Chiara Cristofolini

Assistant professor

Faculty of Law

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283525
chiara.cristofolini[at]unitn [dot] it


In April 2018, she earned her Ph.D. cum laude in Comparative and European Legal Studies, Curriculum “Substantive and Procedural Labour Law” at the Law Faculty of the University of Trento.

In march 2013, she received her Master Degree in Law, European and Transnational Course, from the Law Faculty of the University of Trento. Final mark: 110 cum laude.



Academic career and teaching activities

Academic career:

In 2023, she was awarded the national scientific qualification as Associate Professor in Labour Law.

Since 2022 Assistant Professor (type B) in Labour Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Trento 

June 2020-May 2021: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Law Faculty of University of Trento. Project "La trasparenza finanziaria nei soggetti di emanazione sindacale”.

June 2019-May 2020: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Law Faculty of University of Trento. Project: “Trade Union Democracy and the State: in search of a conceptual framework”

April 2018-April 2019: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Law Faculty of University of Trento. Project “Rappresentanza e protezione sociale degli outsiders: democrazia sindacale e nuove frontiere della azione collettiva”. 


Visiting Positions:

In the period June-September 2023 she spent a research period at the Faculty of Law of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

In the period June-September 2016 she spent a research period at the Law School of the Brunel University London.

In the period December 2015-January 2016: she spent a research period at the Faculty of Law of the Technische Universität Dresden (with a scholarship awarded by the same University). 

In the period March-May 2015 she spent a research period at the Faculty of Law of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität. 


Teaching activities:

2019 -: Teaching Fellow of the Employment and Labour Law Course, (Comparative, European and International Legal Studies -CEILS), Faculty of Law, University of Trento. 

2017/2018:  Teaching Assistant of the Public Labour Law Course, Economics and Management Department of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. 


Language skills:

Italian (mother tongue), English (C1), German (B2), Spanish (A2). 

Research work

Since November 2023: Responsible of Research Unit of the Project PRIN 2022 PNRR Transparency in Employment and Labour markets for inclusive Organisations and Societies (TELOS). University and research institutions involved: University of Milan, Insubria University, University of Turin, University of Trento. 

September 2019-August 2022: Co-investigator of the project “Financial Innovation for Active Welfare Policies”, supported by the European Commission, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities 2019. Principal Investigator Prof. Riccardo Salomone, co-investigator dott.ssa Chiara Cristofolini.

March 2019-: reasearch project “Approfondimento ed eventuale revisione/aggiornamento della LP 32/1990”, autonomous Province of Trento. Coordinator: Prof. Riccardo Salomone, Università degli Studi di Trento.

February 2018- April 2020: reaserach project “Imprese cooperative e “welfare attivo” per l’occupazione: dalla teoria della finanza ad impatto sociale alla costruzione di un social bond”, cofinanced by Fondazione Caritro di Trento. University and research institutions involved: Collegio Carlo Alberto, University Federico II of Naples, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Turin, University of Trento. Principal Investigator: Prof. Riccardo Salomone, University of Trento.

March 2017- June 2018: reaserach project “INTEGRO – Integrazione e governance delle politiche sociali, del lavoro e industriali per lo sviluppo e la coesione sociale”. University and research institutions involved: Catholic University of Milan, University of Pavia, University of Trento, University of Verona. Principal Investigators: Prof.ssa Rosangela Lodigiani and Prof. Michele Colasanto, Catholic University of Milan and Research Centre WWELL Welfare, Work, Enterprise, Lifelong Learning.

January  2014-December 2014: European research project  “Going up the High Road: Rethinking the Role of Social Dialogue to Link Welfare and Competitiveness”, supported by the European Commission.University and research institutions involved: Anglia Ruskin University, University Carlo III of Madrid, University of Gothenburg, Institute for Social and Trade Union Research - Bulgaria, Institute IRES Emilia Romagna, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Trento. Principal investigators: Proff. Tommaso Fabbri, Yelenia Curzi and Iacopo Senatori, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.


Memberships in societies and scientific committees

- Member of the Editorial Committee of the Collana dei Quaderni della Fondazione Brodolini “Itinerari di diritto e relazioni di lavoro”.

- Member of the Editorial Committee of the Review “Il lavoro nelle pubbliche amministrazioni”.

Awards and honours

2023- 'Massimo D'Antona' Prize for the best first monograph in Labour Law and Social Security for the years 2022 and 2021.

2019 - Prize for best doctoral dissertation in Comparative and European Legal Studies, University of Trento.




Conferences and lectures

9.05.2022: Discussant at the Seminar “Contrastare la povertà lavorativa: evidenze empiriche, interventi e misure”, organised by the University of Trento.

18-19.05.2022: Scientific organisation and Chair of the Conference “Employment, Labour and Welfare in the Sustainable Transition”. Introductory speech on “Interconnessioni tra politiche del lavoro e innovazione finanziaria nella transizione sostenibile”.

24-25.02.2022: Lectures on “Democrazia interna e sindacato rappresentativo: una prospettiva comparata”, Doctoral Course in Studi Giuridici Comparati ed Europei of the University of Trento.

24.11.2021: Presentation of the paper “Il sindacato al tempo dei populismi: riflessioni su organizzazione e rappresentanza” at the Conference “Populismi, società e istituzioni”, organised by the University of Parma.

20.05.2021: Scientific organisation and Chair of the webinar “Strumenti e forme di finanziamento del welfare attivo: quale ruolo per le parti sociali?” – Module II “Innovazione finanziaria come strumento per il welfare attivo”. Introductory speech on “Innovazione finanziaria e servizi sindacali”.

13.05.2021: Scientific organisation and Chair of the webinar “Strumenti e forme di finanziamento del welfare attivo: quale ruolo per le parti sociali?” – Module I “Le risposte delle parti sociali alle trasformazioni del mercato del lavoro”. Introductory speech on “Le parti sociali nel mercato del lavoro transizionale”

23.10.2020: Scientific organisation and Chair of the webinar “Innovazione sociale, welfare attivo e finanza ad impatto: nuove sfide per il terzo settore” – Module II “Impact investing per lo sviluppo sociale”. Introductory speech on “Innovazione finanziaria per le politiche attive del lavoro: il ruolo del terzo settore”. 

16.10.2020: Scientific organisation and Chair of the webinar “Innovazione sociale, welfare attivo e finanza ad impatto: nuove sfide per il terzo settore” – Module I “Welfare attivo e nuove frontiere dell’inserimento lavorativo”. Introductory speech on “Nuovi strumenti e nuovi modelli per il welfare attivo nella logica integrativa-strumentale”.

4.07.2019: presentation of the paper "Revitalising trade union democracy in Italy: strategies and perspectives", at the Conference "Modern Forms of Work - a European and Comparative Study", organized by the European Labour Law Young Scholars (ELLYS) section of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSSL), at the Sapienza University of Rome.

22.03.2019: Symposium ad Viadrum Life Time Contracts" "Principles of social long-term contracts- the case of contracts about digital work and digital content",at the European University Viadrina and C*LLaS (Centre for Interdisciplinary Labour Law Studies),Frankfurt (Oder), presentation of the paper entitled "Collective representation for life-time contracts".

24.11.2018: presentation of the paper “Il sindacato tra immunità e istanze di eteroregolazione in tema di trasparenza finanziaria” at the IV Seminar I giovani giuslavoristi e gli studi di diritto del lavoro” in memoria del Prof. Mario Giovanni Garofalo, held at the University Aldo Moro of Bari. 

10-13.11.2018:  presentation of the working group paper "Function and Functioning of minimum wage" at the International Seminar on Labour Law "Pontignano XXXV" on "Wage Setting: a national and comparative perspective", organized and sponsored by AIDLASS. She was also commissioned by the organizers to write the Seminar report published in the AIDLASS Yearbook 2019.

17.05.2018: International Conference “European narratives of crisis”, Law, Identity and the European Narratives Centre of Excellence in law (EuroStorie), University of Helsinki, Finland, presentation of the paper co-authored with Andrew J. Cecchinato (University of St. Andrews, Scotland) “The Crisis of Social Organizations and Democratic Institutions”. 

03.04.2017: International Legal Research Graduate Conference, Londra, King’s College, presentation of the paper co-authored with Andrew J. Cecchinato (University of St. Andrews, Scotland)“The Crisis of Social Organizations and Democratic Institutions”. 

12.10.2016: Seminar at the University of Trento, presentation of the paper “immunità e istanze di democrazia interna. Una lettura in chiave comparata”.

26-27.06.2015: International Conference “Transnational Law & Social Justice”, London, School of Economics (LSE), London, presentation of the paper “Implementing and Monitoring Occupational Welfare Measures at Transnational level”

23.06.2014: International Workshop, ELTE Faculty of Law, Budapest, presentation of the paper “Occupational welfare in Italy: the company agreements’ mapping.

Other work

2016/2017 and 2017/2018: she took part in a series of lectures on "Constitutional principles, migration and protection of rights", held at the Spini prison in Gardolo. This project for prisoners is the result of the collaboration between the University of Trento and the Associazione Provinciale per l'Aiuto Sociale (APAS), coordinated by Prof. Carlo Casonato.

2015: Licence to practice law, Court of Appeal, Trento (session 2014).