Silvia Nicoletta Fargion

Corso Bettini, 31 - 38068 Rovereto
tel. 0464 808628
silvia.fargion[at]unitn [dot] it
Area CUN: Scienze politiche e sociali (14)
Settore scientifico disciplinare: SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE (SPS/07)


2001 Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Dissertation title: Theories and Practices in Social Work: Practitioners' Representations of Contract Work. Supervisors: Dr Chris Clark (Social Work) e Dr Alex Robertson (Social Policy). Examiners: Professor Joyce Lishman (Social Work, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen) e Professor David Bloor (Science Studies Unit, University of Edinburgh).

1985 Honours in Psychology, University of Padua.

1977 Bachelor in Social Work, The School of Social Work, Milan

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

2016 – Present Professor of Sociology (Social Work) in the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science University of Trento. Serves as Didactic Coordinator, Bachelor in Professional Education.

2015 – 2016  Professor of Sociology (Social Work) in the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano.

2010 – 2014 Associate Professor of Sociology (Social Work) in the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. Served as

         Coordinator, Master Program in Social Work and Social Policy (2010-2016). 

2009- 2010 Lecturer of Sociology (Social Work) in the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano.

2005-2009 Lecturer of Sociology (Social Work) in the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Trento.

2007-2009 Teaching contract in the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano

2002-2004 Research grant in the Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento.

2001-2003 Practice teacher in the Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento.

1996-2001 PhD Student in the Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh. 

Interessi di ricerca

Social work methods

Social work professional cultures
Comparative child protection systems

Participatory research

Qualitative research methods

Social Policy and Participation
Social Services organization and evaluation



Attività di ricerca

2002- 2004 Research grant: ‘Social work professional cultures in Europe’, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento.

2005-2008 Member of the Erasmus Thematic Network Preject  ‘European Platform For Worldwide Social Work (EUSW)’, Working Group 7, Research Opportunities.

2006-2007 Co-researcher in the research project ‘Classificazione della domanda in ingresso nei servizi sociali.  Un glossario per la rilevazione delle informazioni’ promoted by Trento Autonomous Province Administration.

2008 Co-ordinator of the research test of ‘Sistema informativo per i servizi sociali. Glossario per la rilevazione dei bisogni’ promoted by Trento Autonomous Province Administration.

2009 Co-ordinator of the research project ‘Saperi condivisi: una ricerca sul lavoro delle cooperative sociali nella scuola’ financed by Consolida, Trento.

2008-2012 Co-researcher in the PRIN research project: ‘Ricerca partecipata e cittadinanza attiva’ coordinated by Prof. A. Merler Sassari University.

2009- 2014 Coordinator of the research project ‘Quality and Professional practices in South Tyrol Social Services’. Scientific director: Prof. Walter Lorenz. Project financed by the Bolzano Autonomous Province Administration.

2010- 2014 Coordinator of the research project: ‘Access to Social Services: Organizational Issues and Professional Practices’. Scientific director: Prof. Walter Lorenz. Project financed by the Bolzano Autonomous Province Administration.

2013 -2015 Co-ordinator of the research project: Un caso di integrazione tra professioni sociali e sanitarie? Analisi delle rappresentazioni del servizio sociale ospedaliero in Alto Adige. Project financed by the Bolzano Autonomous Province Administration.

2014 – 2016 Co-coordinator (with Walter Lorenz) of the research project  ‘Dynamic patterns of kinship relationships and child rearing in Südtirol: representations and new needs’. Project financed by the Free University of Bolzano.

2015 – 2017 Member of the research group: (Extra)ordinary Stories: Exploring Children’s Diverse Experiences of Home, coordinato G. Ruch, Sussex university e con Tarja Pöso, Tampere University, project financed by Sussex University.

2016 - present Member of the research group: Strategies for a good life in the perspectives of young adults who have been seeking asylum as unaccompanied minors,  coordinator: Prof. Ravi Kohli  University of Beresfordshire. Other members Ingrd Höher e Charlotte Melander, University of Gothenburg; Sahar Sulieman AL-Makhamreh, Princess Rahma University College Jordan; Gabriel Thomas, Zürich University of Applied Science; Maren Zeller, Universität Trier.


Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Membership in scientific and professional committees:

2015 - 2017 Chair of the European Association for Social Work Research.

2014 – 2015 Chair elected of the European Association for Social Work Research.

Professional Services

2011 - present member of the editorial board of Cuadernos de Trabajo Social – Publicacion Universitad Complutense, Madrid.

2014 – present Member of the editorial board of Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali - Il Mulino.

2009 - 2013 Book Review Editor for International Social Work.

2008-2013 Member of the restricted editorial board of Social Work Education

2007-in corso Member of the editorial board of  Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa (Il Mulino).

2005 – presente Reviewer  for : Social Work Education; International Social Work; Journal of Social Work;, Gender, Work &Organisation, Etnografia e Ricerca Sociale..


Convegni e conferenze

Plenary addresses, keynote speeches and other invited conference talks

Plenary session:  ‘Essere genitori in una società in movimento: sfide e nuove possibilità’ at the Conference  Sostegni precoci - un'opportunità per lo sviluppo sano dei bambini organized by Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol - Amt für Kinder- und Jugendschutz und soziale Inklusion.

Keynote speaker at the 1st Social Work International Conference, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work University of Bucharest, November 3rd-4th, 2016

Keynote speaker at the 6th Conference of Social Work - Faculty of social work  University of Ljubljana 12-14 October 2016.

Round Table: La teoria della pratica quale fonte essenziale per il Servizio sociale Perché è così difficile fare ricerca di Servizio sociale in Italia? 10 June, 2016 AIDOSS, Rome.

Symposium: The politics of parenting and social work – an analyses of social work programs and practices as parenting policies, invited speaker - 8th Congress of the European Society for Family relations. Changing Family relations gender and generation. August 31st - September 3rd 2016.

Introductory speech to the 6th European Conference on Social Work Research  in Lisbon, 30.3.2016

Keynote speaker at the seminar Social workers and Governance: ideas on participation and policy practices, organized by University Institute of Lisbon 11.11.2015

Keynote speaker at the Seminar: Le opinioni degli assistenti sociali su condizioni di lavoro, welfare, povertà e disoccupazione Presentazione e discussione sugli esiti di una ricerca transnazionale, organised by the National Order of Social Work (Italy), the University of Helsinki, Lund University, at the ‘Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri’,  29.10.2015.

Keynote Speaker at the introductory conference to the Inter-university PhD Programme in Social Work - Catholic University, Lisbon and The University of Coimbra. University of Coimbra, 23.10.2015

Plenary session: Il ruolo dei servizi sociali nei processi di partecipazione” (con Ilaria Riccioni), Seminario Politiche sociali participate e cittadinanza attiva, Università di Sassari, 3 Giugno 2013.

Keynote speaker alla conferenza ‘Conoscenze e competenze nella formazione universitaria dell’Assistente sociale’ con l’intervento: ‘Competenze, professionalità degli Assistenti sociali e cambiamenti del welfare: uno sguardo internazionale’ Università di Genova, 25.11.2012.

Keynote speaker ‘Etica e ricerca  nel servizio sociale’ Seminar organised by the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, with the Order of Social Workers Trentino Alto Adige, 5.10.2012.

Keynote Speaker: ‘Ripensare all’identità nel servizio sociale’ La Sapienza University, Rome 29.03.2012.

Keynote speaker: ‘L’autodeterminazione’ Seminar organised by the Faculty of Education, University of Trieste, and the Order of Social Work, Friuli Venezia Giulia 24.11.2011.

Keynote speaker ‘L’assistente sociale di fronte alle sfide del presente’ Seminar organised by Roma 3 University, 12 Ottobre 2011.

‘Io, operatore sociale: responsabilità professionali nella tutela minorile’ Chair of the session, International Conference - Qualità del Welfare: La Tutela Dei Minori Buone Pratiche e Innovazione, Riva del Garda 12 Novembre 2010.

Keynote speaker: ‘Child Protection and Parent support, Competing or Synergic Tasks?’ Seminar at Edinburgh University, 21 Gennaio 2009

Keynote speaker, ‘Synergies and tensions in child protection and parent support’ Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class, Arizona State University, Phoenix, 5 Novembre 2007.

Plenary session:  Research Synergies in Social Professions. Paper presented at the  EUSW 3rd Annual Conference Getting Synergies in Research from Social Work, Seville, Spain, 25-27 ottobre 2007.

Plenary session: ‘Conoscenze teoriche e formazione sul campo: intrecci e divergenze’ presented at the seminar: Practice Placement in Social Work and Social Education, Libera Università di Bolzano, Bressanone, 21 giugno 2007.

Plenary session ‘La prevenzione nell’ottica della formazione dell’assistente sociale’. Presentation at the conference: Quale idea e quale azione di prevenzione per il servizio sociale,  University of Trento, 30 settembre 2005.

Plenary session: ‘Styles of thought and professional social work’. Presentation  to TISSA 2005 - Social Work and Society, Gdansk, 29-30 agosto 2005.

Plenary session: ‘The new needs of family support in Italy: challenges to the social work profession’. Paper presented to the conference: Family support in Europe, Università di Tartu, Estonia, 7-12 maggio 2005.

‘L’insegnamento delle metodologie di servizio sociale: ridefinire gli obbiettivi formativi’. Relazione alla Summer School – Associazione Italiana Docenti di Servizio Sociale, Firenze, 15-17 settembre 2005. 

‘Theories and Practices in Social Work: A Language Games Approach’, presentation at the ESRC Conference Why Theorise Social Work Research, Manchester, 11 December 2000.

‘Narrating social work: from accounts of cases to practitioners’ frameworks' Paper presented to the Conference: Social work in a future Europe, International Federation of Social Work, Copenhagen, 26-29 Maggio 2003.


Conference Papers

Social work in a medical setting: reflection on inter-professional practice in a power imbalanced context, paper presented at the 6th European Conference on Social Work Research  in Lisbon, 30.3.2016

Social workers role in promoting participation in social policy, paper presented at the 5th European Conference for Social Work Research, Ljubliana 23.4.2015

A critical view on participatory knowledge production (con Sabina Frei e Sylvia Rainer), 3rd European Conference for Social Work Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finlandia, 20-22 Marzo 2013.

Negotiating quality in social work. The practice research perspective, Conferenza  INTSOCEVAL (International Social Work Evaluation), University of Jyväskylä, Finlandia, 19 Marzo 2013.

‘Including children with special needs in schools: sharing competences and knowledge’ Stockholm 11 Luglio 2012 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development.

‘Synergies and Tensions in Child Protection and Parent Support: Policy Lines and Practitioners’ Cultures’  Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Hong Kong, July 12ve


‘Quality in social work practice: a negotiated and dynamic process’  with Sabina Frei

11 Luglio 2012 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development.

“Thinking Professional Social Work”. Paper presentato  alla conferenza Toward Professional Wisdom Edinburgh University, Edimburgo, 26-28 marzo 2008.

Formazione sul campo; tra saperi tra saperi teorici e saperi esperienziali” . Paper presented at the Seminar Scenari di Welfare e Servizio Sociale in una Europa che cambia: il ruolo del tirocinio nella formazione dell’Assistente Sociale, University of Calabria, 5-6 febbraio 2008.

‘Social work education and prevention. Suggestions for developing prevention in social work practice’. Paper presented at the European Association of Social Work School and International Federation of Social Work Conference Social work 2007: social changes and social work, Parma, 15-17 marzo 2007.

“The space for listening within different models of professionalism in social work”, paper presented at the international conference Listening - the essence of social work and care?, Department of Social Work, University of Göteborg, 25-27 aprile 2007. 

“La formazione sul campo in un contesto accademico” invited presentation at the international conference La qualità del welfare, Erickson, Riva del Garda, 9-11 novembre, 2006.

‘Social work views on the relation between theory and practice in Italy’. Paper presented  at  De- and re- construction processes within different welfare regimes in Europe – Consequences for social work theory and practice, Ostrava, 24-28 September 2005.

Reflecting on social work methods: the room for clients participation” presso la University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, Germania  13-15 June 2006 (16h).

‘Social work in Italy: issues and challenges’ at the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Pieksamaki, Finlandia, April 2006 (16h)

‘La Costruzione di Significati nel Lavoro Sociale’ seminar organised by the University of Genova, April 2005.

‘Il tirocinio nella formazione di servizio sociale. Elementi per una riflessione sul senso della formazione sul campo’ Seminar organised by the University of Genova, June  2005.

‘Sinergie e tensioni tra tutela dei minori e supporto alle famiglie’ Seminar organised by the University of Bologna, Fondazione Alma Mater, Bologna, December 7th 2007.

Conferences and workshops organized

2016 Workshop: Interprofessionalitá in Ospedale, 30.09.2016 Free University of Bolzano.

2016 Conference: Un caso di integrazione sociosanitaria? Rappresentazioni del servizio sociale ospedaliero e  interazioni tra cultura medica e cultura sociale Keynote Speakers: Monica Dotti e K Bitschnau.

2014 ‘L’intervento sociale tra rischio e partecipazione’ Keynote speakers: Ilse Julkunen Universität Helsinki, Jan Walmsley Jan Walmsley Open University, London.

2013/14 Coordinamento e organizzazione della 4th European Conference for Social Work Research. Libera Università di Bolzano, 15-17 Aprile 2014.

2011 Seminario Giustizia sociale, diritti umani: quale ruolo per i professionisti nei servizi sociali? Keynote Speakers Prof. Walter Lorenz; Prof Silvia Staub-Bernasconi – University of Zurich; Prof Susanne Elsen – University of Bolzano Gennaio 2011.

2009 Advocacy in Action. Da utente a docente. Ne discutono: Kevin Chettle, Julie Gosling, Loveleen Labana, Nasiera Patel Ian Nesbitt, Amanda Platts. 6-7 marzo 2009 University of Trento

2009  Università di Trento:Advocacy in Action. Da utente a docente. Ne discutono: Kevin Chettle, Julie Gosling, Loveleen Labana, Nasiera Patel Ian Nesbitt, Amanda Platts. 6-7 marzo 2009, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano.

2007 Università di Trento:Intervento sociale con persone che hanno commesso reati sessuali, relatore Prof. Simon Hackett, University of Durham.

2007 Servizio sociale e conoscenza, keynote speakers: Prof. Emilia Martinez Brawley, State University Arizona; Prof. Annamaria Campanini, Università della Calabria. University of Trento

2007 Research Synergies in the Social Professions, con la partecipazione di Christine Labonté Roset (Alice Salomon Fachhochschule) Berlino Germania; Jose Maria Moran (Unversity of Seville). University of Trento. 

2007 Citizens’ Participation and Social Work, con la partecipazione di Lars Uggerhøj, Aalborg University, Denmark; Lea Šugman Bohinc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Simon Hackett, University of Durham, UK; Carmen Marcuello, University of Zaragoza, Spain; Aila-Leena Mathies, University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany; Kati Närhi, University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Bennedichte Rappana Olsen; Oslo University College, Norway. Univesity of Trento.

2007- 2008 Università di Trento: Servizio sociale e promozione dell’interculturalità, docenti Francesca Ruozi; assistente sociale Sandra Venturelli.

2006 Università di Trento:Il futuro del Servizio Sociale, relatore dott. sa Elisabetta Neve, Università di Verona.

2006  Università di Trento:I gruppi di auto-mutuo aiuto, docente Assistente sociale Sandra Venturelli.

2005 Università di Trento:Servizio Sociale nell’ambito della marginalità grave, docente dott. Pedergnana, Comune di Trento.

2005 Università di Trento: Servizio Sociale e Progetti Internazionali, docente dott. Bertolini.

2005  Università di Trento: Le sfide teoriche del servizio sociale, relatori Prof. Maria Dal Pra Ponticelli, Università di Siena; dott Alessandro Sicora Università di Trieste.