
11/2022 - [University of Trento]

PhD Candidate in Italian philology and historical linguitic. Research project: The Italoromance transation of Saint Benedict's rule contained in the cod. 93 of the Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana of Lucca. Supervisor: Nello Bertoletti (University of Torino); cosupervisors: Andrea Comboni and Diego Dotto (CNR researcher at Opera del Vocabolario Italiano - Florence).


4/2022 [Università degli Studi di Torino]

Master degree in Italian literature, philology and language. Thesis: Linguistic study of the correspondence between the Ricciardi of Lucca and their partners in England (1295-1303).


11/2019 [Università degli Studi di Torino]

Bachelor degree in Italian literature. Thesis: The Novellino in the Prose della volgar lingua: the case of the -ora plurals.


2015 [High School A. Monti, Chieri (TO)]

College degree in classical studies.

Research interests
  • Historical linguistic
  • Italian philology
  • Romance linguistic
  • Romance philology
  • Lessicography
Other work

09/2021 [Opera del Vocabolario Italiano - Florence]

Basic course for editors of the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO)