
January 2014 – October 2017 - PhD in ‘Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability’ - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy) Curriculum Agrarian law and sustainable land management
Thesis title: Emerging international standards on access to land and security of tenure - the role of soft law in the United Nations system

October 2015 – June 2016 Visiting Postgraduate Student University of Edinburgh - School of Law, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)

2007 - 2013 - Master Degree in Law - Università di Pisa, Pisa (Italy)

Academic career and teaching activities
  • 1/06/2021 - 31/05/2022 - Research Fellow  project: EraNet SUS Food FOOdIVERSE - diversified organic and sustainable food systems
  • 1/06/2020 - 31/05/2021 - Research Fellow  project: EraNet SUS Food Plateforms - Enabling sustainable food practices through socio-technical innovation
  • 01/06/2018 - 31/05/2020 - Research Fellow project: 'Beyond the Right to Food: access to land and participation'. University of Milan – Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies, Milan (Italy)
  • 06/03/2018–06/07/2018 Visiting Researcher and Research Assistant -Benelex Project - Benefit-sharing for an equitable transition to the green economy. Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance - University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (United Kingdom)
  • 01/12/2015–30/03/2016 Research Assistant  Project 'Accessible Food Labeling - food labeling strategies accessible for visually impaired persons'. Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italia)
  • 01/09/2014–31/08/2015 Research Assistant Research assistant on Italian and European law on food labeling and business to business food labeling obligations. Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy)

Lecturer in ‘Natural Resources and Peace’ – 20 hours Teaching Module “rights and rules of international natural resources management". Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, (Degree in International Cooperation and Conflict resolution)

Research interests

My research interests generally concern the study of agricultural, food and agri-environmental law, and the governance of natural resources from a global perspective. In particular, I have deepened and continue to study the following topics:

- Evolution of international standards on access to land and sustainable management of natural resources, and related development processes, in particular in the UN Committee on Food Security and the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Analysis of the role of soft law instruments in this process.

- Origin and progressive elaboration of the Right to Adequate Food and the contents of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Farmers and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas. 

- Italian and European agri-food law, in particular for aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy and the right of consumers to proper food information.

Research work

I currently working on the project "FOOdIVERSE - Diversifying sustainable and organic food systems" with Francesca Forno, Alice Dal Gobbo and Natalia Magnani. Within the project, I am carrying on the analysis of public policies that influence the diversity of agri-food systems at the international, European and national levels.

Previously I worked, with the same research group, on the project 'Sustainable Food Platforms: Enabling sustainable food practices through socio-technical innovation [PLATEFORMS]". ( As part of the project, I worked on the reconstruction of the legal framework regulating digital platforms for the purchase of food products, and I studied how the regulation of these platforms intersects with the evolution of European policies concerning the food supply chain and the information society.

For several years I have been following the evolution of international law standards on the intersection of human rights and agriculture, food and natural resources, in particular the Right to Food, the right to land and agrobiodiversity. I recently edited a book on the United Nations' Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and other people working in rural areas (Routledge 2022).

Conferences and lectures

7 February 2020 – III Mediterranean Forum – Council of European Rural Law, University of Rome la Sapienza, paper: “Which Pathways for agrobiodiversity conservation in the new Common Agricultural Policy?

19-21 September 2019 – CUCS Convegno Beni Comuni e Cittadinanza, Università di Trento, paper “Civil society and international guidance instruments for tenure security - A case study from Gujarat, India”.

10 May 2019 – Symposium ‘La Dichiarazione ONU sui diritti dei cittadini e delle altre persone che lavorano nelle aree rurali’ Università di Perugia. Paper: ‘Diritto alla terra: il ruolo della soft law’

2 - 6 April 2019 - International Conference of CEILAND: Central European Initiative on Agricultural Land Protection, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovacchia. Paper ‘Protection of agricultural land in Northern Europe’ by Margherita Brunori e Antonio Manzoni

15 March 2019 - Firenze Bio - Convegno di apertura ‘Tutela e valorizzazione dell’agrobiodiversità in Toscana: spunti di riflessione verso un sistema nazionale. Analisi e indicazioni di policy nei casi studio della Toscana’. Paper ‘Profili giuridici della tutela e della valorizzazione dell’agrobiodiversità’ di Eleonora Sirsi e Margherita Brunori

4-6th July 2018 - IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium - presentation on 'Sustainable Development Indicators for and equitable and secure access to land', Glasgow, UK.

13th June 2018 - Symposium on Agri-food and Environmental law and Climate Change - Presentation on 'Green economy and Climate Change', Pisa.

3rd May 2018 - SCELG Postgraduate Colloquium - University of Strathclyde. Presentation on 'SDGs for an equitable and secure access to land', Glagow, UK.

18 September 2017 - Symposium on The World Bank's Environmental and Social Framework in a Wider Realm of Public International Law. Presentation on 'Protecting the access to land for indigenous and non- indigenous communities: a new page for the World Bank?' Durham University, UK.

16 May 2016 - Workshop: Land as a Global Issue: Perspectives from South and North. Presentation "Land Issues in the UN General Assembly Resolutions" Workshop organized under the British Academy International Partnership and Mobility Scheme by Prof Anne Griffiths, Edinburgh Law School.

23rd October 2014 - Symposium 'Diritto al cibo, cibo e diritti' Università degli studi Padova, Padova. Within the seminar programme “Nutrire il pianeta? Verso Expo 2015” organized by Caritas, Fondazione Culturale San Fedele, Fondazione Lanza. Presentation on: 'I nuovi documenti di soft law e l'elaborazione del diritto alla terra per la sicurezza alimentare'.

21-26th June 2014 - International Conference, “Global Integrity at the Tipping Point”, Global Ecological Integrity Group (GEIG), Rhodes, Greece. Presentation on 'The Emerging Right to Land in new Soft Law Instruments'.

Other work

1/04/2019 – 10/04/2019 Consultant – Technical Editor
Food and Agriculture Organization
Technical consultancy for the correctness of the specialist terminology of the Italian translation of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure

1/10/2018 – 31/10/2018 Research Consultant
Self-Employed Women Association, Ahmedabad India; FAO
Research consultancy on access to land and security of tenure for women farmers