Raffaella Bernardi
Associate professor
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences - CIMeC
Education |
Academic career and teaching activities |
Raffaella Bernardi is Associate Professor at the University of Trento. From 2011 till 2020 she has been Tenured Assistant Professor at the same university. From 2002 till 2010, she has been assistant professor with a temporary contract at the Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano where she taught Computational Linguistics and acted as local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus European Masters Programme in LCT. She studied at the Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam specializing in Logic and Language, in 1999 she joined the international PhD Programme at the University of Utrecht and wrote a dissertation on categorial type logic (defended in June 2002). Since then she has continued to contribute extensively to this field by organizing several international workshops and disseminating the topic by means of teaching activities. After her PhD defence, she has worked within the Network of Excellence in Computational Logic (CoLogNET) for the area Logic and Natural Language Processing and she has been part of the Management Board of FoLLI (European Association for Logic, Language and Information) for several years. Furthermore, she has done joint work with the University of Bologna, the University of Pisa, the University of Amsterdam, INRIA Loraine, the University of Utrecht, the Australia University and New York University, carrying out work on Corpora, Grammar Induction within the Categorial Grammar framework, Question Answering and Categorial Type Logic. Her research interests took a computational turn in October 2002 when she moved to the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and started working on Natural Language Interfaces to Structured Data. In 2011, she has started working on Distributional Semantics investigating its compositional properties and its integration with Computer Vision models. She has supervised PhD projects on controlled natural language to access ontology and databases and on Interactive Question Answering Systems in the Library Domain. She is now mostly working on Multimodal Models. She is the local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus European Masters Programme in LCT and of the Language and Multimodal Interaction track of the MSc in Cognitive Science offered by the University of Trento. She is the author of more than 80 publications in proceedings of international workshops, conferences and journals. She has been the PI within the EU Project "CACAO" (CP 2006 DILI 510035 CACAO Program: eContentplus), she has been member of the unitn team for the EU projects "Galateas" (CIP-ICT-PSP-2009-3 250430), LiMoSINe (FP7-PEOPLE 214905), CogNET (ICT-14-2014 RIA). She has been part of the team which won the ERC 2011 Starting Independent Research Grant COMPOSES (project nr. 283554). She has been member of the Management Board of the Cost Action The European Network on Integrating Vision and Language and she is part of the Executive Board for the Special Interest Group on Computational Semantics (SIGSem) and for Formal Grammar. |
Research work |
Through the years, since I started my research career in 1997, I have got involved in both theoretical and applied research projects focused mainly on Language and Vision, Natural Language Syntax-Semantics Interface and Natural Language Inference. I am the authors of more than 90 in proceedings of workshops, international conferences and journal. I have the PI of the European Project "CACAO" (CP 2006 DILI 510035 CACAO Program: eContentplus) and co-PI of the european project COMPOSES (nr. 283554) within the ERC 2011 Starting Independent Research Grant. |
Memberships in societies and scientific committees |
From 1999 till 2003, she has worked for FoLLI (European Association in Logic, Language and Information) and in 2003-2004 she has been a member of FoLLI Management Board. She has been a memebr of the Series of Books in Logic, Languagage and Information, Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence. Springer-Verlag, and member (as area chair, senior chair or chair) of serveral programme committees of international workshop and top international conferences like ACL, EMNLP, NAACL-HLT, EACL, IWCS, ESSLLI, WOLLIC, etc. |
Conferences and lectures |
She is a regular active player of international conferences such as ACL, EMNLP, EACL, IWCS and summer schools such as ESSLLI. |
Other work |
She has contributed to the development and dissemination of her field by organizing many international workshops, by teaching in several international doctoral schools. After her PhD she has worked within the Netwrok of Excellence in Computational Logic (CoLogNET) per l'area di Logic and Natrual Language Processing. She has been member of the Management Board of the European Network on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&L Net COST ACTION) and member of the management board of the Erasmus Mundus European Master of Language and Communication Technologies. She is a member, as EU representative, of the ACL Sponsorship Board. |
Notes |
For futher info: http://disi.unitn.it/~bernardi/ |
Attachments |