Academic career and teaching activities

Coordinator of the WE.BE WO Lab (Well-being at work lab). 

Senior researcher at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences from 2018 to 2021. 

Research fellow at INVALSI (2017 and 2018) and at the University of Bologna (from 2011 to 2016).

I obtained my PhD in 2015 at the University of Bologna with the thesis “Enhancing Workers’ Well-Being. Scientific and social relevance of managing stress in the workplace”.


Research interests

Workers' well-being, career transitions, aging in the workplace, safety at work

Awards and honours

2018 - “Young Researcher Best W/O Psychology Paper”. Awarded by: Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) – Psychology for the Organizations. Criteria: Paper published in a journal indexed in Scopus or ISI; being first author; theoretical and methodological innovation and originality; clear practical and social implications.

2016 - “Best PhD thesis”. Awarded by: Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) – Psychology for the Organizations. Criteria: Originality of the thesis, methodological approach; Deepening of the theoretical research; Applicability of the results; coherence with the organizational psychology topics; potentiality of publication.