
Full degree in Political Sciences, awarded in March 1979 by the Università di Padova; grade 107/110.

Master of Arts (Pol.St.) with distinction, awarded in december 1984 by the University of Cape Town


Italian: mother tongue; English: fluent; Spanish and French: middling knowledge;

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

From 2017 membro dell' Editorial Board del Pan-African Journal of Business Management, ISSN 1821-9885 e 1891-9993.

2011-2014 Academic Director, “Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development” (Università di Trento, "Corvinus" University of Budapest, University of Ljubljana, University of Regensburg).

From 2010 membro dell' associazione Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists (Astana, Kaz)

2010-2013 President, Dukenet network (universities: Université de Savoie / IMUS, Annecy, F ; Avans Hogeschool, s’Hertogenbosch, NL ; Università di Bucarest, ROM; Budapest Business School, H; Harstad University College, N; Universität Kassel, D; University of Economics in Katowice, PL; Universidad de León, E; Université de Bretagne Occidental / IUT Quimper, F; Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, SF; University of Southern Denmark, Slagelse, DK; Università degli Studi di Trento, I; University of the West of Scotland, GB; Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, E; De Hogeschool West Vlaanderen, Bruges, B; Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, RUS).

2008-2012 Project leader: International Strategic Marketing Simulation, Dukenet network

From 2007 representative of Università di Trento,  Steering Committee of the European Master in Business Studies (Université d Savoye, Annecy , Università di Trento, Universitaet Kassel and Universidad de León).

From 2004 member of the Academic Council of the “Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development” (Università di Trento, "Corvinus" University of Budapest, University of Ljubljana, University of Regensburg).

2004-2013 member of the Academic Committee (form 2005 as Adjunct Academic Director), Joint African Master Programme (JAMP) on local development (Università di Trento; Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria; Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek, Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique, Maputo).

2003-2008 member of the Editorial Board di Commercium, (ISBN: 1021-91-29)

2002-2004 member of the Academic Committee, Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development (Università di Trento, "Corvinus" University of Budapest, University of Ljubljana, University of Regensburg) in precedenza Master on Local Development for the Balkans (Università di Trento, Università di Bolzano).

From 2001 member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development (IJTM&SD)(ISSN 1474-2738).

Member (dal 2000) of the Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale.

Faculty coordinator (1996-1998) Erasmus/Socrates programme, Facoltà di Economia, Università di Trento.
From 1997 member of the Directive Committee, Centro Studi Martino Martini per lo sviluppo delle relazioni Europa-Cina.
1994-2015 representative of the Università di Trento in the Board of C.U.O.A. (from 1998 Consiglio Generale della Fondazione C.U.O.A.)

1986-1998 member of the Editorial Board of Sinergie, published by C.U.E.I.M., Verona.
1988-1995 member, Strategic Management Society.
Membro (1989-1998), come giornalista pubblicista, dell'Ordine dei Giornalisti del Trentino-Alto Adige.
1990-1994 Scientific Coordinator, Area di ricerca socio-economica, C.U.E.I.M., Verona.
1993-1997 editor of Sinergie.
1993-1998 member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of C.U.O.A. (Consorzio Universitario per gli studi di Organizzazione Aziendale), Altavilla Vicentina (VI).
1995-2002 member European Council for Small Business.


Conferences and lectures

With personal presentation of papers:

"L'artigianato nel comune di Verona", Verona 16 Dicembre 1989 e 18 Marzo 1990.
"I processi innovativi nelle piccole imprese", Urbino 17 e 18 Ottobre 1991.
INTENT93, Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training, Vienna 05-07 July 1993.
IntEnt94 Conference, Stirling (U.K.), 4-6 Luglio 1994.
RENT VIII (research on Entrepreneurship - 8th workshop), Tampere (Finland) 23 - 25 November 1994.
RENT IX (research on Entrepreneurship - 9th workshop), Piacenza, Italy, 22-24 November 1995.
"Culture dimensions to appropriate management in Africa", Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 14-16 December 1995.
4th Annual International Management Conference, Kampala, Uganda, 24-28 November 1997.
"I percorsi innovativi nella piccola impresa", Urbino, 21-22 maggio 1998.
5th Annual International Management Conference, Kampala & Entebbe, Uganda, 26-27 November 1998.
44th I.C.S.B. (International Council for Small Business) World Conference, Napoli, 20-23 giugno 1999.
"Relazioni interaziendali e dinamica competitiva", XXII convegno AIDEA, Parma 28-30 Ottobre 1999.
Makerere University Business School 6th Annual International Management Conference, Entebbe, Uganda, 7 - 10 Dicembre 1999.
"The Global Challenge of African Business and Economic Development in the New Millennium", I.A.A.B.D. International Conference, Atlantic City, N.J., U.S.A., 11-14 April 2000.
Makerere University Business School 7th Annual International Management Confeence, Entebbe, Uganda, 4 - 8 Dicembre 2000.
"Advancing Knowledge Development in African Business", I.A.A.B.D. International Conference, Washington, DC, U.S.A., 4-7 April 2001.
"L’internazionalizzazione delle PMI campane. Il contributo del progetto IPSSED", Napoli, 27 aprile 2001.

"Expanding the Horizons of African Business and Development", 3rd I.A.A.B.D. International Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 3-6 April 2002.
"Modelli d'impresa per il mercato globale", XIV Convegno annuale di Sinergie, Trieste, 7 -8 Novembre 2002.
Makerere University Business School 9th Annual International Management Conference, Jinja and Entebbe, Uganda, 3 - 6 Dicembre 2002.
"Innovazione e dinamiche competitive", XV Convegno annuale di Sinergie, Catania, 16 e 17 ottobre 2003. Il
Workshop N.A.U.M.B.S. (Network of African Universities and Management and Business Schools) Contextualising management teaching to African reality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,19 - 21 febbraio 2004.
Workshop "Actors and Change in Local Development", Trento, 14 maggio 2004
49th I.C.S.B. (International Council for Small Business) 49th World Conference, Sandton, South Africa, 20 - 23 June 2004
"African Business and Development: Strategies for Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation", 6th IAABD (International Academy of African Business and Development) Conference, Dar es Salaam, 6-8 aprile 2005.

4th Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Siena, Italy, 17-19 July 2008.

6th  International Conference Entrepreneurship and Innovation,Maputo, Mozambique , 5-6 November 2008.

"Supporting the Development of Business in Africa", 10th  IAABD Anniversary International Conference,Munyonyo, Uganda, May 19-23, 2009.

"Innovation in the creation and management of business" RUDN 5th  International Research Conference, Moscow, Russia, October 15-17 2014

"Global Economy, International Business and Russia in New Geopolitical Conditions", Yekaterinburg, Russia, April 23 2015.

Tradition, Innovation and Reform in Local Development”, Corvinus University, Budapest, 11-12 September 2015.

"Good Governance and Business Policies: towards Sustainable African Business Development",17th IAABD Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 11-14 May 2016.

"Sustainable African Development and Self Reliance: Building Economic Bridges in a Multi-Polar World", 18th  IAABD International Conference, Durban, South Africa, 16-19 May 2018.

"Towards Industrialized Africa: Opportunities and Challenges", 20th  IAABD International Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 8-11 May 2019.

International Conference on Enhancing Consumer Awareness - Prospects for Advance Protecting Consumers Right on Traditional and Digital Market”, presnting the results of the Erasmus+ project Consume-aware 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026569,  Katowice, Poland, 16-18 June 2019