Leonardo Ricci
Associate professor
Department of Physics
Education |
• March 1990 Master (Laurea) Degree in Physics from the University of Pisa and Diploma from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy; thesis title "High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Osmium • Tetroxide" (Spettroscopia ad alta risoluzione nell'infrarosso del tetrossido d'osmio); supervisor Prof. M. Inguscio; 110/110 cum laude. |
Academic career and teaching activities |
POSITIONS ********************************* Activities at the University of Trento, Italy: 3. [2019-2022] Laboratory of Physics 3 (Laboratorio di Fisica III), BSc in Physics (in Italian). Activities at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy: Activities at other Universities: PhD Supervision BSc and MSc Supervision PhD examination committees |
Research interests |
Complex Systems Dynamics. Entropy (Information Theory). Neuroscience. Biostatistics. |
Research work |
Head of the Nonlinear Systems and Electronics Laboratory (NSE Lab) of the Physics Department of the University of Trento. In the first phase of his career, the research activity by Leonardo Ricci was mainly devoted to the fields of cold atoms: trapping of neutral atoms; high-resolution laser spectroscopy; and development of advanced measurement, processing and control systems (hardware and software, including systems relying on neural networks) for applications in the experimental research. A main point regarding this research line was the measurement and control of magnetic fields. Since a decade, pursuing a not-new interest (for example, in 1998, he attended the course "Magnetic Resonance and Brain Function: Approaches from Physics" of the International School of Physics "E. Fermi", organized by the Italian Physical Society - SIF), he progressively changed the goals of his research towards Neuroscience and Biophysics issues, and in particular the role of noise in brain function (perception and cognition). Within this framework, he carried out studies on stochastic resonance phenomena in human perception as well as on dynamical aspects of decision-making mechanisms. He is presently addressing the following research topics: Part of the scientific work is carried out at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (Centro Interdipartimentale Mente/Cervello, CIMeC) of the University of Trento, which he is partially affiliated with (35 %). PATENTS ONGOING SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATIONS EDITOR ACTIVITY REVIEWER ACTIVITY |
Memberships in societies and scientific committees |
• IEEE Member (# 94313943). |
Awards and honours |
Teaching activity Research activity |
Other work |
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Notes |