
July 30th, 1981: Degree in Medicine at the Milano University (110/110 cum laude)
July 11th, 1985: Degree in Neurology at the Milano University (70/70 cum laude)
1986-1989: PhD in Psychobiology (section Neuropsychology) at the Milano University

FRENCH: same level as Italian
ENGLISH: Excellent
GERMAN: good
SPANISH: Excellent
RUSSIAN: basic

1991-1994: Consultant at the Neurorehabilitation Centre at the Seregno Hospital
1994-1998: Consultant at the Third Neurology Department of the Milano University
1993-1997: Neuropsychology Adviser at the Neurology Ward, Ospedale Predabissi, Melegnano
1994-2000: Neuropsychology Adviser at the Neurology Ward, Ospedale di Legnano.
Since 2005: Neuropsychological Adviser for awake surgery, Ospedale Policlinico, Milano (Neurosurgeon: Prof. L. Bello)
2007: Expert for the Regione Lombardia, Project: Sovvenzione Globale Ingenio, FSE 2000-2006 to build a neuropsychology laboratory for Neurosurgical patients at the Ospedale Maggiore, Policlinico, Milano. 
2017-present: Head of the Center for Neurocognitive rehabilitation (CeRiN), Rovereto

1989-1991: Appointment to the MRC Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge as Research Assistant (Prof. A.D. Baddeley)
November 1st, 1998- September 30th, 2001: Associate Professor - University of Palermo.
October 1st, 2001-January 31st, 2022: Full Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Psychology. 

February 2022-present: Full Professor at the University of Trento, CIMeC
May-July 2006: Visiting Professor at the University of York.

1986-1987: Grant by the Foreign Ministry to work at the Neurology Department of Freiburg University, Germany
1987: Grant from the European Brain and Behaviour Society to attend the IBRO World Congress in Budapest.
1987: Grant from NATO to attend the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Reading and Writing Disorders in Different Languages", Il Ciocco.
1988: Grant from the European Science Foundation for a three-month fellowship at the MRC Applied Psychology Unit.
1989:Grant from the European Science Foundation to attend the Winter School on "Anatomy and Psychology", Zuoz.
1997: Grant from the Experimental Psychology Society and Padua University to attend the Joint Meeting of Psychology, Cardiff.
2007: Erasmus Grant to teach at the University of Paris5, May 13-18.

2002-2008: Head of the Psychology Department (over 80 members), University of Milano-Bicocca.
2007-2012 : Coordinator of the PhD in Experimental Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Milano-Bicocca.
2010-2015: President of the PhD School in Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Milano-Bicocca.
2011-2013 and 2019-2022: Member of the Ethical Committee of the University of MIlano-Bicocca
2013- 2019: Member of the Consiglio di Disciplina (Discipline Committee) of the Milano-Bicocca University.
2015-2017: Elected Member of the Giunta di Dipartimento, UNiversity of Milano-Bicocca
2017- : Clinical Director of the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Centre (CeRiN), Rovereto
2016- 2022: President of the Italian Neuropsychology Society (2013-2016. Secretary-Treasurer)

2022-present: Editor in Chief Journal of Neuropsychology

2000: MURST Grant, as Principal Investigator of the research unit, for a two-year project on Lexical deficits and non-literal language comprehension in aphasic patients 
2003: MIUR Grant as Principal Investigator of the Unit, for a two-year project on "Idiom comprehension: neural correlates and role of grammatical structure"
2005: MIUR Grant as Principal Investigator of the unit, for a two-year project on "Short-term memory and sentence comprehension".
2007-2009: Grant from the Royal Society for an International Joint Project with prof. Vincent Walsh, ICN London: The neural basis of spatial navigation in humans: a TMS study.
2008: Grant from the Audiologic Foundation, Ospedale di Circolo Varese: Language development in children with cochlear implant.
2010: Grant from the Cariplo for a project "high-level PhD in Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience"


2020: Ricerca finalizzata, Ministero della Salute

2023: PRIN PNRR grant

Italian Neuropsychology Society; 
International Neuropsychological Symposium;
Academy of Aphasia; 
International Neuropsychological Society;
Italian Neurology Society (SIN)
Italian Neurorehabilitation Society (SIRN) 
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Psychophysiology Society
1989: Invited speaker to the International Conference on “Neuropsychological disorders associated with subcortical lesions”. Title: “Subcortical localization of ideomotor apraxia”.September 26-28th, Villa Olmo, Como.
1998: Invited speaker to the International Neuropsychological Symposium. Title: " Working Memory". June 22-27th, Jerusalem.
1999, 2003, 2004: invited speaker at the Annual Neuropsychological Conference, Innsbruck
2001: Organizer of the symposium "Mechanisms of lexical access in speech production" at the XIX Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, January 21st-26th.
2001: Organizer of a symposium at the Annual SIN meeting (Neaples, September 14-18) on "Frontal lobe and frontal syndrome".
2004: Organizer of the symposium "Different methodological approaches in the study of language", Les Arcs, March 8th-15th, 2004
2004: Invited speaker at the symposium "Neuropsychology of Human Memory” , First European Neuropsychological Conference, Modena, April 19th.
2004 Invited speaker at the EURESCO Conference "Mind, Language and Metaphor" , Granada, Spain, 24 - 29 April 2004.
2004: Invited speaker at the Workshop " The dysexecutive impairment and the degenerative dementia", Neaples, June 11th.
2004: Invited speaker at the Centro San Giovanni di Dio-Fatebenefratelli IRCCS, Brescia, June 28th.
2005: Invited speaker at the Workshop on "Clinical Neuropsychology. Cognitive rehabilitation: results and limits", Brescia University, Faculty of Medicine, May 31st.
2006: Invited speaker at the Workshop on Lexical Complexity, Satellite activity of the 12th Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting: the Architecture of Language from cognitive modelling to brain mapping and back, Pisa, June 8-10th.
2006: Invited speaker at the Symposium in honour of Luigi Vignolo, Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia
October 2007: invited to attend a Symposium on the concreteness effect at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Washington DC, Bologna, November 25th.
19.02.09: Invited speaker at the meeting 'ICT and Assistive Cognitive Technologies', dissemination activity of the European Project “HERMES - Cognitive Care and Guidance for Active Aging”
26.05.09: Invited speaker at the Annual Conference “Pietro Paoletti”, University of Pavia.
19-21.07.09: Invited speaker to the XXIII Advanced Course for Young Neurosurgeons "Clinical and Neuropsychological Evaluation of Gliomas".
9-10-2009: Invited speaker at the Workshop “Comunicazione e Neuroscienze”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.
21-11-2009: Invited speaker at the Forum di Omegna ( title: “Reading, mind and brain. What does it happen in the reader's mind"). European Project "Amicolibro".
10-12-2009 Invited speaker at the Advanced Course in Neuropsychology (title: "Anomia"), Istituto Neurologico Besta, Milano.
6-9/09/2011 Invited speaker at the "Scientific Workshop: Mapping Functional Networks for Brain Surgery", ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine", Milano, Hotel Melìa, 6-9 settembre 2011
27-31/01/2014: Invited speaker at the symposium "Cognitive Neurosurgery" nell'ambito del 32mo Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone.
29/11/2014: Invited speaker at the 22° Pezcoller Seminar: LGG: now and perspectives.
05/12/2014: Invitated speaker at the 20 years of Neurosurgery in Bolzano. "Where we were/where we go to". La valutazione neuropsicologica dei pazienti con lesione in area critica.
26/06/2015: Invited speaker ELGGN meeting, Paris 25-26-27 June 2015.
26/09/2015: Invited speaker to the Congress "Gliomas and the brain", Brescia, 
January 2018: invited speaker at the Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone "Neuropsychology of STM: where are we now"                                                                                           September 2019: invited speaker Science of Aphasia

April 2021: Invited speaker (virtual) EANO, Amsterdam

October 2023: Invited speaker University of Barcelona

2023: Chair of the panel for the guidelines on aphasia rehabilitation

January 2024: Invited speaker University of Groningen

2002: "Workshop on neuropsychological Rehabilitation", Milano-Bicocca University, November 29th.
2003: Organizer of the International Neuropsychological Symposium June 24-29, Mondello.
September 2007: Member of the Scientific Committee for the organization of the Annual Congress of the Italian Psychology Society, Como.
2009: Vice-Chair of the Program Committee of the Academy of Aphasia, Boston
2010: Chair of the Program Committee for the Academy of Aphasia, Athens.                                       2019-2021 Chair of the Board of Nomination for the Academy of Aphasia

2022- present Editor in Chief for the Journal of Neuropsychology

2006- 2021 Associate Editor for The Journal of Neuropsychology

2002-2008 Consulting Editor for Neuropsychology. 
2017- Board of Editor Neuropsychology Review
2014- Board of Editor Journal of Neurolinguistics

2013- Guest Editor Cortex
2018 Guest Co-Editor Cortex
Regular referee for: Brain, Cortex, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Neuropsychologia, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, The European Journal of Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Applied Psycholinguistics, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, Journal of Neurolinguistics, Brain and Language, Neuroimage.

Academic career and teaching activities

2013- 2019 Member of the Disciplinary Committee, University of Milano-Bicocca.

2011- 2013 Member of the Local Ethical Committee, University of Milano-Bicocca.

2010-2013 Head of the PhD School in Experimental Psychology and Cognitive

Neuroscience, University of Milano-Bicocca

2020- present Member of the Local Ethical Committee, University of Milano-Bicocca.

2009-2013 Secretary of the School of Specialization in Neuropsychology, University of


2007-2012 Head of the PhD course in Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive

Neuroscience, University of Milano-Bicocca

2002-2008 Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca,

2001- Full Professor of Neuropsychology, University of Milano-Bicocca,

1998-2001 Associate Professor of Neuropsychology, Palermo University, Italy

1989-1991 Research Assistant, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, UK

Research interests

subcortical bundles in recovery from cognitive deficits

clinical tests development and new neurorehabilitation treatments

cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease

Research work

auditory-verbal STM and sentence comprehension

anosognosia in aphasia

social cognition in degenerative diseases

Plasticity in low-grade glioma

neural correlates of abstract and concrete words


Memberships in societies and scientific committees

1986-1987 DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) grant, to spend 18 months at the Neurology Department, University of Freiburg i.Br, 
1986-    Member, Italian Neuropsychology Society
1987    NATO grant to attend the Nato Advanced Study Institute
1988    ESF fellowship, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, U.K. 
1989    ESF grant, Winter School on Anatomy and Psychology
1998-2002 Auditor, Italian Neuropsychology Society
2000-present    Member, Academy of Aphasia
2000-    Member, International Neuropsychological Symposium
2008-2011 Member of the Program Committee, Academy of Aphasia
2009         Vice-chair of the Program Committee, Academy of Aphasia, Boston
2010         Chair of the Program Committee, Academy of Aphasia, Athens.
2013- 2016       Secretary-Treasurer of the Italian Neuropsychological Society 
2016- present    President of the Italian Neuropsychological Society
2016-present Member of the Italian Neurology Society
2018-present Board of Nomination, Academy of Aphasia
2018- present Member of the Scientific Committee SIPF (Italian Psychophysiology Society).

Awards and honours

1986-1987 DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) grant, to spend 18 months at the Neurology Department, University of Freiburg i.Br,

1987    NATO grant to attend the Nato Advanced Study Institute
1988    ESF fellowship, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, U.K. 
1989    ESF grant, Winter School on Anatomy and Psychology

Conferences and lectures

Invited speaker:

1989, September 26-28th. Villa Olmo, Como. International Conference on “Neuropsychological disorders associated with subcortical lesions”. Title: “Subcortical localization of ideomotor apraxia”.

- 1998, June 22-27th. International Neuropsychological Symposium, Jerusalem. Title: " Working Memory".

-1999, January 19:  AINC (conferenza annuale di neuropsicologia di Innsbruck). Title: Memory disorders

19.4.2004: è invitata a partecipare a un simposio dal titolo “Neuropsychology of Human Memory” alla First European Neuropsychological Conference, Modena.

24-29/04/2004: “Idiom comprehension in brain-damaged patients”, ’Euresco Conference on  “Metaphor and Metonymes” , Granada.

06/2006:  Workshop on Lexical Complexity, Satellite activity of the 12th Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting: the Architecture of Language from cognitive modelling to brain mapping and back, Pisa 

25/11/2006: Symposium in honour of Luigi Vignolo, Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia, Bologna.

- 21-23/10/2007: invitata a partecipare al Symposium on “Concreteness effects in aphasia and degenerative disorders” nell’ambito dell’Academy of Aphasia, Washington.

- 19/02/2009: 'ICT and Assistive Cognitive Technologies', project “HERMES - Cognitive Care and Guidance for Active Aging”

26/05/2009: Annual Conference  “Pietro Paoletti”, Pavia University

28-29/01/2011: III Neurosurgical Symposia– Measuring Clinical outcomes in neuro-oncology: tools and parameters,  Verona, Ospedale Borgo Roma.

4/02/2011  “I caratteri operazionali della memoria di lavoro e la sua interazione con il linguaggio” De Vincenzi Foundation, University of Trento .

6-9/09/2011 Invitata a tenere due relazioni al “Scientific Workshop: Mapping Functional Networks for Brain Surgery”, ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine”, Milano, Hotel Melìa, 6-9 settembre 2011

20/09/2011 SISSA, Trieste: “What can we learn from the neuropsychological evaluation of brain tumours?”

16-17/12/2011 Workshop “language and communication disorders. Evaluation tools”, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.

23/09/2012  “Women and men in psychology:gender in research”, AIP celebration.

9/11/2012  “Cognition and language: Research Conference in memory of Patrizia Tabossi”, Trieste.

24-25/05/2013:  “The Italian modern neuropsychology”, Como, Hotel Palace

27-31/01/2014:  “Cognitive Neurosurgery”  32nd Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone.

14/10/2014:  XLV Italian Neurologica Society “the insula between emotion and cognition”, Cagliari.

24/10/2014: Face and voice recognition, Italian Neuropsychological Society, Napoli 24-25 ottobre.

29/11/2014: 22° Pezcoller seminar "Low-grade gliomas: prospectives", Trento.

05/12/2014:  Bolzano Neurosurgery: “Where we were/where we go to”. 

26/06/2015: ELGGN meeting, Paris 25-26-27 June 2015.

26/09/2015:  “Gliomas and the brain”, Brescia, 23-26 settembre 2015.

17/10/2015: Invitata a un simposio nell’ambito del XLVI Congresso della Società Italiana di Neurologia dal titolo “Connessioni cerebrali”, Genova.

22/10/2016: I XLVII Italian Neurological Society Meeting “La neuropsicologia in sala operatoria”, Venezia

2-4 March 2017:  SOS dyslexia, Napoli, Hotel Ramada

20 May 2017:  Consensus Conference on PNES,  Catanzaro University.

January 2018: i "Verbal STM: where are we now?" Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone

February  2018:  SOPSI Meeting “Neuropsychology of memory ”, Roma, Hotel Cavalieri

April 2018:  "Choice of advanced therapies in Parkinson's disease”, Rovereto, Sala Conferenze MART

September 2018: La neuropsicologia in ospedale, Fondazione Poliambulanza - Centro Ricerca Eugenia Menni, Via Don Pinzoni, 1 - Brescia 

September 2019 : Invited speaker Science of Aphasia, Rome

September 2021: invited speaker EANO, Rotterdam

October 2021: Invtied speaker national meeting SIPF, Palermo

Octobre 2021: Invited speaker national meeting SINCH

October 2023: Invited speaker at the University of Barcelona

January 2024: Invited speaker at the University of Groningen

Other work

2012- 2017    Consultant of the Teaching Committee for the Mulitilingual School San Carlo College, Milano
2005-2011 Neuropsychologist Adviser at the Department of Neurosurgery             (awake surgery), Policlinico Hospital, Milano.
1994-1998 Neurology Consultant, San Paolo Hospital, Milano University, Italy
1994-2000 Neuropsychologist Adviser at the Neurology Department, Legnano Hospital
1993-1997 Neuropsychologist Adviser at the Neurology Department, Melegnano Hospital 1991-1994 Neurorehabilitation Consultant, Hospital of Seregno, Italy
1981-1985 Medical Residency, Neurology, Milano Neurology School, Italy

2017- present Clinical Head of the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Centre


Referee for: Israel Science Foundation, NWO (Netherlands Young Investigator), NIH/NIMGS, CARIPARO Foundation for the evaluation of excellent biomedical projects, MRC London, ANR: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Cariparo Foundation for the evaluation of Starting Grants, Excellent Project and Visiting Professor (three committees) Brain Tumour Charity-New Ideas Awards, London.
Member of the  Italian Ministry of Health Committee for IRCCS evaluation (January 2020), National Science Center, Poland; 

Member of the  Italian Ministry of Health Committee for the nomination of IRCCS Scientific Head (September 2021)

Member of the special committee for selecting Speech Pathologist/therapist at the Department of Rehabilitation Services of the Cyprus University of Technology

D. Editorial activity
2002-2008: Consultant Editor for Neuropsychology
2006- 2021: Associate editor: Journal of Neuropsychology

2022-         : Editor in Chief Journal of Neuropsychology
2013-2014: Guest Editor for Cortex
2014- : Member of the Editorial Board Journal of Neurolinguistics
2016- : Member of the Editorial Board of Neuropsychology Review.
2013-2015: Consultant for Cogstate. 
2016-present: Member of the Editorial Board of Neuropsychological Review
2018: Guest Editor for Cortex
