
- PhD International relations (Economics) (Très bien avec félicitations du jury - Distinction) at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI) in Geneva, Switzerland - 2003-2007
Thesis title: Three essays on external debt, fiscal and monetary policy issues. Supervisor : Charles Wyplosz. Examiners: Petra Gerlach-Kristen, Xavier Debrun, Alexandre Swoboda.

- Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies (2y Master's Degree) in International Economics at IUHEI, Geneva. 2001-2003
Dissertation title: Central Bank Transparency: a Review of the theoretical literature and new empirical evidence. Supervisor: Charles Wyplosz.

- MSc in Economics at the University of York. 2000-2001
Dissertation title: The Role of the Structure of the Labour Market and the Fiscal Policy in a Two-stage Monetary Policy Game. Supervisor: Gulcin F. Ozkan.

- Laurea (cum laude) in Economia Politica, Università di Trento. 1994-1998
Dissertation title: Caratteristiche e Problemi di una Banca Centrale in una Struttura Federale. Prospettive per la Banca Centrale Europea. Supervisor: Giorgio Fodor.

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

June 2016 -                      : Professor (Full) at the Department of Economics and Management, and School of International Studies, University of Trento.

Oct 2014 - May 2016  : Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management, and School of International Studies, University of Trento.

Feb 2006 - Sept 2014       : Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics and Management, and School of International Studies, University of Trento.


April 2021 - ongoing : Vice Rector for Organisational and Resource Planning

Oct 2016 - Dec  2020:  Director of the School of International Studies, University of Trento


Current and Past Teaching : the Economics of European Integration; Central banks and financial markets; International Economics;  International Trade and Competitiveness;  Financial Markets and Economic Activity; Global scenarios; Macroeconomics

Interessi di ricerca

European Economy (with Luigi Bonatti, Roberto Tamborini, Univ. Trento)

Technological progress, labour markets and regions (with Mauro Caselli, Edwin Fourrier, Univ Trento; Sergio Scicchitano, Inapp; Roberta Capello, Camilla Lenzi, Polimi)


I am a member of the Empirical microeconomic laboratory at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento  

Attività di ricerca

1.1 Books

Le sfide della globalizzazione. Storia, politiche e istituzioni” with F. Targetti, 2008, Brioschi Editore, Milano, p. 608

How do central banks write”, with H. Genberg and C. Wyplosz, 2003, Geneva Reports on the World Economy, Special Report 2, Norges Bank, ICMB and CEPR, ISBN 1 898128 76 6


1.2. Journal articles

"The reassuring effect of firms’ technological innovations on workers’ job insecurity", with Caselli M., Marcolin A., and S. Scicchitano,  International Journal of Manpower, 2023, forthcoming

"Entrepreneurs' work experiences and the growth of Chinese private firms during the transition towards a market economy", with Zhou P. and K.Jiang, , China Economic Review, 79,101980   10.1016/j.chieco.2023.101980

"From the lockdown to the new normal: Individual mobility and local labor market characteristics following the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy" with Caselli M. and S. Scicchitano,  Journal of Population Economics, 2022, 35, 1517–1550,  10.1007/s00148-022-00891-4

"Covid-19 and Technology" with Caselli M,  in K.F. Zimmermann (ed.) "Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics", Springer, Cham, 2022. 10.1007/978-3-319-57365-6_331-1

"The performance of private companies in China before and during the global financial crisis: firms' characteristics and entrepreneurs' attributes", with K. Jiang Economic Change and Restructuring, 2022, 55, 803–836 10.1007/s10644-021-09329-5

"Export pricing and exchange rate expectations under uncertainty" with A. Secchi and C. Tomasi, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2022, 50(1): 135-152 10.1016/j.jce.2021.07.001

"Including the owner-occupied housing costs in the EU’s consumer price index: some technical and policy remarks", with L. Bonatti, Politica Economica / Journal of Economic Policy, 2021, 3, 373-388 10.1429/103707

"Robots and risk of Covid-19 contagion in the workplace: Evidence from Italy" with Caselli M. and S. Traverso Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2021, 173, 121097 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121097

"Globalization, robotization and electoral outcomes: Evidence from spatial regressions for Italy" with Caselli M. and S. Traverso Journal of Regional Science, 2021, 61(1): 86-111

"Firm employment growth in China: the role of marketisation and regional economic factors" with Bin P., Chen X., Tomasi C. 2020 Growth and Change, 2020; 51: 402– 439.

"Globalization and electoral outcomes. Evidence from Italy" with Caselli M. and S. Traverso. Economics & Politics,  2020, 32: 68-103  10.1111/ecpo.12147

"Policy inertia, self-defeating expectations and structural reforms: can policy modelling cope?" with L. Bonatti Journal of Policy Modeling, 2019, 41(5), 943 -962, j.jpolmod.2019.04.004 

“Solidarity and responsibility in the euro area: foes or friends?The Economists' Voice,  2018, 10.1515/ev-2018-0024

"Resource allocation and productivity across provinces in China" with P. Bin, X. Chen and C. Tomasi. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2018, 57, 103-113.

"Informal economy and extractive institutions" with D. Coletto and G. Vittucci Marzetti, Review of Economics and Institutions, 2018, 9(1), article 2, 10.5202/rei.v9i1.240

"The Evolution of Oil Trade: a complex network approach", with Nguyen H.T.T and S. Schiavo, Network Science, 2018, 6(4), 545-570

"Estimating dynamic localization economies: the inadvertent success of the specialization index and the location quotient", with G. Vittucci Marzetti, Regional Studies, 2018, 52(1), 119-132

"Modeling the future evolution of the virtual water trade network: A combination of network and gravity models", with M Sartori, S Schiavo, M Riccaboni, Advances in Water Resources, 2017, 110, 538-548

"When did inflation expectations in the euro area de-anchor?", with R. Probo, Applied Economics Letters, 2017, 24(20), 1481-1485

"Regional consumption inequality in China: an Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition at the prefectural level", with P. Bin, Growth and Change, 2017, 48(3), 459-486

"Modeling the Transition Towards the Renminbi’s Full Convertibility: Implications for China’s Growth", with L. Bonatti, Bulletin of Economic Research, 2016, 68:S1, 145-170 

"Determinants of virtual water flows in the Mediterranean", with M. Sartori and S. Schiavo, Science of the Total Environment  2016, 543(B), 1054-63

"International trade and R&D spillovers" with G. Vittucci Marzetti, Journal of International Economics, 2015, 96(1), 138–149 

"Spatial agglomeration and productivity in Italy: a panel smooth transition regression approach", with G. Cainelli and G. Vittucci Marzetti G., Papers in Regional Science, 2015, 94: S39–S67

"The gravity of foreign news coverage in the EU: does the euro matter?", with N. Grassano and G. Vittucci Marzetti JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2015, 52(3), 274-291

"A gravity model of virtual water trade", Ecological Economics, 2014, 108, pp. 215-228 

"International R&D spillovers, absorptive capacity and relative backwardness: a panel smooth transition regression model", with G. Vittucci Marzetti, International Economic Journal, 2014, 28(1), pp. 137-160. 

"The German model and the European crisis", with L. Bonatti, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2013, 51(6); pp. 1023-1039

"An empirical note on international R&D spillovers", with G. Vittucci Marzetti, Empirical Economics, 2013, 45(1), pp. 179-191

"Regime Switches in the Sino-American Co-Dependency: Growth and Structural Change in China", with L. Bonatti, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2013, 25, pp. 1-32

"Hoarding of international reserves in China: mercantilism, domestic consumption and US monetary policy", with L. Bonatti, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2013, 32(C), pp. 1044-1078

"The Costs of Rebalancing the China–US Co–Dependency", with L. Bonatti, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 1/2012, pp. 59-106.

Household’s Preferences and Monetary Policy Inertia”, with A. Flamini, Economics Letters, 2011, 111(1), pp. 64-67

Policy regime changes, judgment and Taylor rules in the Greenspan era”, with C. Alcidi and A. Flamini, Economica, 2011, 78, pp. 89-107

"Global Rebalancing and the Future of the Sino—US Codependency", with L. Bonatti, China & World Economy, 2010, 18(4), pp.70-87

"Seeking Mutual Understanding. A Discourse Theoretical Analysis of the WTO Dispute Settlement System” with E. Ceva, World Trade Review, 2010, 9(3), pp. 457-485

"Global imbalances, exchange rates adjustment and the crisis: Implications from network analysis", with S. Schiavo,  Journal of Policy Modeling, 2009, 31(5), pp. 601-619

Fiscal Policy, Labour Market Structure and Macroeconomic Performance”, with F.G. Ozkan, 2004, Economics Letters, 83(2), pp.205-210

1.3. Contributions to books, proceedings and encyclopedia

"Addressing the Core-Periphery Imbalances in Europe: Resource Misallocation and Expansionary Fiscal Policies" with L. Bonatti, in L. Antoniolli, L. Bonatti and C. Ruzza (eds) Highs and Lows of European Integration Sixty Years After the Treaty of Rome, Springer, pp: 167-200, 2019

"Natural disasters and firm resilience in Italian industrial districts", with Cainelli G. and G. Vittucci Marzetti, in Cluster Advantage and firm performance, Belussi, F. and Hervas-Oliver, J.L. (edited by), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2018

"The Greek Crisis and Its Structural Features: Some Insights from a Comparative Exercise" with Alcidi C. and L. Bonatti, in L. Paganetto (Eds): Stagnation Versus Growth in Europe, Springer 2016, 978-3-319-26951-1, Ch 10

“Structural Reforms in the Eurozone: A Case of Self-defeating Expectations?”, with L. Bonatti, in Paganetto Luigi (ed.),  Achieving Dynamism in an Anaemic Europe, Springer 2015, 93-121.

"Crisis in the Eurozone: some popular fallacies and a few unpleasant remarks" with L. Bonatti, in Paganetto, Luigi (ed.), Wealth, Income Inequalities, and Demography. The Long-Term Policy View, Springer, 2014, pp. 125-144. ISBN 9783319059082

"Crisi e squilibri globali: nessi e implicazioni" in Nardozzi G. e F. Silva (a cura di) La globalizzazione dopo la crisi, Francesco Brioschi Editore, Milano, Novembre 2013, pp. 49-66. ISBN  9788895399645

"Origins and Prospects of the Euro Existential Crisis" with L. Bonatti, in J. van der Harst e Z. Lihua (eds) The European Sovereign Debt Crisis and China-EU Relations, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2013.

“Germans at the Crossroad: Preserve their socio-economic Model or Save the Euro?”, with L. Bonatti, in Paganetto L. (ed.) Public Debt, Global Governance and Economic Dynamism, Springer, 2013, pp. 265-300

“International Economics.” In Oxford Bibliographies Online in International Relations. Ed. David Armstrong. New York: Oxford University Press, April 2013, doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199743292-0144.

"Trade-imbalances networks and exchange rate adjustments: the paradox of a new Plaza”, with S. Schiavo, In: SMYE 2009 Proceeding book. Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 April 2009, pp. 306-323, ISBN/ISSN: 978-605-377-049-7

1.4 Policy Papers 

Bonatti, L., Fracasso, A., Tamborini, R. (2023), "Amid inflation and financial turmoil: Some questions and answers", Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament

Bonatti, L., Fracasso, A. and Tamborini, R., (2022) "What to expect from inflation expectations: theory, empirics and policy issues." Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg 2022

Bonatti, L., Fracasso, A. (2021) “Including Owner-Occupied Housing Costs in the HICP: Some Technical and Policy Remarks” Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg 2021

Bonatti, L., Fracasso, A. and Tamborini, R., (2021) "Monetary and fiscal spillovers across the Atlantic. The role of financial markets." Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2021

Bonatti, L., Fracasso, A. and Tamborini, R., (2021) "Unconventional Policy Instruments and Transmission Channels: A State-Contingent Toolbox for the ECB" Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2021

Bonatti, L., Fracasso, A. and Tamborini, R., (2020) "Rethinking Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Post-COVID Euro Area" Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2020

Bonatti, L., Fracasso, A. and Tamborini, R., (2020) "COVID-19 and the Future of Quantitative Easing in the Euro Area: Three Scenarios with a Trilemma", Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2020.

1.5 Working Papers and other contributions

"Technological Innovations and Workers’ Job Insecurity: The Moderating Role of Firm Strategies" (joint with Caselli, M., Marcolin, A., and S. Scicchitano) 2023,  CESifo Working Paper No. 10673

Automation and Labour Market Outcomes (joint with M. Casellli, E. Fourrier-Nicolaï and S. Scicchitano).

Firm innovation in 4IR technologies and heterogeneous absorptive capacity: The role of leadership and radical innovation (joint with  M. Casellli, E. Fourrier-Nicolaï and S. Scicchitano).

"Covid-19 and Technology," 2021, with M Caselli GLO Discussion Paper Series 1001, Global Labor Organization (GLO) forthcoming (revised) in in K.F. Zimmermann (ed.) "Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics"

"The reassuring effect of firms' technological innovations on workers' job insecurity," 2021 with M. Caselli, A. Marcolin, S. Scicchitano, GLO Discussion Paper Series 938

"Stop worrying and love the robot: An activity-based approach to assess the impact of robotization on employment dynamics" 2021 with M. Caselli, S. Scicchitano, S. Traverso, E. Tundis, GLO Discussion Paper, No. 802

"From the Lockdown to the New Normal: An Analysis of the Limitations to Individual Mobility in Italy Following the COVID-19 Crisis" (with M. Caselli, Mauro and S. Scicchitano) . Available at SSRN:, 2020 Also available as GLO Discussion Paper, No. 683

Caselli M., Fracasso A., and S. Traverso. 2020. Mitigation of risks of Covid-19 contagion and robotisation: Evidence from Italy, Covid Economics: vetted and real-time papers, 17, 174-189,13 May 2020, CEPR Press

"Globalization and electoral outcomes. Evidence from Italy" (with M. Caselli and S. Traverso), DEM Working  paper 2018/7, Università degli Studi di Trento e EconPol Working Paper 10, June 2018.

"Addressing the Core-Periphery Imbalances in Europe: Resource Misallocation and Expansionary Fiscal Policies." (with L Bonatti), EconPol Working Paper 6, November 2017.

"Resource allocation and productivity across provinces in China" (with P. Bin , X. Chen, C. Tomasi) DEM Working Paper 2017/02, Università degli Studi di Trento

"When did inflation expectations in the euro area de-anchor?" (with R. Probo), DEM Working paper 2016/05, Università degli Studi di Trento

“The Evolution of Oil Trade: a Complex Network Approach" (with H.T.T. Nguyen and S. Schiavo), SIS Working Paper No 2015–3, Università degli Studi di Trento

“Economic Rebalancing and Growth: the Japanese experience and China’s prospects" DEM Discussion Paper 2015/07, Università degli Studi di Trento

"The gravity of foreign news coverage in the EU: does the euro matter?", (with N. Grassano and G. Vittucci Marzetti), SIS Working Paper 05, 2014, Università degli Studi di Trento

“A gravity model of virtual water trade”, SIS Working Paper 04, 2014, Università degli Studi di Trento.

“Modeling the Transition Towards Renminbi's Full Convertibility: Implications for China's Growth” (with L. Bonatti), SIS Working Paper 03, 2014, Università degli Studi di Trento.

“Origins and prospects of the Euro existential crisis" with L. Bonatti - DEM Discussion Paper 3, 2013.

“Spatial agglomeration and productivity in Italy: a panel smooth transition regression approach”, (with G. Cainelli and G. Vittucci Marzetti), Openloc working paper 4/2012

“A Germans’ Dilemma: save the euro or preserve their socio-economic model.”, (with L. Bonatti), Department of Economics, Discussion Paper, 7/2012, 2012, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2012

"International R&D spillovers, absorptive capacity and relative backwardness: a panel smooth transition regression model", (with G. Vittucci Marzetti), Department of Economics, Discussion Papers, n 3/2012, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2012

"Taking Keller seriously: trade and distance in international R&D spillovers", (with G. Vittucci Marzetti), Department of Economics, Discussion Papers, n 6/2011,Università degli Studi di Trento, 2011

"Trade network and international R&D spillovers", (with G. Vittucci Marzetti), Openloc Working paper 3/2011, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2011

“Chinese reserves accumulation and US monetary policy: Will China go on buying US financial assets?”, (with L. Bonatti), Department of Economics, Discussion Papers, n 5/2011, 2011, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2011

"The Future of the Sino-American Co-Dependency", (with L. Bonatti), Department of Economics, Discussion Papers, n 6/2010, Università di Trento, 2010

"The China-US Co-Dependency and the Elusive Costs of Growth Rebalancing", (with L. Bonatti), Department of Economics, Discussion Papers, n 4/2010, Università di Trento, 2010

"The evolution of the Sino-American Co-dependency: modeling a regime switch in a growth setting", (with L. Bonatti), Department of Economics, Discussion Papers, n 5/2009, Università di Trento, 2009

"Household’s Preferences and Monetary Policy Inertia", (with A. Flamini), Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series 2009002, February 2009 (revised version in July 2009)

"Trade-imbalances networks and exchange rate adjustments: the paradox of a new Plaza", (with S. Schiavo), Discussion Paper 24/2008, Dipartimento di Economia, Università di Trento 2008

“Seeking Mutual Understanding. A Discourse Theoretical Analysis of the WTO Dispute Settlement System” (with E. Ceva), LPF Working paper, 1/2009, Centro Einaudi, Torino

“Taking stock: global imbalances. Where do we stand and where are we aiming to?” Discussion Paper n. 30/2007, 2007. Università degli Studi di Trento, 2007

“The role of foreign and domestic factors in the evolution of the Brazilian EMBI spread and debt dynamics”, HEI Working papers, n° 22, 2007. Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva

“Three essays on external debt, fiscal and monetary policy issues”, Geneve: IUHEI, June 2007, p. 227. HEI Theses, vol. 743

"Taylored" Rules. Does One Fit All?”, (revised version), (with C. Alcidi and A. Flamini), Keele economics research papers, n. 06/2007, 2007. Department of Economics, University of Keele

“Taylored rules. Does one fit (or hide) all?”, (with C. Alcidi and A. Flamini), HEI Working paper series 04/2005, 2005

“Caratteristiche e problemi di una banca centrale inserita in un paese federale. L’esperienza americana, canadese, tedesca e svizzera.”, Collana Tesi di Laurea n°1, 2000, Università degli Studi di Trento


Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Since October 2022:  Member of the Directive Board of the Italian Economic Association (Società Ita liana di Economia, SIE)

Since October 2022: Member of the CESifo Research Network 

Since 2020: Monetary and Economic Expert - European Parliament 

Associate Editor of Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics., Springer-Il Mulino

Premi e riconoscimenti

Fellowships and visiting 

Visiting Scholar, Hitotsubashi University - Institute of Economic Research, Tokyo, Japan (February 2017)

Visiting Research Fellowship, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan (April 2014)

Jemolo Fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford (July-September 2012)


Premio Capalbio 2008, with F. Targetti, for the book "Le sfide della globalizzazione. Storia, politiche e istituzioni", Brioschi Editore.

"Best poster" award - "Taylored rules. Does one fit (or hide) all?", (with C. Alcidi and A. Flamini) - EC2 Conference, Rotterdam, 15/16 December 2006

Convegni e conferenze
  • Lunch Seminar, GSM Politecnico di Milano, 27 Novembre 2023 
  • 64th Annual Conference, Società Italiana di Economia, L'Aquila, 19-21 October 2023  
  • "The impact of robots on labour markets and inequality" Workshop, Bologna, 20 February 2023
  • RESEDUE Seminar, Tromso, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 15 November 2022
  • 63rd Annual Conference, Società Italiana di Economia, Torino, 20-21 October 2022  
  • 61st ERSA Congress, Pécs-Online, 22 August 2022
  • 62th Annual Conference, Società Italiana degli Economisti, Torino -online, Italy, 28 October 2021
  • XLII Conferenza Scientifica Annuale, Associazione Italiana Scienze Regionali, Lecce, Italy, 8 September 2021
  • 60th Annual Conference, Società Italiana degli Economisti, Palermo, Italy, 26 October 2019
  • 59th ERSA Congress, Lyon, 28 September 2019
  • "Globalization and electoral outcomes. Evidence from Italy" , Euregio Economics Workshop, Trento, 5 April 2019
  • “Calamità naturali e resilienza delle aziende nei distretti industriali italiani” (with G. Vittucci Marzetti) 3rd SPL Meeting at the OECD Trento Centre, 7 February 2019
  • "Globalization and electoral outcomes. Evidence from Italy" (with M. Caselli), SNS Workshop , Florence, 8-9 November 2018
  • "Globalization and electoral outcomes. Evidence from Italy" 59th SIE Annual Conference, Bologna, 25-27 October 2018
  • "Globalization and electoral outcomes. Evidence from Italy" DIES Seminar, University of Udine, 10 May 2018
  • GEM Seminar, University of Groningen, Groningen, 25 January 2018
  • “Resource allocation across provinces in China”, Lunch seminar, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 15 February 2017
  • "Export pricing and exchange rate" in Industry and Labor Economics Workshop, Hitotsubashi University , Tokyo, 14 February 2017
  • "R&D spillovers, absorptive capacity, and relative backwardness”, in International Conference “Models of sustainable growth in Europe”, Oldenburg , 15 September 2016,
  • “The determinants of regional misallocation in China: evidence from micro-level data”, in Workshop “Manufacturing firms in China”, School of International Studies, University of Trento, 6 September 2016
  • "Institutions and informal economy", Workshop "Failing Institutions ", School of International Studies UNITN and University of Pavia, Trento, 5 December 2015
  • "The Gravity of Foreign News Coverage in the EU: Does the Euro Matter?, Center for European Policy Studies, Brussels, 10 December 2014
  • “Structural Reforms in the Eurozone:A Case of Self-Defeating Expectations?” 55 Riunione Scientifica Annuale Società Italiana degli Economisti, Trento, 25 October 2014
  • “Structural Reforms in the Eurozone:A Case of Self-Defeating Expectations?” Money Macro and Finance Annual Conference, Durham, 17-19 September 2014
  • “Structural Reforms in the Eurozone:A Case of Self-Defeating Expectations?”, XXVI Villa Mondragone Economic Seminar 2014, Rome, 1-3 July 2014
  • “Modeling the Transition Towards Renminbi’s Full Convertibility: Implications for China’s Growth ", Seikei University, Tokyo, 21 April 2014
  • "Trade networks and international R&D spillovers", 54 Riunione Scientifica Annuale, Società Italiana degli Economisti, Bologna, 24-26 October 2013
  • "Trade networks and international R&D spillovers", 7th End-of-Year Conference, Swiss Economists Abroad, University of Luzern (CH), 21 December 2012
  • "A Germans' dilemma", XXIV Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar, Rome, 26-27 June 2012
  • “Chinese reserves accumulation and US monetary policy: Will China go on buying US financial assets?", 2012 Annual Meeting, Allied Social Sciences Association, Chicago, IL (USA), 5-8 January 2012
  • “Chinese reserves accumulation and US monetary policy: Will China go on buying US financial assets?", Invited Seminar, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 10 November 2011
  • “Chinese reserves accumulation and US monetary policy: Will China go on buying US financial assets?”, 16th World Congress, International Economic Association, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 4-8 July 2011
  • “Rebalancing the China-US co-dependency: Will China go on buying US financial assets?”, 10th Conference of the European Economic and Finance Society, Queen Mary University, London, 10-11 June 2011
  • “The China-US co-dependency and the elusive costs of growth rebalancing.”, Royal Economic Society Conference 2011, Royal Holloway University, London, 18 April 2011
  • “R&D spillovers and international trade networks” Workshop TradeNetWorkshop 3.0, University of Trento, 9 December 2010
  • “European Governance at the crossroads”, Conference “Europe and the crisis”, University of Trento, 2 November 2010
  • “The China-US co-dependency and the elusive costs of growth rebalancing.”, Società Italiana degli Economisti, Riunione Scientifica Annuale, Catania, 15 October 2010
  • “The China-US co-dependency and the elusive costs of growth rebalancing.”, BREAD Summer Workshop in Development, August 2010
  • "The China-US Co-Dependency and the Elusive Costs of Growth Rebalancing" Research Day, University of Trento, May 2010
  • “The evolution of the Sino-American co-dependency: modeling a regime switch in a growth setting” Eastern Economic Association, Philadelphia (PA), USA, 26-28 February 2010
  • “The evolution of the Sino-American co-dependency: modeling a regime switch in a growth setting” Invited presentation at the IMPRS Workshop, University of Trento, 22-24 September 2009
  • “The evolution of the Sino-American co-dependency: modeling a regime switch in a growth setting” , Conference “The global economy after the crisis: macroeconomic and geopolitical implications”, University of Trento, 25-27 June 2009
  • “The evolution of the Sino-American co-dependency: modeling a regime switch in a growth setting”, XXI Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar, Rome, 24-25 June 2009
  • “Seeking mutual understanding. A discourse theoretical analysis of the WTO dispute settlement system”, Invited presentation at the Max Weber Programme at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 6 May 2009;
  • “Trade imbalances network and exchange rate adjustments; the paradox of a new Plaza”, XIV Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 April 2009;
  • “Trade imbalances network and exchange rate adjustments; the paradox of a new Plaza”, MacroSeminar, Department of Economics, University of Trento, 4 February 2009;
  • “Trade imbalances network and exchange rate adjustments; the paradox of a new Plaza” Trade NetWorkShop, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, 27 January 2009;
  • “The global network of trade imbalances: a complex adjustment”, International Trade Conference “International trade: a global perspective for the 21st century”, University of Stafforshire (UK), 5 December 2008
  • “Le sfide della globalizzazione. Storia, politiche e istituzioni” (with F. Targetti), Presentation of the book. Meeting organised by the Fondazione di Vittorio and Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma – Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo Marini, 27 November 2008
  • “Le sfide della globalizzazione. Storia, politiche e istituzioni” (with F. Targetti), Presentation of the book, Festival dell’Economia, 30 Maggio 2008;
  • “Taking stock: global imbalances. Where do we stand and where are we aiming to?”, Department of Economics Seminar, Università degli Studi di Trento, 12 December 2007
  • “Taylored rules. Does one fit (or hide) all?”, Annual Meeting of ASSET, 1-3 November 2007, University of Padova
  • “Taylored rules. Does one fit (or hide) all?”, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, 22-23 March 2007, University of St. Gallen
  • “Taylored rules. Does one fit (or hide) all?”, Cifrem Seminar, Department of Economics, Universtà di Trento, 23 April 2006


Altre attività

Editorial Work

Associate Editor of Economia Politica.Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics., Springer-IlMulino


British Medical Journal, Bulletin of Economic Research, CESIfo Economic Studies, Empirical Economics, Economia Politica, Economic Modelling, Economics Bulletin, Emerging markets finance and trade, European Economic Review, International Economics and Economic Policy, International Economic Journal, International Economics, International Journal of Central Banking, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of International Development, Journal of Regional Science, Journal of International Money and Finance, Network Science, Papers in Regional Science, Politica Economica, Spatial Economic Analysis, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Water Resources and Economics, World Economy

Other professional activities

Since 2022 : Member of the Directive Board of the Italian Economic Association (Società Italiana di Economia, SIE)

Since 2020 : Monetary and Economic Expert - European Parliament 

2018 - 2021:   Member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre for International Cooperation (Trento)

2016 - 2021:   Member of the Scientific Committee of the Festival dell'Economia

2014 - 2018: Academic advisor, Committee for the Development and the Modernization  of the Public Sector, Autonomous Province of Trento (Comitato per la modernizzazione del sistema pubblico e per lo sviluppo, Provincia Autonoma di Trento).

Academic duties at the University of Trento

Vice Rector for Organisational and Resource Planning (April 2021 - )

Director of the School of International Studies, University of Trento (Oct 2016 - Dec 2020)

Delegate of the Rector for the Festival of Economics (2016 - 2021)

Member of the Council of Directors of the University of Trento (Oct 2016 - Dec 2020)

Deputy Director of the School of International Studies, University of Trento (Oct 2015 - Sep 2016)

Member of the coordinating committee of the Department of Economics and Management (SIS representative and delegate for foreign language teaching) (2012 - 2016)

Coordinator of the two-year Master's Degree (Laurea Magistrale) in European and International Studies, School of International Studies (Nov 2013 - Jun 2016)

Delegate for the International Relations of the School of International Studies, University of Trento (Nov 2012-Nov 2014)

Member of the coordinating committee of the Two-year Master's Degree (Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale) in European and International Studies, School of International Studies, (2006-2013, vice-coordinator 2011-2013)


Updated November 2023

See also my personal webpage