
2013-2015 - Lancaster University, UK: Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (CAP)

2001-2005 - University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy: PhD in “Dynamic, Clinical and Developmental Psychology”

1997-2001 - University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy: Psychology Degree (equivalent to Master Degree - Summa cum Laude 110/110)

Academic career and teaching activities



2021: Assistant Professor. Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, Università di Trento, Italy.


2013-2021 - Lancaster University, UK, Department of Psychology: Lecturer

2009-2013 - Central European University, Budapest, Cognitive Development Center, Department of Cognitive Science: Research fellow

2006-2009 - Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig: Research fellow





Psicologia dello sviluppo - [130460] - Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia

An introduction to EEG and fNIRS in infancy - [AAF16] - Seminario di credito DiPSCo


Cognitive Neuroscience of Infant Development - [154137] - CIMeC, Master in Cognitive Science




Module (co-teacher) (1): “Understanding Psychology”. Bachelor in Psychology.  Lancaster University, Department of Psychology, UK.

Module (co-teacher) (2): “Investigating Psychology”. Bachelor in Psychology.  Lancaster University, Department of Psychology, UK.

Module (co-teacher) (3): “Developmental Psychology”. Bachelor in Psychology.  Lancaster University, Department of Psychology, UK.

Module (co-teacher) (4): “The Neuroscience of Typical and Atypical Development”. Bachelor in Psychology. Lancaster University, Department of Psychology, UK.


Module (co-teacher) (1): “Experimental Research Methods in the Study of Infant Development”. Psychological Research Methods MSc. Lancaster University, Department of Psychology, UK.

Module (co-teacher) (2): “Developmental Psychology”. Psychological Research Methods MSc. Lancaster University, Department of Psychology, UK.

Research interests

The biological and cognitive basis of communication in infants. Specifically, the perception of ostensive signals, language development and meaning comprehension, the relationship between words and categorization, Theory of Mind. Mainly he uses neuroscience methods such as EEG and fNIRS.

Research work

We study infants' sensitivity to communicative signals. We are interested in how infants perceive and process signals such as direct eye contact and infant-directed speech. On the other hand, we are interested in understanding how communication drives infant cognition, what is its role in different domains of development such as learning in general, language development, understanding the meaning of words, and understanding that other people have their own thoughts and beliefs.

We use different research methods, from behavioural methods, to looking time studies, eye tracking, EEG including ERPs, Time-Frequency analysis of the EEG and Frequency Tagging, fNIRS.

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

ICIS member: International Congress of Infant Studies

CECOG member: The Central European Cognitive Science Association

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation member

2015-present: Examiner in several PhD thesis committee (University of Padova, Italy; Université Paris Descartes, France; Pompeu Fabra University, Spain; Università of Hamburg, Germany).

Regular Ad-hoc reviewer for scientific journals:

Cognition; Neuroscience; Developmental Science; Developmental Psychology; Infancy; NeuroImage; Neuropsychologia; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN); Neurophotonics; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Language Learning and Development; British Journal of Developmental Psychology; Child Development; Philosophical Transactions B; Psychophysiology; Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research; PLoS ONE; Developmental Neuropsychology; Social Neuroscience; Experimental Brain Research; Infant Behavior and Development; Animal Cognition.

Awards and honours

2023: PRIN (MUR) - National Interest Research Project (PI)

2023: Fondazione CARITRO - Research Project in Human and Social Topics (Co-PI)

2023: PRIN (MUR) - National Interest Research Project (Co-PI)

2014: British Academy (BA) - Small Research Grant

2014: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) - International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD) Grant

2013: Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science: Sleep, Neural Oscillations and Cognition - ESCoP poster prize

2007: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Von Humboldt Foundation annual fellowship winner

Conferences and lectures


- SIPF – Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive, XXX National Congress - The Developing Brain. Talk: “Labels Refer to Object Categories in Adults and 9-Month-Old Infants”, Udine, Italy, 2022

- LuCiD workshop (Language and Communication Development Conference). Talk: “Investigating Infant Social Cognition Using ERPs: Insights on Communication, Theory of Mind and Semantic Comprehension”. Manchester, UK, 2019.

- BCCCD (Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development). Talk: “Labels and Pictures Co-Refer to Object Categories in Adults and 9-Month-Old Infants”. Budapest, Hungary, 2014.

- CogDev (Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society's Developmental and Cognitive Sections). Talk: “Labels Refer to Object Categories in Adults and 9-Month-Old infants: an EEG Study”. Reading, UK, 2013.

-  Workshop: Individual Differences and Universals of Human Social Cognitive Development. Talk: “Words Refer to Object Kinds in 9-Month-Old Infants”. Heidelberg, Germany, 2012.

-  Workshop: Multimodality and Language Learning. Talk: “Words Refer to Object Kinds in 9-Month-Old Infants”. Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2012.

- ICIS (International Conference on Infant Studies). Talk: “Referential Word Understanding in 9-Month-Old Infants: Electrophysiological Evidence”. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2012.

- BCCCD (Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development). Talk: “ERP Evidence of Referential Word Understanding in 9-Month-Old Infants”. Budapest, Hungary, 2012.

- Britsh Psychological Society – Developmental Section Conference. Talk: “Using ERPs to study the sensitivity to ostensive signals and word understanding in infants”. Newcastle, UK, 2011.

- SRCD Biennial Meeting (Society for Research in Child Development). Talk: “Sharing Objects With the Eyes: an ERP Study With 5-Month-Olds”. Denver, Colorado, USA, 2009.



- Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, SPAIN. 2017.

- Birkbeck, University of London, UK. 2016.

- Universität Potsdam, GERMANY. 2016.

- University of Liverpool, UK. 2015.

- CNRS – Université Paris Descartes, Paris, FRANCE. 2014.

- SISSA – International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, ITALY. 2013.

- MTA – Institute for Psychology - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, HUNGARY. 2011.

- ELTE – Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, HUNGARY. 2011.

- UNICAL – Calabria University, Cosenza, ITALY. 2010.

- CDC – Cognitive Development Center - Central European University, Budapest, HUNGARY. 2009.

- UNICA – University of Cagliari, ITALY. 2008.

- International Max Planck Research School LIFE, Berlin, GERMANY. 2007.

Other work

2016: Guest Editor, Special Issue “The Biological Basis of Social Cognition

During Development”, Neuropsychologia, 126, 1-170.



Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR);

Sir Henry Dale Fellowship;

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO);

CUNY (The City University of New York);

ICIS Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies;

IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning.


Popularization of scientific results:

Interviewes in scientific magazines and TV programs (« VOX TV » , Germany; « Journal Clinical Neuroscience », Hungary; « RecerCaixa » Pompeu Fabra University, Spain).
