  • 2021–2024. PhD Candidate in Classical Philology, Joint Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in “Forms of Cultural Exchange”, University of Trento / Universität Augsburg; Thesis Project: The Stultifera Navis by Jakob Locher (1497): critical edition, translation, commentary. Supervisor: Prof. Sandro La Barbera
  • 2021. MA in Modern Philology, summa cum laude, University of Trento
  • 2019. BA in Literary Studies and Art History, summa cum laude, Pavia University
Academic career and teaching activities
  • 2021-: Academic tutor for students of Latin at University of Trento
  • 2017-18: Academic tutor for students of Italian Linguistics at Pavia University
  • 2015-16: Teacher of English as a second language (A1-B1), Bossico Library
Research interests
  • Latin Literature
  • Classical Reception
  • Neo-Latin Literature
  • History of Books
Research work

– 2025: Fellow scholar at Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae, KU Leuven (1 month)

– 2024: Visiting PhD scholar at University of Zurich, Seminar für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie der Antike, des Mittelaters und der Neuzeit (1 month)

– 2023-2024: Fellow scholar at Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies and Klassische Philologie Universität Innsbruck (11 months, co-supervisor prof. Florian Schaffenrath): 

– 2023: Visiting PhD scholar at University of Basel, Departement Altertumswissenschaften (2 months, tutor prof. Petra Schierl)

– 2022-23: Visiting PhD scholar at University of Augsburg, Philologisch-Historische Fakultät (6 months, co-supervisor prof. Franz Fromholzer)

– 2019: Erasmus+ student at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich (5 months, tutor prof. Daniel Mollenhauer)

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Renaissance Society of America (RSA)

Society for Classical Studies (SCS)

Awards and honours

2023. Research fellowship, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin studies, Innsbruck (2 months)

2023. Erasmus+ grant, Universität Innsbruck (Winter Semester)

2021. Ph.D. fellowship, University of Trento, (fees and maintenance, 3 years)

2019. Erasmus+ grant, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munich (Summer Semester)

2017. BA Scholarship, Consorzio del Bacino Imbrifero Montano dell'Oglio (BIM) (fees and maintenance)

Conferences and lectures

– 03/2025. Institut für Klassische Philologie der Universität Würzburg, Congress “NeoLatina 2025 Wissen in der Frühen Neuzeit”. Würzburg, 28-29 March. Paper: “Ad salubrem sapientae commoditatisque doctrinam: Moralisierende Exempelfiguren anhand von Klassikern in Jakob Lochers Stultifera Navis

– 01/2025. Society for Classical Studies (SCS), joint annual meeting, AANLS panel: “Current Research in the World of Neo-Latin Studies”. Paper: “Moralem sensum si nostro carmine sumes: The Reception of Satire in the Stultifera Navis by Jakob Locher” Philadelphia PA, January 2-5

– 06/2024. University of Innsbruck, Final Talk “The Stultifera Navis by Jakob Locher – The Reception of Satire and German Humanism”, LBI Institut für Neulateinische Studien, Innsbruck, 24 June:

– 10/2023. University of Trento, “Baigner le présent dans le sacré. The reception of myth in literature from antiquity to modernity”, Trento, October 23-25. Co-organizer of the Graduate Conference

– 07/2023. Sapienza University of Rome, Graduate conference “Rethinking Catastrophe in Precarious Times”, Rome, July 6-7. Paper presented: “Meteore e propaganda. I mirabilia di Sebastian Brant nell'Umanesimo tedesco”

– 11/2022. University of Trento, Course of Latin language and literature held by prof. Sandro La Barbera, Trento, November 9. Paper presented: “La ricezione di Ovidio, Tristia e Epistulae ex Ponto, nella Stultifera Navis di Jakob Locher (1497)”

– 11/2022. University of Verona, Graduate conference “Testo, autore, pubblico. Forme di ricezione dall'antichità alla modernità”, Verona, November 24-26. Paper presented: “Giovenale in Germania. La ricezione delle Satire nella Stultifera Navis di Jakob Locher”

– 12/2021. Universität Bamberg, online workshop “Transfer und Transformation. Werk und überlieferungsgeschichtliche Dynamiken im Œuvre von Sebastian Brant”, December 3-4. Paper presented: “Die Rezeption der lateinisch klassischen Quellen in Jakob Lochers Stultifera Navis"
