Sabrina Di Maria
Education |
From 1993-1998 Liceo Classico "P. Giannone" in Benevento, Campania Region Academic Year 2002/2003 Bologna University - Faculty of Law: The final grade was 110/110 cum laude; Thesis in Roman Public Law: "Consul oriens, de nocte, silentio dicit dictatorem" December 2006 State exam as a Lawyer at Corte d'Appelo di Bologna 29.04.2008 in Reggio Calabria University Research Doctorate Doctorate/PhD in "History of thought and Roman Legal Institutes"
Experience Abroad From July 2017 to September 2017 Academic Visitor at Institute of Classical Studies of London From February 2014 to June 2014 Barcelona University: research within the program "Programma Marco Polo dell'Università di Bologna - tornata 2013" August 2012 Hunan University (China): research at Summer School From January to May 2011 Alicante University: research within the program "Programma Marco Polo dell'Università di Bologna - II tornata 2010" From December 2009 to June 2010 Elche University: research within the program "Programma Marco Polo dell'Università di Bologna - XVII tornata" |
Academic career and teaching activities |
Academic career Current Position: Professor of Roman Law at the University of Trento, Faculty of Law National Scientific Qualification Suitable in National Scientific Qualification (ASN) 2021 as a Full Professor - selection procedure sector 12/H1 (Roman and Ancient Law) Teaching Activities - She teaches, at the University of Trento, Faculty of Law, Institutes of Roman Law, Roman Law and Foundations of European Law and Roman Foundations of European Law. - Lecturer on Foundations of European Law at the School of Legal Professions organised by the Universities of Trento and Verona From Academic Year 2008/2009 to Academic Year 2015/2016 At Bologna University - Faculty of Law, she taught History of Roman Law and Foundations of European Law
Research interests |
- Foundations of European Law - Private Roman Law - Law of Justinian - Succession
Research work |
Current member of the research project SIR - Scriptores iuris Romani. Texts and Thought - ERC-2014-Advanced Grant 2014 (Durata 01/12/2015-30/11/2020) - Host Institution: Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, University of Rome 'La Sapienza' -”, P.I. Prof. A. Schiavone. Member, in a framework of a joint research with some Universities of Spain (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurìdicas de Elche, Faculdad de Derecho de Granada, Faculdad de Derecho de Barcelona, Facultad de Derecho de Alicante) and Universities of Italy (Bologna University and Pisa University), of an historical-comparative international research project on the Draft Common Frame of Reference. Member of Prin 2008 project entitled "Review and integration of the Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani - FIRA,co-funded by Miur - P.I. Prof. G. Purpura |
Memberships in societies and scientific committees |
Reviewer of the interdisciplinary juridical Periodical (A) "Archivio giuridico Filippo Serafini" Member of "Societa Italiana di Storia del Diritto" Member of "Asociacion Ibero-Americana de Derecho Romano" |
Awards and honours |
- FFABR (FONDO RICERCA DI BASE, MIUR) 2017 winner - Best PhD theses on "Storia del pensiero e delle istituzioni giuridiche" (XX CICLO) - University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria - Award “F.I.D.A.P.A.” 1998 for best student of Liceo Ginnasio Statale “P. Giannone” of Benevento; |
Conferences and lectures |
December 2009 Lecture at the Elche University - Faculty of Law on “Roman and European legal unification law. Why a comparative perspective?”.
February 2010 Lecture at the Elche University - Faculty of Law on “Draft Common Frame of Reference and ius commune europaeum”. May 2011 Lecture at the Alicante University - Faculty of Law on “The prescription: from Roman Law to Draft Common Frame of Reference”. June 2011 Lecture on “La cancelleria giustinianea e l’infungibilità dei giuristi classici: l’esempio delle decisiones” in international congress “Dogmengeschichte und historische Individualität der Juristen. Storia dei dogmi e individualità storica dei giuristi romani. 14-17 giugno 2011” in Montepulciano Italy. August 2012 - Lecture at the Summer School of the University of Hunan, Changsha (China) on “Contracts Infringing Mandatory Rules: from Roman Law to EU Law”. - Lecture at the Summer School of the University of Hunan, Changsha (China) on “Time of Performance: from Roman Law to EU Law”. - Lecture at the Roman Legal System Research Center of the University of Hunan, Changsha (China) on “Reverentia antiquitatis”. - Lecture at the Roman Legal System Research Center of the University of Hunan, Changsha (China) on “A new Palingenesis of Books ad edictum by Paul: the comment on edicatl prescriptions about the in ius vocare”. February 2014 Lecture at the Barcelona University - Faculty of Law on “Decisiones e constitutiones ad commodum propositi operis pertinentes”; March 2014 Lecture at the Barcelona University - Faculty of Law on “Il caso di C.I. 5.70.7”; May 2014 Lecture at the Barcelona University - Faculty of Law on “Mora and Interpellatio: from Roman Law to Draft Common Frame of Reference”. - January 2017 Intervention in the Meeting “Scriptores iuris Romani ERC 2014 AdG 2014”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”; - February 2017 Intervention in the meeting “Palingenesi e commento delle opere di Giulio Paolo”, University of Bologna; - September 2017 Intervention in the meeting “Workshop sui libri ad edictum di Paolo e di Ulpiano”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”; - November 2017 Lectio “Dalla Scuola storica alla Pandettistica. La dottrina civilistica tra ‘800 e ‘900”, University of Bologna ( Ravenna) ; - November 2017 Lectio “Il classicismo giustinianeo”, University of Bologna; - December 2018 Lectio “La responsabilità precontrattuale: un’indagine diacronica”, University of Bologna; - December 2018 Lectio “La compilazione del Digesto”, University of Bologna.
Other work |
- He is a member of the student-teacher commission of the Faculty of Law of Trento - He is responsible, for the historical area, of the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions (SSPL) of Trento and Verona