Giuseppe Nesi
Education |
1987-1991: Ph.D. in International Law, University “La Sapienza”, Rome. 1984-1986 Master of Arts in International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University. 1978-1983 Law Degree (Laurea in Giurisprudenza), Law School, University of Catania. |
Academic career and teaching activities |
2012-2018: Dean of the Law School, University of Trento, re-elected in 2015. 2013- Member of the Board of the PhD Program in Comparative and European Legal Studies, University of Trento. 2001- Full Professor of International Law, Law School and School of International Studies, University of Trento 2000-2001: Teaching International Human Rights and Supervisor of the Legal Clinic on the European Convention of Human Rights, Law School, University of Trento. 1998-2001: Deputy Director, Department of Legal Science, University of Trento. 1999-2002: Member of the Establishing Committee, and member of the Steering Committee of the School of International Studies, University of Trento. 1998-2001: Associate Professor of International Law and European Union Law, School of Law, University of Trento. 1998-2012: Member of the Board of the PhD Program in International Organization, University of Teramo. 1993-1998: Assistant Professor of International Law, teaching European Union Law and International Human Rights (1996-2001), Law School, University of Trento. 1986-91: fellow of the Italian Research National Centre (CNR), and University of Geneva.
Courses and lectures in Universities and Institutions abroad:
Research interests |
International Law; Law of International Institutions; Sources of International Law; Recognition of States and Governments; International Criminal Justice and International Criminal Law; International Humanitarian Law; International Human Rights Law; United Nations; United Nations and regional organizations; Migration and International Law; Self-Determination of people; International Terrorism; Territorial and Maritime Delimitations; States' Jurisdictional Immunities; Diplomacy. |
Research work |
Scientific coordinator of research projects: - University of Trento: Strategic Project on "Living Integration Law (LIL) (2014-2017) - Ministry of University: "The repression of Acts of Terrorism in Armed Conflicts" (from 22-09-2008 to 19-10-2010). - Ministry of University: "Cooperation between European Organizations and the United Nations in the fight against international Terrorism" (from 16-12-2002 to 18-01-2005).
Memberships in societies and scientific committees |
- 2019: Member of the European Society of International Law (ESIL). - 2018: General Editor, Italian Yearbook of International Law. 2015- Member of the Board of Editors, 1992-2014: Member of the Editorial Board. - 2018: Member of the Accademia Diritto e Migrazioni (ADiM). - 2018 Member of the International Law Association (ILA) - 2016-17: Vice President of the ISocietà Italiana di Diritto Internationale e di Diritto dell'Unione Europea (SIDI), after he co-founded it, in 1995, and after being a member elected of the Steering Committee (1999-2003). - 2014: Scientific Committee of the revue "La Comunità internazionale". - 2013 : Member of the Editorial Board of "Italy's Diplomatic and Parliamentary Practice on International Law". - 2010: Member of the International Institute for Humanitarian Law, San Remo - 1998-2002 Member of the Scientific Committee and of International Law and European Law of the Course of Advanced Studies in European and Transnational Law, University of Trento. - 1997: Member of the Societé Française pour le Droit International (SFDI). -1992-1999: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference of Rectors of the Alpe Adria Community. -1992: Affiliated to the Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale (SIOI). |
Awards and honours |
2020-: Visiting Professor University of Johannesburg, School of Law. 2018: Nanhu Chair, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan. 2004: Commendatore dell'Ordine di San Gregorio Magno. |
Conferences and lectures |
Università di Trento, Contemporary Perspective on International Investment Law, VIII Expert Meeting, 30 novembre- 1 dicembre 2021 (Chair) Università di Siena, IYIL@30, 29-30 novembre 2021 (Rapporteur) New York, Virtual Conversation on Regionalism and the Codification of International Law, 28 October 2021 (co-rapporteur with Abdulqawi A. Yusuf, Judge and former President of the ICJ) (online) Università di Roma Tre, Expert Meeting, Is International Disaster Law Protecting Us?, 4 and 5 October 2021 (Chair of the session on Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise: Protection Issues). Università di Trento, Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise. Legal Consequences from the Law of the Sea, Statehood and Affected Persons Perspectives, 1 October 2021 (Scientific co-organizer and discussant) (online). Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas, Colloque 100 ans de l’Institut d’Hautes Etudes International, Le droit international par un monde nouveau, 16-18 septembre 2021, L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies et la formation du droit international (relatore/rapporteur). European Society of International Law, 16th Annual Conference Changes in International Lawmaking: Actors, Processes, Impact, Stockholm, 9-11 September 2021, Agora n. 9: “National Parliaments and Changes in Domestic Implementation Law-Making” (moderator). Collegio Bernardo Clesio, Università di Trento, 12 maggio 2021, Il sistema di sicurezza collettiva dell’ONU ieri e oggi (relatore/rapporteur) (online) Society of International Economic Law, 11 May 2021, SIEL Conversation on Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Law (rapporteur) (online). McGill Graduate Law Conference and the Dean Maxwell & Isle Seminar on International Law, 7 May 2021, Cities as Subjects of International Law ? (rapporteur) (online). Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI), Roma, 29 aprile 2021, Il caso Regeni: gli strumenti del diritto internazionale, moderatore del webinar. Law School of Zhongan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, 7 April 2021, Covid-19 and the UN System (online lecture). Università di Bari Aldo Moro (con la collaborazione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e della SIOI), 29-30 marzo 2021, Il sistema di sicurezza collettiva a 75 anni dalla Carta di San Francisco, al Convegno su L’azione dell’ONU per il mantenimento della pace, 75 anni dopo: risultati e prospettive (relatore/rapporteur) (online) Milano Università Bicocca, 12 marzo 2021, Webinar - Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Giuridiche, The Impact of COVID-19 on the Functioning of the United Nations System (relatore/rapporteur).
Roma, 18 dicembre 2020, Presentazione del volume di Nicola Colacino su Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and peacekeeping Roma, 11 dicembre 2020, Scuola di Alta Formazione Specialistica dell’Avvocato internazionalista, Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani (rapporteur nel modulo sulla giustizia penale internazionale) (online) Geneva, 4 December 2020, Graduate Institute of International Law and Development Studies, Workshop on Advocacy skills and international legal counseling (rapporteur) Jindal Global Law School, Global Virtual Conference on “Reimagining & Transforming the Future of Law Schools and Legal Education: Confluence of Ideas During & Beyond COVID-19”, to be held during 25-27 November 2020, Thematic Session “The Idea of Law School during and after Covid-19” (rapporteur) (online) Università di Trento, 29 ottobre 2020, Presentazione del volume di Stefano Beltrame, Breve storia degli Italiani in Cina (rapporteur) (online) Università di Teramo, 15 e 16 ottobre 2020, Workshop di celebrazione del 75° anniversario dell’istituzione delle Nazioni Unite, Istituzioni Internazionali, politiche di sviluppo e lotta all’insicurezza alimentare (rapporteur) (online) Academy of Finland, 26-29 February 2020, Helsinki, Participation in the Board of evaluators of research projects to be financed (Member of the Board) United Nations, 18-22 February 2020, New York, Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization. Teaching International Law III, Euregio Mobility V, University of Innsbruck, 14-16 January 2020 (co-organizer and chair)
International Law and Justice for Victims of the Gross Human Rights Violation of Sexual and Gender-based Violence, Johannesburg, 27-29 November 2019 (rapporteur) “Under Pressure". The Challenges to Multilateralism from migrations to international economic cooperation, Trento, 18-19 November 2019 (Co-organizer and rapporteur) ‘Yearbooks in International Law: History, Function and Future’, organized by the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 26-27 September 2019, Asser Institute, The Hague International Association of Law Schools, The Role of Law and the Tule of Law. Teaching Significant Issues in the 21st Century, 20-22 September 2019, University of Gdansk (rapporteur) Training Session of the European Project e-learning National Active Charter Training (e-NACT), The International Legal Framework in Asylum and Immigration, University of Parma, 24-25 June 2019 (rapporteur) SIDI XXIV Annual Conference, International and European Law in Internal Judgements, Rome, 5-6 June 2019 The role of Africa’s Supranational courts in the protection of fundamental rights: contributions and challenges, University of Trento, 13 May 2019 (Co-organizer and chair) The Future of Multilateralism, The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, 30 April 2019 Exit! The Withdrawal from International Multilateral Treaties, University of Milan, 1 April 2019 La Corte europea dei diritti umani nel periodo della presidenza di Guido Raimondi, Università di Roma Tre, 22 marzo 2019 (rapporteur) International Association of Law Schools, European Regional Law Deans’ Forum, The Role of Law and the Rule of Law – Rethinking Legal Education, Madrid, 7-9 March 2019 (rapporteur) Un’Autorità nazionale per i diritti umani in Italia: i modelli europei, l’esperienza italiana, le aspettative della società civile, Roma, 31 January 2019 (moderato). Teaching International Law II, Euregio Mobility IV, University of Innsbruck, 24-25 January 2019 (co-organizer and chair) Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi, Dialoghi di Merano, I settanta anni della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo: una valutazione critica, Merano, 30 November 2018 (rapporteur). CIDU, A National Human Rights Institution for Italy. Challenges and the Way Forward, International Conference, Trento, 5 e 6 novembre 2018 (scientific co-organizer and rapporteur). Enhancing training on Women, Peace and Security: integrating gender perspective into international operations. A project in the framework of Italy’s Third National Action Plan in accordance with UNSCR 1325 (2000), 2016-2019. Enhancing Diversity Skills in International Operations Workshop, IIHL, Sanremo 8-12 October 2018 (rapporteur). La crisi della giustizia penale internazionale e la tutela dei diritti umani, Convegno “Il Sistema dei Diritti Umani nel 70° Anniversario della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani”, in occasione del 40° anniversario del Comitato interministeriale per i diritti umani, Roma, 2 October 2018 (rapporteur). The Law and Politics of Brexit, Scuola di Studi Internazionali, Trento, 25 maggio 2018 (opening remarks) Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi, Counterterrorism sanctions: the International, European and National Legal Framework, Merano, 4 May 2018 (rappporteur). From Imitation to Innovation, IALS, European Law School Leadership Forum, Kozminski University, Warsaw, 19-21 April 2018 (panelist). Teaching International Law I, Euregio Mobility III, University of Innsbruck, International Conference, 24-25 January 2018 (Chair) Diritto internazionale e valori umanitari, Giornata di studio in onore di Paolo Benvenuti, Università di Roma Tre, 19 December 2017 (rapporteur). A Christmas Carol: Ebenezer Trump and the Ghosts of America’s Past, Present and Future, Trento, 22 November 2017 (scientific coordinator). Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi, Migrazioni e dignità umana: falsi miti e strategie d‘intervento, Merano, 27 October 2017 (moderator) Consiglio d’Europa e Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, Trento, 19 October 2017 (scientific coordinator and rapporteur with the President of the European Court of Human Rignts, H.E, Guido Raimondi, and the Ambassador of Italy to the Council of Europe, H.E. Marco Marsilli) . Counterterrorism and the use of force: from the preservation of international peace and security to self-defence and back, School of Law & Government - Law Research Center, Opening lecture, Research Seminar Series, Dublin City University, 20 September 2017. Migrazioni e diritto internazionale. Verso la fine dell’emergenza? XXII Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Diritto internazionale e diritto dell’Unione Europea (SIDI), Trento, 8 e 9 June 2017 (scientific co-coordinator and rapporteur). The Role of Non-Permanent Members of the Security Council in the Pursuit of Peace and Justice, Leiden University, 10-13 May 2017, rapporteur Workshop on New Models of Peacekeeping: Security and Protection of Human Rights. The Role of the UN and Regional Organizations, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD), Roma, 9-10 May (rapporteur) Educating a New Cohort – The Millennials, Challenges and Approaches in Developing a Responsive and Innovative Law School Curriculum, IALS, European Forum, Amman, 12-13 April 2017 (Panelist) Benedetto Conforti et Luigi Ferrari Bravo. De Naples à Strasbourg et au-delà: un voyage extraordinaire, Strasburgo, Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, 24 February 2017 (rapporteur). L'eredità dei Tribunali per la ex-Iugoslavia ed il Ruanda per lo sviluppo della giustizia penale The European International Law Tradition: the German, Austrian and Italian Contribution, Università di Innsbruck, Law School, Euregio Mobility Project, 26-28 January 2017 (co-organizer and rapporteur). Conflict, indigenous peoples and natural resources: new international law perspectives, Trento, 19 January 2017 (Chair and introduction). Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi, The ICC from Rome to nowadays: the health conditions of international criminal justice, Merano, 4-5 November 2016 (rapporteur). United Nations and Human Rights: Seventy Years of Ups and Downs. Lectio Magistralis, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – FDUFMG, 19 October 2016. Development and Human Rights, FGV Direito SP, San Paolo, 17 ottobre 2016 (rapporteur). The Strategic Consequences of the U.S. Use of Torture, Harvard University, 7-8 ottobre 2016 (participant). Seminar for the States Parties of the Rome Statute of the ICC on the Activation of the Court’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression, Princeton University, 17-18 June 2016 (participant). Terrorism as a Crime under International Law: recent developments within the United Nations system, University of Malta, 29 April 2016 (rapporteur). Giustizia penale internazionale e repressione dei crimini commessi dai peace-keepers, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD), Roma, 26 April 2016 (rapporteur). Il caso dell’Enrica Lexie nel diritto internazionale, Trento, 18 aprile 2016 (scientific coordinator and rapporteur). International Law Workshop, Istituzioni internazionali e interessi nazionali. L’Agenzia Spaziale Europea e la politica spaziale in Italia, Trento, 8 April 2016 (scientific coordinator and rapporteur, with R. Battiston, President of the Italian Space Agency, and M. Ferrazzani, Legal Counsel of the European Space Agency). Diritto internazionale e confini del terrorismo nel mondo contemporaneo, Università di Palermo, 12 February 2016 (rapporteur) Libia. Come evitare il fallimento dello Stato, Dialogue with the Ambassador of Germany to Lybia, H.E. Christian Much, Trento, 11 December 2015 (rapporteur). I sessanta anni dell’ammissione dell’Italia all’ONU, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, 3 dicembre 2015 (relatore). La lotta al terrorismo nello Stato di diritto. I principi, il livello sovranazionale, le esperienze nazionali e locali, Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi, Merano, 20-21 November 2015 (rapporteur) Università degli Studi del Salento. L’istituzione di una Commissione Nazionale indipendente per la tutela dei diritti umani in Italia: aspettando Godot?, Lecce, 21 May 2015 (rapporteur). International Association of Law Schools (IALS), European Forum, “Challenges to Legal Education: Globalization and the Development of Approaches and Standards", Trento, 13-15 May 2015 (Organizer and rapporteur). Cinquanta anni di cooperazione spaziale europea: ESA e accordi internazionali, Università degli Studi di Trento, 13 March 2015 (scientific coordinator and rapporteur, with Marco Ferrazzani, Legal Counsel of the European Space Agency). United Nations, Human Right Council, Panel Discussion on Human Rights and National Policies, Panelist, Geneva, 19 March 2015 (rapporteur). Vecchi e nuovi equilibri politico-militari in Medio Oriente. La contesa in atto tra Beirut e Basra, Trento,18 February 2015. Dialogue with H.E. Massimo Marotti, Ambassador of Italy to Iraq International Conference, Autonomy and Self-Determination in Europe and Global Perspective, report on international criminal responsibility and self-determination, University of Innsbruck, 14 January 2015 (rapporteur). Seminario internazionale, Fonti sovranazionali e giusto processo nell'ordinamento penale italiano, Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali, Siracusa, 29 novembre - 1 dicembre 2014 (rapporteur). Giornate di studio in onore di Luigi Ferrari Bravo. Il diritto internazionale come professione, Università degli Studi di Trento, 28 and 29 November 2014 (scientific coordinator and rapporteur). International Symposium, Law, Territory, and Conflict Resolution, Università degli Studi di Verona, 21 November 2014 (rapporteur) Accademia di Studio Italo-Tedesca, XLII Italo-German Studies, The Prosecution of International Crimes: A Reflection on Different Response Mechanisms, Merano, 14 and 15 November 2014 (rapporteur). Convegno internazionale, La composizione dei conflitti storici. Le commissioni storiche nelle tensioni fra storia, giustizia e culture della memoria. Relazione su La sentenza Germania contro Italia e l'azione diplomatica italiana, Accademia dei Lincei - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Roma, 9 e 10 ottobre 2014 (relatore). Meeting, Crisis and Rights in Italy and Europe, Università di Trento e Comitato Interministeriale per i Diritti Umani, Trento, 22 settembre 2014 (Scientific coordinator and rapporteur). XIX Annual Meeting of the Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale (SIDI), Final Roundtable. Report on Between the Principle of Legality and International Politics: Re-Thinking the UN System, Courmayeur, 26-28 June 2014 (rapporteur). Meeting: Conflitto, pace, costruzione dello Stato e istituzioni locali, Università degli Studi di Trento, 1-2 marzo 2012 (rapporteur). Interdisciplinary meeting: La criminalizzazione dell'aggressione armata dopo la Conferenza di revisione di Kampala: progressi, questioni irrisolte e prospettive, Università di Verona, 16 dicembre 2011 (rapporteur) Workshop, The repression of terrorist acts and the law of war, New York, 7 settembre 2011(scientific coordinator and rapporteur). Conferenza internazionale, War Crimes and the Conduct of Hostilities: a Judicial Perspective, Università di Torino, 19-20 novembre 2010 (rapporteur). Workshop, Terrorism, democracy and human rights, organized by ISPI and IIHL, Torino, 18 novembre 2010 (rapporteur). XXXIII Rountable on contemporary issues of International Humanitarian Law (organized by IIHL and ICRC), Global violence: consequences and responses, Sanremo, 9-11 September 2010 (rapporteur). Seminar, International Terrorism: from Emergency to Re-Thinking, Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), April 2009 (rapporteur). Panel discussion, International Counterterrorism Cooperation: Is a Global Institution Needed?, Columbia Law School, 5 October 2006 (rapporteur). Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, Princeton University, 8-11 June 2006 (participant). Salzburg Retreat on the International Criminal Court, organizzato dal Governo austriaco, 25-30 maggio 2006 (rapporteur). Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression dell’Assemblea degli Stati Parte allo Statuto di Roma, Princeton University, 13-15 giugno 2005 (participant). Recent Developments in Counter-terrorism: the United Nations and Beyond, Columbia University, 3 giugno 2005 (rapporteur). Conferenza, Gender Justice in Post-Conflict Situations, organizzata da UNIFEM e ILAC, New York, 15-17 settembre 2004 (participant). Meeting informale di alto livello, Current Challenges to International Humanitarian Law, Harvard University, 24-27 giugno 2004 (rapporteur). Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression dell’Assemblea degli Stati Parte allo Statuto di Roma, Princeton University, 21-23 giugno 2004 (participant). Panel discussion, Compliance with and Enforcement of Chapter VII Decisions, nell’ambito del progetto Global Issues Facing the United Nations: Legal, Humanitarian and Political Perspectives, Columbia Law School (Columbia University), New York, 12 giugno 2004 (rapporteur). Conferenza, International Co-operation in Counter-terrorism, Università di Trento, 27-28 maggio 2004 (scientific coordinator and rapporteur). Tavola Rotonda, Threats from Non-State Actors: How Grave, how remedied?, United Nations Foundation and the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 4 marzo 2004 (rapporteur). Workshop, Terrorism and Targeted Sanctions: Shortcomings and Possible Remedies for Individual and Entities, presso la Rappresentanza permanente di Germania alle Nazioni Unite, New York, 24 novembre 2003 (participant). Convegno, Ordine internazionale e valori etici, Università degli Studi di Verona - Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale (SIDI), 26-27 giugno 2003 (rapporteur). Meeting informale di alto livello, Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law, Harvard University, 27-29 gennaio 2003 (rapporteur). Convegno, L’internazionalizzazione dei mezzi di comunicazione e la sovranità statale, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” – Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale (SIDI), 24-25 May 2002 L'ordinamento costituzionale italiano e la guerra; principi organizzativi e poteri degli organi dello Stato. Giornata di studio in ricordo di Giustino D’Orazio, Università degli Studi di Trento, 14 May 2002 (rapporteur). International Law and International Organizations in Situations of Civil War, New York University, New York, 23-24 febbraio 2002 (rapporteur). Seminario, La tragedia del Cermis e il diritto internazionale: recenti sviluppi, Trento, 13 March 2001 (coordinator and rapporteur). Conferenza internazionale: "The International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression" (coordinatore scientifico, insieme a Mauro Politi, e relatore), Università di Trento, May 2001. Conferenza internazionale: "The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a challenge to impunity" (coordinatore scientifico, con Mauro Politi, e relatore), Università di Trento, May 1999. |
Other work |
-2021 -: Member-Elect of the International Law Commission (UN) (2023-27). - 2019-: Member of the International Advisory Board of the Kozsminski Law School (Warsaw). - 2018 -: Member of the Board of Governors of the International Association of Law Schools (IALS). - 2013 - Member of the Interministerial Committee on Human Rights, appointed by the Ministry, as eminent personality in the field of human rights. - 2010-2011: Legal Adviser of the President of the United Nations General Assembly (65th session), New York. - 2002-2010: Legal Adviser of the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations, New York. - 2007-2008: Member of the Italian Delegation in the Security Council. - 2000-2001: Legal Consultant, Parliamentary Inquiry Commission on the responsibilities of the Cermis tragedy. - 2000 Legal Expert of the Italian Delegation at the Vienna Ministerial Meeting of the OSCE - 1999 Legal Expert of the Italian Delegation at the OSCE Summit (Istanbul) - 1999-2002 Deputy Director of the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Trento 1998-2002 Member of the Italian Delegation to the Preparatory Commission on the Establishment of the International Criminal Court - 1998 Legal Expert of the Italian Delegation to the U.N. Conference on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court - 1998 Legal Expert of the Italian Delegation at the Oslo Ministerial Meeting of the OSCE - 1997-1998-2000 Legal Expert, Delegate of the Italian Government to the 52nd, 53rd and 55th sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, Sixth Committee (New York) - 1997 Legal Adviser of the Italian Delegation and Rapporteur at the OSCE Mediterranean Seminar on “The Security Model for the Twenty-first Century: Implications for the Mediterranean Basin” (Cairo) - 1997 Special Adviser of the Italian Delegation at the V OSCE Economic Forum on “Market Economy and the Rule of Law” (Prague) - 1996 Legal Expert of the Italian Delegation at the OSCE Review Meeting (Vienna) and at the OSCE Summit (Lisbon) - 1996 Legal Adviser of the Italian Delegation at the OSCE Mediterranean Seminar on “The OSCE as a Platform for Dialogue and the Fostering of Norms of Behaviour” (Tel Aviv) - 1996 Legal Adviser of the Italian Presidency of the European Union for OSCE activities - 1995 Member of the Italian Delegation at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (Warsaw) - 1994 Legal Expert of the Italian Delegation at the CSCE Review Conference in Budapest - 1994 Member of the Italian Delegation at the ODIHR Seminar on Human Dimension in Central Asia (Alma Aty) - 1994 Legal Advisor of the CSCE Chairman-in-Office - 1993 Member of the Italian Delegation at the CSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (Warsaw) - 1992 Member of the Italian Delegation at the CSCE Meeting on Peaceful Settlement of Disputes (Geneva) - 1992 Legal Expert of the Italian Delegation at the CSCE Helsinki Follow-Up Meeting Avvocato since 1986. |