Marco Magnani
Education |
2016: PhD in Linguistics (Doctor Europaeus), University of Verona, Department of Culture and Civilisation. 2012: MA in Linguistics, University of Verona, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures. 2010: BA in Linguistics and language pedagogy, University of Verona, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures. * 2015: Visiting Fellow, University of Western Sydney, Australia, Department of Humanities & Communication Arts. 2013: Visiting PhD Student, University of Oxford, UK, Department of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics. 2010: Advanced course in Russian language, Moscow State University, Russian Federation, Department of Philology. |
Academic career and teaching activities |
Since 2023: Senior Assistant Professor in Slavistics, University of Trento, Department of Humanities. 2019-2023: Junior Assistant Professor in Slavistics, University of Trento, Department of Humanities. * Since a.y. 2020/21: Lecturer in «Russian Language I» (60 hours), «Russian Language II» (30 hours), «Russian Linguistics I» (30 hours), «Russian Linguistics II» (30 hours), University of Trento, Department of Humanities, BA in Modern Languages. A.y. 2020/21: Lecturer in «Foreign Language Russian» (36 hours), Free University of Bolzano, Brunico Campus, Faculty of Economics, BA in Tourism, Sport and Event Management. A.y. 2019/20: Lecturer in «Second Language Acquisition and Teaching» (30 hours), University of Trento, Department of Humanities, MA in Euro-American Literatures, Translation and Literary Criticism. A.y. 2019/20: Lecturer in «Russian Language and Culture I» (15 hours), «Russian Language and Culture II» (15 hours), University of Trento, Department of Humanities, MA in Language Mediation, Tourism and Cultures. A.y. 2019/20: Lecturer in «Russian Linguistics LM» (36 hours), University of Verona, Department of Cultures and Civilizations, MA in Linguistics. A.y. 2017/18: Lecturer in «Slavic Philology» (36 hours), University of Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MA in Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures. A.y. 2016/17 - 2018/19: Lecturer in «Russian Language I» (36 hours), «Russian Language II» (36 hours), «Introduction to Russian Linguistics» (36 hours), University of Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, BA in Languages and Cultures for Tourism and International Commerce & BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures. A.y. 2013/14 - 2015/16: Tutor in «Russian Language I» (72 hours), University of Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, BA in Languages and Cultures for Tourism and International Commerce & BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures. |
Research interests |
Russian morpho-syntax (especially case and aspect), in theoretical and applied linguistics Second language learning and teaching Processability Theory Development of pragmatic skills (speech acts and implicatures) Cognitive effects of bilingualism Minority languages |
Research work |
Since 2024: Member of the research group «TreLinLab – Trento Linguistics Laboratory», University of Trento, Department of Humanities (coordinator: Ermenegildo Bidese). 2023-25: Vice PI and Coordinator of the Trento research unit of the project PRIN 2022 «SyllaRus – A teaching syllabus for the Russian language: reception, testing and extension» (PI: Daniele Artoni, University of Verona). Since 2023: PI of the research cluster «Education in morphologically complex languages» within the Research Centre «LinE – Language in Education» (director: Fabiana Rosi, University of Trento). Since 2022: Member of the research group «RiDRU – Ricerca per la Didattica del Russo all’Università (Research for Teaching Russian at University)» (coordinator: Linda Torresin, University of Padua). 2022-25: Member of the Trento branch of the Erasmus+ project «DivA – Diversity in Action: a cross-border online space for training teachers through multilingual and multicultural experiences» (PI: Silva Bratož, University of Primorska, Koper). Since 2022: Member of the Trento branch of the Research Centre «LinE – Language in Education» (director: Fabiana Rosi, University of Trento). Since 2019: Member of the Trento branch «Bilinguismo Conta» (coordinator: Patrizia Cordin, University of Trento) of the international network «Bilingualism Matters» (director: Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh). 2019-22: Member of the research group «LaLL – Laboratorio di Lingue e Linguaggi (Language Lab)» (coordinator: Gerardo Acerenza), within the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Trento, Department of Humanities. 2019-22: Member of the research group «Seminario di Traduzione Letteraria LETRA (Workshop on Literary Translation)» (coordinator: Paolo Tamassia), within the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Trento, Department of Humanities. 2018-19: Member of the project «Activity of linguistic and cultural mediation with Russian-speaking children at Hospital of Borgo Trento in Verona» (coordinator: Manuel Boschiero), University of Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. 2018-19: Postdoc research fellow in the project «Promoting and monitoring language progress in tandem learning activities», University of Trento, Department of Humanities (supervisor: Patrizia Cordin). 2017-18: Postdoc research fellow in the project «The effects of bilingualism between a standard and a minority language on the development of pragmatic abilities», University of Trento, Department of Humanities (supervisors: Ermenegildo Bidese & Patrizia Cordin). 2012-13: Member of the Verona research unit of the project PRIN 2009 «Second language/foreign language in multilingual Europe: acquisition, interaction, teaching» (PI: Giuliano Bernini, University of Bergamo; local coordinator: Camilla Bettoni, University of Verona). |
Memberships in societies and scientific committees |
Since 2017: Member of AIS – Associazione Italiana degli Slavisti (Italian Association of Slavic Studies). Since 2014: Member of AItLA – Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (Italian Association of Applied Linguistics). * 2024: Member of the scientific committee of the 1st Conference of the Interuniversity Research Centre «Language in Education (LinE)», University of Trento, Department of Humanities, 28-30.11.2024. 2024: Member of the scientific committee of the 17th Conference of Interuniversity centre of research on the history of modern language teaching (CIRSIL), University of Trento, Department of Humanities, 17-19.10.2024. Since 2022: Member of the scientific committee of the International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition. Since 2018: Member of the scientific and organising committee of the cycle of seminars «Conversazioni Linguistiche», University of Trento, Department of Humanities. |
Awards and honours |
2022: National Scientific Qualification as associate in the disciplinary field 10/M2 (Slavistics). |
Conferences and lectures |
Come incentivare l’apprendimento della prefissazione verbale in russo L2. [with D. Lyadskaya]. Giornate di Studi del Gruppo di Ricerca sulla Didattica del Russo all’Università (RiDRU), Padova, 13-14.12.2024. Особенности усвоения приставочных глаголов в контексте русского языка как иностранного [with D. Lyadskaya]. 9th International Scientific Conference «Linguistic, Educational, and Intercultural Research 2024», Vilnius, 7-8.11.2024. L’insegnamento del lessico nel russo come lingua straniera: due secoli di pensiero glottodidattico. [with D. Lyadskaya]. 17th Conference of the Interuniversity Research Centre on the History of Modern Language Teaching (CIRSIL), Trento, 17-19.10.2024. (Far) apprendere le particelle additive a lezione: ipotesi per il russo L2. Giornata di studi «La didattica del russo LS nella classe multilingue», Venice, 17.09.2024 (invited speaker). Additività e coesione testuale in russo L2: uno studio trasversale. X Incontro di Linguistica Slava, Rome, 11-13.09.2024. Nuovi percorsi e strategie d’insegnamento di lingue con sistemi morfologici complessi. [with S. Piccinin & M. Vender], Language in Education. Giornate di Studio 2024 del Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca LinE, Reggio Emilia, 10-11.06.2024. All that glitters is not transfer. The influence of mother tongue on second language acquisition. BA Course «English Language Competences», University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Koper, 15.01.2024 (invited speaker). Exploring the syntax-pragmatics interface across PT developmental modules. 22nd International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition (PALA), Innsbruck, 14-15.09.2023 (keynote speaker). Exploring a PT approach to discourse cohesion: the development of additive particles in L2 Russian. [with M. Biasio], 22ndInternational Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition (PALA), Innsbruck, 14-15.09.2023. Complessità all’interfaccia tra sintassi e scelte pragmatico-discorsive nell’apprendimento del russo L2. Seminari di Linguistica, Palermo, 9.05.2023 (invited speaker). Interfaces among morphology, syntax and pragmatics in the development of L2 Russian. Slavic Linguistics Webinars, Verona, 12.01.2023 (invited speaker). The progress in between: from positional to functional case marking in L2 Russian. 21st International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition, Kuala Lumpur, 21-23.09.2022. Il contributo della slavistica italiana alla linguistica acquisizionale. [with D. Artoni & J. Saturno]. VII Congresso italiano di Slavistica, Padua, 6-9.06.2022. Developmentally Moderated Transfer Errors: L1 interference in the acquisition of L2 gender. [with D. Artoni & J. Saturno]. 20thInternational Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition, Trento, 24-25.09.2021. Beyond FACE: Developing intercultural competence in German and Russian as foreign languages. [with F. Ricci Garotti]. 17th International Pragmatics Conference, Winterthur, 27.06-2.07.2021. Ritradurre un classico sui classici: Le Lezioni di letteratura russa di Vladimir Nabokov. [with C. De Lotto, A. Mingati & S. Zinato]. Una conversazione infinita: Giornate di studio sulla ritraduzione dei classici moderni. Trento, 17-18.05.2021. Le “relative di ripresa” in russo: analisi all'interfaccia tra sintassi e semantica. VIII Incontro di Linguistica Slava, Udine, 10-12.09.2020. The acquisition of null subjects in Russian as a second language. 19th International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition, Reykjavík, 13-14.09.2019. Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses in Russian. [with E. Bidese]. 3rd International Symposium on Formal Approaches to Russian Linguistics, Moscow, 5-6.04.2019. The development of pragmatic abilities in the context of bilingualism with a minority language: Italian and Ladin. Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2018, Edinburgh, 7.09.2018. The effects of bilingualism on the development of pragmatic abilities: a study on Italian-Ladin bilingual children. VIII International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics, Sevilla, 2-4.05.2018. Gli effetti del bilinguismo tra una lingua standard e una lingua di minoranza sullo sviluppo di competenze pragmatiche. Conversazioni Linguistiche, Trento, 02.03.2018 (invited speaker). Lo sviluppo di abilità pragmatiche nei bambini bilingui della Val di Fassa: le implicature scalari. 18th International Conference of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics, Rome, 22-24.02.2018. Межкультурная (не)коммуникация: некоторые размышления о принципе непереводимости. [with D. Artoni & G. Pomarolli]. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Пересекая границы: межкультурная коммуникация вглобальном контексте», Moscow, 14-16.02.2018. Teaching and learning object topicalisation in Russian as a second language. International Conference on Slavonic and East European Studies, Krakow, 22-23.09.2017. Disentangling realia. A lexicographic account of Russisms in Italian [with T. Triberio]. Mladá rusistika – nové tendencie a trendy IV, Bratislava, 9.06.2017. A blueprint of the L2 learner: Levelt’s Model in second language acquisition [with D. Artoni]. 11th International Congress of ISAPL, Tbilisi, 27-30.06.2016. The development of clitic pronouns in Italian as a second language. 15th International Symposium, Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition, Halden, 18-20.09.2015. The development of pronouns at the syntax-discourse interface: The case of Italian clitics. Regional Workshop on Processability, Second Language Acquisition and Bilingual/Multilingual Acquisition, Canberra, 21.03.2015. Syntactic development in non-configurational languages: A comparison between Russian L2 and Italian L2. 14th International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition, Paderborn, 22-23.09.2014. Teaching learnable grammar in Russian as a second language: a syllabus proposal for case. [with D. Artoni]. 4th International Conference Andalusian Symposia on Slavic Studies, Granada, 4-6.06.2014. The development of wh- questions in Russian as a second language: a cross-sectional study. 14th International Conference of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics, Verona, 6-8.02.2014. LFG Contributions in SLA Research: The development of case in Russian as a second language. [with D. Artoni]. LFG13 Conference, Debrecen, 18-20.07.2013. Grammatical development across languages: Processability Theory. Syntax Working Group, Oxford, 6.12.2013. The morphological development of number in Russian L2. 12th International Symposium, Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition, Ghent, 28-29.09.2012. |
Other work |
Since 2023: Vice supervisor of the project «Tandem – Language and Culture Exchange», University of Trento, Language Centre. 2022-23: Member of two Committees for a position of Temporary Lecturer in the disciplinary field of Slavic Studies, University of Trento, Department of Humanities. 2022: Member of a Committee for the recruitment of Russian language assistants at the Language Centre of the University of Trento. 2022: PhD thesis reviewer and Committee member, Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Education. 2022: PhD thesis reviewer, University of Western Sydney, School of Humanities and Communication Arts. 2021-23: Member of the Board of the PhD programme in «Forms of cultural exchange», University of Trento, Department of Humanities. Since 2021: Member of the Committee for exemption from language training classes, University of Trento, Department of Humanities. Since 2020: Coordinator of Russian language assistants, University of Trento, Department of Humanities. Since 2019: Secretary of the Teaching Board of «Modern Languages», University of Trento, Department of Humanities. 2016-19: Member of the Teaching Board of «Foreign Languages and Literatures» and «Linguistics», University of Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures & Department of Cultures and Civilisations. |