Cristiano Gori

Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 281411
cristiano.gori[at]unitn [dot] it
Area CUN: Scienze politiche e sociali (14)
Settore scientifico disciplinare: SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE (SPS/07)


2002 - PhD in Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)

1997 - Master in Social Policy, University of York (UK)

1995 - Degree cum Laude in Social Sciences (Scienze Politiche), University of Milan

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

Cristiano Gori is Full Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento, where he teaches Social Policy


Main previous teaching experiences

Social Policy, Department of Social and Political Studies, Catholic University of Milan (2009-2016)

Methods of Social Services, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2003-2004)

Methods of Social Research, Deparment of Architecture and Planning, Polytechnic of Milan (2002-2003)

Social Policy, Department of Sociology, University of Milan - Bicocca, (2001-2003)

Cristiano Gori gives regularly lectures in Master courses and other post-graduted courses in social policy.

Interessi di ricerca

Cristiano Gori focuses his research on social policy in general. He looks especially at long-term care policies for dependent older people and for people with disabilities, at policies against social exclusion and at child care policies. Over the years, Gori has developed his research on social policy into four areas:

  • Social policy in Italy
  • Comparative social policy
  • Policy evalutation and monitoring
  • Policy proposals
Attività di ricerca

Scientific Coordinator of the Network Non Autosufficienza (NNA), that he devised, and of the Reports on Long-Term Care policies in Italy that NNA publishes on a regular basis (since 2009)

Scientific Coordinator of the Alleanza contro la Povertà in Italia, that he devised (2013-2019)

Scientific Coordinator of the annual reports on policies against poverty in Italy promoted by Caritas Italiana (since 2014).

Special Advisor of the International Long-Term Care Policy Network (ILPN), at the London School of Economics and Political Science, that he co-funded (2010-2016) 

Senior Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science (2010-2016)

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Editor, I Luoghi della Cura, a professional journal on care for dependent older people he devised (since 2018)

Scientific Editor, Welfare Oggi (since 2016)

Editor, Lombardia Sociale, an indipendent observatory he devised (since 2011)

Editor, Welfare Oggi, a professional journal that he devised (2011-2015)

Deputy Editor, Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie (2005-2010)

Member of the Editorial Board, I Luoghi della Cura (2004-2015)

Member of the Editorial Board, Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie (since 2011)

Member of the Editorial Board, Lavoro Sociale (2009-2013)

Member of the Editorial Board, Book Series Transizioni e Politiche Pubbliche, Bignaschi Foundation (since 2008)

Scientific Advisor, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (Irs), Milano (since 2008)

Premi e riconoscimenti

Memorandum of agreement on the Act introducing the Reddito d’Inclusione (Rei), signed by the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Welfare and the Alleanza contro la Povertà (Palazzo Chigi, Rome, 14/4/2017).

Prize for Tesi di Laurea sulla realtà milanese, offered by the Chambers of Commerce of Milan (1995)

Prize for Tesi di Laurea sugli aspetti biologici, psicologici e sociali connessi con il prolungamento della vita, offered by AGER (Associazione per la ricerca geriatrica e lo studio della longevità) (1995)

Convegni e conferenze

Cristiano Gori regularly contributes to seminars and conferences, in Italy and abroad. In various occasions he contributes as an invited speaker

Gori contributes to the organisation of the International Conference in Evidence-Based Policy in Long-Term Care, held at the London School of Economics and Political Science on a biennal basis (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016). The Conference is organised by the International Long-Term Care Policy Network (ILPN), that Gori co-funded with Jose-Luis Fernandez, and is the academic conference with the highest number of participants in Europe

Altre attività

Member of the Board, Phd Course in Sociology, University of Trento (since 2016)

Member of the "Gruppo di lavoro sul reddito minimo", Department of Labour and Social Policies, chaired by the Deputy Minister M.C. Guerra (2013)

Member of the "Commissione per la definizione e l'aggiornamento dei livelli essenziali di assistenza", Department of Health (2012)

Consultant of the Department of Family Policies for the "Piano straordinario dei servizi socio-educativi alla prima infanzia" (2009-2011)

Member of the "Gruppo di lavoro per la predisposizione di piani di azione per la valutazione e il monitoraggio del sistema integrato dei servizi", Department of Labour and Social Policies (2005-2007)

Columnist, IlSole24Ore (2008-105)