
• undergraduated at the Istituto Tecnico Industriale (Technical-Industrial Institute) “G. Marconi” of Rovereto (TN, Italy) in “Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni progetto AMBRA” (Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer science, experimental project AMBRA) with full votes (60/60);
• graduated in Ingegneria dei Materiali (Materials Engineering) with full votes (110/110 magna cum laude) at the University of Trento (TN, Italy), with a thesis on “Determinazione sperimentale degli stress residui in rivestimenti ceramici” (Experimental determination of residual stresses in ceramic coatings) in 1995;
• entitled to exercise the profession of Engineer after State examination hold in 1995;
• Research contractor in the Microstructure/XRD lab at the University of Trento (1995);
• PhD in Materials Engineering (dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria dei Materiali, University of Roma “Tor Vergata” and University of Trento), with a curriculum in surface engineering, 1999;
• post-doc c/o Prof. E.J.Mittemeijer’s Department at the Max-Planck Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart (D);
• post-doc c/o University of Trento, Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies (I);
• assistant professor c/o University of Trento, Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies (I)
• associate professor c/o University of Trento, Department of Civio, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (I)

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica
• teacher at various courses on computer hardware/software, basic and advanced C, C++, Delphi, Pascal, Assembler (x86 and Z80) language programming for local private companies, since 1993;
• teaching at various schools on the use of X-ray diffraction for materials analysis;
• professor for the course of “Analisi Matematica II” (Advanced mathematics course) c/o University of Trento, academic year 2000/2001;
• teaching activity in the courses of “Scienza dei Materiali VO”, “Scienza dei Materiali I”, “Scienza dei Materiali II” (Materials science, three different courses, various levels) c/o University of Trento, since 2001;
• holder of the course “Nanostructured Materials”, c/o University of Trento, Laurea Magistralis in Materials Engineering, since 2006;
• professor for the Doctorate School in Materials Engineering (courses of Mechanics of Materials and Nanomaterials), c/o University of Trento, since 2002;
• invited professor: ENSAM Metz / Aix en Provence (F), 2004;
• invited professor: Université du Maine - Le Mans (F), 2007, 2008;
Interessi di ricerca
• Applications of powder diffraction (traditional and non-traditional techniques) to the analysis of materials microstructure, residual stresses and crystallographic texture;
• Diffractometric studies of the relationships between structure/ microstructure and the macroscopic behavior of thin films and thick coatings;
• Modeling of surface relaxation phenomena occurring in nanometer-sized powders within a full diffraction pattern approach;
• Study of the through-thickness residual stress profile in bulk materials and thin films using combination of destructive (hole drilling, coating debonding) and non-destructive (synchrotron, x-ray and neutron diffraction) techniques;
• Surface reactivity of sol-gel nano-sized powders subjected to extensive ball milling and its effects on powder solubility;
• In situ mesoscopic (ESEM study) and microscopic (X-ray diffraction) analysis of microstructure and its evolution in natural and functionalized layered materials (clays) and cements;
• Development of new models for microstructural analysis of nanostructured materials from powder diffraction data based on micromechanics and on a description of layer faults in terms of an interference function.
• Development of the PM2K code for Whole Powder Pattern Modeling (WPPM) and of the DIFFaX+ code for the refinement of faulted and <3D periodic structures;
• Diffraction studies of the structure/microstructure of novel biomedical materials based on fibroin and collagen;
• Modeling of materials properties and behavior using Molecular Dynamics;
Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Member of the International X-ray Analytical Society (IXAS), European Crystallographic Association (ECA), British Crystallographic Association (BCA), Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Kristallographie (DGK), International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD).

Premi e riconoscimenti

Award from HRH Prince Hassan of Jordan for the contribution to the Physics teaching at the "Eighth International Petra School of Physics", Amman (JO), 11/04/2016

Hanawalt Award 2016, for "contributions to whole powder pattern modeling, incorporating physical models of the microstructure"

“Premio Mario Nardelli”, 2010 of the AIC (Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia) ‘Per i suoi contributi originali allo studio delle microstrutture in vari tipi di materiali condotte con metodi di diffrazione di polveri nano cristalline e allo sviluppo di tali metodologie’

Fellowship of the International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD), 2010

European Powder Diffraction Committee (EPDIC) Award 2002 for 'outstanding scientific contribution in the field of powder diffraction'

ENEL (National Institute for Electrical Energy, national supplier of electric power) award 1998: national winner;