Monitoring, Statistics and Policy Development Unit

The Monitoring, Statistics and Policy Development Unit performs studies that the University’s governing bodies need for strategic decision making and planning.

The Unit is responsible for the collection, consistency and coherence of data that it submits to the University's internal and external stakeholders through the statistical office, the University website and specific analyses.

It is responsible for activities connected with statistical analyses required by the Ministry of Education, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Almalaurea annual surveys about students' features and employment condition, national and international rankings and the municipalities of Trento and Rovereto.

It oversees all activities carried out for the National register of students on undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes.

The unit takes great care in preparing detailed documents whose purpose is to assess and account for the University's achievements in a number of important areas, in particular as regards the allocation of funds to departments and centres, the approval of salary increases for academic staff every three years, the evaluation of teaching objectives, and student career progress.

As part of its main activities in the area of education, the unit collects information and data for the Evaluation Committee and monitors quality for the Quality Assurance Committee.

In accordance with the Quality Assurance Committee, it organizes and processes the statistical data emerging from the evaluation of quality of teaching activities by students. It works with other offices on customer satisfaction surveys on University services. It prepares the statistical analyses required for the drawing up of the Integrated Plan and the data processing required for gender studies for the Committee for Equal Opportunities.


Via Calepina, 14, Trento, TN, Italia
UfficioStudi[at]unitn [dot] it