Paolo Ghin

Corso Bettini, 31 - 38068 Rovereto
paolo.ghin[at]unitn [dot] it

Bachelor's Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques (L-24) obtained from the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of TRENTO, with a thesis project titled “Ragionamento probabilistico”

  • Age at the time of degree completion: 23
  • Official duration of the program: 3 years
  • Date of degree completion: 09/09/2021

Master's Degree in Psychology (LM-51) obtained from the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of TRENTO, with a thesis project titled “Impatto a breve e lungo termine di rappresentazioni grafiche dinamiche sul ragionamento bayesiano”

  • Age at the time of degree completion: 25
  • Official duration of the program: 2 years
  • Date of degree completion: 03/10/2023
Academic career and teaching activities

Currently, I am a first year PhD student at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC) at the University of Trento.

Research interests

My research interests focus on boosting, nudging, and reasoning and decision-making. I am particularly interested in exploring how cognitive strategies can be enhanced to improve judgment and decision-making processes. My work examines the cognitive processes involved in reasoning and decision-making, aiming to understand how to reduce biases and improve decision outcomes.

Research work

Currently, I am conducting research in the field of cognitive sciences, with a specific focus on topics related to reasoning, risk perception, boosting, and nudging.