Stefano Baratella

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Matematica

Via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo
tel. 0461 281616
stefano.baratella[at]unitn [dot] it
Settore scientifico disciplinare: MATH-01/A - Logica matematica (MATH-01/A)

1987--90 Mathematics-Padua;
1984--86 Post-graduate student at Scuola di Specializzazione in Logica Matematica-Siena;
1978--83 Degree in Mathematics (laurea)-Padua.
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica
2001- Associate professor, Trento

1990-2001 Assistant professor, Trento



1992--1993 Mathematical Logic (Mathematics)

1993--2000 Mathematical Logic (1st and 2nd unit, Mathematics)

2000--2001 Mathematical Logic (1st unit, Mathematics)

2000--2002 Mathematical Logic (Computer Science);

2001--2002 Mathematical Logic (1st and 2nd unit, Mathematics); Mathematical Logic (Philosophy)


1995--1996 Mathematical Logic (Computer Science)
Interessi di ricerca
Mathematical Logic and its applications to other areas of Mathematics and to Computer Science.

Nonstandard methods (a la` A. Robinson) in Mathematics
Attività di ricerca
1992 visiting researcher at Manchester University, UK (six months);
1996 visiting researcher at Gdansk University, Poland (one month);
1996 visiting researcher at Oberwolfach, Germany, under the Research in Pairs program funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung (one month);
1997-2001 4 times visiting researcher at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (total of 6 months).

Invited talks
Siena (1986); Padua (1986 and 1987); Manchester (1992); Florence (1993); Gdansk (1996), Pietermaritzburg (1997 and 1998); Caserta (1999); Ljubljana (1999); Athens (2000); Chang-Hua (2000);
Beijing-Normal University (2002); Moscow-Center for Continuous Education (2002).

Convegni e conferenze
Contributed talks at:
International Colloquium on Nonstandard Mathematics, Aveiro (1994);
Logic colloquium 94, Clermont Ferrand
(1994); NATO-ASI Conference on Nonstandard analysis and its applications, Edinburgh (1996);
Analysis and Logic, Mons (1997); GNSAGA Meeting, Perugia (1997); South African Mathematical Conference, Johannesburg(1998); Logic Colloquium 98, Prague (1998); Logic Colloquium 00, Paris (2000); Meeting of the Italian Association of Logic and its Applications, Ravello (2000); 3rd Asian Mathematical Conference, Manila (2000); 20th Meeting of mathematical Logic (2001); First Joint Meeting AMS-UMI, Pisa (2002).