Paolo Barbieri
Formazione |
EDUCATION 1992-1995 Ph.D in Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. Thesis: Non c’è rete senza nodi. Il ruolo del capitale sociale nell’incontro di domanda e offerta di lavoro, Tutor: prof. Gøsta Esping-Andersen - cum laude. 1983-1989 Degree in Political Science (Corso di laurea in Scienze Politiche, Indirizzo socio-economico e del lavoro), Faculty of Political Science University of Milano. Final mark: 110/110. Thesis: “Automazione di fabbrica e qualità del lavoro operaio: uno studio di caso” Tutor: prof. Dalla Chiesa . FURTHER TRAINING 1992: 26th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection University of Essex, 1999: Spring Seminars of the Zentral Archive of Cologne on Panel Analysis (Prof. U. Engel) and Event History Analysis (Prof. G. Rohwer) |
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica |
A C A D E M I C P O S I T I O N S 2013- : Associate Editor of the European Sociological Review, OUP.
Interessi di ricerca |
Welfare and Labour Market Studies Social Theory Social Capital Comparative Studies |
Attività di ricerca |
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici |
Member of the “European Science Foundation (ESF) College of Expert Reviewers” ERC Projects Evaluator Associate Editor European Sociological Review (top 10% Sociological Journals) European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR): Board Member (Italy) Quantitative Methods for the Sopcial Sciences - 2 (Life Course section, coopted member) Equalsoc network of Excellence, member ECSR-Equalsoc-University of Trento Summer School: Scientific responsible and local organizer, Trento |
Convegni e conferenze |
2010 (June): EqualSoc Final Conference, Amsterdam
1999 (Nov.): Conference: ‘Beyond the Feminisation of Poverty‘, University of Padova, Italy. |
Note |
Bio Note Paolo Barbieri is Full Professor (Professore Straordinario) in Economic Sociology at the University of Trento, Italy. He holds a PhD in Sociology. His research interests include welfare states and labor markets in a comparative perspective, as well as networks, social capital and status attainment processes. He currently coordinates the PhD program in Sociology within the Research School in Social Science at Trento University and is a member of the board of European Consortium of Sociological Research ECSR. Paolo has been member of various national and international research teams and recently coordinated projects on: “the social consequences of labour market flexibilisation in different welfare regimes” and on “changes in work and family” within the network of excellence EQUALSOC ( He currently participates in the ERC funded projects "Families of Inequalities" (based in Trento) and in the EDULIFE Project (based in EUI, Fiesole). |