Turrini, A. Alì., E. Fasoli), 8-9 June 2017, (

‘The Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Italy: The Role of Civil Society in Monitoring Gender-Based Violence’, Faculty of Law, University of Trento (co-organized with Francesca Mussi), 10 May 2019.

Conflict, Indigenous Peoples and Natural Resources: New International Law Perspectives, A conference with D. Dam-de Jong, E. Morgera and M. Barelli, Faculty of Law, University of Trento (with G. Nesi), 19 January 2017 ( launch event, A website on the Italian Practice on International Law, with L. McNamara (Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law – BIICL), Prof. Peter Hilpold (University of Innsbruck), L. Gradoni (University of Bologna), J. Kammerhofer (University of Freiburg) and E. Voyiakis (London School of Economics), SIS, University of Trento, 27 November 2014, (

Africa 2013: Was There Something Missed in the Decolonization Process? The International Law Perspective, Young Scholars Workshop on International Law, XI edition, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, with Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, Matthew Craven (SOAS, London) and Paul Nugent (University of Edinburgh) (co-organized with J. Beqiraj), 6-7 December 2013 (

Altre attività

Legal expert for the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), legal opinion on the implementation of international and EU norms on the arms trade in Italy (with Iotam Lerer), 2021.

Peer reviewer: Leiden Journal of International Law; Italian Yearbook of International Law; International Review of the Red Cross; Diritti umani e diritto internazionale; La Comunità internazionale, Ashgate Publishing. 

Regular contributions to blogs and other media outlets such as: Radio24 – Nessun luogo è lontano; Radio InBlu; Il Dolomiti; Huffingtonpost Italia.