
Ph D. in Contemporary History at the University of Italian Switzerland - Architecture Academy. Title of dissertation: ‘The development of a valley floor in the Eastern Alps (18th-20th century). Landscape, ownership systems and land use in the Piana Rotaliana (Trento)’. Director PhD: prof Luigi Lorenzetti. Opponents: prof. Andrea Bonoldi (University of Trento); prof. Manuel Vaquero Pineiro (University of Perugia), prof. Daniela Mondì (University of Italian Switzerland). 

Ph D. (XXIII course) in Contemporary Anthropology: ethnography of cultural divergences and convergences at the University of Milan-Bicocca. Title of dissertation: ‘Fertility rites, identity constructions and recognition strategies in Südtirol / Alto Adige. The Stilfs case study in Vinschgau’ Director PhD: prof Ugo Fabietti. Supervisor prof. Ivan Bargna, co-supervisor: prof. Silvia Vignato; opponents: prof. Simonetta Grilli (University of Siena) and prof. Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz (University of Reggio Emilia) 

Master’s Degree in Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences "summa cum laude" at the University of Milan-Bicocca. Title of dissertation ‘Revenge: culture and politics of a violent practice’ Supervisor prof. Ugo Fabietti, co-supervisor dott.ssa Silvia Barberani.

Four-year (Master’s) Degree (old system) in Moral Philosophy (110/110) at the University of Milan. Title of the dissertazione: ‘Dialectic of anti-Semitism’ Supervisor: Prof. Luciano Frasconi, co-supervisor prof. Carlo Pettazzi. 

Academic career and teaching activities

Research Fellow (from 1/10/2022 to 30/09/2024) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA), 24 months, Scientific Project ‘Milk and the territory of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol in an anthropological perspective: symbols, identity, landscape and opportunities for valorisation’, at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, supervisor Prof. Mario Diani.

Research Fellow (from 15/09/2021 to 14/09/2022) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA), 12 months, European Project ECOVINEGOALS, at Department of Sociology and Social Research University of Trento, supervisor prof. Mario Diani

Contract lecturer (from 2018 to 2022) of the Cultural Anthropology Course (36 hours) in the PFPTI Pathway at the University of Trento.

Contract lecturer (from 2018 to present) of the Medical Cultural Anthropology Course (10 hours) at the Degree in Psychiatric Rehabilitation at the University of Verona - Faculty of Medicine.

Contract lecturer (from 2023 to 2024) (20 hours 6 CFU) for the course in Alpine Cultural Anthropology Scientific Disciplinary Sector M-DEA/01 - University of Bolzano/Bozen Faculty of Primary Education.

Research assistant (from 1/10/2016 to 30/06/2020) at the Laboratory of Alpine History, Academy of Architecture, University of Italian Switzerland research grant (45 months) Swiss National Fund historical-anthropological research project ‘Propriété, ressources et construction territoriale. Les fonds de vallée dans l'éspace alpin, 1700-2000’. Research in the territory of the Province of Trento: Piana Rotaliana.

Associate researcher (from 12/02/2017 to 31/12/2018) in Cultural Anthropology (M-Dea) and Contemporary History of the working group ‘Ricercatori e Ricercatori associati’ of the Laboratory of Alpine History - Academy of Architecture University of Lugano.

Lecturer (In the academic year 2024/2025) (48 hrs. 12 CFU) for the course of Research Laboratory Technology and Organisation within the Master's Degree Course in Organisation, Society and Technology University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Guest Lecture (2 hours) for the Territorial Studies course (lecturer Natalia Magnani) Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘An interdisciplinary study of anthropology and public and applied jurisprudence: collective Domains in the Highlands’ 2 December 2024

Lecturer (In academic year 2023/2024) (48 hrs. 12 CFU) for the course Research Laboratory Technology and Organisation within the Master's Degree Course in Organisation, Society and Technology University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer speaker (In academic year 2023/2024) (14 hours 2 CFU) for the credit seminar (lecturer proposing Mario Diani) Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Ecosystem Terre Alte. Territories of Life, Collective Domains, Local Products in the Alpine Eco-Cultural System. A transdisciplinary anthropological look’.

Lecturer (In the academic year 2023/2024) (4 hrs.) for the Advanced Training Course III edition a.y. 2023/24 Tourism and resilient territories: comparing projects and experiences organised by the University of Eastern Piedmont and Unione Montana delle Valli dell'Ossola I.5 Claim Contamination Lab Aree Interne Montane and financed by Regione Piemonte with a presentation on cultural anthropology (theoretical and workshop-laboratory).

Lecturer (24 hrs. 12 CFU) (y. y. 2022/23) for the course of Research Laboratory Technology and Organisation within the Master's Degree Course in Organisation, Society and Technology at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2022/23) for the 14-hour 2 CFU credit seminar (proposing lecturer Mario Diani) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Highlands, climate crisis and sustainability. Enhancing the environment and local products with an ecological anthropological view’.

Lecturer (48 hrs. 12 CFU) (y. y. 2021/22) for the course Qualitative Methods and Research Laboratory within the Master's Degree Course in Management of Organisations and Territory at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2021/22) for the 14-hour 2 CFU credit seminar (proposing lecturer Mario Diani) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘The Alpine Agricultural Landscape in Transformation. Research and socio-anthropological readings’.

Lecturer (8 hours) for the Advanced Training Course I edition a.y. 2021/22 Green Economy, Sustainability and Circular Economy organised by the University of Eastern Piedmont and Unione Montana delle Valli dell'Ossola I.5 Claim Contamination Lab Aree Interne Montane and financed by Regione Piemonte with two lectures on cultural anthropology (theoretical and workshop-laboratory).

Lecturer (48 hrs. 12 CFU) (y. y. 2020/21) for the course Qualitative Methods and Research Workshop within the Master's Degree Course in Management of Organisations and Territory at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer (24 +24 hours 12 CFU) (y. y. 2020/21) for the Qualitative Methods Lab course (in English) within the Master's Degree Course in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2020/21) for the 14-hour 2 CFU credit seminar (proposing lecturer Mario Diani) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Agricultural Landscape and Development Dynamics of the Valley Floor. A historical-anthropological look at the material and immaterial heritage’.

Lecturer tutor (24 hours 12 CFU) (y. y. 2020/21) for the course of Cultural Anthropology within the Three-year Degree Course in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer speaker (3 hours) (y. y. 2020/21) for the Training Course ‘The Words of SCUP’ organised by the Autonomous Province of Trento for members of the voluntary civil service.

Lecturer speaker (6 hrs.) (y. y. 2020/21) for the Teachers' Refresher Course ’Changing the look, finding a look. L'antropologia culturale nel mondo della scuola’ organised by Istituti Tecnici Professionali - Provincia Autonoma di Trento.

Guest Lecture (2 hours) (a. a. 2020/21) for the course in Cultural Anthropology (lecturer Ester Gallo) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘The Why of Anthropological Research in the Alps’ 3 November 2020.

Tutor lecturer (24 hours 12 CFU) (a. y. 2019/20) for the course on Qualitative Methods and Research Laboratories within the Master's Degree Course in Management of Organisations and Territory at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2019/20) for the 14-hour 3 CFU credit seminar (proposing lecturer Mario Diani) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Taste of territory: landscapes, foods, movements, culture of biodiversity. A historical-anthropological approach'.

Guest Lecture (2 hours) (a. y. 2018/19) for the Cultural Anthropology course (lecturer Ester Gallo) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘The why of anthropological research in the Alps’ 31 October 2019.

Lecturer speaker  (4 hours) (a. y. 2018/19) for the Update Course for Intercultural Facilitators  Modules: Elements of Sociology and Cultural Anthropology and Intercultural Communication at UISP Bolzano.

Lecturer trainer (24 hours 12 CFU) (a. y. 2018/19) for the course Qualitative Methods and Research Laboratories within the Master's Degree Course in Management of Organisations and Territory at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Lecturer speaker (14 hours 3 CFU) (a. a. 2018/19) credit seminar (proposing lecturer Albertina Pretto) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Landscape to savour: people, territory, culture of an intangible heritage’.

Lecturer speaker (8 hours 1 CFU) (a. y. 2018/19)  credit seminar of the course Qualitative Methods and Research Laboratory (proposing lecturer Albertina Pretto) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Observing, Photographing, Understanding. Visual techniques in socio-anthropological research’.

Teaching Assistant Tutor  (24 hours 12 CFU) (a. y. 2017/18) for the course on Qualitative Methods and Research Laboratories within the Master's Degree Course in Management of Organisations and Territory at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Annual lecturer (a. y. 2017/18) for the Project Work Laboratory at the ENAIP Institute of Tione, course V year Enogastronomy and High Professional Training regarding cultural and food anthropology with an in-depth study of local/global and multicultural dynamics related to food, its production and its cultural symbolism.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2017/18) for the 14 hours 3 CFU credit seminar of the Contemporary History course (proposing lecturer Casimira Grandi) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Food landscape: people, culture, territory and intangible heritage’.

Guest Lecture (a. y. 2017/18) of 2 academic hours for the Cultural Anthropology course (lecturer Ester Gallo) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘The Alps and cultural anthropology: history and research fields’.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2017/18) for the 8 hours 1 CFU credit seminar of the Qualitative Methods and Research Laboratory course (lecturer Albertina Pretto) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Immortalising research. The visual investigation between anthropology and sociology’.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2017/18) for the training course ‘Saperi &Sapori’ for primary, secondary and second grade school teachers at the University of Trento - Marie Curie Institute of Pergine (TN) with a 3 academic hours speech entitled ‘Cultural anthropology: we meet cultures through taste’.

Lecturer speaker (a. a. 2017/18) for the Update Course for Intercultural Facilitators (2 hours) Module: Elements of Sociology and Cultural Anthropology and at UISP Trento.

Lecturer speaker (a. a. 2016/17) for the 12-hour 2 CFU credit seminar of the Contemporary History course (proposing lecturer Casimira Grandi) at Faculty of Cognitive Sciences ‘The flavour of the territory: food between tradition and innovation on the roads of knowledge. Anthropology of food and valorisation of the landscape for intangible heritage’.

Lecturer speaker (a. a. 2015/16) for the primary, secondary and second grade teacher training courses at the Faculty of Cognitive Science - University of Trento with a 16 academic hours talk entitled "Tell me what you eat... Territory, tradition and innovation. For a new anthropological approach to food culture’.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2015/16) for the 12-hour 2CFU credit seminar of the Progressed Cultural Anthropology course (proposing lecturer Marco Bassi) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Food, Belongings, Memory: when flavour becomes knowledge. Anthropology of food and territorial valorisation’.

Lecturer (a. a. 2014/15) for the primary, secondary and second grade teacher training courses at the Faculty of Cognitive Science - University of Trento with a 16 academic hour lecture entitled "Flavour is knowledge: food. Identity and territory. A reasoned workshop on the anthropology of food’.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2014/15) for the 6-hour 1CFU credit seminar of the Advanced Cultural Anthropology course (proposing lecturer Marco Bassi) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Life Stories and Privileged Informants in Anthropology’ with a paper entitled ‘The case of Marcel Griaule with particular reference to the text God of Water, constructed in collaboration with the elderly Dogon Ogotemmeli’.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2014/15) for the 12-hour 2 CFU credit seminar of the Advanced Cultural Anthropology course (proposing lecturer Marco Bassi) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘The raw, the cooked. Anthropology of food and the enhancement of the territory’.

Guest Lecture (2 hours) for the course in Moral Philosophy (lecturer Gianfranco Mormino) Faculty of Letters and Philosophy - University of Milan ‘The raw, the cooked and... For an anthropological reading of the food phenomenon'.

Lecturer (academic year 2013/14) for primary and secondary school teacher training courses at the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences - University of Trento with a 12-hour lecture entitled ‘Raw, cooked and... Annotated workshop on the anthropology of food’.

Lecturer speaker (a. y. 2013/14) for the 20-hour 6 CFU credit seminar of the Advanced Cultural Anthropology course (proposing lecturer Marco Bassi) at the Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento ‘Methodologies of anthropological research’. In this seminar, I entirely carried out the lectures on qualitative research methods: the main ethnographic survey instruments, semi-structured interviews, life histories, participant and non-participant observation, visual research and the main methodologies for tabulating, analysing and archiving qualitative materials were presented. The students were followed in the ethnographic exercises valid as an integral part of the examination: in particular, research relating to the field of Territory was followed.

Research interests

Alpine cultural anthropology - Anthropology of food - Local communities - Collective domains - Ecological anthropology - Anthropology of the environment - Anthropology of education - Qualitative methods of research - Legal anthropology - Anthropology of Religions

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Since 2020. Ordinary member of theAccademia degli Agiati di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, founded in 1750 in Rovereto (TN).

Since 2010. President of the UNESCO Club of Trento, the first club in the Trentino Alto-Adige region to promote the tangible and intangible heritage of the region. Since 2022 elected member of the National Board of Directors of the Italian Federation of UNESCO Centres and Clubs.

From 2010 to 2016. Ordinary member of SIMDEA (Italian Society for Museography and Demoethnoanthropological Heritage).

From 2013 to 2017. Ordinary member of ANUAC (National Association of Cultural Anthropologists).

Since 2013. Ordinary member of the EVAA (Upper Adige Anthropological Association).

From 2014 to 2017. Ordinary member of AISEA (Italian Association for Ethno-Anthropological Sciences).

From 2014 to 2019. Member of the Board of Directors of the Trentino Peace and Human Rights Forum.

Since 2017. Member of the Scientific Committee of the anthropological association ANTROPOLIS Milan.

Since 2016. Ordinary member of SIAA (Italian Society of Applied Anthropology).

Since 2018 Ordinary member of SIAC (Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology).

Since 2018 Ordinary member of EASA (European Association Social Anthropology).

Since 2019. Ordinary member of the Academy of Italian Cuisine. Trento Delegation.

Since 2020. Director of the Trentino Alto Adige/Südtirol Territorial Study Centre of the Italian Academy of Cuisine.

Since 2021. Fellow of the CoACT Research Unit - Collective Action, Change and Transition - Department of Sociology and Social Research - University of Trento.

Member of the Organising Committee of the 4th SIAA Congress (Italian Society of Applied Anthropology) held from 19 to 21 December 2016 at the University of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research.

Member of the Organising Committee of the VI SIAA Congress (Italian Society of Applied Anthropology) which was held in Cremona from 13 to 15 December 2018 organised by the University of Milan.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the AREE FRAGILI 2022 Congress ‘Empatia agrosilvopastorale ’held in Rovigo from 18 to 19 March 2022 organised by Dispes, University of Trieste, Aree Fragili APS, Departments of the University of Padua.

Conferences and lectures
  1. I Convegno Italiano sulla Civetta 21 March 2004 Osio Sotto (BG) with a paper entitled ‘Omnes striges: la civetta da dea madre a maledetta’.
  2. International Conference ‘New Hypotheses around Oetzi, the Ice Mummy. Attraverso un percorso di ricerca interdisciplinare tra archeologia, scienze esatte e storia delle religioni’ University of Bergamo, Bergamo 3 June 2008 with a paper entitled: “Pflugziehen e scheibenslaghen in Val Venosta: riti neolitici?”.
  3. Conference ‘Being Contemporary. Museografia, patrimonio, etnografia’ SIMBDEA - Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni Demoetnoantropologici, Matera, 29 September - 3 October 2010 with a paper and poster “Pflugziehen a Stilfs in Vinschgau (BZ) - Italy” published in AM Antropologia Museale, no. 25/26, year 9, special 2010.
  4. Conference ‘Anthropology and archaeology in comparison: representations and practices of the Sacred, International Meeting of Studies, Museum “L. Pigorini”, Rome 20-21 May 2011, paper “The practices of the Sacred in the winter fertility rituality in two communities of the Vinschgau: Prad am Stilfserjoch and Stilfs”.
  5. ConferenceLa storia del paesaggio agrario italiano di Emilio Sereni cinquant'anni dopo’, Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni dell'Istituto Alcide Cervi Gattatico (RE), 10-11-12 November 2011, poster ‘Il paesaggio agricolo alto-atesino e i culti della fertilità: il case study di Stilfs in Vinschgau’ .
  6. Conference: Panel 13. Migration, Globalization and Identity. M. Villa, Department of Social Sciences, The University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy. ‘Identity obsession and strategies of recognition through the fertility rituals: the case study of Stilfs in Vinschgau (Italy - South Tyrol)’ in Global Studies Association 11th International Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, July 5-7th, 2012. ‘Globalizing Cultures and Identities: Sport, Lifestyle and Heritage’.
  7. Conference: ‘Creation and Old and New Pathways. Cammini, incroci e reti a partire dalla Dolomiti' - 27-30 June 2013, Trento Palazzo della Provincia with the paper “Il temibile e la forza delle natura nelle leggende delle Dolomiti”.
  8. Conference: ‘Dal tablet al tabiel ’ - 1 September 2013, Festival Tra le rocce e il cielo, Riva di Vallarsa with a talk on games and material culture at the end of the 19th century.
  9. Conference: Forum of play culture - 22 September 2013 within the TOCATI' Festival in Verona with a talk on games, children and propaganda between the 19th and 20th centuries. 
  10. Conference: Theoretical Archaeology Group. Annual Conference 2013. TAG-on- sea 16-18 December, Bournemouth University. Session title: Archaeology and Anthropology: Squabbling siblings, star-crossed lovers or bitter enemies? Speakers: M. Villa, University of Milan-Bicocca and D. Nisi, research Museo delle Scienze Trento: ‘Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology in the case study of Oetzi, the Ice Mummy: An example of star-crossed lovers’.
  11. Conference: Identity food for the valorisation of the Trentino territory. Quale la strategia per l'EXPO 2015 e per il futuro?, Chamber of Commerce of Trento, 10 December 2014, organised by University of Trento Department of Sociology and Social Research, speech: ‘L'invenzione della tradizione a tavola: ricettari e antropologia dell'alimentazione nel Trentino dal XVIII secolo ad oggi. The case of the Todeschi recipe book'.
  12. Conference: Trentino EXPO 2015 Comunicare per conoscere, MUSE of Trento, 11 April 2015, organised by University of Trento Department of Sociology and Social Research, speech ‘Tradition and innovation in the gastronomy of the Trentino territory’.
  13. Conference: International Academic Conference. Südtirolismen 3. Ein Land auf der Schwelle. A Land on the threshold. A Land on the threshold. 8/9 May 2015. Schloss Prosels, organised by the City of Bozen/Bolzano and UCD Dublin University, with a paper ‘Identity and recognition through fertility cults and the agricultural landscape in Südtirol - the case study of the young male population of Stilfs in Vinschgau’.
  14. Conference: Food and the Sacred. Tradizioni e Simbologie 7/11 July 2015 Sala Tersicore - Palazzo Comunale di Velletri organised by Museo delle Religioni ‘R. Pettazzoni’ with a paper ‘Riti della fertilità e simbolismo alimentare nelle Alpi orientali: il case study di Stilfs in Vinschgau’. 
  15. Convegno: Food and the City, Padova 3/5 September 2015 VII Congresso AISU, with two papers. Session A09. Food, consumption and identity narratives. A historical-anthropological perspective with a paper entitled: ‘Food symbolism in the identity construction processes of an ethno-linguistic minority: the case study of the fertility rites of Stilfs in Vinschgau in the Eastern Alps’ and Session C13. The territories of food: identity and transformations with a paper entitled: ‘The invention of tradition at the table: cookbooks and anthropology of food in Trentino from the 18th to the present day. The case of the recipe book of the Todeschi family of Rovereto'.
  16. Workshop Conference: Mushrooms in Trentino's demani civici. Val dei Mocheni as casework. Bilancio sullo stato dell'arte Trento 18 September 2015 organised by Università degli Studi di Trento, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale under the patronage of Università per Expo 2015, with a paper ‘Il fungo nella tradizione gastronomica mochena. An anthropological look'.
  17. IV ANUAC Biennial Conference Living environments and imagined environments. New challenges for anthropology 5-8 November 2015 Bolzano at the University of Studies organised by the Associazione Nazionale Universitaria Antropologia Culturale (ANUAC) with a paper ‘Identity and recognition through fertility cults and the agricultural landscape in Südtirol - the case study of the young male population of Stilfs in Vinschgau’.
  18. Conference: AfterExpo (As)essays on the History of Food in Trentino. L'alimentazione alpina: dal locale al globale, dal tradizionale al tipico 6 November 2015 Trento, organised by Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche in collaboration with Provincia Autonoma di Trento, with a paper ‘Ricettari, alimentazione e identità in Vallagarina alla vigilia della Grande Guerra’.
  19. Conference: Cultural Heritage. Scenari 2015, 26-28 November 2015, Venice organised by Società Italiana di Museografia e dei beni Demoetnoantropologici (SIMDEA) with a paper ‘Identity and traditional heritage through fertility cults in Südtirol: the case study of the young male population of Stilfs in Vinschgau’.
  20. Conference: International Symposium. Carnivals in the world. Dialogue among Cultures. Traditions in the Square, 3-7 February 2016, Florence, paper ‘Initiation and traditional heritage in the Carnival rites of the Eastern Alps’.
  21. Conference: Vie Consolari e Imperiali. For a new mobility between tradition and innovation: towards Dubai 2020.9 May 2016, Verona with a paper ‘The Taste of Travel’.
  22. Conference: International Conference of Royal Anthropological Institute and the Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas of the British Museum, Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change 2016, British Museum, Clore Centre, 27-29 May 2016. Panel 47: ‘Anthropological perspectives on the Alpine region - Local interpretations of current climate issues and the relationship between land, people and water’ M. Villa ‘Legends and stories Alps to describe climate change. An anthropological reading'. 
  23. Conference: 4th National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Politics, rights and social imaginaries: challenges and proposals of public anthropology. Trento 19 - 21 December 2016. Panel coordinator ‘Anthropology and certification in agriculture. Landscape, identity, territory‘, paper: ’The experimental project Eco&Bio in the Autonomous Province of Trento: the contribution of anthropology in an innovative process of certifications in agriculture’.
  24. Conference: International Conference of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science (IUAES) and Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Mo(u)vements, University of Ottawa (CA), 2-7 May 2017. Coordinator of Panel LL-NAS03: ‘Landscapes and human transitions: pastoral culture and farmer culture in the new ecology dimension’ and paper ‘Sedentary versus Nomadic: the representation of the fights as social drama in a fertility ritual of the Eastern Alps. The case study of Stilfs in Vinschgau'.
  25. Conference: International Congress, Culture, Costume and Dress, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 10-12 May 2017. Panel 5 (C404): ‘Cultural Identity’ M. Villa ‘The special dress of an ancestral fertility ritual in the Eastern Alps: the case study of Stilfs (Vinschgau)’.
  26. Conference: ‘Ambientare’ ideas, knowledge, practices, University of Turin, MASKA Project, 12-13 May 2017, Turin - Susa Valley, paper ‘Legends and tales from the Alps to describe climate change’.
  27. Conference: International Congress, Mediating Climate Change, University of Leeds, 4 - 6 July 2017, Leeds, paper ‘Alpine Legends and Stories Describing Climate Change: An Anthropological Reading’.
  28. Conference: 8th AISU Congress ‘The city, travel, tourism. Perception, production and transformation' Naples 7-9 September 2017. Session G5. The identity of landscapes as a cultural attraction: case studies in comparison. Coordinated by Ilaria Pecorarro (University of Rome La Sapienza), Julia Puretti (University of Salento). Paper: The case study of landscape construction in Piana Rotaliana (Mezzolombardo, Mezzocorona and S. Michele all'Adige) and Bassa Atesina. Historical, identity and cultural differences.
  29. Conference: International Conference, L'Acqua: storie di una risorsa tra età moderna e contemporanea, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, 27 September 2017, Vercelli, paper ‘La Piana Rotaliana e la situazione problematica delle acque nel XVIII secolo. The case study of the catastri d'ancien regime in Mezzolombardo’.
  30. Conference: Colloque international, Le bien-etre dans l'éducation: un objet de recherche pour les sciences humaines et sociales, Université de Paris ‘La Sorbonne’ et Université de Paris 13, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2-4 October 2017, Paris, paper: ‘Archeoambiente: un project pour créer le bien etre dans l'école’.
  31. Conference: International Conference 2017, Quality of Life and Sustainability, Centre for Research and Training Studies, Italian Association for Quality of Life Studies, Florence 30 November - 2 December 2017, paper: 'Landscape as a Manifesto of Cultural Heritage. The case study of the border territory between Trentino and Südtirol in an anthropological perspective’.
  32. Conference: 5th National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Collaboration and mutualism.Transformative practices in times of crisis. Catania 14 - 17 December 2017. Coordinator of the Panel ‘Prestarsi aiuto: forme di reciprocità, collaborazione, proprietà e mutualismo nei contesti montani italiani (Alpi e Appennini)’ and paper: ‘La gestione delle aree ad Uso Civico, la protezione del paesaggio e la conservazione della biodiversità: il caso dell'allevamento della Vacca Rendena nel parco Adamello Brenta. 
  33. Conference: International Conference Highlanders! Populations and depopulations in the Alpine Arc, Fondazione Franco Demarchi, Interreg Alpine Space - EUSALP Action Group 3, Trento 9-10 February 2018, discussant on Alpine identity and migrations according to the view of anthropology
  34. Conference: Scrinium Apertum, Archivio Diocesano Tridentino and Polo Culturale Vigilianum, Trento 16 February 2018, paper: ‘L'archivio delle voci: tracce di storia attraverso le testimonianze orali’.
  35. Conference: 3tr International Winter School LABEX item Monte Carasso organised by University of Grenoble (France) at Università della Svizzera Italiana, Monte Carasso Ticino Switzerland (4-7 April 2018) paper: Matteo Tacca, Marta Villa, ‘Local communities and territory:what about Cadastre? Case Studies between Savoy and the Valley of Adige (XVIII century)'.
  36. Conference:Convegno Mondiale UISSP (Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistorique et Protohistorique) XVIII Congrès, Université de la Sorbonne, Paris 4 - 9 June 2018, paper Domenico Nisi, Marta Villa, ‘New interpretative hypotheses on the new interpretation of the Venus a la Corne, a Palaeolithic basrelief figurine’.
  37. Conference: International Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologist: Staying Moving Settling in Stockholm (Sweden) 14 - 17 August 2018, paper: Marta Villa, North of Trent, south of Bozen: the landscape of the Alpine Adige Valley floor as a mark of identity and tourist attraction (Panel P020).
  38. Conference: International Conference of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina ‘La tradizione gastronomica trentina dal Concilio di Trento al giorno d'oggi: prodotti e preparazioni’ - Trento castello del Buonconsiglio 22 September 2018, paper: Villa M., "La cucina Borghese a Trento tra Otto e Novecento: I ricettari delle famiglie borghesi. An anthropological reading of a family heritage'.
  39. Conference: Study day ‘Catasti e gestione del territorio. Historical experiences in the Alpine and perialpine area’ at the Academy of Architecture - University of Italian Switzerland organised by Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi Medrisio 4-5 October 2018, paper: Marta Villa "Le comunità trentine tra Antico Regime e Modernità. The case study of the land registers of the Piana Rotaliana between the 18th and 19th centuries: two different ways of managing and organising the territory’. 
  40. Conference: Bolzano Regional History Colloquia 2018 ‘Zeit+Region/Time+Region’, Free University of Bolzano 11 - 13 October 2018, paper: Matteo Tacca, Marta Villa, ‘Transformations of territory and production in Alpine valley floors in diachronic perspective. The case studies of Piana Rotaliana (Trento) and Combe de Savoie (France) between the 18th and 19th centuries’ (Panel 3).
  41. Conference: 1st National Conference Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology, 8-10 November 2018 Rome La Sapienza University Race, Racisms, Racial Discrimination. The contribution of cultural anthropology to contemporary thinking. Paper: Marta Villa, 'Racism and the myth of race in children's productions: from the Libyan enterprise to the Second World War. Comics, goose games, books, figurines and museum exhibitions in colonialist Italy ‘ (First Session Colonialisms and Anthropology coordinated by Vanessa Maher).
  42. Conference: International Conference ‘Education Earth Nature’ Free University of Bolzano 29 November - 1 December 2018, papers: Andrea Bernardi, Domenico Nisi, Vania Pinton, Marta Villa, ‘Archeoambiente: a project connecting the school to the Earth’ (First Session ‘Educating for livability in schools and families’).
  43. Conference: Conference European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 Year of Italian Food ‘Italian food/Food for all’, 10 December 2018, keynote speaker Marta Villa, Alpine food and Trentino food, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.
  44. Conference: VI National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Changing the world with words. Applied Anthropology and Communication. Cremona 13 - 15 December 2018. Angela Biscaldi and Marta Villa coordinate and moderate the Round Table: 'Who do they say we are? Anthropological knowledge between human sciences and public discourse ‘ Speakers: Enzo Colombo (Sociologist, University of Milan), Maria Paola Azzario (President of the Italian Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Centres), Fabrizio Gatti (Journalist), Livio Senigalliesi (Photojournalist), Gianfranco Mormino (Moral Philosopher, University of Milan), Vincenzo Matera (Anthropologist, University of Bologna). 
  45. Conference: First International Conference ‘La Scuola Democratica’ Cagliari 6-8 June 2019. Marta Villa, Luca Bossi coordinate Panel B.12 ‘Religious education and its alternatives facing multiculturalism at schools in contemporary society: a transdisciplinary perspective’, paper Matteo Villa, Marta Villa Religion and multiculturalism in schools: an ethnographic research. The case study of alternative hour (AO) and IRC management in two Italian school environments (urban area Lombardy - rural area Provincia Autonoma Trento); Andrea Bernardi, Domenico Nisi, Marta Villa coordinate Panel I.05 ‘For an integrated school: Territory-institutes, projects and trainings to build an educative community of the third millennium’, paper: Marta Villa ‘Walking to the discovery of...’: Ethnographic Research about an experimental project school-citizen territory in North Italy some areas. 
  46. Conference: International Conference Rural History Paris 10-13 September 2019 at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Roberto Leggero, Marta Villa coordinate Panel 710 ‘The restructuring of the rural territory through the foundation of new villages, as an engine of urban economic development (Middle Ages-Early Modern period)’ paper: Marta Villa, Foundation of new villages on the Eastern Alps. The arrival of new farmer colonists in the Prince-Bishopric of Trent in middle Ages.
  47. Conference: Life on Earth; preserving and protecting the health of plants and the environment around us, University of Turin and Turin UNESCO Centre, 11 November 2019. Paper: Marta Villa The cultural relationship between plants and humans: mountain biodiversity under the body of anthropology.
  48. Conference: VII National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. The city. Anthropology applied to territories. Ferrara 12 - 14 December 2019. Roberto Leggero and Marta Villa coordinate panel 12: Feeding Italian cities through plains and mountains. The contribution of the human sciences through an applied approach. Paper: Marta Villa ‘Why does the landscape no longer feed the city? The dialectical relationship between proximal agricultural territory and urban community in Trentino between the 18th and 19th centuries’.
  49. Conference: VIII National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Doing (in) time. What anthropologists say about societies of uncertainty. Parma and online 2 - 6 December 2020. Lia Giancristofaro and Marta Villa coordinate panel 2: Rituals in the uncertainty generated by Covid19: anthropology applied to ‘suspended time’. Paper: Marta Villa, Domenico Nisi: ‘Missed fertility rituals: tragedy or new reworking for the community? The case study of Stilfs in Vinschgau’.
  50. Conference: The Fragile Third. The establishment of the common good in rural areas, Rovigo and online, 19-20 March 2021, organised by DISPES University of Trieste, Associazione Aree Fragili Rovigo, FISPPA, University of Padua. Paper: Marta Villa, Federico Bigaran The landscape and its agroecological structure as third subject and common good (Panel 14 Inhabitance and resistance).
  51. Congress: XIX Congrès International d'études sur les Danses Macabres et l'art macabre en général, Bucharest and online, 9-12 September 2021, organised by Faculté de Lettres, Université de Bucharest and Association Danses macabres d'Europe (DME). Paper: Lia Giancristofaro, Marta Villa The Macabre Adoration of Mummified Children.Two cases in Italy (Session 6 Peur de la Mort et Dévotion).
  52. Conference: 3rd National Conference Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology, 22-25 September 2021 Rome La Sapienza University Future. Anthropologies of the future. Future of anthropology. Marta Villa and Federico Bigaran coordinating Panel 41 Communities and the relationship with the rural environment: resilient perspectives in agriculture for the post-pandemic, discussant Prof. Francesca Forno. Paper: Marta Villa, Federico Bigaran Agro-ecology and sustainable development of human-environment relations: the case study of Piana rotaliana in Phase 2 and 3 of the Covid19 pandemic.
  53. Conference: National conference ‘Evolution of the consumer's approach to bread consumption after the pandemic’, Trento, 24 September 2021, Palazzo Geremia, organised by the Trento Chamber of Commerce and the Autonomous Province of Trento. Paper: Marta Villa, Fragrant knowledge: bread in the daily celebration of life.
  54. Conference: Ripensare le Terre Alte: agricoltura, enogastronomia e turismo, Folgaria, Centro Congressi, organised by AlpeCimbra and Slow Food Valle dell'Adige e Alto Garda, 23 October 2021. Paper: Marta Villa Men and the Alps: an ancient and complex relationship between territory and work in the landscape. 
  55. Conference: Ecological transition and lifestyles today for tomorrow, UN Campus and UNESCO Centre of Turin, 8 November 2021. Paper: Marta Villa Lifestyles in transition: an open look at the world. the proposal of cultural anthropology. 
  56. Conference: International Conference The Italian Agricultural Landscape. Sessant'anni di mutamenti da Emilio Sereni ad oggi (1961-2021), Gattatico (RE) 18-20 November 2021 organised by Istituto Alcide Cervi and Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni, Poster: Federico Bigaran, Marta Villa ‘Il paesaggio agrario del fondovalle atesino: il case study della Piana rotaliana tra permanenze e profondi mutamenti, da territorio infrastrutturale a sistema agro-ecologico’.
  57. Conference: 9th National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Next Generation: Anthropological Perspectives. Rome University La Sapienza and online 15 - 18 December 2021. Federico Bigaran and Marta Villa coordinate Panel 2: Landscape workshop: community-territory connections in the anthropocene.Rethinking the relationship between generations and the environment with applied approaches from the social sciences. Paper: Federico Bigaran, Marta Villa ‘The development of the Cembra Valley vineyard landscape and the relationship with the community: echoes from the past and new sustainable challenges for tourism’ (Panel 12 Next Generation Tourism. The contribution of Anthropology between participation and sustainability).
  58. Convegno Empatia Agrosilvopastorale nelle aree rurali fragili, Rovigo e Online, 18-19 March 2022, organised by Università degli Studi di Trieste DISPES, Università degli Studi di Padova FISPPA e TESAF coordinator of the Panel: Terapie Neorurali and presenter of two papers in the sessions: Green areas, An empathic-participatory process for Dolomite forests: a post Vaia Green Deal (Michele Nardelli, Walter Nicoletti, Marta Villa) and Tutti giù per terra, Empathic relationships with cultivated and wild plants, experiences from Trentino (Federico Bigaran, Marta Villa).
  59. InternationalConference, Broadening, Perspectives, Intersections, Italy, Bologna and online, 12-15 May 2022, organised by American Association for Italian Studies, Panel Material Culture and Italian Collective Identity: An interdisciplinary conversation,Chairs Dr. Laura Petican, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Dr. Cecilia Winterhalter. Paper: Marta Villa, Local high quality products Made in Italy: the case study of Rendena breed in Alps and the promotion of identity and cultural biodiversity
  60. International Conference: Food Conference Perugia 9-12 June 2022 organised by The Umbria Institute with a paper: Marta Villa Action-research in the pandemic period on agriculture, sustainable practices and food enhancement. The case study of Piana Rotaliana and Val di Cembra in the eastern Alps (Panel Food System). 
  61. Conference - Round Table. Being winegrowers tomorrow. How to interpret the challenges of the future from an agro-ecological perspective. The results of the participatory process of the GIAHS and ECOVINEGOLAS Sala Conferenze Cembra 2 July 2022 organised by Comune di Cembra, Provincia Autonoma di Trento Comunità della Valle di cembra, GAL Trentino Centrale. Paper: Marta Villa ECOVINEGOALS: from the participatory process to the proposal of concrete actions.
  62. Conference: International Conference EASA2022. Transformation, Hope and the Commons organised by the European Association of Social Anthropologists Belfast 22-29 July 2022. Paper: Marta Villa Rediscovery of ancient flavours: ethnography of food and wine memory in the Eastern Alps. The Vallagarina case study (Trento) with an anthropological and historical approach (Panel 140 The challenges of documenting food heritage a fragile word [Food Network Panel] coordinated by Michele Fontefrancesco and Dauro Zocchi).
  63. Conference: 10th AISU Congress "ADAPTIVE CITIES THROUGH THE POST PANDEMIC LENS. Rethinking Times and Challenges of the Flexible City in Urban History/ Times and Challenges in Urban History’ organised by AISU International with the Politecnico di Torino, Turin 6-10 September 2022. Paper: Marta Villa The difficult transformation of water in the Atesine valley floor. The case study of water resettlement between the 18th and 20th century in the Piana Rotaliana (Session 4.10 The response of cities to hydraulic canalisation works. Geographical, economic and cultural transformations in water cities from 1800 to the present).
  64. Conference: National Conference Italian Association of Regional Sciences AISRe, Milan 5-7 September Politecnico di Milano. Paper: Marta Villa La Val di Cembra in the ecological transition: the European project ECOVINEGOALS and the active participation of the rural community (Section SO.56.01 Ecological transition: planning strategy for scenarios and emblematic cases coordinated by Prof. Stefano Aragona).
  65. Conference: National conference Thinking about discontinuity. The humanities and social sciences in the face of global warming and the ecological crisis Parma 17-18 October 2022 organised by the University of Parma Department of Humanities, Social and Cultural Sciences. Paper: Marta Villa Di passaggio nelle Terre Alte: pastor* e greggi alla prova del cambiamento climatico. An applied anthropological perspective (Panel 1. Reviewing in context: ecological subjects and relationships).
  66. Conference: National Conference 2022, Gender R-Evolutions: imagining the inevitable, subverting the impossible, Trento, 25-26 November 2022 organised by Centro Studi Interdisciplinari di Genere, University of Trento. Paper: Marta Villa Agricoltrici tra natura e cultura: la sfida delle donne contadine in una società ancora patriarcale.Anthropological case studies in the Trentino-Tyrol Alpine region (Session 5. Teaching and learning to transgress). 
  67. Conference: IX National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Rethinking sustainability through applied anthropology, Verona 14-17 December 2022. Federico Bigaran, Mauro Iob and Marta Villa coordinate workshop 3: Understanding the transformations of farmers in the relationship between production, culture and nature. An applied dialogue between sustainability and innovation. Paper: Marta Villa Shepherds and herders in the Highlands: negotiating transit spaces for a possible coexistence. An applicative look (Panel 7 Between wild and domestic: negotiating sustainable spaces of coexistence).
  68. Conference: 9th Ethnography and Qualitative Research International Conference, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Il Mulino Publishing House, Trento, June 7-10, 2023. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa, ‘Collective Land between governance mechanisms and agroecological transitions in the High Lands. A legal and anthropological applied approach in the Province of Trento’ (Panel 7 “Preparing for the ecological crisis: material dependencies and the transformation of agri-food systems”).
  69. Study Day: ‘Climatic and Cultural Transition of the Collective Domains’, Rover Carbonare Collective Domain, Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme, Rover Carbonare (TN), 10 June 2023. Paper: Marta Villa "The agro-sylvo-pastoral heritage in the Province of Trento: the cultural value of the governance of Collective Domains in the new season.An anthropological look at dairy production on collective property'.
  70. Conference: 4th National Conference SIAC Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology, ‘Il ritorno del sociale’, La Sapienza University, Rome, 21-23 September 2023. Mauro Iob and Marta Villa coordinate Panel 30 ‘The challenge of that other way of possessing: how through reason we preserve without dissipating. For an Anthropology and Jurisprudence of Collective Domains’. Paper: Marta Villa ‘A living territory in danger: the defence of Monte Bondone (Trento) by the collective domains complaining about the opaque actions of the public administration’.
  71. Conference: 29th Scientific Meeting ‘I domini collettivi nella fase della transizione ecologica: dalla tradizione alla convinzione’ University of Trento, Department of Economics and Management, Centre for the Study of Civic Demesnes and Collective Properties, Trento 16/17 November 2023. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa ‘The 168/2017 to protect collective property: in the absence of own administration what happens to the living territories? How and what is preserved for future generations? The case study of Malga Laghetto in Lavarone’. 
  72. X SIAA National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. ‘Rethinking sustainability through applied anthropology’, Perugia 14-17 December 2023. Marco Bassi, Marta Villa, Federico Bigaran, Mauro Iob, Robert Brugger coordinate Workshop 10: Living territories as environmental and cultural heritage for future generations. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa ‘Collective domains in the Alpine area: territories of life and protection of interactions between ecosystems and social and individual universes of reference. An anthropological and legal applicative reading of L. 168/2017’ (Panel 14 “Territories, memory and the political dimension of ethnography”).
  73. Conference: Convegno Nazionale Zootecnia di montagna e sostenibilità dei sistemi produttivi trentini, Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all'Adige (TN),11 March 2024. Paper: Marta Villa Presidiare le Terre Alte: autochthonous breeds, agrosilvopastoral heritage and ecosystems in the Territories of Life. A study of public and applied anthropology.
  74. Conference: Convegno Nazionale Il mondo rurale e il suo rapporto con l'ambiente e il paesaggio, Sala Conferenze Palazzo Ducale Estense Ferrara, 15 March 2024. Keynote speaker: Marta Villa ‘I Territori di Vita: Comunità e Domini collettivi per la tutela di ambiente e paesaggio
  75. Conference; Comuns: III Encontro de Ecologia Politica, University of Lisboa, Lisboa, 11-13 April 2024. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa ‘The Territories of Life: Rural Commons and caring communities. The case study of an abuse of human and environmental rights: Malga Laghetto (Alps) and the heritage stolen from future generations’ (Panel Ecologies e Resistencia).
  76. Chair of Collective Properties, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento and online, Trento 17 May 2024. Keynote lecture: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa ‘Respect the Rules You Give Yourself. A Reflection of Public and Applied Jurisprudence and Anthropology on the Formation of the Statutes of Collective Domains’.
  77. Round table: 19th Festival of Economics Trento. Quo vadis? The dilemmas of our time’, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto Conference Room, Trento 23-26 May 2024. Scientific paper: Marta Villa ‘Sustainability, management of collective goods and climate change’.
  78. Conference: International Conference on Inland Waterscapes, University of Udine, Italy, 22-25 May 2024. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa ‘Water and Collective Land Ownerships: conflicts over territories of life, heritage of future generations. Analysis of case studies of untitled occupations on water bodies or for their exploitation of water with the view of jurisprudence and anthropology applied in the light of Law 168/2017’. (Sessions 3a-3b ‘Hydropolitics and water management: practices and policies in the climate crisis’).
  79. Study Days ‘Inland areas, communities, villages: a tourism on tiptoe’, University of Eastern Piedmont, Villadossola and Verbania 19-21 June 2024. Paper: Marta Villa When communities reconstruct inland areas: tourism for all.Anthropological reading of some case studies from the Eastern Highlands (Panel. Tourism and inland areas: a country is needed). 
  80. Conference: International Conference EASST4S 2024 Making and doing transformations, EASST, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 16-19 July 2024. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa 'Rural Commons (RC) for a new Green Anthropocene. Italian Law 168/2017 and the real action of the owner communities for protection of Territories of Life’ (Panel P124 The Green Anthropocene? Transforming environments by transforming life).
  81. Conference: Convegno Italiano Il libro del Mondo Festival delle Geografie Montagne questioni di un certo rilievo, La Casa dei Popoli, DeAgostini Editore, Monza-Villasanta, 19-22 September 2024. Keynote speakers: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa Territories of Life and Community. What are Collective Domains? 
  82. Conference: National conference Traces of Trentino emigration. Documents, territory, emotions, Ministry of Culture, ITALEA, Madruzzo (TN) 23 September 2024. Paper: Marta Villa Emigration from the Highlands. An anthropological look between theory and practice.
  83. Conference: International conference Permanent pastures and meadows. We guard nature, Slow Food International, Terra Madre, Salone del Gusto, Turin, 27 September 2024. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa I Domini collettivi:Territories of life for the protection of biodiversity
  84. Conference: 5th Arco Alpino National Conference Mountains to inhabit. The future of the Highlands, Fondazione F. De Marchi, TSM, STEP, UCEM, Provincia di Trento, Trento, 18-19 October 2024. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa ‘Water and energy of collective domain: struggle for recognition. A reading through the lens of applied jurisprudence and public anthropology of the case study of the ASUC of Castello (Val di Sole)’ (Panel: Collective goods and sustainability).
  85. Study Day. Round table. The value of communities owning collective property’, organized by Centro Studi e Documentazione sui Demani civici e le Proprietà Collettive - Università degli Studi di Trento, Dominio Collettivo di Rover Carbonare, Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme, Rete Riserve Val di Cembra Avisio, Rover Carbonare (TN), 26 October 2024. Paper: 'The intrinsic value of collective property and the role of parresia. Philosophical and anthropological insights in memory of Pietro Nervi’.
  86. Conference: 30th Scientific Meeting ‘I domini collettivi e la sostenibilità’ University of Trento, Department of Economics and Management, Centre for the Study of Civic Demesnes and Collective Properties, Trento 14/15 November 2024. Paper: Mauro Iob, Marta Villa Le bolle di Saone: usurped collective property, ascertainment of the civic demesne nature, claim and oscillations of jurisdiction. A reading of jurisprudence and applied anthropology (Session II).
Other work

Scientific Collaborator (from 1/10/2023 to date) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA) of the Content Working Group of the project ‘Neue Hauptausstellung zur Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte in der Festung Franzenfeste’, Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano, Landesmuseen Südtirol.

Co-Designer and Scientific Collaborator (from 1/10/2024 to date) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA) of the European Project ERASMUS+ ‘Transforming Education: Achieving Innovation through Challenge-based-learning TEACH’; Action Type KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships; 24 months Partner Trentino Social Tank SC (Applicant organisation), University of Trento Department of Sociology and Social Research (Italy), Livepods d. o.o. (Croatia), SC Calatori de mii de stele Srl (Romania), Fedespab (Portugal), Oxford Civezzano SC (Italy), Organizacion No Gubernamental para la Cooperationc Solitaria (Spain)Funding. Total project cost: 400,000.00 euro.

Scientific Collaborator (from 20/03/2020 to 31/10/2021) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA) and Historical Researcher of the international research project ‘SATURN grant information’; Funding: EIT-Climate KIC - Call: Climate Innovation Ecosystems 2/2018; Coordinator: Alessandro Gretter. Total project cost: 1,492,303.75 euro Fondazione Edmund Mach, Research and Innovation Centre. Partners: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Birmingham municipality, Climate KIC, Gothenburg municipality, Hub Innovazione Trentino, University of Trento.

Scientific Collaborator (from 29/10/2021 to 30/11/2022) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA) and anthropology of food for the project ‘Che spreco’ Fondazione Bruno Kessler Research and innovation for schools Project manager: Claudia Dolci. Speakers: Adolfo Villafiorita and Claudio Ferlan. Funding Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto.

Scientific Collaborator (from 1/10/2019 to 31/12/2019) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA) for the training of teachers and participants on the topics of cultural anthropology and the collection of oral memories of the Research and Enhancement Project ‘La via Romea Germanica (VRG): occasione d'incontro tra genti. Schools, territorial authorities and communities promote, in a Euroregional breath, the sustainable tourism of the historical paths’ coordinated by the Argentario Ecomuseum Association, Ist. Tecnico economico “A. Tambosi” Trento, Ist. di Istruzione “A. Degasperi” Borgo valsugana, Comunità Alta Valsugana e Bersntol. Valsugana and Tesino Community. GAL Trentino orientale, Azienda per il turismo Valsugana, Associazione Selva Green, Associazione Ecomuseo della Valsugana, GECT Euregio ‘Tirolo-Alto Adige - Trentino’, Associazione Europea della Via Romea Germanica, Associazione Italiana Via Romea Germanica financed by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto on the basis of a competitive call.

Scientific Collaborator (from 1/10/2015 to 31/08/2016) in Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA) and Food Anthropology of the Project ‘Eco&Bio. Ecoristorazione e Ristorazione Biologica’ for the Autonomous Province of Trento as an expert food anthropologist with fundamental sociological and anthropological research on the material heritage and traditional Alpine agricultural practices.

Scientific Collaborator (from 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015) Cultural Anthropology (M-DEA) and anthropology of food of the Project The food of the world unites people for the Centre for Research and Training on Interculture in Bolzano and for the Province of Bolzano as an expert cultural anthropologist of foodwith the preparation of quantitative questionnaires and qualitative interviews and publication of a final analysis report in the research report.

Designer, General Scientific Coordinator and Scientific Curator of the Demo-ethno-anthropological sector (from 1/10/2017 to 30/09/2019) for the Pedagogical and Cultural Association Sintesi-Museo Didattico of the Community Memory Research and Enhancement Project ‘Io non c'ero o se ci'ero non dormivo. Trento allo specchio: memoirs, images and narratives of places’ in collaboration with Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, University of Trento. Department of Sociology and Social Research, the Municipality of Trento, the Trento Science Museum, the Trentino Peace and Human Rights Forum, the Trento History Museum Association, the Trento UNESCO Club. The project saw the realisation of scientific research in various fields (sociological, anthropological, historical), a demo-ethno-anthropological documentary, a publication, and a series of conferences in the area.

Designer, General Scientific Coordinator and Scientific Curator of the demoethnoanthropological sector (from 1/01/2012 to 31/05/2013) of the Community Memory Research and Enhancement Project ‘Memories of Water in the Gresta Valley 2013’ in collaboration with Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Comunità della Vallagarina, Bacino Imbrifero Montano dell'Adige, Municipality of Mori, Municipality of Ronzo-Chienis, Trento Science Museum, Cassa Rurale di Mori e Val di Gresta, Pro Loco di Mori e Val di Gresta, Pro Loco di Ronzo-Chienis e Val di Gresta. The project saw the realisation of scientific research on the landscape of the Gresta Valley (Trento), a panel exhibition, a demoethnoanthropological documentary, a publication, a series of conferences on the territory, lessons and planning with primary school classes throughout the territory. The demo-ethno-anthropological research coordinated by the writer mapped the material heritage and intangible knowledge concerning the perception of the landscape and the practices of water use and the agricultural dimension in an Alpine territory.

Co-curator as alpine cultural anthropologist of the exhibition ‘La montagna nei giochi, i giochi della montagna. An open window on games and material culture between the 19th and 20th centuries’, displayed during the Festival Tra le Rocce e il Cielo2013 at the Ethnographic Museum of Riva di Vallarsa (Tn). The exhibition aimed to study and valorise the material heritage of Alpine-made wooden toys, and an annotated catalogue was created in collaboration with collectors.

Co-curator and author of the texts as cultural anthropologist of the photographic exhibition ‘Obiettivo Dante’ 2021 realised by the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage of Trento - Photographic Archive Sector (coordination Dr. Katia Malatesta).

Co-curator and author of the texts as cultural anthropologist of the photographic exhibition ‘Beata Gioventù. Da Faganello a Instagram’ 24 June 2022 - 30 October 2022 at Castel Belasi Campodenno (TN) organised by UMST tutela promozione beni attività culturali, Soprintendenza per i beni culturali, Ufficio per i beni storico-artistici, Archivio fotografico storico provinciale in collaboration with Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale dell'Università degli Studi di Trento, Club per l'UNESCO di Trento, Pro Loco Castel Belasi di Campodenno, Cassa Rurale Val di Non, BIM dell'Adige, Cova Cucine srl.

Co-curator and author of texts and catalogue in her capacity as cultural anthropologist of the photographic exhibition ‘Sessanta e non sentirli’ 5 November 2022 - 8 April 2023 at the University of Trento's Department of Sociology and Social Research in collaboration with UMST tutela promozione beni attività culturali, Soprintendenza per i beni culturali, Ufficio per i beni storico-artistici, Archivio fotografico storico provinciale.

Co-curator and author of the texts as cultural anthropologist of the photographic exhibition ‘Un secolo DiVino. La viticoltura nella fotografia trentina’ 10 June - 29 October 2023 at Castel Belasi Campodenno (TN) organised by UMST tutela promozione beni attività culturali, Soprintendenza per i beni culturali, Ufficio per i beni storico-artistici, Archivio fotografico storico provinciale in collaboration with Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale dell'Università degli Studi di Trento, Club per l'UNESCO di Trento, Slow Food and Movimento Turismo del Vino Trentino-Alto Adige.

Co-curator and author of texts and catalogue in her capacity as cultural and food anthropologist of the photographic exhibition ‘From the Earth the future’ 12 January - 30 September 2024 at S.A.S. Trento organised by the ‘Edmund Mach’ Foundation in collaboration with UMST tutela promozione beni attività culturali, Soprintendenza per i beni culturali, Ufficio per i beni storico-artistici, Archivio fotografico storico provinciale.

Curator and author of the texts as cultural anthropologist for the exhibition ‘Fascinations. Sculpture, graphics and painting by the archaeologist Renato Perini’ 28 June 2024 - 16 September 2024 Museo Diocesano Tridentino Trento (TN) realised Museo Diocesano Tridentino, Sintesi-Museo Didattico, Bianconero, Club per l'UNESCO di Trento, Centro Studi Judicaria, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Comune di Trento, Fondazione Caritro.

Collaborator and scientificcurator of the cultural anthropology section of the event Le Cene del Conciliodi Trentoorganised by Museo Diocesano Tridentino in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, Osteria Storica Morelli, Holding Dolomiti energia, Ferruzzi, Felicetti, Proposta Vini. The event took place in the summer months of 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Scientific curator and presenter of I Dialoghi Filosofici 2022. 8 appointments of discussion on sociological, anthropological, literary, philosophical and historical topics at Piazza Coperta della LAC Biblioteca Comunale di Balsega di Pinè 6 July 2022 - 31 August 2022 organised by Comune di Baselga di Piné. Guests: Chiara Bassetti, Katia Malatesta, Franco Bulega, Michele Nardelli, Massimiliano Pilati, Andrea Bonoldi, Riccardo Santoni, Emanuele Pastorino, Marco Brunazzo.

Scientific curator and presenter of I Dialoghi Filosofici 2023. 5 discussion meetings on sociological, anthropological, literary, philosophical and historical topics at Piazza Coperta della LAC Biblioteca Comunale di Balsega di Pinè 6 July 2022 - 31 August 2022 organised by Comune di Baselga di Piné. Guests: Katia Malatesta, Mauro Iob, Giuseppe Milan, Andrea Bonoldi, Marco Brunazzo.

Scientific radio intervention ‘La morte e i suoi ritituali durante la pandemia di Covid19’ (Death and its rituals during the Covid19 pandemic) within the programme Tempi Diversi, conducted by Florencia Di Stefano-Abichain for the broadcaster Radio Popolare di Milano broadcast on 1 April 2020.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions in the programme Terre di Confine Radio Rai Bolzano 27 January 2021 concerning cultural traditions and heritage in relation to the current technological era.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the programme Terre di Confine Radio Rai Bolzano 28 May 2021 about digital distance learning and dissemination in the scientific field.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the programme Terre di Confine Radio Rai Bolzano 22 October 2021 about transhumance as a metaphor of life and its relation with the industrialisation of territories.

Televised scientific intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions in the programme Bellissima Italia! Rai Due Television Milan-Rome 24 November 2021 regarding food traditions and the link with the territory from the Middle Ages onwards in the Po Valley area (filmed in presence at the Abbey of Chiaravalle - Milan).

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the programme La vita e meravigliosa Radio Rai Bolzano 5 January 2022 regarding the relationship between the Alps and scientific discoveries with an in-depth study on the Trentino scientist Canestrini and his relationship with Darwinism.

Scientific television intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions with a report on the Ricettario Manoscritto di don Felice Libera di Avio - XVIII secolo on ORF TV Televisione del Tirolo Rovereto 4 February 2022 regarding food traditions and the link with the territory in the Vallagarina area (filmed in presence at the Historical Archive of the Biblioteca Civica ‘G. Tartarotti’ - Rovereto).

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the programme Terre di Confine Radio Rai Bolzano 18 February 2022 regarding the anthropological meaning of words with a specific focus on the words of the Alps and the words of food.

Scientific radio talk as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the programme Terre di Confine Radio Rai Bolzano 17 June 2022 about the anthropological sense of tourism in the Alps and how communities have changed.

Scientific radio talk as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, at the programme La vita e meravigliosa Radio Rai Bolzano 10 January 2023 about the relationship between man and forest and the heritage of collective domains.

Radio scientific intervention as an expert in cultural anthropology at the debut of the programme Giornale Radio Rai Uno on 3 March 2023 at 10.10 a.m. Twelve minutes with Donna Moderna , column by the editorial staff of Donna Moderna, Mondadori, within the programme ‘120Minuti’, hosted by Vicky Mangone.

Intervention as a guest expert in cultural anthropology at the Talk Cosa vogliono le donne oggi at Libreria Mondadori piazza Duomo Milano on 6 March 2023 at 6.30 pm organised by the national weekly Donna Moderna with Lidia Ravera, Amanda Campana, Riccarda Zezza, Gaia Manzini, Marta Villa, moderated by Marina Elena Viole, editor-in-chief of Donna Moderna.

Televised scientific intervention in the capacity of Alpine cultural anthropologist and of the Collective Domains at the TV programme Sky TG24 Rome 20 June 2023 on the research work regarding the Collective Domains and the Highlands food.

Scientific television interview in the capacity of alpine cultural anthropologist at the television programme RTTR Via ZanellaTrento 26 June 2023 with Mauro Iob on the collective domains of Trentino and Law 168/2017.

Scientific radio intervention as guest expert in cultural anthropology within the XVIII Festival delle Economia, 25-28 May 2023 Trento at Radio 24 on Food between past and future: the historical and anthropological view in the Highlands.

Scientific television intervention in the capacity of alpine cultural anthropologist and of the Collective Domains at the TCA Trentino TV programme Mattino insieme 5 September 2023 on research work regarding the Collective Domains and Law 168/2017 in Trentino.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology and the Collective Domains at the programme La vita e meravigliosa Radio Rai Bolzano 9 February 2024 about the Highlands and the heritage of the Collective Domains between historicity, actuality and future tensions.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, agriculture and the landscape of the Highlands at the programme La vita e meravigliosa Radio Rai Bolzano 16 February 2024 regarding the themes of the exhibition ‘From the Earth the future’.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, food and the collective domains of the Highlands at the programme Post-it Radio Rai Bolzano 19 February 2024 about food and agriculture in the Highlands and the collective domains in Trentino Alto Adige/Südtirol.

Scientific television interview in the role of Alpine cultural anthropologist at the TV programme RTTR Via ZanellaTrento 8 April 2024 with Mauro Iob on the collective domains of Trentino and hydroelectric energy.

Scientific television interview in the capacity of alpine cultural anthropologist at the television programme RTTR Via ZanellaTrento 20 June 2024 on the collective domains of Trentino and the heritage of the Malghe in the Terre Alte.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the radio programme Onde Road Radio Popolare Milano 15 September 2024 on Collective domains, sustainability and the future of the Highlands.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the programme Il Verziere di Leonardo Radio Popolare Milano 21 September 2024 on Valtellina collective domains, food production in the Alps and collectivities.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions in the programme Il Verziere di Leonardo Radio Popolare Milano 28 September 2024 on Swiss collective domains and Italian Law 168/2017.

Scientific television intervention as an Alpine cultural anthropologist at the TCA Trentino TV programme Mattino insieme 31 October 2024 on collective death rituals, Alpine legends and folklore.

Scientific radio intervention as an expert in Alpine cultural anthropology, heritage and food traditions at the programme Il Verziere di Leonardo Radio Popolare Milano 7 December 2024 on communities working in Alpine territories, dairy production and resilience at high altitude without nostalgia.


Scientific-dissemination Conferences

21 March 2005. Conference ‘The Queen of the Night. The symbolic value of the Owl: from prehistoric mother goddess to the curse of a people’ at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Milan, organised by the Centro Studi Faunistica dei Vertebrati and the Italian Society of Natural Sciences.
31 March 2008. Conference ‘Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. A cultural reading of physical phenomena’ for the Municipality of Mirano (VE).
15 April 2008. Conference ‘Ombroso altrove: naturality, negativity and identity in the idea of the forest’ for CAI Cittadella and the Municipality of Cittadella (PD).
29 July 2008. Conference ‘The magical whispers of the forest. Per un'antropologia filosofica dell'idea di foresta’ for the Municipality of Ronzo-Chienis (TN).
23 October 2008. Conference ‘The garden: a life-giving destination for man. Per un approccio etno-estetico’ for the Municipality of Monza (MI) Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili.
4 December 2008. Conference ‘Ombroso altrove: naturality, negativity and identity in the idea of forest’ for CAI Conegliano Veneto and the Municipality of Conegliano Veneto (TV).
21 March 2009. Conference ‘La civetta: da dea madre a maledetta’ (The owl: from mother goddess to accursed) at the Conference Room of the Elderly Centre of Ronzo-Chienis (TN) on the occasion of the 8th European Night of the Owl.
21 May 2009. Conference ‘The accusation of blood. Ethnography, philosophy and history of a western myth’ at the University of Milan-Bicocca.
11 August 2009. Lecture ‘Acque chete e inquiete: storie di fonti, laghi e ghiacciai nell’‘immaginario alpino’ (Still and restless waters: stories of springs, lakes and glaciers in the Alpine imaginary) as part of the ‘I 4 martedì della scienza a Ronzo-Chienis’ (The 4 Tuesdays of Science in Ronzo-Chienis) organised by the Municipality of Ronzo- Chienis, the Centro Studi Sintesi and the Didactic Museum of Mori and Val di Gresta in collaboration with the Tridentino Museum of Natural Science of Trento. 
23 September 2009. Conference ‘Il cibo: cultura da gustare’ (Food: culture to be tasted) as part of the Conference ‘Ganzega: storia di terre e sapori’ (Ganzega: history of lands and flavours) for the Municipality of Mori (TN) and the Pro Loco di Mori e Val di Gresta.
1 October 2009. Conference ‘Anthropology and mountains: culture and resistance at high altitude’ for the Municipality of San Gregorio nelle Alpi (BL).
10 December 2009. Conference ‘Ombroso altrove: naturality, negativity and identity in the idea of the forest’ for CAI Marghera and the Municipality of Marghera (VE).
9 February 2010. Conference ‘Curiosando per i carnevali’ for the Ronzo-Chienis (TN) Carnival Committee Association.
24 March 2011. Conference ‘The mysterious inhabitant of the night between biology, archaeology and anthropology’ at the Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences in Trento on the occasion of the 9th European Night of the Owl 2011.
10 August 2011. Conference ‘Why does man live in the Alps?’ as part of ‘The 4 Science Wednesdays in Ronzo-Chienis’ organised by the Municipality of Ronzo- Chienis and the Pro Loco di Ronzo-Chienis e Val di Gresta.
17 November 2011. Conference ‘Ombroso altrove: naturality, negativity and identity in the idea of the forest’ at the Tridentine Museum of Natural Science in Trento for the Trentino Natural Science Society.
19 July 2012. Conference ‘Oriente giocattolo’ and presentation of the volume Orientalismi italiani at Villa Mirabello in Monza for ‘La casa della Poesia di Monza e Brianza’.
8 August 2012. Conference ‘Sussurri antichi di acque, brouscelli e laghi: leggende e racconti dalle Alpi’ (‘Ancient Whispers of Waters, Streams and Lakes: Legends and Tales from the Alps’) at the Monte Baldo Refuge during the ‘Natura e cultura a Madonna della Neve’ Avio (TN) event.
10 January 2013. Conference ‘Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. A cultural reading of physical phenomena’ for SAT Trento (TN).
8 March 2013. Conference ‘Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. Una lettura culturale dei fenomeni fisici’ for CAI Bergamo (BG).
17 May 2013. Lecture ‘La memoria dell'acqua e il lavoro a Calavino e nella Valle dei Laghi’ (The memoryof water and work in Calavino and the Valle dei Laghi) as part of the project ‘Acqua e memoria: incontri verso l'ecomuseo’ (Water and memory: encounters towards the ecomuseum) by the Madruzzo500 Association and the Pro Loco di Sarche at Cavedine (TN)
13 August 2013. Conference ‘Food: culture to taste’ as part of ‘The 4 Tuesdays of science in Ronzo-Chienis’ organised by the Municipality of Ronzo- Chienis (TN) and the Pro Loco of Ronzo-Chienis and Val di Gresta.
20 August 2013. Conference ‘The culture of the mountain’ organised by the Library and the Municipality of Lavarone (TN).
26 October 2013. Conference ‘Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. Una lettura culturale dei fenomeni fisici’ for CAI Inverigo (CO).
8 November 2013. Conference ‘Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. Una lettura culturale dei fenomeni fisici’ for the Società Alpinisti Tridentini Section of Rovereto (TN).
28 November 2013. Conference ‘Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. Una lettura culturale dei fenomeni fisici’ for CAI Monza (MB).
21 February 2014. Conference ‘Glaciers... a fairytale. Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. A cultural reading of physical phenomena’ for CAI-SEM Milan (MI)
1 March 2014. Speaker at the CAI Lombardia refresher course with a lecture entitled ‘Uomo paesaggio e montagna.Viaggio alla scoperta del rapporto uomo-ambiente alpino con lo sguardo dell'antropologo’ at the MUSE in Trento.
10 July 2014. Lecture ‘Acque chete e inquiete: uomo, montagna e vie d'acqua’ (‘Still and restless waters: man, mountains and waterways’) as part of the ‘Maniflù 2014’ project of the Basso Sarca Network of Reserves, with the collaboration of the Madruzzo500 Association at the Pizzini Hall in Calavino (TN).
18 September 2014. Conference ‘Shady elsewhere: naturalness, negativity and identity in the idea of the forest. An anthropological investigation into the relationship between man and nature’ as part of the “Maniflù 2014” project of the Basso Sarca Network of Reserves, with the collaboration of the Madruzzo500 Association at the Pizzini Hall in Calavino (TN).
10 October 2014. Speaker at the refresher course of the Order of Architects of Trento and Bolzano with a lecture entitled ‘Il verde nel passato, presente e futuro dell'homo urbanus: giardini storici, orti urbani, guerrilla gardening. Nature alongside man: rediscovery of places and values through emotional experiences of enhancement and social attention to green issues, attachment to the earth and green nomadism’ at Spazio Manifattura Tabacchi Conference Room, Rovereto.
27 November 2014. Conference ‘Curiosando tra i carnevali. Anthropology of Alpine fertility rituals’ Venice, Palazzo Zorzi for the UNESCO Club of Venice.
25 February 2015. Conference ‘Mountains between religiosity and mystery. Mountains and the sense of the sacred in archaeology and anthropology’ at Villa Erera for CAI Mirano, Municipality of Mirano and Veneto Region.
31 March 2015. Conference ‘Terre Alte: l'uomo e la montagna tra mistero e sacro’ at Villa Erera for CAI Mirano, Municipality of Mirano and Veneto Region.
9 April 2015. Conference ‘The mysterious inhabitant of the night between biology, archaeology and anthropology’ with a communication entitled ‘The cursed owl. Brief anthropology of an ancient symbol and archetype’ at the MUSE in Trento on the occasion of the XI European Night of the Owl 2015.
18 April 2015. Conference ‘Man is what he eats. Antropologia e cultura dell'alimentazione’ at Auditorium Liceo Ginnasio “B. Zucchi” di Monza for Expo 2105 within the cultural project Cittadinanza e Memoria. Five-year course on education to active citizenship and shared memory. 2nd edition.
29 April 2015. Lecture ‘Fertility rites, youth, and identity in Südtirol: the case study of Stilfs in Vinschgau’ at Ethnocafé Galeria Museo Bolzano organised by EVAA (Alto Adige Anthropologists Association).
7 May 2015. Lecture ‘Games and children: playful culture at the service of power’ at the Auditorium of Tione organised as part of the project Colours from the World 8th edition, Municipality of Tione, Community of Judges, Autonomous Province of Trento.
13 October 2015. Conference ‘The two faces of the mountain. An anthropological journey’ at the headquarters of the Mincio Park - Municipality of Mantua and Italian Alpine Club.
20 October 2015. Conference ‘The dimension of life in the mountains. Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change’ at the headquarters of the Mincio Park - Municipality of Mantua and Italian Alpine Club.
11 February 2016. Scientific moderator as food anthropologist of the Round Table ‘Food and change. Una riflessione sui cambiamenti dei consumi alimentari, sul problema degli sprechi alimentari e sugli impatti ambientali economici e sociologici di tali fenomeni’ at Auditorium del MUSE di Trento, organised by Risto3 and Comunità Valle dei Laghi.
23 February 2016. Conference ‘Landscape Biodiversity between Nature and Culture. Per una sguardo archeoantropologico in cammino’ at Villa Erera, for the Mirano CAI, the Municipality of Mirano and the Veneto Region.
9 April 2016. Conference ‘The Garden: a life-giving destination for man’ at the MUSE Conference Room in Trento.
15 April 2016. Conference ‘Le Alpi tra antichi abitatori e segni antropici’ (‘The Alps between ancient inhabitants and anthropic signs’) at Auditorium Unità d'Italia - Ossona (Mi), for the CAI of Ossona, the Municipality of Ossona and the Province of Milan.
22 May 2016. Conference ‘Il gusto della biodiversità: uno sguardo antropologico tra identità e memoria’ at Fondazione De Bellat, for Provincia Autonoma di Trento within the events Il Trentino per la BIOdiversità.
7 October 2016. Conference ‘I magici sussurri del bosco’ (‘The magical whispers of the forest’) at the headquarters of the Mincio Park - Municipality of Mantua and Italian Alpine Club
15 September 2017. Conference ‘Biodiversity of the landscape between nature and culture. Per una sguardo archeoantropologico in cammino ‘ at the headquarters of the Mincio Park - Municipality of Mantua and Italian Alpine Club.
15 October 2017. Conference ‘Honourable, honest potato: the great enemy of hunger. A historical anthropological journey from the Andes to the Alps’ at Museo di Lottigna Valle di Blenio, Canton Ticino, Switzerland.
17 November 2017. Conference ‘Landscape Biodiversity between Nature and Culture. Per uno sguardo archeo-antropologico in cammino’ at the Tower of Malta for the Municipality of Cittadella (PD) and Club Alpino Italiano.
30 November 2017. Conference ‘Avio: crossroads of the Monte Baldo natural road’ at Auditorium comunale palazzo Bresavola Avio (TN) for PATT Trento.
7 February 2018. Conference ‘Cavedine and Madruzzo between past and present. La trasformazione del territorio dall'Ottocento ad oggi’ at Auditorium Biblioteca di Cavedine (TN) for Associazione Madrizzo 500 and Cassa di Risparmio Trento e Rovereto.
6 May 2018. Conference ‘Elements of sociology and cultural anthropology’ at UISP Trento.
25 May 2018. Conference ‘Symbolic animals of the Alps. Anthropological journey among the mythical fauna of our mountains’ at Centro Servizi Swartz - Municipality of Mantua and Club Alpino Italiano.
7 April 2018. Conference ‘Biodiversity of the landscape between nature and culture. Per uno sguardo archeoantropologico in cammino’ at Parco dell'Oglio Sud - Oasi Le Bine- Regione Lombardia and Club Alpino Italiano.
6 July 2018. Conference ‘Memoria storica e antropologica nel paesaggio di Madruzzo’ at Sala Pizzini Calavino (TN) for Associazione Madruzzo 500 and Cassa di Risparmio Trento e Rovereto.
5 October 2018. Conference ‘Camminando alla scoperta della biodiversità alpina: archeologia e antropologia per un nuovo sguardo sulle nostre Alpi’ Sala del Camino Comune di Arcore (MB) organised by Comune di Arcore and Club Alpino Italiano.
24 October 2018. Conference ‘Traces of men in the Alps. Cammini, piste, incontri, segnavia antichi e nuovi: uno sguardo archeo-antropologico’ CAI Sede di Milano organised by CAI Commissione Culturale and included within Fuori Festival Milano Montagna 2018.
17 November 2018. Conference presentation of the book ‘The anti-Semitic roots of the West’ at MUDEC Library Museum of Cultures in Milan on the occasion of Bookcity 2018. Speakers: Marta Villa, Giorgio Galli, political scientist and historian, Gianfranco Mormino, Professor of Moral Philosophy State University of Milan.
13 December 2018. Conference presentation of the book ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Libreria del Convegno Cremona initiative promoted within the VI National Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Changing the world with words. Applied Anthropology and Communication. Cremona 13 - 15 December 2018.
26 January 2019. Lecture ‘The anti-Semitic roots of the West’ at Biblioteca Comunale Brentonico within the itinerary Gli oracoli del Sabato organised by Assessorato alla Cultura Comune di Brentonico (TN) on the occasion of Memorial Day 2019.
28 January 2019. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Auditorium Liceo Ginnasio ‘B. Zucchi’ in Monza within the cultural project Cittadinanza e Memoria. Five-year pathway of education to active citizenship and shared memory on the occasion of Remembrance Day 2019.
1 February 2019. Lecture ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Aula 12 Liceo Ginnasio ‘A. Manzoni’ di Lecco within the interdisciplinary project on the occasion of Remembrance Day 2019.
2 February 2019. Lecture ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Sala del Consiglio Comunale ‘Aldo Moro’ Comune di Vedano al Lambro (MB) organised by Comune di Vedano al Lambro Assessorato alla Cultura on the occasion of the week of celebrations for the Memorial Day 2019.
12 February 2019. Conference ‘The anti-Semitic roots of the West’ at Sala Aurora of Villa Borromeo Cesano Maderno (MB) organised by Comune di Cesano Maderno Assessorato alla Cultura and the Municipal Library on the occasion of the week of celebrations of the Memorial Day 2019.
15 March 2019. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Salone Villa Confalonieri Merate (LC) organised by Comune di Merate and Associazione Culturale ‘La Semina’.
29 March 2019. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Sala Conferenze della Biblioteca Civica ‘G. Tartarotti’ di Rovereto organised by Comune di Rovereto, Biblioteca Civica ‘G. Tartarotti’ and Club per l'UNESCO di Trento.
6 April 2019. Conference ‘The fruits of Eldorado. Il lungo viaggio di patate e mais dalla Ande alle nostre tavole’ Sala Conferenze Seregno (MB) organised by the Cultural Association “Seregn de la Memoria”.
24 April 2019. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Sala Consiliare di Corte Bramante Rivoli Veronese (VR) organised by Comune di Rivoli Veronese (VR), Biblioteca Civica, pro Loco Rivoli Veronese.
17 May 2019. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Sala Conferenze organised by Comune di Seregno (MB), Comitato Antifascista.
19 May 2019. Conference ‘Il Manifesto di Ventotene’ at Sala della Cooperazione organised by Comune di Brentonico (TN), Comitato ARCI.
24 May 2019. Conference ‘From the plains to the mountains: man walking from Monte Baldo to the heart of the Alps.Uno sguardo archeo-antropologico’ Conference room of the Palatina Archaeological Museum in Piadena (CR), organised by Municipality of Piadena, Archaeological Museum and Italian Alpine Club.
12 July 2019. Conference ‘Curiosando nella dispensa della nonna. Antichi ricettari e preparazioni culinarie alpine sotto la lente dell'antropologia’ for the I Summer School Università degli Studi di Padova at Palazzo Eccheli Baisi, Brentonico (TN).
31 July 2019. Lecture ‘The forest. Il nostro alter ego vivificante’ at Baselga di Pinè by the Library of Baselga di Pinè and Municipality of Baselga di Pinè within the cycle of meetings Aperitivi filosofici.
7 August 2019. Conference ‘Quel selvaggio che c'è in noi. La ferinità negata’ at Baselga di Pinè by the Library of Baselga di Pinè and Municipality of Baselga di Pinè within the cycle of meetings Aperitivi filosofici.
14 August 2019. Conference ‘Quanta sete di vendetta. La dinamica di una passione umana’ at Baselga di Pinè organised by the Library of Baselga di Pinè and Municipality of Baselga di Pinè within the cycle of meetings Aperitivi filosofici.
27 September 2019. Conference ‘Discovering mysterious symbols in the small church of S. Margherita di Onara. Uno sguardo archeo-antropologico’ at the Sala Conferenze Tombolo (PD) organised by Comune di Tombolo, Comitato Parco Palude Onara, Terre Ezzeline.
18 October 2019. Conference ‘Always the Beautiful Country. Anthropological journey through the forms of the landscape’ at Centro Servizi Swartz - Municipality of Mantua and Club Alpino Italiano.
19 October 2019. Conference ‘La montagna che incanta: fascino di un simbolo tra antropologia e storia’ presso Sala del Consiglio Comunale ‘Aldo Moro’ Comune di Vedano al Lambro (MB) organised by Comune di Vedano al Lambro Assessorato alla Cultura and Associazione Rebelot.
19 November 2019. Conference: ‘That extraordinary madeleine. Il cibo sotto la lente dell'antropologia culturale’ at Hotel Rovereto in Rovereto (TN) organised by Lions Club Rovereto San Marco.
28 November 2019. Roundtable: ‘Walking rivers. Transumanze: patrimonio dell'umanità’ with a speech ’Transumanza patrimonio dell'umanità. Il senso del camminare con i pastori’ at Sala conferenze Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, Trento (TN), organised by Comune di Trento, Club per l'UNESCO di Trento.
30 November 2019. Conference: ‘Alimentazione e arte della cucina’ presso Sala del Consiglio Comunale ‘Aldo Moro’ Comune di Vedano al Lambro (MB) organised by Comune di Vedano al Lambro Assessorato alla Cultura.
6 December 2019. Conference: ‘Transumanza patrimonio dell'umanità. Il senso del camminare con i pastori’ at Sala conferenze Tesero, (TN), organised by Comune di Tesero.
23 January 2020. Conference: ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Biblioteca Comunale Baselga di Piné (TN), organised by Comune di Baselga di Piné (TN), Assessorato alla Cultura and Biblioteca Comunale.
1 February 2020. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Libreria Il Libraccio Monza (TN), organised by Il Libraccio Monza and Donne Democratiche Monza.
6 February 2020. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Biblioteca Comunale Mori (TN), organised by Comune di Mori (TN), Assessorato alla Cultura and Biblioteca Comunale.
7 February 2020. Round table: ‘Walking River. Transumanze: patrimonio dell'umanità’ with a talk entitled ’Transumanza patrimonio dell'umanità. Il senso del camminare con i pastori’ at Conference Hall, Avio (TN), organised by Comune di Avio, Club per l'UNESCO di Trento, Associazione Sintesi Museo Didattico.
15 April 2020. Conference-webinar online Zoom platform ‘The missed rituals at the time of Covid19’ within the events ‘Sociology in pandemic’ organised by the research group PelS (Pathway of Design and Social Innovation, Dr. Letizia Caporusso Department of Sociology and Social Research).
15 June 2020. Conference-webinar online GoToMeeting platform ‘Legends and tales in the Alps to describe climate change. The emblematic cases of the formation of new glaciers. A cultural reading of physical phenomena’ for Rotary Club Trento centro.
5 August 2020. Conference ‘Dangerous relationships? An anthropological look at the pandemics of yesterday, today and tomorrow’ at Baselga di Pinè by the Baselga di Pinè Library and Baselga di Pinè Municipality.
31 August 2020. Roundtable - Cultural salon ‘L'orso nell'antropocene’ with a talk entitled ‘L'orso e l'uomo: incontri culturali al confine della foresta’ at Cantina Sociale di Toblino, Madruzzo (TN) organised as part of the cultural and research project ‘Chi ha paura dell'orso?’ supported by Fondazione Caritro Trento e Rovereto.
10 November 2020. Zoom Platform online webinar and Facebook live conference ‘Dimmi cosa mangi... il cibo tra memoria, cultura e identità’ organised by the Val di Cembra-Avisio Reserves network and Altavalle (TN) Municipality.
10 December 2020. Zoom Platform online webinar conference ‘Dimmi cosa mangi... il cibo tra memoria, cultura e identità’ organised by Club INNERWELL of Rovereto.
15 December 2020. Conference-presentation of the Piattaforma Teams online webinar volume ‘Food and the art of cooking’ as part of the 8th Conference of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology. Presentation and discussion with the author (Marta Villa) by Prof. Lia Giancristofaro.
18 January 2021. Conference-webinar online Zoom platform ‘Climate change and cultural anthropology: catastrophes, myths, legends... “ as part of the training course ”Life on Earth 2: water, climate, health, heritage’’ organised by Centro per l'UNESCO Torino - Federazione Italiana Centri e Club per l'UNESCO, an event recognised by MIUR as valid for teacher training and refresher courses.
28 January 2021. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ webinar online Zoom platform, organised by Associazione Culturale ‘Antonio Rosmini’ Trento, Fondazione Caritro Trento Rovereto.
29 January 2021. Conference-debate ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ webinar online platform Meet and Facebook live, organised by Biblioteca Comunale Ala (TN), Comune di Ala (TN), Assessorato alla Cultura.
16 February 2021. Zoom Platform online webinar conference ‘Il Carnevale sulle Alpi’ organised by Associazione Culturale Rebelot, Municipality of Vedano al Lambro (MB).
8 March 2021. Zoom Platform online webinar conference ‘The woman between anthropology and history. L'importanza, il ruolo e le alterne vicende della donna nella cultura italiana e trentina’ organised as part of the Rotary Club Riva del Garda's Caminetto da remoto conference cycle.
21 March 2021. Conference-round table webinar online Zoom platform with live Facebook broadcast ‘Pasqua con chi vuoi... a tavola’ (‘Easter with whoever you want... at the table’) with a talk on the food traditions of the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, organised by the Centro Studi Territoriale Accademia Italiana della Cucina - Delegazione di Chieti.
3 May 2021. Online round table with live Facebook and YouTube ‘I linguaggi della comunicazione per la coesistenza tra Umani e Fauna’ organised as part of the Trento Film Festival by the Società Alpinistica Tridentina - Headquarters Trento with a talk on cultural anthropology entitled ‘Negotiating nature and culture: the Alps laboratory’.
24 July 2021. Conference ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Biblioteca Comunale Lesa (NO), organised by Comune di Lesa (NO), Assessorato alla Cultura e Biblioteca Comunale and Associazione Terre di Confine.
28 July 2021. Conference ‘What shall I say? L'interdetto tra antropologia e filosofia’ at Baselga di Pinè organised by the Library of Baselga di Pinè and Municipality of Baselga di Pinè as part of the series of meetings entitled Aperitivi filosofici.
17 September 2021. Conference ‘I paesaggi culturali dell'Alta Val di Cembra’ organised by Rete di Riserve Val di Cembra-Avisio, Sala Comunale Grumes (TN).
20 October 2021. Webinar conference ‘Ricercando sapori e saperi. Anthropologia dell'alimentazione in Trentino fra passato e presente ‘ within the review Torniamo a tavola!, organised by Associazione Castelli del Trentino.
23 January 2022. Conference-round table ‘A tavola con don Felice Libera’ at the Auditorium Comunale di Avio, organised by Comune di Avio, Assessorato alla Cultura e Turismo, Club per l'UNESCO di Trento, Viticoltori in Avio, Centro studi Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol Accademia Italiana della Cucina.
26 January 2022. Conference ‘The anti-Semitic roots of the West’ at the Municipal Library of Mantua (MN), organised by the Municipality of Mantua (MN), Department of Culture and the Municipal Library and the Papillon Association - Lunetta Library.
27 January 2022. Lecture ‘Le radici antisemite dell'Occidente’ at Biblioteca Comunale Egna (BZ), organised by Comune di Egna (BZ), Assessorato alla Cultura and Biblioteca Comunale.
28 January 2022. Webinar conference ‘Antisemitism and the West: a sad millennial history’ organised by Associazione Culturale Rebelot, Municipality of Vedano al Lambro (MB).
17 February 2022. Conference round table ‘The preservation of beauty as a practice of active citizenship’ with a paper entitled ‘Walks in beauty: Gardens and correspondences in the Province of Trento between history and anthropological practice’ at Sala degli Affreschi - Municipal Library of Trento, organised by University he Studies of Trento - Department of Sociology and Social Research, Municipality of Trento, UNESCO Club of Trento, Trentino School of Management-STEP, Slow Food Valle dell'Adige and Alto Garda, FAI Delegation of Trento.
24 February 2022. Conference ‘Lost Forests. L'idea di bosco nella storia occidentale’ Grand Hotel Trento organised by Garden Club Trentino Alto Adige
24 February 2022. Online webinar ‘The vineyard landscape: agro-ecological development and tourist attractions. Case study: Ecovinegoals in Val di Cembra (Trento)’ organised by Landexplorer passion for territories
25 February 2022. Conference ‘Walking Slowly. Observe, understand, become aware’ at Centro Servizi Swartz - Municipality of Mantua and Club Alpino Italiano.
8 March 2022. Online webinar conference ‘Food and the art of cooking. L'esperienza del Trentino’ within the review “Raccontare il mondo” organised by ACLI Trento.
25 March 2022. Conference ‘A disarming idea. Trent'anni di Forumpace’ Marta Villa, Massimiliano Pilati, Daniele Paoli and Riccardo Santoni within the event “Diffondere la pace” organised by the Municipality and Library of Cles
26 April 2022. Conference ‘A disarming idea. Trent'anni di Forumpace’ organised by Municipality and Library of Sesto San Giovanni - Culture Department
5 May 2022. Conference ‘Food and the art of cooking. L'esperienza del Trentino’ at Biblioteca Comunale Egna (BZ), organised by Comune di Egna (BZ), Assessorato alla Cultura and Biblioteca Comunale.
7 May 2022. Round table. ‘Green Deal for the Dolomite forests after Vaia’ with Walter Nicoletti. Presentation of the participatory process from an anthropological point of view organised by Slow Food Alpe Cimbra, Municipality and Library of Lavarone (TN).
14 May 2022. Conference and public debate ‘Bondone e Montagna. Economic development and environmental sustainability’ with a talk entitled ’Sustainability in the Highlands. Observing, questioning and dialogue. An anthropological approach’ organised by Circoscrizione Bondone (Trento).
19 May 2022. Conference ‘A disarming idea. Trent'anni di Forumpace’ organised by Antropolis. Cultural Association at Casa del Volontariato e delle Associazioni Milan.
22 May 2022. Conference ‘A disarming idea. Trent'anni di Forumpace’ Marta Villa e Emanuele Pastorino, organised by Comune di Vedano al Lambro (MB) and Associazione culturale Rebelot.
26 May 2022. Conference ‘Il cibo tra tradizione e ricerca innovativa: antiche pratiche e nuovi saperi transazionali per una giusta nutrizione’ (‘Food between tradition and innovative research: ancient practices and new transactional knowledge for right nutrition’) as part of the Sapori di Saperi cycle organised by MUSE and Associazione Mazingira with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto.
27 May 2022. Scientific intervention ‘Oasis of fraternity: a proposal for the Highlands. Comparing resiliences and the role of young people’ during the round table Ecosystems and new geographies. Per un Forum pertenente delle Terre Alte organised by Slow Food Trentino within the event Aspettando Terra Madre 27-29 May 2022 Trento
28 May 2022. Scientific paper ‘La proposta partecipata di un Green Deal post Vaia’ and coordination of the round table Un Green Deal per le Foreste Dolomitiche organised by Slow Food Trentino within the event Aspettando Terra Madre 27-29 May 2022 Trento
31 May 2022 Trento. Anthropological conclusion of the conference and presentation of the volume ‘Leopardi and the School. Leopardi nella Scuola’ by Franco Bulega at Auditorium “I. Tedesco” - Monza organised by Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Mosé Bianchi di Monza.
5 June 2022. Conference ‘A disarming idea. Trent'anni di Forumpace’ with Marta Villa, Massimiliano Pilati and Katia Malatesta at Casa Umanista Roma within Eirenefest - Festival of books for peace and nonviolence.
7 June 2022. Conference ‘The Future of the Mountain. Sustainability and limits: man facing the anthropocene crisis’ organised by Circoscrizione Povo with a scientific talk on participatory processes and oases of fraternity in the Trentino Highlands.
23 June 2022. Conference ‘A disarming idea. Trent'anni di Forumpace’ with Marta Villa and Massimiliano Pilati at Auditorium Comunale di Avio (TN) organised by Biblioteca comunale di Avio and Assessorato alla Cultura di Avio (TN).
29 June 2022. Conference ‘Food and the art of cooking. L'esperienza del Trentino’ at Palazzo Roccabruna Trento organised by Camera di Commercio Trento and Accademia di Impresa.
20 August 2022. Round table ‘Summer night. Laggiù sulle montagne’ at Chiesa di Zambana Vecchia organised by Pro Loco di Zambana, as part of the Mountain Future Festival 2022.
9 September 2022. Palazzo Roccabruna. Trento Round table The bread from the pile dwellings of Ledro: material/immaterial heritage for an innovative relationship between culture and territory. Scientific paper entitled: ‘Pile dwelling bread: material/immaterial heritage for an innovative relationship between culture and territory’.
11 September 2022. Viote del Monte Bondone. Round Table. Regenerating Bondone with an anthropological intervention on the relationship between man/Alps and sustainability organised by Slow Food Trentino
16th September 2022. Round Table. Mas del Gnac Isera (TN) organised by Slow Food Valle dell'Adige Alto Garda with a scientific intervention on the relationship between food and territory between past and future
4 October 2022. Conference ‘A disarming idea. Thirty years of Forumpace’ with Marta Villa, Massimiliano Pilati and Katia Malatesta at the Library of the Province of Trento.
15 October 2022. Round table Re-generations. Il futuro possibile della Montagna Spilimbergo organised by Teatro Verdi Pordenone and CAI Pordenone with a scientific presentation entitled ‘Is life in the mountains still possible? An anthropological analysis’.
22 November 2022. Conference ‘Man and the Mountain. Un rapporto complesso’ at CAI Melegnano organised by CAI Melegnano.
6 December 2022. Conference ‘The best thing we can do’ with Marta Villa, Massimiliano Pilati, Giuseppe Civati, Sara Zanatta, Emanuele Pastorino, Marcello Ranieri at Department of Sociology and Social Research organised by Department of Sociology and Social Research University of Trento, Trentino Forum for Peace and Human Rights, UNESCO Club of Trento, Library of the Province of Trento.
19 January 2023. Conference ‘Oases of fraternity: bees, human beings and landscape biodiversity. Un approccio antropologico’ at Palazzo Chiericati, Museo Civico di Vicenza organised by Garden Club Vicenza, Comune di Vicenza.
28 January 2023. Liquid Winter‘ round table with a scientific talk entitled ’Governance and sustainability in the Highlands. Le Proprietà Collettive’ at Centro Civico Sopramonte - Trento (TN) organised by Circoscrizione Bondone Trento.
9 February 2023. Conference ‘Food and the art of cooking. L'esperienza del Trentino’ at “A. Rosmini” Association Hall - Trento organised by Associazione culturale “A. Rosmini” with the patronage of Fondazione CARITRO.
7 March 2023. Conference ‘Knowledge in transition’ with a scientific paper entitled ‘Agro-ecological transition, community transformation and intergenerational dialogue. Un progetto di antropologia pubblica in Val di Cembra’ at Sala Caffè de la Paix (Trento), organised by Vinifera Forum.
9 March 2023. Round table ‘Dall'origine alla tavola’ (From the origin to the table) with a scientific presentation entitled ‘Una meravigliosa frontiera: l'olio come punto di incontro fra culture alpine’ at Sala Conferenze CCIAA Trento organised by Accademia di Impresa CCIAA Trento.
28 April 2023. Conference ‘The anthropological aspects of life at high altitude. I Domini Collettivi’ Mantua, Schwartz Library, organised by Municipality of Mantua, CAI Mantua
12 May 2023. Round table ‘Sustainability in the Highlands. Anthropology and culture of the collective domains’ with Mauro Iob, Trento Department of Sociology and Social Research, organisers University of Trento, Trentino ASUC Provincial Association, Slow Food Trentino Alto Adige
26 May 2023. Conference ‘Waiting for Terre Alte. I Territori di vita e i Domini Collettivi’ Bergamo Conference Hall, organised by Slow Food Italy, City of Bergamo
3 June 2023. Conference ‘Agro-forestry heritage: identity, culture and community in Terre Alte’ Lavarone Conference Hall, organised by Municipality of Lavarone
4 July 2023. Conference ‘Collective Domains and Monte Bondone. Communities that preserve without dissipating their heritage for future generations. In memory of Paolo Grossi’ with Mauro Iob, at Trento, Conference Hall CARITRO organised by Club UNESCO Trento, Provincial Association ASUC Trentino, Slow Food Trentino Alto Adige
20 September 2023. Conference ‘Food and the link with the landscape through the eyes of cultural anthropology. The Terre Alte laboratory’ at Brunico, Conference room organised by Accademia Italiana della Cucina, Laimburg Bolzano.
18 October 2023. Round table ‘Dall'origine alla tavola’ with a scientific talk entitled ‘Il pane del bosco edule: la cultura del castagno con lo sguardo antropologico’ at Trento Sala Conferenze organised by Accademia di Impresa CCIAA Trento.
20 October 2023. Conference ‘Bees in the territories of life, bees for the territories of life: an anthropological look’ Trento MUSE organises Garden Club Trento, Municipality of Trento
5 November 2023. Conference ‘Highlands: Living territories of communities. An anthropological look at the cultural biodiversity of the silvo-pastoral heritage’ Castelnuovo Valsugana, Fondazione Spagolle conference room, organises Autonomous Province of Trento
13 November 2023. Conference ‘Intangible Heritage in the Territories of Life: Traditional Governance in the Highlands for Future Generations’ Turin, Conference Room and online webinar organised by UNESCO Turin Centre, Piedmont Region
20 November 2023. Conference ‘La tutela dei Territori di Vita: una sguardo antropologico e giuridico all'ambiente delle Terre Alte’ with Mauro Iob, at Trento Fondazione Museo Storico organises Inner Wheel Trento
21 November 2023. Conference ‘Collective Domains, Environment and Law 168/2017: protection of Territories of Life in the Highlands’ with Mauro Iob, online webinar organises Slow Food Italy
1 December 2023. Conference ‘Territories of Life: communities protecting cultural and natural biodiversity. The role of Collective Domains’ with Mauro Iob, at Smarano Conference Hall organised by ASUC Smarano, University of Trento, Provincial Association ASUC Trentino
9 January 2024. Conference ‘Terre Alte patrimonio immateriale di saperi e sapori’ at Trento Palazzo Pedrotti, Conference Hall organised by SAT Trento
17 January 2024. Conference ‘Le Terre Alte tra tradizione e innovazione: alpeggi e allevamenti nei territori di vita’ at Mezzana Conference Hall organised by Federazione Allevatori Val di Sole
18 January 2024. Lecture-conference ‘I Domini collettivi: antropologia e giurisprudenza pubbliche e applicate’ with Mauro Iob, at Liceo Classico ‘A. Manzoni’ in Lecco within the University Orientation Week.
23 January 2024. Conference ‘Api nelle Terre Alte: alleate per i Territori di Vita’ at Rovereto Museo Civico organised by Lions San Marco. 
6 February 2024. Refresher Course ‘Educating to the complexity of sustainability’ with lecture ‘Sustainability in practice: Territories of Life/Collective Domains’ at Rovereto IPRASE organised by University of Trento
28 February 2024. Lecture ‘I Beni Collettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile e partecipato della montagna’ with Mauro Iob at Trento, Sala Conferenze organised by ACLI Trentino and Italia Nostra
1 March 2024. Conference ‘I Territori di Vita: comunità e domini collettivi per la salvaguardia del patrimonio naturale e culturale’ with Mauro Iob at Cloz Teatro, organised by Associazione Culturale Co.R.S.I. ASUC Cloz, Associazione provinciale ASUC Trentino, Comune di Novella
7 March 2024. Conference ‘Territories of Life in the Highlands. Caring for the productive landscape with mind and heart: an applied anthropological and juridical look’ with Mauro Iob, at Rovereto Istituto Alberghiero, organised by Accademia Italiana della Cucina.
11 March 2024. Round table ‘Dall'origine alla tavola’ with a scientific speech entitled ‘Api e miele per i territori di vita’ at Trento Sala Conferenze organised by Accademia di Impresa CCIAA Trento.
12 May 2024. Sustainable Solidale Valsugana Fair. Conference Space, Palalevico Levico (TN). Anthropological conference ‘Territori di Vita nelle Terre Alte: donne e uomini che si prende cura’, organised by L'Ortazzo, Valsugana, BIM Brenta, Municipality of Levico, Rete Riserve Fiume Brenta.
15 May 2024. Conference ‘Ambiente, paesaggio e Territori di Vita’ with Mauro Iob at Trento, Sala Conferenze Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, organised by FAI Trento.
25 May 2024. Anthropological talk at a debate on the screening of the film documentary ‘Limit’ produced by BuenVivir at Cinema-Theatre of Povo-Trento, organised by Comune di Trento, CTG, Circoscrizione di Povo.
7 June 2024. Round table ‘Territori di Vita: Collective Domini take care of the agro-sylvo-pastoral heritage. Malghe e pastoli presidio delle Terre Alte’ with Mauro Iob, Trento Department of Sociology and Social Research, organised by University of Trento, Trentino ASUC provincial association, Slow Food Trentino Alto Adige.
14 June 2024. Conference ‘I Domini collettivi di Trento’ at the Sala culturale di Villamontagna-Trento (TN) organised by I comitati ASUC Villamontagna, Baselga del Bondone, Vigolo Baselga, Sopramonte and Associazione Provinciale delle ASUC del Trentino.
31 July 2024. Conference ‘Chi sono e cosa fanno le Amministrazioni Separate di Uso Civico’ at the Sala culturale della Banda in Pergine Valsugana (TN) organised by Comitato ASUC Pergine and Associazione Provinciale delle ASUC del Trentino.
16 September 2024. Conference ‘I Domini collettivi presidi e tutela della biodiversità delle Terre Alte’ at the Sala culturale della Banda di Pergine Valsugana (TN) organised by Comitato ASUC Pergine and Associazione Provinciale delle ASUC del Trentino.
18 September 2024. Conference ‘Territories of Life. The collective Domini collective guardians of the environment of the Highlands. Uno sguardo giuridico e antropologico applicativo’, with Mauro Iob, at Spazio Alpino, Trento, organised by Società Alpinisti Tridentini.
27 September 2024. Lectures: ‘Milk and the Trentino territory in an anthropological perspective: symbols, identity, landscape and opportunities for development’; ‘Which tourism in the malghe of Trentino?’ with Antonio Maini; ‘The Rendena breed and its landscapes’ with Martino Polla; ‘A lunch in a malga’ with Luigi Montibeller; ‘Oasis of Fraternity: the Pejo dairy farm’ with Francesco Gubert and Ilaria Dalla Giovanna, at Spazio Slow Food Autonomous Province of Trento, Terra Madre, Salone del Gusto, Slow Food Italy, Turin.
29 September 2024. Conferences ‘La via della frutta antica in Primiero’ with Barbara Tarvernaro; ‘I cuochi dell'alleanza e la montagna: non solo polenta!’ with Matteo Simonato; ‘Il pane delle Palafitte’ with Donato Riccadonna and Alessandro Fedrigotti; ‘Un pranzo in malga’ with Luigi Montibeller; ‘Fermentazioni di Alta Quota’ with Matteo Simonato and Alessandro Sufritti, at Spazio Slow Food Provincia autonoma di Trento, Terra Madre, Salone del Gusto, Slow Food Italia, Turin.
8 October 2024. Conference ‘A journey through the Territories of Life. Lo sguardo antropologico sulle Terre Alte tra passato e futuro’, at Conference room, Hotel Rovereto, Rovereto, organised by Lions Club Rovereto Host.
8 November 2024. Conference ‘Nuova amministrazione dei beni collettivi’ at the conference room Cantina Vivallis Nogaredo (TN) organised by Associazione Provinciale delle ASUC del Trentino.
11 November 2024. Round table ‘Dall'origine alla tavola’ (From origin to the table) with a scientific paper entitled ‘Dal fiore del pastolo alla magia del “parol”: uno sguardo antropologico sulla produzione lattiero-casearia nelle malghe e nei caseifici’ (Fromthe flower of the pasture to the magic of the ‘parol’: an anthropological look at dairy production in Alpine pastures and dairies) at Trento Conference Hall organised by Accademia di Impresa CCIAA Trento.
13 November 2024. Conference ‘Territories of life. I Domini collettivi custodi dell'ambiente delle Terre Alte’ with Mauro Iob, within the conference cycle “Terre Alte: paesaggio economia cultura” organised by SAT Levico, Ecomuseo sull'Acqua Chiarentana, at Sala Comunale Levico.
28 November 2024. Conference ‘I Domini collettivi custodi delle Terre Alte’ at Sala Comunale Coredo organised by ASUC Coredo.