Ermenegildo Bidese

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 282985
ermenegildo.bidese[at]unitn [dot] it
Settore scientifico disciplinare: GERM-01/C - Lingua, traduzione e linguistica tedesca (GERM-01/C)



2007                Ph.D. in German Linguistics, University of Verona (Italy)

2001                Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

Academic Career

2021   Habilitation (venia legendi) (Germany) in German Linguistics and General Linguistics, University of Frankfurt/Main

2018   National Scientific Habilitation (Italy) for Full Professor in German Linguistics (ASN - 10/M1)

2014   National Scientific Habilitation (Italy) for Associate Professor in German Linguistics (ASN - 10/M1)

2009   Tenure Track for Research Assistant Professor in German Linguistics

2006   Research Assistant Professor in German Linguistics

2002   Lecturer in German Linguistics


Institutional Courses (last five years)

First Semester 2022/2023 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-3. year: Ein mentalistisches Modell syntaktischer Variation.

Seminar/MA-1. year: Deutsch außerhalb. Deutsche Sprachminderheiten in Italien und in der Welt.

Second Semester 2022 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-2. year: Die Architektur des deutschen Satzes: das CP-TP-vP-Modell.

First Semester 2021/222 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-3. year: Ein mentalistisches Modell syntaktischer Variation.

Lecture/BA-1. year: Einführung in die deutsche Linguistik: Syntax.

Seminar/MA-1. year: Modalität im Deutschen: Modalverben, Modalpartikeln, andere Modalitätsausdrücke.

Second Semester 2020/21 (Università di Bolzano)

Seminar/MA-1. year: Minderheitensprache: Zimbrisch.

Second Semester 2020/21 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-2. year: Die Architektur des deutschen Satzes: das CP-TP-vP-Modell.

First Semester 2020/21 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-3. year: Ein mentalistisches Modell syntaktischer Variation.

Lecture/BA-1. year: Einführung in die deutsche Linguistik: Syntax.

Seminar/MA-1. year: Übersetzungstheorie: die literarische Übersetzung und die EDV-

gestützte Übersetzung.

Second Semester 2020 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-1. year: Einführung in die deutsche Linguistik: Syntax.

Lecture/BA-2. year: Die Architektur des deutschen Satzes: das CP-TP-vP-Modell.

Seminar/MA-1. year: Aspekte der Modalität im Deutschen: Modus, Modalverben, Modalpartikeln.

Second semester 2019 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-3. year: Die Struktur deutscher Wörter: Aspekte der Deutschen Morphologie.

Lecture/BA-2. year: Die Architektur des deutschen Satzes: das CP-TP-vP-Modell.

First Semester 2018/19 (Università di Trento)

Lecture/BA-1. year: Einführung in die deutsche Linguistik: Syntax.

Seminar/MA-1. year: „Das irregeführte Wort“ – D'Arrigos Horcynus Orca und die deutsche Übersetzung von Moshe Kahn.



Die Syntax deutscher Sprachminderheiten in Italien: Sauris, Tischbong und das Kanaltal, Romano Madaro, 2020-2023.

Gender in Danger? Evaluating Speech Translation Technology, Beatrice Savoldi, 2019-2022.

Il frammento nominale nell’italiano digitato colloquiale. Proposta di classificazione sintattica, prospettive di analisi e applicazioni sul campo, Gloria Comandini, 2018-2021 (Defensio: 10.12.2019).

Language contact as innovation: the case of Cimbrian, Claudia Turolla, 2017-2020 (Defensio: 19.10.2019).

MA degree theses 

Die Landtagswahlen 2018 in Südtirol: eine linguistische Analyse der politischen Kommunikation auf Facebook, Anna Schenk, 2022.

Rekursivität an der Satzgrenze: neue theoretische Ansätze über die (kor)relativische Natur der Subordination, Tamara Bassighini, 2021.

Die Anverwandlung eines literarischen Meisterwerkes: Eine kontrastive Analyse von D’Arrigos Horcynus Orca und Moshe Kahns Übersetzung, Irene Egger, 2021.

Der Doubly-filled-Comp-Filter in deutschen Dialekten im Alpenraum: Eine Bestandaufnahme in den Südtiroler Varietäten, Greta Obexer, 2019.

Beppe Fenoglios Werke und ihre Übersetzung ins Deutsche: Analyse stilistischer Probleme und die Lösungstrategien bei Heinz Riedt und Moshe Kahn, Sandra Prantl, 2019.

Wie funktioniert Sprachmittlung in mehrsprachigen Situationen im akademischen Kontext? Eine empirische Untersuchung an der mehrsprachigen Freien Universität Bozen, Lisa Widmann, 2019.

Interessi di ricerca

Areas of interest:

Syntax (formal and historical),

Contact-induced language change (diachronic and synchronic),

Language contact and language change,

Linguistics of regional and local languages (dialectology),

Origin and evolution of language, universal grammars.

Attività di ricerca

Research Projects

[17] Leader of the Trento Research Unit, PRIN (Research Projects of Significant National Interest) 2020 (SH4, Linea A): Alpilink: German-Romance Language Contact in the Italian Alps: documentation, explanation, participation. Total Budget: € 531.307,--;

[16] Supervisor, Autonome Region Trentino-Südtirol: Submerged identity: the lost High German variety of the plateaus of Lavarone and Folgaria. 2020-2021. Budget: € 22.000,--

[15] Supervisor, Foundation CARITRO: Cimbrian Online Digital Archive – The linguis-tic-historical memory of the Cimbrian Community of Lusérn (TN). Budget: € 24.000,--

 [14] Co-Supervisor, Autonomous Province of Trento (Research fund for the historical language-minorities): The effects of Bilingualism between minority and standard lan-guage on the development of pragmatic competence. 2017-2018. Budget: € 24.000,--

[13] Co-investigator of the Verona-Trento Research Unit, PRIN (Research Projects of Significant National Interest) 2018 (SH4, Linea A): Models of language variation and change: new evidence from language contact. Total Budget: € 450.574,--;

[12] Co-investigator: University Strategic Plan, Interdepartmental Project for the Establishment of a Research Center of Language studies (

[11] Co-investigator of the Trento Research Unit, European 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration. Grant Agreement no. 613465: Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (AThEME,, 2014-2019. Total Budget: € 4.999.990,--; Trento research unit: € 370.979,--.

[10] Supervisor, Autonomous Province of Trento (Research fund for the historical lan-guage-minorities): Comparing Linguistic varieties: description and didactic applica-tion of grammatical phenomena in German, Mòcheno and Cymbrian. 2019-2020.  Budget: € 24.000,--.

[9] Supervisor, Foundation CARITRO: Cimbrian Online Digital Archive – The linguistic-historical memory of the Cimbrian Community of Lusérn (TN), 2017-2018.  Budget: € 24.000,--.

[8] Supervisor, Autonomous Province of Trento (Research fund for the historical language-minorities): The effects of Bilingualism between minority and standard language on the development of pragmatic competence, 2017-2018. € 24.000,--.

[7] Supervisor, Autonomous Province of Trento (Post-doc Research fund): Optionality and pragmatics in syntax: the mixed word order in the subordinate clauses of Mòcheno as a labor for a unitary theory on the syntactic variation in the old phases of the Germanic languages, 2012-2015. € 141.900,--.

[6] Principal Investigator, The U.S. – Italy Fulbright Commission: The Syntactic Nature of Protolanguage and Its Cognitive Power. A Merge-based Investigation into the Different Stages of Language Origin, 2012-2013. $ 11.000,--.

[5] Co-investigator, Foundation CARITRO (Research Fund): The acquisition of syntax in a multilingual context: a longitudinal study on the children of Fersina-Valley, 2011-2013. € 40.000,--.

[4] Supervisor, Autonomous Province of Trento (Post-doc Research fund): The lexicon-morphosyntax interface in language obsolescence with particular attention to the Cimbrian semi-speakers in Trentino and the Veneto region. 2009-2011. € 112.000,--.

[3] Supervisor, Autonomous Province of Trento (Research fund for the historical lan-guage-minorities): The Germanic and the Romanic syntax in the Cimbrian language of Lusérn, 2008-2009. € 19.000,--.

[2] Principal Investigator, University of Verona, co-founded by the Curatorium Cimbricum Veronense: The Syntax of the Extraposition in Cimbrian: the Germanic and the Romance Model. 2002-2006. € 3.000,--.

[1] Principal Investigator, EU-Programm LEADER II: Cimbrians, the past and the future – Section: Cimbrian Language and Grammar. 2001.

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Research Support

Academic Journal

[23]      Founder and Editor-in-chief (with Anne Reboul, Director des Institut des sciences cognitives – Marc Jeannerod, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) of Evolutionary Linguistic Theory (ELT), Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory (ELT).

- Issue 4.1:

- Issue 3.2:

- Issue 3.1:

- Issue 2.2:

- Issue 2.1:

- Issue 1.2:

- Issue 1.1:

Conferences and workshop

[22]      Co-organizer (Scientific and Organizing committee) of Beyond Borders | Oltre i confini | Jenseits der Grenzen. German-speaking Minorities in Italy and around the World - Minoranze germanofone in Italia e nel mondo - Deutschsprachige Minderheiten in Italien und in der Welt, University of Trento, 6-8 October 2022.

[21]      Co-organizer (Scientific and Organizing committee) of Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW 35), University of Trento, October 2020 [due to the COVID-pandemic postponed to June 2021].

[20]      Co-organizer (Scientific and Organizing committee) of Giornate di Studi Scientifici sul Linguaggio (Società Studi Scientifici sul Linguaggio 2019), University of Trento, 2019.

[19]      Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of Workshop in Syntax Processing, University of Trento, 2017.

[18]      Organizer of the International Workshop Theory of language and the debate on language origins, University of Trento, November 2015.

[17]      Co-organizer of the International Conference Understanding pro-drop. A synchronic and diachronic perspective, University of Trento, June 2014.

[16]      Co-organizer of the 40thIncontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG 40), University of Trento, February 2014.

[15]      Co-organizer of the International Conference Ferdinand Ebner: Denker des Logos und des Dia-Logos. Pneumatologie als Grammatik der Subjektivität, University of Trento, Bressanone, November 2009.

[14]      Organizer of the International Conference Das Zimbrische zwischen Germanisch und Romanisch. University of Bremen, January, 2005.

Reviewing and Research Evaluation

[13]      Group Evaluation Manager (GEV) for the field L-LIN/14 (German Linguistics) in the Evaluation of Academic Research Quality in Italy (VQR) 2015-2019 for ANVUR (Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes)

[12]      Member of the review committee for the Johann Andreas Schmeller Prize 2021 of the Johann Andreas Schmeller Society (Tirschenreuth, Germany) (2020).

[11]      Abstract Reviewer: Workshop in Syntax Processing (2017), Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG 40) (2014), Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE).

[10]      Application Reviewer: The U.S. – Italy Fulbright Commission (2013-2016).

[9]        Manuscript Referee: Frontier in Psychology – Language Sciences (2015).

Courses and lecture series

[8]        Organizer and Coordinator of the Linguistics Research Colloquium “Conversazioni Linguistiche”, University of Trento, Department of Humanities, 2016-2021.

[7]        Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of the Course on Teaching and learning minority languages – IALM, University of Trento, 2017. Taught courses: Cimbrian Linguistics and Introduction in contact linguistics.

[6]        Co-taught course on Multilingualism and Neurosciences for the Teacher Continuing Training Lo studio della mente e l’arte di insegnare, University of Trento, October 2016.

[5]        Co-organizer of the Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung) in German Studies Seminari di Germanistica a Trento, University of Trento, February – May 2016.

[4]        Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of the Course on Research and Didactics of the minority languages of Trentino, University of Trento, 2009-2010.

[3]        Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of the Course on Research and Didactics of the minority languages of Trentino, University of Trento, 2008-2009.

Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes

[2]        President of the Scientific Committee of the Cimbrian Institute of Lusern, 2008- present day.

[1]       Member (Linguistic consultant) of the Scientific Committee of the Mòcheno-Cimbrian Institute, 2004.

University and Department Service

[4]        Member of the Coordination Committee of the International Research Doctoral Course in “Forms of cultural exchange”, in collaboration with the University of Augsburg, 2019-present day.

[3]        Deputy coordinator of the Didactic Area “Modern Languages” of the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento.

[2]        Member of the Committee for the Open Access of the University of Trento, 2014-present day.

[1]        Member of the Doctoral School in Literary, Linguistics and Philology Studies, University of Trento, 2008-2018.

Premi e riconoscimenti

International Awards

2012-2013     J.-W.-Fulbright Research Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA), Depart. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

2010             Johann-Andreas-Schmeller Preis, „Johann-Andreas-Schmeller-Society“ (Tirschenreuth, Germany) for the book Die diachronische Syntax des Zimbrischen, Tübingen, 2008.

Convegni e conferenze

A. Keynote Speaker

[77] 2019. Merkmalsvererburg im romanisch-germanischen Vergleich. International Conference, Saarbrücker Runder Tisch für Dialektsyntax (SaRDis 2019), Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, November 15.-16. 

[76] 2016. Zur Methodologie der Kontaktlinguistik. Erkenntnisse aus einer deutschbasierten Sprachinselvarietät in Norditalien. International Conference, Sprachkontaktforschung – explanativ, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, April 15.-16.

B. Invited Speaker

[75] 2022. Germanistische Sprachkontaktforschung in den deutschen Sprachminderheiten Italiens. Lecture at the Linguistic Colloquium, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, November 9.

[74] 2022. Auxiliarbewegung im eingebetteten Satz als weitere Stufe zum Abbau der Haupt/Nebensatz-Asymmetrie im Zimbrischen. Lecture at the Linguistic Colloquium, J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, November 7. 

[73] 2022. Italien – das Land der sprachlichen Inseln. Von der Vielfalt der Minderheiten zur Grammatik des Zimbrischen. Studientag, Universität Bremen, July 1.

[72] 2022. Zur Fokussierung der Modalpartikel auch. Workshop, Fokus adverbs. A cross-linguistic perspective, TU Dresden, June 27.

[71] 2022. On the threefold typology of Scheinsubjekte: from Karl Brugmann to Cimbrian syntax. Workshop, The Theory and Historical Development of Expletives (and non-referential arguments), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, online lecture, June 9.-10.

[70] 2022. La struttura perifrastica progressiva nel continuum romanzo-germanico alpino. Workshop, Lingue minoritarie e ricerca linguistica, Università di Udine, May 26.

[69] 2022. Some aspects of the Cimbrian clause syntax. Workshop, Germanic linguistic islands, University of Zürich, May 5.-6.

[68] 2022. The quotative von wegen in contemporary German: How to account for syntactic variation across genres, International Conference New perspectives on (morpho)syntactic variation in Germanic and Romance varieties, University of Zürich, online lecture, May 28. 

[67] 2022. Produrre oggetti litici e oggetti linguistici. Ipotesi su un’operazione cognitiva comune. Lecture at the Linguistic Colloquium, University of Palermo, 23. February.

[66] 2020. Synchronisierungseffekte im romanisch-germanischen Grenzgebiet, Energeia-Lecture of the Working Group for German Grammar, Japanese Society for German Studies (JGG), online lecture, November 7. 

[65] 2019. Perifrasi progressive e altri riflessi aspettuali in cimbro, International Conference L’aspettualità nel contatto linguistico, University of Konstanz, Hegne, June 18. 

[64] 2019. Synchronic Variation of wh-elements, International Workshop Dimensions of wh-words: 

a German-Italian question time, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Villa Vigoni, Menaggio (CO), May 7. 

[63] 2019. Prospettive sincroniche e diacroniche sulle isole linguistiche germanofone, 40-Year Jubilee Symposium of the Johann Andreas Schmeller Society Eine Grammatik des Bairischen. Zum 80. Geburtstag von Ludwig Zehetner, Johann Andreas Schmeller Society, Tirschenreuth, April 5.-7.

[62] 2018. Das Projekt ADOC (Archivio Digitale Online Cimbro): Sprachdokumentation und linguistische Forschung in Lusérn anhand von 40 Jahren Audioaufnahmen, International Conference Sprachinseln und Sprachinselforschung heute, Verein der Freunde der im Mittelalter von Österreich aus besiedelten Sprachinseln, Vienna, November 24.

[61] 2018. Prospettive sincroniche e diacroniche sulle isole linguistiche germanofone, International Workshop, University Udine, Udine, November 8. 

[60] 2018. The mechanism of Feature Inheritance: comparing Italian, German and Cimbrian, LinG Kolloquium, Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, June 27. 

[59] 2018. Al centro del frattale: nuove interpretazioni sulla natura del linguaggio umano. Conference: Interpretazione. Reti di relazioni generate da un’opera d’arte, Conservatorio Bomporti – Università di Trento, Trento, Januar 30. 

[58] 2018. Soin oder Håm `Sein oder Haben´ Rätselhafte Asymmetrien bei der Auswahl des Auxiliars im Zimbrischen von Lusérn. Linguistisches Kolloquium, LMU, München, Januar 17.

[57] 2017. Die theoretisch informierte Linguistik der deutschen Sprache und ihrer Varietäten im Bereich von L-LIN/14. Annual Meeting of the Italian Society for German Studies, Rom, September 15. 

[56] 2016. „Sein oder Haben“? Zur Hilfsverbselektion bei Reflexivkonstruktionen im Zimbrischen

A Symposium to Honor Werner Abraham on his 80th Birthday, Die Zukunft von Grammatik – Die Grammatik der Zukunft, LMU, München, 12.-13. Februar. 

[55] 2015. Wandel durch Kontakt? Eine (strukturierte) Bestandaufnahme der Positionen in der Sprachkontaktforschung. International Summer Academy in Language, Culture and Society. The Challenges of Transformation in Europe, University of Trento / Technische Universität Dresden, Trento, September 2.

[54] 2015. Bilinguale Kompetenz, Komplementiererselektion und Modus im Zimbrisch. Munich International Summer University Summer Academy in German Linguistics, LMU Munich, August 12. 

[53] 2015. Das System der Relativsätze in einer deutschen Minderheitssprache in Italien: systematische Aspekte und die Frage nach dem kontaktinduzierten Sprachwandel. Munich International Summer University Summer Academy in German Linguistics, LMU Munich, August 11. 

[52] 2015. Das System der Relativsätze in einer deutschen Minderheitssprache in Italien: systematische Aspekte und die Frage nach dem kontaktinduzierten Sprachwandel. Oberseminar (Prof. Dr. Helmut Weiß), Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Juni 16. 

[51] 2015. Una lettera italo-tedesca? Una nuova interpretazione linguistica di una lettera di Spitzer. Conference Scritture della Grande Guerra, PhD program in Linguistics, Philology and Literature, University of Padova, Padova, May 6. 

[50] 2014. La ‘guerra’ della <s> e della <z> a Luserna. Sul valore simbolico dell‘ortografia nel processo di standardizzazione di una varietà alloglotta germanica in Italia. International Summer School Germanische und Romanische (Klein)Sprachen im Kontakt Erasmus-Intensivprogramm der Universitäten Konstanz, Bozen, Zürich, Trento und Verona, Bozen, September 8. 

[49] 2014. Das Zimbrische zwischen Germanisch und Romanisch: Formen der ‚Herausstellung‘ und Verlust der V2-Restriktion in der Geschichte der zimbrischen Sprache. International Summer School Germanische und Romanische (Klein)Sprachen im Kontakt. Erasmus-Intensivprogramm der Universitäten Konstanz, Bozen, Zürich, Trento und Verona, Freie Universität, Bozen, September 2. 

[48] 2012. Lingua, letteratura e identità. Summer School Lingue locali e didattica. University of Trento, Scola Ladina de Fascia, Pozza di Fassa (TN, Italy), August 28. 

[47] 2011. Die Wörterbücher der zimbrischen Tradition und das neue Zimbarbort. International Workshop: Sprachinselwörterbücher: für wen? Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, November 25. 

[46] 2010. Auf der Suche nach der vollkommenen Sprache. Die Frage nach den Sprachuniversalien und die Axiomatik ihrer Beantwortung in der Spekulativen Grammatik der Modisten und in der Generativen Grammatik Noam Chomskys. 14th symposium of the International Graduate School Sprachtheorie und Angewandte Linguistik (LIPP), Ludwig-Maximilian Universität, Munich, December 3. 

[45] 2007. Die Wackernagelposition als CLP: ein neuer Interpretationsvorschlag zur Position morpho-phonologisch reduzierter Pronominalelemente in den germanischen Sprachen unter Berücksichtigung des Zimbrischen. International Workshop Neue Tendenzen in der deutschen Dialektologie: Morphologie und Syntax, University of Verona, Verona, December 14. 

[44] 2005. V2 und Klitika im Zimbrischen von Giazza. International Workshop Alemannische und bairische Sprachinseldialekte im südlichen Alpenbogen. Universität Zürich – Deutsches Seminar, Zürich, November 12. 

c. After Peer Review Selection 

[43] 2022. Auxiliarbewegung im eingebetteten Satz als weitere Stufe zum Abbau der Haupt/Nebensatz-Asymmetrie im Zimbrischen. International Conference, Saarbrücker Runder Tisch für Dialektsyntax (SaRDis 2022), Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, November 4.-5. 

[42] 2022. Linguistische Merkmale des Diaspora-Deutschen. Für eine vergleichende Sprachkontaktforschung. International conference Beyond bordes | Oltre i confini | Jenseits der Grenzen. German-speaking Minorities in Italy and around the World – Minoranze germanofone in Italia e nel mondo – Deutschsprachige Minderheiten in Italien und in der Welt. University of Trento, Department of Humanities, Trento, June 6-8. 

[41] 2021. Prädikative und attributive Konstruktionen im Zimbrischen. 14. Congress of the International Association for German Studies (IVG) (C14: Prädikative und attributive Konstruktionen im Sprachvergleich mit Deutsch), Palermo, 27. July. 

[40] 2021. Subjektklitika, Verbzweit und Nominativzuweisung: Einsichten in die Syntaxtheorie ausgehend vom Zimbrischen. 14. Congress of the International Association for German Studies (IVG) (C3: Der Beitrag der kleinen Sprachen zum Fortschritt der Linguistik), Palermo, 27. July. 

[39] 2021. Subjektklitika, Verbzweit und Nominativzuweisung: Einsichten in die Syntaxtheorie ausgehend vom Zimbrischen. 14. Congress of the International Association for German Studies (IVG) (C3: Der Beitrag der kleinen Sprachen zum Fortschritt der Linguistik), Palermo, 27. July. 

[38] 2021. The phenomenon of complementizer agreement: new data from South Tyrol. 35. Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW 35), Trento, 24. June. 

[37] 2021. Circumventing the ‘that-trace’ effect: Different strategies between Germanic and Romance. 43rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics ((AG1: Grammatical gaps: Definition, typology and theory), Freiburg, 25. February. 

[36] 2021. Encoding aspectuality in Germanic languages — empirical and theoretical approaches. 43rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (AG5: Progressive and prospective in German dialects of Italy), Freiburg, 25. February. 

[35] 2020. Circumventing the ‘that-trace’ effect: Different strategies between Germanic and Romance. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Bucharest (Romania), 27. August. 

[34] 2019. The expression of additivity in Romance and Germanic Varieties in Trentino-South Tyrol. International conference Langue et Territoire / Language and Territory 4, University of Trento, Trento, June 28. 

[33] 2019. Additive particle: German auch, Italian anche. International conference Particles in German, English and beyond, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, January 21.-22. 

[32] 2018. Deutsches auch und italienisches anche im Vergleich. International conference Kontrastive Linguistik, Università degli Studi di Milano “La Statale”, Milan, October 26. 

[31] 2018. Syntax des Zahrischen. Ergebnisse einer ersten Erhebung. 6. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), Marburg, September 14. 

[30] 2018. Doubly-filled COMPs in Alpine varieties. A contrastive study on Germanic and Romance. 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn (Estonia), August 31. 

[29] 2018. Language synchronization north and south of the Brenner pass: Modelling the continuum. 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn (Estonia), August 31. 

[28] 2017. Linear Versus Non-linear V2 Languages. 19th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Stellenbosch (South Africa), September 8. 

[27] 2016. Auxiliary selection and perfective verb particles in Cimbrian reflexive constructions. Saarbrücker Runder Tisch für Dialektsyntax (SaRDiS 2016), Saarbrücken, November 05. 

[26] 2016. Adjective orders in the Cimbrian DP. 38th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (AG13: Adjective order: Theory and Experiment), Konstanz, February 26. 

[25] 2015. The decline of asymmetric word order in Cimbrian subordination. 37th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (AG5: Co- and subordination in German and other languages), Leipzig, March 4. 

[24] 2014. Effects of multilingualism on the grammar of Mòcheno-speaking pre-school children. A syntactic and prosodic analysis. 48th Annual Meeting of the Italian Society for Linguistics (Workshop: Language acquisition in different circumstances), Udine, September 26. 

[23] 2014. Die Syntax der Subordination im Zimbrischen. Über die Logik des kontaktbedingten Sprachwandels. International conference German abroad – Perspektiven der Variationslinguistik, Sprachkontakt- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung. Universität Wien, Institut für Germanistik, Vienna, Juli 4. 

[22] 2014. Developing pro-drop. The case of Cimbrian. International conference Understanding pro-drop. A synchronic and diachronic perspective. University of Trento, Department of Humanities, Trento, June 20. 

[21] 2014. The rationale behind contact. Bilingual competence and feature transfer in Cimbrian. 36th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (AG6: Language in Historical Contact situations: diagnostics for grammatical replication), Marburg/Lahn, March 4. 

[20] 2014. On the relation between language contact, language acquisition and language change. The view from Mòcheno. 40th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG). University of Trento, Department of Humanities, Trento, February 14. 

[19] 2013. Una regola ortografica per il cimbro. Esperienze di scrittura in lingua locale a Luserna/Lusérn (TN). 47th International Congress of the Italian Society of Linguistics (SLI 2013) Livelli di analisi e fenomeni di interfaccia (workshop Elaborazione ortografica delle varietà non standard. Esperienze spontanee in Italia e in Europa), Salerno, September 27.

[18] 2013. Why generative linguistics does resist the concept of Protolanguage. 19th International Congress of Linguistics (ICL) The Language-Cognition Interface, Geneva, July 25. 

[17] 2013. German as a Minority Language in Italy with Special Emphasis on Cimbrian/Zimbrisch/ Cimbro. Annual Conference of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (The City University of New York – Queens College), New York, April 26. 

[16] 2012. Against Protolanguage. 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang IX), Kyoto, March 14. 

[15] 2011. Cimbrian complementizers and semi-speakerness. 6th Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax Meeting (CIDSM 6), Cambridge/UK, June 16. 

[14] 2010. Das Leben der Metaphern. Zum epistemischen Gehalt religiöser und theologischer Begriffe vor dem Hintergrund der heutigen Wissenschaftslehre. International conference of the Graduate School Religion in Modernisierungsprozessen, Universität Erfurt, Erfurt, September 23. 

[13] 2010. Erodierte Sprachstrukturen und Grammatiktheorie. Zur Morphosyntax der Halbsprecher (semi-speakers) in der zimbrischen Enklave Lusérn. 4th International Conference Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in Italien (DSWI), Università La Sapienza, Rom, February 5. 

[12] 2009. Sprache als Kontinuum, Sprache als ‚Diskretum’ in der aristotelischen Physik. 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium Language and World, Kirchberg am Wechsel, August 10. 

[11] 2008. Die Wackernagelposition als CLP. Ein neuer Interpretationsvorschlag zur Position morphophonologisch reduzierter Pronominalelemente in den germanischen Sprachen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Zimbrischen. 3th International Conference Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in Italien (DSWI), Università La Sapienza, Roma, February 15. 

[10] 2005. The Relevance of Lesser Used Languages for Theoretical Linguistics: The Case of Cimbrian and the Support of the TITUS Corpus. International Conference Lesser Used Languages and Computer Linguistics (LULCL 5), Europäische Akademie Accademia Europea Bozen/Bolzano, Oktober 26. 

d. Without Peer Review Selection 

[9] 2012. A binary system of complementizers in Cimbrian relative clauses. Syntax Square, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge/MA, December 4. 

[8] 2012. CP-Erosion in semi-speakers’ Cimbrian: A tentative study about syntax contraction. Syntax Square, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge/MA, December 11. 

[7] 2009. Etymologie und Philo-logie bei Ferdinand Ebner. International Conference Ferdinand Ebner: Denker des Logos und des Dia-Logos. Pneumatologie als Grammatik der Subjektivität / Ferdinand Ebner: Pensatore del Logos e del Dia-Logos. Pneumatologia come grammatica della soggettività. International Ferdinand Ebner Society, University of Trento, Brixen, November 19. 

[6] 2009. Zimbrisch, was ist das? Zur Geschichte, Geographie und Sprache der Zimbrischen Enklaven. Internationales Festival der Sprachen, Universität Bremen, UNESCO, Europäische Union (Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung), Bremen, October 2. 

[5] 2005. Stetige Bewegung und performative Erkenntnis in Thomas von Aquin. International conference Experience and Demonstration: The Sciences of Nature in the 13th and 14th Century. J.W. Goethe-Universität – Institut für Philosophie, Frankfurt am Main, December 9. 

[4] 2005. Formen der 'Herausstellung' und Verlust der V2-Restriktion in der Geschichte der zimbrischen Sprache. International conference Das Zimbrische zwischen Germanisch und Romanisch. University of Bremen – Department 10: Linguistics, Bremen, January 7. 

e. Posters 

[3] 2022. L’effetto di Sprachbund. Continuum e confini linguistici nell’area di convergenza alpina 55th International Congress of the Italian Society of Linguistics (SLI 2022) “Confini nelle lingue e tra le lingue, Bressanone/Brixen, 8.-10. September 27.

[2] 2015. Syntax as the Edge of Thought. International conference Biolinguistic Investigations on the Language Faculty. Département de linguistique, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) / Neurocognition and Theoretical Syntax of the Institute for Advanced Study, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia (IUSS), Pavia, January 26-28. 

[1] 2010. Does the process of language erosion tell us something about the origin of language? If it does, what? Summer Institute in Cognitive Sciences The Origins of Language. Cognitive Sciences Institute, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, June 21-30. 

Altre attività

Research Support

Academic Journal

[23]      Founder and Editor-in-chief (with Anne Reboul, Director des Institut des sciences cognitives – Marc Jeannerod, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) of Evolutionary Linguistic Theory (ELT), Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory (ELT).

- Issue 4.1:

- Issue 3.2:

- Issue 3.1:

- Issue 2.2:

- Issue 2.1:

- Issue 1.2:

- Issue 1.1:

Conferences and workshop

[22]      Co-organizer (Scientific and Organizing committee) of Beyond Borders | Oltre i confini | Jenseits der Grenzen. German-speaking Minorities in Italy and around the World - Minoranze germanofone in Italia e nel mondo - Deutschsprachige Minderheiten in Italien und in der Welt, University of Trento, 6-8 October 2022.

[21]      Co-organizer (Scientific and Organizing committee) of Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW 35), University of Trento, October 2020 [due to the COVID-pandemic postponed to June 2021].

[20]      Co-organizer (Scientific and Organizing committee) of Giornate di Studi Scientifici sul Linguaggio (Società Studi Scientifici sul Linguaggio 2019), University of Trento, 2019.

[19]      Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of Workshop in Syntax Processing, University of Trento, 2017.

[18]      Organizer of the International Workshop Theory of language and the debate on language origins, University of Trento, November 2015.

[17]      Co-organizer of the International Conference Understanding pro-drop. A synchronic and diachronic perspective, University of Trento, June 2014.

[16]      Co-organizer of the 40thIncontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG 40), University of Trento, February 2014.

[15]      Co-organizer of the International Conference Ferdinand Ebner: Denker des Logos und des Dia-Logos. Pneumatologie als Grammatik der Subjektivität, University of Trento, Bressanone, November 2009.

[14]      Organizer of the International Conference Das Zimbrische zwischen Germanisch und Romanisch. University of Bremen, January, 2005.

Reviewing and Research Evaluation

[13]      Group Evaluation Manager (GEV) for the field L-LIN/14 (German Linguistics) in the Evaluation of Academic Research Quality in Italy (VQR) 2015-2019 for ANVUR (Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes)

[12]      Member of the review committee for the Johann Andreas Schmeller Prize 2021 of the Johann Andreas Schmeller Society (Tirschenreuth, Germany) (2020).

[11]      Abstract Reviewer: Workshop in Syntax Processing (2017), Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG 40) (2014), Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE).

[10]      Application Reviewer: The U.S. – Italy Fulbright Commission (2013-2016).

[9]        Manuscript Referee: Frontier in Psychology – Language Sciences (2015).

Courses and lecture series

[8]        Organizer and Coordinator of the Linguistics Research Colloquium “Conversazioni Linguistiche”, University of Trento, Department of Humanities, 2016-2021.

[7]        Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of the Course on Teaching and learning minority languages – IALM, University of Trento, 2017. Taught courses: Cimbrian Linguistics and Introduction in contact linguistics.

[6]        Co-taught course on Multilingualism and Neurosciences for the Teacher Continuing Training Lo studio della mente e l’arte di insegnare, University of Trento, October 2016.

[5]        Co-organizer of the Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung) in German Studies Seminari di Germanistica a Trento, University of Trento, February – May 2016.

[4]        Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of the Course on Research and Didactics of the minority languages of Trentino, University of Trento, 2009-2010.

[3]        Co-organizer (Scientific committee) of the Course on Research and Didactics of the minority languages of Trentino, University of Trento, 2008-2009.

Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes

[2]        President of the Scientific Committee of the Cimbrian Institute of Lusern, 2008- present day.

[1]       Member (Linguistic consultant) of the Scientific Committee of the Mòcheno-Cimbrian Institute, 2004.

University and Department Service

[4]        Member of the Coordination Committee of the International Research Doctoral Course in “Forms of cultural exchange”, in collaboration with the University of Augsburg, 2019-present day.

[3]        Deputy coordinator of the Didactic Area “Modern Languages” of the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento.

[2]        Member of the Committee for the Open Access of the University of Trento, 2014-present day.

[1]        Member of the Doctoral School in Literary, Linguistics and Philology Studies, University of Trento, 2008-2018.
