
·      1991                     Harvard University – PhD. Sociology

·      1986                     Harvard University - MA Sociology

·      1984                     SUNY at Buffalo - MA Sociology

·      1979                     Trento University (Italy) – B.A. Sociology

Interessi di ricerca
Partecipazione politica, territorio e società civile
Movimenti sociali
Relazioni etniche
Studi europei
Attività di ricerca

2011 - Progetto sul ruolo della società civile a livello locale ed il suo contributo alla formulazione, organizzazione e implementazione delle politiche della salute. Progetto finanziato dall' Arts and Humanities Research Council - Gran Bretagna.


Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

·       Sociology (Editorial Board 2011- )

·       Critical Discourse Studies (International Advisory Board 2003- )

·       Partecipazione e Conflitto (Scientific Committee 2007- )

·        Elected coordinator Political Sociology Research Network ESA (2009-) (

Premi e riconoscimenti

·      Willy Brandt Guest Professor - University of Malmö – Fall 2008

·      Asem Duo EU-Thailand Fellowship Program – Burapha University, Chonburi – July-August 2007

·      Fellow of the Department of Sociology – Essex University – 2006-

·      Jean Monnet Fellowship - European University - Florence, 1991-1992

·      MacArthur Fellowship in International Security, 1987/88 & 1988/89

·      Fulbright Fellowship, 1981-1984

·      Harvard University Graduate Fellowship, 1983/84 & 1984/85

·      Fulbright Summer Fellowships 1983/84, 1984/85, 1985/86



Convegni e conferenze


The following is a selection of conferences at which papers were presented or discussed


·       Paper Presented ‘Social movements and the European interest intermediation of public interest groups - a comparison’ at the International Political Science Association Conference ‘Is there a European Mode of Governance?’ Luxembourg 18-20 March 2010.

·       Paper presented ‘Compensative Representation’: public interest groups in the EU arena’ - section on interest groups. Also presented ‘Italy: the Political Centre-Right, populism and civil society’ –section on political parties. SISP (Italian Political Science Association) 16-18 September 2009.

·       Paper presented ‘Organized civil society and its activities of political representation in the EU arena’ – section on political sociology, European Sociological Association Congress, Lisbon August 2009. Discussant at ‘meet the author’ section:  volume discussed: Fligstein, N., EuroClash, Oxford UP, 2008.

·       Paper Presented ‘Anti-Racist Action Repertoires’ Section on social movements, European Sociological Associations, Glasgow, 3-6 September 2007. Also, discussant in ‘meet the author’ session with Jeffrey Alexander.

·       Paper presented  ‘Anti-Racism, Representation and Political Opportunities of Northern and Southern European Migrant Associations’ Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), Section ‘Citizens’ rights, migration and and forms of political participation; Catania 20-22 September 2007. Also, chair and discussant sections on social movements ‘Governance and transnational movements’

·       Chair and discussant at Conference ‘Exploring Social Cohesion’ Methodology Section of the Italian Sociological Association – Session ‘Social Cohesion, Globalisation and Movements’ Trento 28-30 June 07

·       Plenary session presentation  “The Role and Organisation of European Civil Society” Workshop of the CINEFOGO Network of Excellence and the Danish Johns Hopkins Study of the Non-profit Sector - November 2006, Roskilde Denmark

·       Paper presented “The Relation between Eu Tourist policy and –Environmental Policy” -- Conference “Sustainable Tourism: Recent Transformation and Future Perspectives” Acquappesa (CS) University of Calabria - Dipartimento di Sociologia e di Scienza Politica 9-10 settembre 2006

·       Paper presented (with Emanuela Bozzini) ‘Social Movements and Advocacy Coalitions,’ section on social movements of the European Sociological Association Conference – Torun, September 2005.

·       Paper presented ‘Special symposium on Governance and Civil Society’ organised by Helena Flam. European Consortium for Political Research, Budapest, September 2005 – Section Chair ‘Anti-racist Movements and Civil Society’.

·       Paper presented ‘La società civile organizzata e la governance europea SISP, Cagliari, September 2005. Co-coordinator of section ‘Unione Europea, Governance e Società Civile’

·       Paper presented (with Stefano Fella) “The Italian Right” at the ‘Political Studies Associations.. University of  Leeds, April 2005

·       Paper presented (with Emanuela Bozzini) “Urban Governance, Social Movements and Participation” at conference ‘Urban Governance and Transformations of the City’ University of Calabria 27-28 October 2004

·       Discussant at the Italian Political Association Conference (SISP) for panel “Forms and Practices of Local Democracy” coordinators: Francesca Gelli e Gilles Pinson, Padua, 16 September 2004.

·       Paper presented (with Emanuela Bozzini) “Anti-Americanism, European identity and the Second Persian Gulf War” at the symposium on Europeanization and social movements, ECPR Conference, Marburg, September 18-21 July 2003

·       Paper presented (with Emanuela Bozzini) “Principled Politics, European identity and the Movement against the Second Persian Gulf War” ESA Conference, Murcia, 23-28 September 2003

·       Invited presenter at conference “Constructing Identities: Translations, Cultures, Nations.” Paper presented “Identity and Language in Minority Nationalism” Forlì 8-9 May 2003

·       Invited presenter at conference “Riforme del Welfare e Ruolo del Terzo Settore: Quali Modelli di Governo” ISSAN, Trento 31 January 2003

·       Invited participant at the workshop “Key Issues: the EUMC and anti-racism” European Monitoring Centre against racism, Amsterdam 23-24 October 2002.

·       Paper presented “Globalisation, New Forms of Governance and Civil Society” -  Session “Globalisation and International Relations” workshop “Potere Politico e Globalizzazione” Arcavacata di Rende 26-27 September 2002

·       Invited Participant at the workshop “Minority Nationalism in the EU” – Paper presented “The Lega Nord”, Bilbao, ICPS 20-22 December 2001

·       Paper presented “Frame Bridging”, Ideas and Policy Making in the EU.’ Conference “Persuasion, Advocacy and Influence in the European Union” UACES and Department of Politics and the Graduate School of European and International Studies at the University of Reading, Reading 26-27 January 2001

·       Paper presented “Interests and ideas in EU-level environmental policy”. XVIIIth World Congress of Political Science, Québec City, August 1-5, 2000. Also discussant of panel on ‘Environmental Policy’ and chair of session ‘Citizenship, "Foreigners" and the Mobile European’ at the European Community Studies Association of Canada; Québec City, July 28-August3, 2000

·       Paper presented “Environmental Organizations between Supranational Lobbying and National Activism” in Session ‘Environmental Organizations: a Comparative Assessment’, ECPR, Copenhagen 14-19 April 2000.

·       Paper presented "Institutionalising Environmentalism", UACES, University of Sheffield, 8-10 September 1999.

·       Invited participant to the "Second European Symposium: Regions - Cornerstones for Sustainable Development " Organised by the Academy of Finland and the EU Commission – DG XVI and DG XII. Paper presented: "Roots of the Idea of Environmental Sustainability: its Instrumental, Principled and Taken-for Granted Dimension among Environmental Regulators". University of  Joensuu, Finland. 13-14 September 1999.

·       Paper presented “Anti-racism and EU Institutions”, 1999 European Sociological Association, Amsterdam, July 1999

·       Invited participant to workshop ”Environmental Policy in Europe” Presented “Environmental Sustainability and Tourism in European Policy Making” Event co-organized by the EU Commission DG XII-D and University of Crete. Rethimno, Greece 19 May 1998

·       Paper presented (with Sebastiana Pileri) “Neo-institutionalism and the Environment”, 1997 American Sociological Association, political sociology roundtable, Toronto 11 August 1997

·       Paper presented “Language and Nationalism in Italy”, 1997 American Sociological Association, regular session in Sociolinguistic, Toronto 11 August 1997

·       Invited participant, organiser and chair of session “Realism and Environmental Studies”, European Sociological Association, Essex University, August 1997.

·       Invited participant - paper presented “Can neo-institutional theory help us understanding environmental policy?” IRNES, Essex University, 28 November 1996.

·       Paper Presented (with Maura Adshead) “A Comparison of Agricultural and Environmental Policy in Europe” at the 12th EGOS Colloquium, Istanbul 16-19 June 1995

·       Paper presented “Inter-Organisational Dynamics and Business Lobbies in EU Institutions” at the conference Uses of Managerial Knowledge Barcelona, January 1995

·       Paper presented “Ethno-Nationalism in Northern Italy” at the conference The Social Consequences of Migrations in Europe University College - London, September 1994

·       Invited discussant at the ISA conference "Contested Boundaries and Shifting Solidarities" Section on Comparative Analyses of Social Movements, Bielefeld, Germany, 18-23 July 1994

·       Paper presented (with Oliver Schmidtke) “Collective Identity in the Northern League” at the ISA conference Contested Boundaries and Shifting Solidarities Section on National Identities, Bielefeld, Germany, 18-23 July 1994

·       Paper presented “Psycho-Social Dynamics and Activism in the Northern League” at the Conference Collective Identities in the Contemporary World Bilbao, Spain 14-18 December 1993

·       Paper presented “Self-Discipline and Self-Development in Thomas Mann’ The Magic Mountain” 1993 A.S.A. convention, Regular Session on "Sociology of Knowledge", Miami FL

·       Paper presented “Identity Formation in the Lombard League” at the Conference National Identities and Social Change, Farnham Castle, UK 1993.

·       Paper presented “National Identity and Globalisation” at the Conference De-Traditionalization: Authority and Self in an Age of Cultural Uncertainty, (with Martin O'Brian) University of Lancaster, 8-10 July 1993

·       Paper presented “Inter-Organisational Dynamics in the EC” at the 1993 BSS conference, University of Essex, Colchester

·       Paper presented  (with M. O'Brien),"Where Has the Sacred Gone?". The new 'Churches' of peace and ecology. Detraditionalisation Conference, University of Lancaster, June, (1993).

·       Paper presented “Media Dynamics, Changing Political Opportunity Structures and the Lombard League” at the 1992 A.S.A. convention, Regular Session on Organizational and Policy Outcomes of Social Movements, (with Oliver Schmidtke) Pittsburgh PA

·       Paper presented “Framing the Persian Gulf War” at the Conference Culture, Social Movements and Collective Behavior, (with Didier Le Saout) University of California at San Diego, 1992.

·       Paper presented “Electoral Dynamics of the Lombard League” at the Conference Nationalism and Ethnic Identity, European Culture Centre and Section on Nationalism of the ISA, EUI Firenze, Italy, 1992

·       Paper presented “European Peace Movements: Future Challenges” at the 1991 A.S.A. convention, Regular Session on Organizational and Policy Outcomes of Social Movements, Cincinnati OH

·       Paper presented “The Cultures of the Italian Peace Movement” at the 1991 A.S.A. convention, Regular Session on International Conflict, (with A. L'Abate) Cincinnati OH

·       Paper presented “Identity and Action Forms in the Italian Peace Movement” Session on Social Movements, Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, MD 1989

Selected Seminars/ Keynote Speeches/ Public lectures

·       Invited presenter at the Symposium: “Confronting Rightwing Populist Movements in the European Union”, 3-5 June, 2010. Paper presented: ‘Populism and Extremism in Europe’ Örebro , Sweden

·       Conference on sustainable tourism – member of the organizing committee; Plenary speaker and session convener, Amantea, 18-20 September 2009.

·       Invited presenter at the Forum for the Future of Democracy in Kyiv – organized by the Council of Europe, Oct. 2010

·       Invited presenter at the Symposium: “Beyond NGOs: Civil and Uncivil Society in the 21st Century" London School of Economics, February 26-27 2009.

·       Invited presenter at the Cinefogo workshop ‘Ideologies of the Third Sector’ in Hovs Hallar-Sweden 25-27 June 2009.

·       Invited Presenter ‘Social capital, participation and citizenship in Europe’, 17-18  June, 2009. Scotland House, Brussels

·       Paper presented “anti-racist movements” at city-level at the Cities Research Centre of the University of the West of England, February 2009

·       Invited presenter at the Department of Political Science, University of Mannheim "Social Movements and the European Interest Intermediation of Public Interest Groups - a Comparison" 23 June 2008

·       Paper presented ‘Civil Society and European Ideals – Equality and Antiracism’ Section ‘Civil –Society Organizations and EU Equality’ – Connex Network of Excellence Final Conference – Also discussant to plenary presentation by B. Kohler-Koch, Mannheim March 6-8, 2008

·       Invited presenter at the Department of Social and Political Science, University of Silesia, Paper presented ‘Civil society organizations in old and new migration countries’ Katowice 22 February 2008

·       Invited plenary speaker, Conference  “Populism in Enlarged Europe.” Paper presented ‘Reinventing the Italian Right: Territorial Politics, Populism and ‘Post-Fascism’ University of Sodertorns, Sweden 6-7 Dec 2007

·       Invited to roundtable discussion and section chair – Connex Network of Excellence workshop:  “Opening EU Governance to Civil Society - Gains and Challenges“, October 25-27, 2007

·       Invited participant,  Conference “Turismo sostenibile: trasformazioni recenti e prospettive future” (II Edizione) (Sustainable tourism: recent transformations and future perspectives)  8 - 9 settembre 2007 – Acquappesa (CS) – Paper Presented: Tourism and Environmental Policy

·       Invited participant,  Conference ‘Think&Act - Citizenship, Identity and Immigration in the European Union’ Paper: ‘The role of civil society in EU immigration policy’, March 2007

·       Invited participant ‘Local Democracy: learning from experience’ University of Trieste, 2 March 2007

·       Invited participant “EU-China Seminar” Organized by the EU Commission and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 18-19 Settembre 2006. Discussant section ‘Social Cohesion and Governance’

·       Invited participant, Jean Monnet Conference ‘Europe’s Democratic Challenges – EU Solutions?’ Moderator of section ‘Democracy and Citizenship’ Trento, School of International Studies, 30 June – 1 July 2006.

·       Invited participant, Jean Monnet Conference ‘Europe’s Democratic Challenges – EU Solutions?’ Moderator of section ‘Democracy and Citizenship’ Trento, School of International Studies, 30 June – 1 July 2006.

·       Invited participant, ESRC Conference on the Politics of Interest Representation, The School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, May 4-5, 2006. 

·       Invited participant “European Institutions and Civil Society” European Institute, University of Sussex, February 2006

·       Invited participant, workshop “Crossing Borders: Social Movements meet networks in National, Trans-National and Virtual Space”. Paper presented ‘Environmental Movements:  International and Trans-national Arenas and Networks’ University of  Stockholm, 24 May 2005

·       Invited participant, workshop “Donne che sanno contare – women in scientific professions”. Paper presented with Giulia Bigot  ‘Donne immigrate e accesso al sistema delle professioni’ (immigrant women and access to professional occupations), Trento 17 December 2004

·       Invited participant, workshop “America: A Work In Progress” Venice International University, Isola di San Servolo,  Organised by the US Embassy in Rome, Venice,  April 29-May 1, 2004

·       Invited presenter at the British Foreign Office. Paper Presented “The Italian Right: A Lesson for Europe?” The Foreign Office - London 9 February 2004

·       Invited presenter at the Sociology Department Seminar Series. Paper Presented “Social Movements, Governance and Civil Society” Essex University 22 January 2004

·       Invited presenter at the Jean Monnet Seminar Series. Paper Presented “Civil Society at the EU level” Essex University 15 January 2004

·       Discussant to workshop “The EU facing Europeanization and Enlargement” Jean Monnet seminar cycle 2002, University of Trento 8 May 2002

·       Invited participant, workshop ‘Il libro bianco sulla governance europea: nuove prospettive comunitarie dell’autonomia trentina’ Paper Presented “Governance and Civil Society” (Governance e società civile),  Trento 8 February 2002.

·       Invited presenter at the annual meeting of the European Free Alliance, Brussels, November 2002

·       Co-organised and contributed to the workshop “Citizenship, Civil Society and Advocacy Coalitions in the EU.” Paper presented “Regionalism and European Integration”, University of Trento, Trento 14-14 December 2001.

·       Invited participant, workshop “Racism and Xenophobia in a European Perspective”; Paper presented “Organised Civil Society and Anti-Racism” Workshop organised by the Swedish NGO Forum and the University of Uppsala, Stockholm 7-8 December 2001.

·       Paper presented, workshop “Forum Europeen des Services de Conseil aux Citoyens” 29 Novembre 2001, Facultés Universitaires Saint Louis, Bruxelles

·       Invited participant, workshop “The contribution of the social sciences and the humanities to the European Research Area”, section “Governance and Civil Society”, organised by the European Commission, Bruges 29-30 October 2001.

·       Invited participant, workshop “The contribution of the social sciences and the humanities to the European Research Area”, section “Governance and Civil Society”, organised by the European Commission, Bruges 29-30 October 2001.

·       Invited discussant, Conference “Nation, Federalism and Democracy” Section “Federalist Pressures in Italy” University of  Trento 4-5 October 2001

·       Invited participant, workshop “Brasiliani di origine italiana: Invenzione di un'identità?” Paper presented: Europa, politiche migratorie e modelli di cittadinanza, Facoltà di Sociologia, Università di Trento, 18-20 settembre 2001

·       Invited participant to the Dialogue Workshop II: Racism and Xenophobia: Key Issues, Mechanisms, and Policy Opportunities organized  by the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, in cooperation with the European Commission (DG Research), Centre for Multiethnic Research, Uppsala, Swedish National Integration Office, Swedish Department of Industry, Employment and Communications 8-9 June 2001

·       Invited participant to the Dialogue Workshop “Racism and Xenophobia: Key Issues, Mechanisms, and Policy Opportunities”, organised by EU Commission (DG Research - Research Programme ‘Improving the socio-economic knowledge base’) Centre Borchette, Brussels, 5-6 April 2001

·       Guest lecture ‘Social Movements and EU institutions’ Versalius College, Brussels 10 November 2000 (Organised by Dr Huri Tursan, Department of Political Science)

·       Invited participant to ‘Jean Monnet’ Departmental Seminar Series. Paper presented “Environmental Groups and Movements in European Policy-Making” Department of Sociology, University of Trento 16 December 1999.

·       Invited participant to Departmental Seminar Series. Paper presented “Social Movements and Public Policy” Department of Sociology, University of Surrey 4 February 1999.

·       Invited participant to European Studies Departmental Seminar Series. Paper accepted for presentation “Anti-racist and Environmental Lobbies in Europe” Centre for European Studies, University of Essex, 23 March 1999.

·       Invited participant to Departmental Seminar Series. Presented “The Europeanization of Social Movements” Department of Sociology, University of Kent 26 November 1998.

·       Invited participant to Departmental Seminar Series. Paper presented “Ethno-Nationalism in Contemporary Europe and European Unification” Department of Sociology, Trento University 26 March 1998.

·       Invited participant - paper presented “Tourism and Environmental Sustainability” at the Conference Sustainable Development and Tourism Kos Island, Greece, June 1996

·       Invited participant to Departmental Seminar Series. Paper presented “Inter-Organisational Dynamics in EU Institutions” at Cambridge University (Organised by Professor John Child, Judge Institute) May 1995

·       Invited participant to Departmental Seminar Series. Paper presented "Collegiality and Neo-Corporatism in the European Commission" at EUI Florence (Organised by Professor Klaus Eder) February 1996

·       Invited participant. Paper presented “Institutionalisation in the Peace and Environmental Movements: a Comparison” Policy Institute, London, November 1992

·       Paper presented “Religious and Political Activism in the Italian Peace Movement” Center for Research on Political and Social Organizations, Harvard University, 1989

·       Paper presented “Institutionalisation dynamics in the Italian Peace Movement” Center for Research on Political and Social Organizations, Harvard University, 1987

Organization of Workshops and Conference Sections (selected)

·       Organized series of four international workshops at the University of Leicester supported by the EU network of excellence Cinefogo in October, November and June 2009. Workshop topics: civil society and governance, the public sector, populism, health and migration.

·       Organized eight Political Sociology sections as Chair of the Political Sociology network of the European Sociological Associations - European Sociological Association Congress, Lisbon August 2009. Also chaired political sociology sections on new modes of governance in Europe, on civil society, co-chaired section on the extreme right, organized round table on current trends in political sociology.

·       Conference ‘Sustainable Tourism’ co-organized with the Italian Sociological Association – Section on territorial studies and the University of Calabria – 90 papers selected for presentation, 13 -14 settembre 2008 – Amantea (CS). Contributed to the organization of similar event in 2007 and 2006

·       Conference organized (with Jens Rydgren) ‘Populism and Civil Society’ European University Institute, Florence, 21-22 March 2008. Paper presented ‘Populism and Civil Society in Italy’

·       Conference organized (with Vincent Della Sala and Simona Piattoni and support from the European Commission and the network of excellence Cinefogo) “The Governance of the European Union: theories, practices and myths” - 25-26 January 2008. Papers to be presented: “Legitimacy and the European Union: an Introduction” (with Vincent Della Sala); and “The Role of Institutionalised Social Movements at EU level.” Brussels, 25-26 January 2008

·       Conference organized (with Giovanna Procacci) Immigrants and the Health Care System 17th and 18th December 2007 - University of Milan (four sessions and round table with civil society volunteers).

·       Conference organized (with network of excellence CINEFOGO coordination team) ‘The Normative Implications of New Forms of Participation for Democratic Policy Processes’ Paper presented ‘Civil Society and European Legitimacy” - Rome  - October 4th and 5th  2007

·       Session Organizer ‘Beyond Populism: varieties of populist ideologies and the new centrality of civil society and the media ‘Beyond The Nation Conference 2007’ School of Politics, International Studies & Philosophy
Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland - 12th-14th September 2007

·       Co-ordinated (with Thomas Olesen) eight sessions for the social movement network at the European Sociological Associations, Glasgow, 3-6 September 2007. Organizer and discussant of sessions: ‘Social Movements and Civil Society’ and (with Mario Diani) ‘Social Movements and Policy-Making’

·       Coordination or co-coordination of several workshops for the European Network of Excellence CINEFOGO. Recent events on civil society and the media and local civil society (2006). Forthcoming two-day events at the University of Trento on ‘populism and civil society’; ‘civil society and EU public policies’; ‘migrants’ associations and migrants’ health’ (2007).

·       Organized Workshop: ‘Social Innovation And Governance: Strategies For Sustainable Development Of Rural Areas’ presented paper ‘Political Participation of Civil Society and the Leader Initiative in Three Countries’, University of Trento – 16-18 June 2007 (4 sessions)

·       Co-organized Workshop: ‘Social Movements and Civil Society’ University of Trento – 21-22 May 2007 (with Mario Diani and the support of the Cinefogo network of excellence) (4 panels)

·       Co-Coordinator with Lieven De Winter - section ‘Governance and Civil Society’ - European Consortium for Political Research, Budapest, September 2005  (9 panels)

·       Organized workshop ‘Governance and Civil Society’ 11-12 December 2003 (with Vincent Della Sala and the support of the Department of Sociology, the Jean Monnet Centre and the Department of Law (6 panels)

·       Organized workshop (with the Jean Monnet Centre) ‘Citizenship, Civil Society and Advocacy Coalitions in the EU’ December 2001 – (8 panels)

Altre attività


·        New Connectivities”: Civil Society, the “Third Sector” and Dilemmas for Socially and Economically Sustainable Healthcare Delivery’ AHRC £41,000 (Project coordinator:  Lim Ming), March 2011-October 2011.

  • EU Grant: Network of Excellence  (2005-2009) “Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe – The Impact of Active Citizenship and Social Capital” (CINEFOGO) (Leading partner: Prof. Hulgård & Prof. Boje –Roskilde University, Denmark). Area Coordinator and European sectoral coordinator for sector ‘Governance’. Contract # 513350; Total eligible costs €5,447,640; Total EU contribution €3,627,600; Trento total eligible costs €213,120; Trento total EU contribution €134,400

·        Volkswagen Stiftung grant: Giving new subjects a ‘voice’ Cultural diversity in the health-care system 2004-2007. Project Coordinator: Prof. Nanz, University of Bremen, Project code 40100899; Total budget €681,653; Total budget Trento €106,570

·        EU Grant  : “New Modes of Governance” 2004-2005 – Università di Trento; Project # CIT 1-CT-2004-506392; Total EC contribution €3,800,000; Total budget Trento €84,239,26; Total EC contribution Trento €42,347,-

·        PRIN 2004 ‘Social Innovation and Strategies for Sustainable Development in Rural Areas’ Project Leader Prof. Ada Cavazzani; Research Focus of the Trento Unit ‘ The Role of Environmental Organizations in European Policies of Local Development’; Protocol 2004141424_003; Total budget €120,000; Total budget Trento €42,600,-

·        EU Grant  “Organised Civil Society and European Governance” (CIVGOV) 2002-2004, € 160000 – Università di Trento (Leading partner); Contract number HPSE-CT-2002-00114; Total eligible costs €1,143,020; Total EU contribution €1,143,020; Total EU contribution Trento €200,534

·        EU Grant  “The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and Politics of 'Racial' Discrimination”,  2002-2004, Università di Trento - € 140000; Contract number HPSE-CT-2002-00135; Total allowable costs €1,423,527; Total EU contribution €1,289,992; Total EU contribution Trento €139,728

·        EU Grant “Study on the State of Young people and Youth Policy in Europe" 2000, £ 19,000 – Essex University; Contract # 1999-1734/001-001

·      EU Grant “Dropping Out of Secondary Education” 1997-1998, £22,732 - Essex University

·      EU Grant “Cultural and Policy Determinants of Sustainable Tourism Development” 1996-1998, £24,796 - Essex University (Leading partner); Acronym ENV2C;Project reference ENC4960198

·      EU Grant “Environmental Sustainability and Institutional Innovation” 1994-1996, £22,732 - Essex University

·      Awarded additional £ 25,000 for grant “Environmental Sustainability and Institutional Innovation” 1994-1996 - University of Surrey

·      Collaborated with Professor Klaus Eder on EU Grant "Framing Environmental Issues” 1992-1994 £50,000 - European University Institute; Project # PL210493
