Paolo Barbieri

Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 281437
paolo.barbieri[at]unitn [dot] it
1992-1995 Ph.D in Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. Thesis: Non c’è rete senza nodi. Il ruolo del capitale sociale nell’incontro di domanda e offerta di lavoro, Tutor: prof. Gøsta Esping-Andersen - cum laude.
1983-1989 Degree in Political Science (Corso di laurea in Scienze Politiche, Indirizzo socio-economico e del lavoro), Faculty of Political Science University of Milano. Final mark: 110/110.
Thesis: “Automazione di fabbrica e qualità del lavoro operaio: uno studio di caso” Tutor: prof. Dalla Chiesa
1992: 26th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection University of Essex,
1999: Spring Seminars of the Zentral Archive of Cologne on Panel Analysis (Prof. U. Engel) and Event History Analysis (Prof. G. Rohwer)
Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

A C A D E M I C    P O S I T I O N S
2012: Professor of Economic Sociology (SPS/09), Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento (1/9)
2007-2012: Associate Professor of Economic Sociology (SPS/09), Faculty of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento
2003-2007: Associate Professor of Economic Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milano-Bicocca
2001-2003: Lecturer in Economic Sociology (Ricercatore, SPS/09), Faculty of Sociology, University Milano-Bicocca
1999-2000: Contract Professor for Economic Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Trento University
1997-1999: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Sociology and Social Rnesearch, Trento University
1997: Research Fellow (ricercatore a contratto) Cattaneo Institute, Bologna.
1989-1992 Research Fellow C.N.R. (borsista di ricerca)

2013- : Associate Editor of the European Sociological Review, OUP. 
2011- : Vice Dean of the Doctoral School in Social Sciences, University of Trento
2010- 2014: Scientific coordinator of the PhD programme in Sociology and Social Reasearch, Trento University
2008- 2015: Member of the Board of the European Consortium of Sociological Research ECSR
2007- 2013: Member of the European Science Foundation Programme “Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences.” QMSS II
2007- Member of the Board of the PhD Program in Sociology and Social Research, Trento University
1997- 2012: Member of the Editorial Board of the Academic Journal Polis
2003- 2007: Member of the Board of the PhD Program in Sociology and Social Science Methodology, University of Milano-Bicocca
2005-2006: Director of the IRES Lombardia Research Insitute

2011 (July): NEPS, University of Bamberg
1999 (May): Visiting Researcher, MZES, Mannheim University
1997: Visiting Researcher, Nuffield College, Oxford
1998 (May/June): Visiting Professor Crest-Insée, Paris

2005-2007 Responsabile per l’indirizzo “Economia e Lavoro” del corso di laurea triennale in Sociologia presso la Facoltà di Sociologia di Milano-Bicocca
2005-2007 Responsabile per l’indirizzo “Economia e Lavoro” del corso di laurea Specialistica in Sociologia presso la Facoltà di Sociologia di Milano-Bicocca

2009- Economic Sociology, PhD Programme Sociology and Social Research, Trento University.
2007- Social Politics (8 CUF), Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento
2009- Politiche sociali e del lavoro in prospettiva comparata (8 CUF) Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento
2009   Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale (8 CUF) (laurea triennale)
2007- 2009 Economic Sociology (8CUF), Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento
2005–2007 Sociology (sociologia generale, 9 CFU), Faculty of Economics, University Milano-Bicocca
2002-2007 Economic Sociology (6 CUF), Faculty of Sociology, University Milano-Bicocca.
2002-2007 Sociology of Work (6 CUF), Faculty of Sociology, University Milano-Bicocca.
2002–2007 Economic Sociology (4,5 CFU), Faculty of Economics University Milano-Bicocca
2001-2002 Welfare Systems Compared (Sistemi di Welfare Comparati, 6 CFU), Faculty of Sociology, University Milano-Bicocca
2000-2002 Comparative Analysis of Labour Markets (3 CFU), Faculty of Sociology, University Milano-Bicocca
2000-2001 Social Institutions (Istituzioni di Sociologia, 9 CFU), Faculty of Statistics, University Milano-Bicocca
1999-2000 Politica Sociale e Sistemi Sociali Comparati, Faculty of Sociology, Trento University.

 Docenza in attività seminariali: vari fra 1989-1998: Università di Trento, Padova, Milan

Interessi di ricerca
Welfare and Labour Market Studies
Social Theory
Social Capital
Comparative Studies
Attività di ricerca

2010-2014 “Families of Inequalities” fundend under the 7th FP ERC-StG2009. Coordinated by S. Scherer
2008-2010 Coordinator if the Comparative Research Project “Changing Works and Families”, funded within the EQUALSOC Network
2005-2008 Coordinator of the Comparative Research Project “Atypical Employment and Welfare Regimes”, funded within the EQUALSOC Network (
2008-2010 "Comparative School Discipline", coordinate by Richard Arum Social Science Research Council and New York University
2008-2010 "FlexCareer II", coordinated by Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Karin Kurz, Universities Bamberg and Leipzig ( funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG
2006-2007 "FlexCareer I", coordinated by Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Karin Kurz, University of Bamberg ( funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG
2005- member of the "EQUALSOC Network of Excellence" funded by the EU,
1999-2003 "New Forms of Self-employment". Coordinated by Prof. Walter Mueller, Mannheim University, fundend by the Fritz-Thyssen Stiftung.
1997-1999 "Indagine Longitudinale sulle Famiglie Italiane (ILFI)", directed by Prof. Antonio Schizzerotto, Ia, IIa, IVa e Va wave. dell’Università di Trento (
1997-1998 "EPUSE: Employment Precarity, Unemployment and Social Exclusion in Europe", CEE-D.G.II, coordinated by Prof. Duncan Gallie, Nuffield College, Oxford.
1997-1998 "Transformation of labour and future of labour law in Europe", project: CEE-D.G.V, directed by Prof. Alain Supiot.
1995-1996 Progetto Strategico C.N.R. su "Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia: cause specifiche e rimedi adeguati" coordinated by Prof. Michele Salvati.
1991-1992 “Long-Term Unemployment”, CEE research project, coordinated by Prof. Duncan Gallie, Nuffield College, Oxford.
1990-1992 Researcher of the ’Istituto di Ricerche Economico-Sociali della Lombardia (IRES) Lombardia) nel campo della Sociologia Industriale e del Lavoro. Various projects, among these: with Prof. Antonio Chiesi various research on innovation technologies and the transformation of manufacture work.

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Member of the “European Science Foundation (ESF) College of Expert Reviewers”

ERC Projects Evaluator

Associate Editor European Sociological Review (top 10% Sociological Journals)

European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR): Board Member (Italy)

Quantitative Methods for the Sopcial Sciences - 2 (Life Course section, coopted member)

Equalsoc network of Excellence, member

ECSR-Equalsoc-University of Trento Summer School: Scientific responsible and local organizer, Trento

Convegni e conferenze

2011 (December) ECSR 20th Conference, Dublin

2010 (June): EqualSoc Final Conference, Amsterdam
2009 (Oct): QMSSII Workshop on the Advances in quantitative methods in family and fertility research, Groningen
2008 (April): EqualSoc Conference, Berlin
2008 (May) ISA-RC28 Conference, Fisole
2008 (May) TRANSEUROPE ESF Network: “The Flexibilization of European Labor Markets: The Development of Social Inequalities in an Era of Globalization”
2007 (Nov) Conferenza REFLEX: “Percorsi di studio e di inserimento professionale dei laureati in Europa”, Università degli Studi di Milano, Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences, “Work, Training and Welfare” research centre.
2007 (June): Convegno della sezione metodologica dell’AIS, Esplorare la coesione sociale: teorie, ipotesi, modelli, tecniche di analisi dei dati, Trento.
2007 (May). Convegno nazionale AIS –ELO, Associazione Italiana di Sociologia - Sezione Economia, Lavoro e Organizzazione:  “Le disuguaglianze oggi: territori, società, lavoro, Coordinatore della Sessione “Corsi di vita, carriere e disuguaglianze”
2007 (May) Conferenza Nazionale sulla Famiglia, Firenze 25 maggio 2007
2006 (Sept.): EQUALSOC NetworkConference, Barcelona.
2006 (Jan.): EMPLOY Research Group Meeting EQULASOC, Turin.
2005 (Nov.): Convegno presso il Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università Milano-Bicocca: Welfare, Mercato del Lavoro e Diritti Sociali in Europa- Organisation.
2004 (Sept.): ESF Conference “European Society or European Societies?” Granada, Spain.
2001 (Nov.): Convegno A.I.E.L. (Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro) ‘Qualità del Processo Formativo ed Esiti sul Mercato del Lavoro’ Milano, Italy.
2000 (Oct): Convegno AIS, Milano-Bicocca.
2000 (Sept): EURESCO Conference „Visions and Divisions: Challenges to European Sociology“, Helsinki.
2000 (May) ISA-RC28: International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Stratification (RC28) 50th. Anniversary Conference, Libourne.

1999 (Nov.): Conference: ‘Beyond the Feminisation of Poverty‘, University of Padova, Italy.
1999 (Sept.): ECSR Workshops, September 1999, Mannheim, MZES.
1998 (April): Conference of the European Science Foundation (ESF), Castelvecchio Pascoli.


Bio Note

Paolo Barbieri is Full Professor (Professore Straordinario) in Economic Sociology at the University of Trento, Italy. He holds a PhD in Sociology. His research interests include welfare states and labor markets in a comparative perspective, as well as networks, social capital and status attainment processes. He currently coordinates the PhD program in Sociology within the Research School in  Social Science at Trento University and is a member of the board of European Consortium of Sociological Research ECSR. Paolo has been member of various national and international research teams and recently coordinated projects on: “the social consequences of labour market flexibilisation in different welfare regimes” and on “changes in work and family” within the network of excellence EQUALSOC ( He currently participates in the ERC funded projects "Families of Inequalities" (based in Trento) and in the EDULIFE Project (based in EUI, Fiesole).