Research interests

Brief account of planned research effort.

  • My future work will primarily focus on understanding how the behavior of individuals affects the overall typology of the drivers in order to guarantee the highways safety. My future research plans to revolve around the development of the new algorithms concerning the definition of a standard behavior of drivers in proximity of road intersections or obstacles, caused by the yard for maintenance work or construction sites, where the reduction of the speed of motor vehicles in transit determines an increase in sustainable and environmental costs that every society will have to bear, both for the devastation of the ecosphere than as the health care costs for the diseases increase among populations.

My approach to filling in this gap in the literature will utilize a diversity of techniques including:

  • analysis of large data sets
  • behavioral experiments on field
  • theoretical analysis
  • simulations

In order to arrive at accurate models of econometric analysis, which we must first understand, I intend to use a large scale data analysis, similar to the empirical analysis I have done in my past researches. Analyzing the data from these sources will unearth various computational questions. For example, this type of analysis will require the new algorithms that do more than simply analyzing of the massive graphs.

Sarà inoltre necessario studiare i dati ricevuti dalle interazioni. Per integrare questi approcci, intendo utilizzare sia l'analisi teorica che le simulazioni nel mio studio dei modelli psicosociali ed economici di interazione con i conducenti. Uno studio teorico di questi tipi di modelli ci consentirebbe di caratterizzare i diversi tipi di interazioni che si verificano in diversi contesti. Tale approccio scientifico sarebbe estremamente utile per lo studio di classi generali di comportamento sociale. Pertanto, l’intersezione tra informatica, teoria dei trasporti e microeconomia è attualmente matura per essere esplorata, e la mia agenda di ricerca si colloca esattamente al loro nesso.

I have another work in progress. It is planned to implement the econometric model for the assessment of energy resources for transportation. I intend to use the computational – math modeling and computational statistics.

Through the empirical analysis my future work intends to resolve some problems of the sustainability transportation through the study of the Ecosphere, Valuesphere, Technosphere.

Scientific research in progress:
1. Demand and supply: an integrated theoretical framework in cableway system design
2. Algorithms for pipeline transport under conditions of global terrorist attacks

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