Antonio Strati

Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
antonio.strati[at]unitn [dot] it

Born in Reggio Calabria, Italy, he received his education (secondary school) in Florence. He holds a BA in Sociology (University of Trento, 1974) and in Humanities (University of Florence, 1976). He specialized in Action Research in Organization Studies at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (London, 1982).

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

Senior professor of sociology of organization (retired) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, Italy, he has been vice-dean of the Faculty of Sociology, president of Master Degree in Work, Organization and Information Systems, and coordinator of the teaching program on qualitative methods in social research of the Doctoral School in Sociology and social research of Trento. 

He has been chercheur associé (2012-2023) of the Centre de Recherche en Gestion (i3-CRG), École Polytechnique, CNRS, IP, Paris. 

His academic work focuses on organizational symbolism and the aesthetic approach to studying organizational life, while his artistic research focuses on conceptual photography.

He is the author of Organization and Aesthetics (Sage, 1999)—which also appeared in French (PUL, 2004), Portuguese (FGV, 2007) and Italian (Mondadori, 2008). 

He is also the author of the book Theory and Method in Organization Studies (Sage, 2000), published in Italian (NIS, 1996; Carocci, 2004), and of several essays in international journals. He is co-author (with Silvia Gherardi) of Learning and Knowing in Practice-Based Studies (Elgar, 2012).

His most recent books are Organizational Theory and Aesthetic Philosophies (Routledge, 2019), and the photographic book Riviera Mediterranea (emuse, 2024). 

He lectured

  • on Organizational Aesthetics, Organisational Symbolism and Qualitative Research Methods in Organisation Studies in International Ph. D courses held annually in Trento (from 2006 to 2012), in some European Universities (Barcelona, Copenhagen, Essex, Oxford, Stockholm, Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Helsinki, St. Gallen, Jyväskylä, and Paris), in Sidney Universities, Australia, and in Valparaíso University, Chile;
  • on Sociology of Organization  at the University of Siena (from 1995 to 2010);
  • on Grounded Theory and Qualitative Research Methods in Social Research (Doctoral School in Sociology) at the University of Trento (from 1998 to 2011);
  • on Sociology of Organization (advanced) in Master Courses (Work, Organization and Information Systems), on Sociology of Organizations (basic) and Sociology of Technology in Graduated Courses (Sociology) at the University of Trento (from 1981/2 to 2011/12);
  • on Sociology of Innovation in Master Courses at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2012-13);
  • on A Photographic Look at Work and Organization at Sciences Po in Paris (2011-12). 

His artistic research in conceptual photography, Photopoesia, has been published in books and photographic journals, and his “photopoems” are collected by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris), the Museum of Contemporary Photography (Cinisello Balsamo - Milano), the Polaroid Collections (Cambridge, Mass., USA) and the WestLicht-Schauplatz für Fotografie (Wien), and other collections. 

Interessi di ricerca

His main research interests focus on:

  • aesthetic dimension of organisational life, practice-based-studies and organization theories
  • aesthetic philosophy and organisational symbolism
  • qualitative research methods in social research and Grounded Theory
  • photographic looks at work and organisation and art photography

(see also:   

Attività di ricerca

Research projects:

  • Organizational Theory and Aesthetic Philosophies 
  • Organizational Aesthetics and Practice-based Theorizing.
  • Aesthetics and Qualitative Methods in Organization Studies.
  • Art Photography Research.
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

He is a founder-member of the Research Unit on Communication, Organizational Learning and Aesthetics ( of the  Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, and the international network of academics and practitioners Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS).

He sits on the Editorial Board of the international journals: Culture and Organization (co-founder member); Organizações & Sociedade; Organization; Organization Studies; Organizational Aesthetics; Qualitative Sociology Review; Revista Interdisciplinar de Gestão Social; Sociology Compass - Work & Organization. 

Previously, he was a member of the Editorial Board of Aesthesis. International Journal of Art and Aesthetics in Management and Organizational Life; Dragon, the Journal of SCOS (co-founder member); Management Learning; Serbian Journal of Management

Member of ELO (Sezione Economia, Lavoro e Organizzazione), of the AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia), in Italy, he also was member of the Visiting International Fellow of the Advanced Institute of Management, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and of the Scientific Committee of the Research Chair on Création et Créativité / Creation and Creativity (Advancia-Negocia et la Cité du Design), Paris.

He co-organized SCOS international conferences and workshops, and he co-organized as well EGOS (European Group for Organization Studies) subthemes on organizational aesthetics, and on Practice-based-Studies, and EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) international workshops on the aesthetic dimension of organisational life.

He also co-organised the international workshops on “Art, Aesthetics & Practice” held at the Management Centre of the University of Essex, UK, and, in 2015, he co-organized the 10th Organization Studies Summer Workshop on “Organizational Creativity, Play and Entrepreneurship”.


Premi e riconoscimenti

The ANVUR Report QVR 2013 qualified the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, as the best one in Italy in Sociology of Organization, Sociology of work, and Sociology of Economics (SPS/09) for 2004-2010.

The Special Issue of Human Relations on "Organizing Aesthetics", July 2002, edited together with Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, was prized by Human Relations for the best essay (Patricia Y. Martin's) 2002.

“Aesthetic Understanding of Organizational Life”, Academy of Management Review, 17/3, 1992, is the 1st most cited paper in the Academy of Management Review (1992).

"Sensible Knowledge and Practice-based Learning”, Management Learning, 38 (1), 2007, is the 2nd most cited paper in Management Learning, (2007).

He was a keynote plenary speaker on:

  • “Qualitative Research in Organization Studies” - 10th National Congress of Management and Organization, Antalya, May 2002
  • “Sensations, impressions and reflections on the configuring of the aesthetic discourse in organizations” – Third Art of Management and Organisation Conference, Krakow, September 2006
  • “Ordinary Beauty & Aesthetic Research in Organization Studies” - Symposium Ordinary Beauty / Colloque Le Beau ordinaire, Toronto, May 2008
  • “La sedia e il matematico / The Chair and the Mathematician” - Convegno Annuale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive, Trento, December 2010
  • “Organization and Aesthetics” - EnANPAD  2013, Rio de Janeiro, September
  • “Ordinary Aesthetics & Everyday Organisational Life: The Emergence of A Field of Study” - ESA (Research Network Sociology of Culture) 2016, Exeter (UK), November
  • “Flesh & SCOS: An Aesthetic Flashback” - 35th SCOS Conference, 2017, Roma, July
  • “Aesthetic philosophies and moral imagination in organizational life” – The Inaugural Symposium of the TYMS Management and Humanities Research, 2019, York (UK), July
  • “Do you play with philosophy?” – Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences de Gestion, 2022, Oxford, June
  • “La scoperta e l’applicazione della Grounded Theory” – L’attualità del pensiero di Anselm Strauss, 2022, Ancona, September
  • “Kitsch, aesthetic categories, and organisational research” – Kitsch in Management, 2024, Warsaw, May

He was invited as a visiting professor or as a visiting research fellow at:

  • the University of Stockholm, Autumn 2000
  • the Centre de Recherche en Gestion, École Polytechnique, Paris, Spring 2004
  • the Business School of ESSEC (École Supérieure de Sciences Économiques et Commerciale), Paris, Autumn 2006
  • the Department of Applied Pedagogy, Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona, April 2008
  • the Department of Business and Management, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, June 2010
  • the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, a/a 2010-11
  • the Centre de Recherche en Gestion, École Polytechnique, Paris, a/a 2010-11
  • the Institut Supérieur d’Economie et de Management – GREDEG, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, May 2014
  • the Institut de Recherche en Gestion, Université Paris Est, Autumn 2015
  • the University of Nottingham at Ningbo, China, October 2019

