
- Degree in Economics and Commerce obtained in March 2000 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Trento, 110/110 cum laude. Title of the thesis: "Un contributo allo sviluppo dell’economia locale: la Cassa rurale di Taio"; supervisor: Prof. Andrea Leonardi.

- PhD in Business History (cycle XVI), coordinated by Prof. Angelo Moioli at the University of Milan, awarded in February 2004. Title of the thesis: "Un'esperienza imprenditoriale in Ancien Régime: la ditta 'Valentino e Isidoro Salvadori' tra XVII e XIX secolo"; tutor Prof. Andrea Leonardi, co-tutor Prof. Paolo Maggioni.

Academic career and teaching activities

Academic career

- Since March 2008, she has been a researcher in Economic History (SECS-P/12) at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Trento and belongs to the Department of Economics.

- Since December 2014 she is Associate Professor in Economic History at the Department of Economics and Management.

- In January 2020 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the position of Full Professor in Economic History.


Teaching activities

- From a.y. 2003/2004 to a.y. 2006/2007 she has been teaching integrative modules at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Trento. As part of the module in Economic History, she coordinated two seminar cycles on the topics "Causes and effects of the Italian economic miracle" and "The rise of the industrial economy in the USA". For the course of Business and Banking History, she gave several lectures on the theory of business and the formation of national banking systems.

- In the a.y. 2007/2008 she held the module in Business and Banking History at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Trento and started teaching Economic History at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (undergraduate and graduate courses).

- From the a.y. 2010/2011 to a.y. 2015/2016, in addition to the modules in Economic History at the Faculty of Humanities, she taught the English-language module in Economic and Business History (later International Economic History) for the Master's degree in Economics and, in a.y. 2016/2017, the module in Global Economic Scenarios for the Master's degrees in International Management and Innovation Management at the Department of Economics.

- Since the a.y. 2015/2016, she also teaches the historical-economic part of the Introduction to Economics module (undergraduate degree in Business Management Part Time).

- From a.y. 2017/2018 to a.y. 2019/2020 she teaches the Market Analysis Laboratory module for the undergraduate degree in Economics and Management.

- In the a.y. 2020/2021, she teaches the laboratory part of the module on the Economic History of Tourism.

- In the a.y. 2021/2022 she teaches the modules in Economic History at the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento (undergraduate course in Historical and Philological-Literary Studies and master's degree course in Historical Sciences), the module in Economic History of Tourism at the Department of Economics and Management (master's degree course in Management of Sustainability and Tourism) and the historical-economic part of the Introduction to Economics module (undergraduate).

- Since a.y. 2022/2023, alongside the module in Economic History at the Department of Humanities (undergraduate) and the module in Economic History of Tourism at the Department of Economics and Management (master's degree), she teaches the module in Economic History for the English undergraduate degree in Economics and Management.


Research interests

Economic history and Business history in the early modern and modern age. Main areas of interest: forms of enterprise, accounting and credit in the early modern period; commerce and development dynamics in the Alpine area; credit market in the pre-industrial age and modern banking; organisation of labour between the ancient regime and early industrialisation.

Research work

- In 2000 she worked on the history of the Cassa rurale di Mezzocorona by collecting and processing quantitative data on behalf of the Department of Economics of the University of Trento.

- In 2001-2002 she carried out bibliographic research on the figure and work of Luigi Negrelli on behalf of the Primiero District.

- In 2002 she carried out a census of companies active in the Rovereto area between the 19th and 20th centuries on behalf of the Rovereto Civic Library.

- In 2002-2003 she collaborated on the 'Dizionario biografico dei presidenti delle Camere di commercio italiane (1862-1944)' (Biographical dictionary of the presidents of the Italian chambers of commerce (1862-1944)) commissioned by the Centro per la cultura d'impresa of Milan.

- In 2003-2004 she coordinated the Census of business archives in the province of Trento, on behalf of the Servizio per i beni librari e archivistici of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

- In 2004-2005 she was a post-doc fellow at the Centro per gli studi storici italo-germanici of the Istituto Trentino di Cultura in Trento, and participated in the writing of vol. VI of the "Storia del Trentino", L'età contemporanea. Il Novecento, edited by Andrea Leonardi and Paolo Pombeni.

- From 2005 to 2007 she took part in the inter-university research project of national interest (Prin 2005) " Public intervention, dirigism and economic planning in Italy: continuity and changes (1922-1956)".

- From 2005 to 2009 she was part of the "Trento Nord-Sud" research group coordinated by Andrea Leonardi at the Bruno Kessler Foundation's Italian-Germanic Historical Studies in Trento, studying the role of Trentino-Tyrolean merchant-entrepreneurs in trade relations between Italy and Central Europe between the 17th and 18th centuries.

- In 2008-2009 she took part in the research project 'Endogenous institutions in trade networks: some lessons from history', coordinated by Andrea Bonoldi, funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento and the University of Trento

- From 2007 to 2009 she participated in the inter-university research project of national interest (Prin 2007) "Competition and banking and financial concentrations in Italy in historical perspective".

- In 2010-2011 she participated in the research project "Financial constraints, firm dynamics and policy implications", coordinated by Stefano Schiavo, Department of Economics, University of Trento.

- In 2012-2013 she was scientifically responsible for and coordinated the archive reorganisation and valorisation project "Nuove fonti per la storia economica, sociale e istituzionale trentina: le carte dell'Archivio Salvadori" (New sources for Trentino economic, social and institutional history: the documents of the Salvadori Archive) (1st tranche), co-funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (20,000 euro).

- In 2013-2014 she coordinated the research project "Il credito in Trentino in età moderna: circuiti formali e informali" (Credit in Trentino in the early modern age: formal and informal circuits), co-funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto.

- Since 2013 she has participated in the project "StoAlp - Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Alpenraums in Vorindustrieller Zeit", based at the "Forschungsinstitut zur Geschichte des Alpenraums", Brig (CH).

- In 2014-2015 she had the scientific responsibility and coordination of the archive reorganisation and valorisation project "New sources for the economic, social and institutional history of Trentino: the documents of the Archivio Salvadori" (2nd tranche), co-financed by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (25,000 euro).

- From 2015 to 2019 she participated in the university research project "Wars and post-war: states and societies, cultures and structures. Reflections from a centenary'.

- In 2016-2017 she had the scientific responsibility and coordination of the archival reorganisation and valorisation project "New sources for the economic and social history of Trentino: the documents of the Salvadori Archive" (3rd tranche), co-funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (23,000 euro).

- In 2018-2022 she had the scientific responsibility and coordination of the archive reorganisation and valorisation project "New sources for Trentino economic and social history: the papers of the Salvadori Archive" (4th tranche), co-funded by the Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto Foundation (20,000 euro).

- Since 2020 she has been cooperation partner in the research project "The Role of Wealth in Defining and Constituting Kinship Spaces from the 16th to the 18th Century", coordinated by Margareth Lanzinger (Universität Wien).

- Since 2022 she has been participating in the project "'Petites industries', travail des femmes et diversité des chemins de l'industrialisation dans l'Europe méditerranéenne, milieu du XIXe-milieu du XXe siècle", coordinated by Manuela Martini, Université Lumière Lyon 2-IUF and Leda Papastefanaki, Université d'Ioannina-FORTH.

- Since 2023 she has been participating in the project PRIN 2022 ‘Work, workplaces and mobility in preindustrial Italy: a gender perspective’ (PI Andrea Caracausi, University of Padua), member of the Verona research unit supervised by Marina Garbellotti.

Referee activity: Business History, Enterprise & Society, Quaderni storici, Histoire des Alpes/Storia delle Alpi/Geschichte der Alpen, Rivista RiSES, Palgrave

Grant reviewer: NWO (Dutch Research Council)

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

- Member of ARiSE (Italian Association for Research in Economic History) and the Società di studi trentini di scienze storiche, of which she has been a member of the board and treasurer since 2016; member of the extended editorial board of the journal 'Studi trentini.Storia'. Since 2022, member of the Accademia roveretana degli Agiati.

Awards and honours

- 2002: Dissertation prize, Fondazione Wollemborg Alta Padovana

- 2006: PhD thesis prize, SISR (Italian Society for Accounting History)

- 2017: MIUR-FFABR funding for associate professors based on scientific productivity

Conferences and lectures

- 2006 International Workshop 'Le relazioni commerciali tra il Nord e il Sud d’Europa tra XVII e XVIII secolo e il coinvolgimento dell’area trentino-tirolese', Trento, Centro per gli studi storici italo-germanici, 11.03.2006, paper 'Il ruolo dei Verleger trentini nei rapporti tra Nord e Sud'.

- 2007 CIFREM Seminar, University of Trento, 08.02.2007, paper 'Entrepreneurial Behaviour in the Ancient Regime: Strategies and Performance of the Salvadori Firm'.

- 2007 Conference 'Trentino: i segni del lavoro', organized by the Master in conservazione, gestione e valorizzazione del patrimonio industriale of the University of Padua, Rovereto, 22.03.2007, paper 'Il patrimonio archivistico sul setificio trentino-tirolese'.

- 2007 International Conference 'Forschungskonzepte in der Praxis', VII. Irseer Arbeitskreis für vorindustrielle Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Irsee, 01.04.2007, paper 'A Family Business in the 17th and 18th Centuries: The Case of the Salvadori Firm in Trento'.

- 2007 International Conference 'La ripresa economica del secondo dopoguerra nelle aree marginali d’Europa - Der Wiederaufbau in der Nachkriegszeit und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in den 50er und 60er Jahren in europäischen Randregionen', Trento, 06-07.12.2007, paper 'Il Mediocredito Trentino Alto-Adige e il suo ruolo nella promozione imprenditoriale trentina e sudtirolese'.

- 2009 International Workshop 'Interessi e regole: operatori e istituzioni nel commercio transalpino in età moderna (secoli XVI-XIX) - Geschäfte und Ordnungen: Kaufleute und Institutionen im transalpinen Handel der Neuzeit (XVI-XIX Jh.)', Trento, 11-12.12.2009, paper 'Informazioni e istituzioni: le basi di costruzione della fiducia nel commercio della seta tirolese tra Sei e Settecento'.

- 2011 Departmental Seminar, Dept. of Economics, University of Trento, 16.03.2011, paper 'The Financing of SMEs and the Role of Knowledge: Some Evidence from Trentino-South Tyrol, 1950s-1990s'.

- 2011 Business History Conference, St. Louis (MO), 31.03-02.04.2011, paper 'The Financing of SMEs and the Role of Knowledge: Some Evidence from Trentino-South Tyrol, 1950s-1990s'.

- 2012 World Economic History Congress, Stellenbosch, 9-13.07.2012, paper 'Trade and Credit before Modern Banking: The Case of Silk Merchants in Eighteenth-Century Trentino'.

- 2013 International Workshop 'Commercial Networks and European Cities (14th–18th Centuries)', Padua, 24-25.05.2013, discussant in the session 'Trade relations'.

- 2013 International Conference 'Coping with Crisis: Re-evaluating the role of crises in economic and social history', Durham, 26-28.07.2013, paper 'From Expansion to Decline: The Tyrolean Silk Industry Between Two Crises, 1790s-1890s'.

- 2013 International Workshop 'Merchants in Time of Crisis: Histories of Success and Failure in the Early Modern Period' (co-organizer), Trento, 25-26.10.2013, paper 'Sailing through Troubled Times: The Salvadori Firm of Trento during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1790-1815'.

- 2015 International Workshop 'The Other Side of Banking: Non-institutional Credit across Europe (18th-19th cc.)' (co-organizer), Trento, 05-06.06.2015, paper 'Financing the Silk Industry: Evidence from Eighteenth-Century Trentino'.

- 2015 Workshop 'Archivi d’impresa in Trentino dal basso Medioevo all’età contemporanea: fonti e prospettive di ricerca' (organizer), Trento, 02.12.2015, paper 'Lavoro e impresa nelle carte dell’archivio Salvadori: appunti di business history'.

- 2016 Economic History Society / Annual Conference 2016, Cambridge, 01-03.04.2016, paper 'Financing the Silk Industry: Evidence from Eighteenth-Century Trentino'.

- 2016 Meeting 'La Montecatini: archivi, cultura d'impresa, memoria', Rovereto, 06.05.2016, presentation of the project 'Nuove fonti per la storia economica, sociale e istituzionale trentina: le carte dell’Archivio Salvadori'; paper 'Archivi d'impresa: una fonte per la storia economica e sociale trentina'.

- 2016 Euregio Research Conference 'Shifting boundaries', Session 7 (Space, markets and innovation), Bolzano/Bozen, 18.11.2016, presentation on 'Innnovation and development in the Alps. The Area of Trentino-South Tyrol in the Twentieth Century' (research project with A. Bonoldi and A. Leonardi).

- 2017 Research Seminar, Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History, Geneve, 09.03.2017, paper 'The social dimension of credit relations. An application of SNA to an early modern merchant firm' (with Francesca Odella, upon invitation).

- 2017 International Conference ‘Economic History of the Alps in the Pre-Industrial Era. Synopsis, Concepts and Perspectives of the Research Field II’, Brig, 30.03–01.04.2017, paper 'Trading northwards across the eastern Alps (1500-1800): some reflections on the composition of trade'.

- 2017 Internationaler Workshop 'Vermögen als Beziehungsmedium – Recht und Praxis in sozialen und rechtlichen Übergangsräumen / Beni come veicolo di relazioni sociali - diritto e prassi in spazi di transizione', Freie Universität Bozen / Libera Università di Bolzano, Bressanone/Brixen, 26-27.05.2017, paper 'Comunione dei beni e continuità d’impresa tra logiche famigliari e istanze individuali: il caso dei Salvadori di Trento (sec. XVIII)'.

- 2017 Workshop ‘La politica daziaria e il Magistrato mercantile: rotte commerciali principali e percorsi alternativi in età moderna’, Bolzano, 27.10.2017, paper ‘Il commercio dell’olio nell’area trentino-tirolese a fine Seicento’.

- 2017 Workshop ‘Oltre i confini di Trento. L’Archivio Tambosi, tra seta e politica. Per una storia del territorio’, Trento, 24.11.2017, paper 'Setificio e dinamiche imprenditoriali in Trentino nel secolo XIX'.

- 2017 Workshop 'Donne ed economia in Trentino tra passato e presente' (co-organizer), Trento, 15.12.2017, paper 'Il lavoro femminile nel setificio trentino (secc. XVIII-XIX): alcune riflessioni a partire dal caso Salvadori'.

- 2018 European Social Science History Conference, Belfast, 04-07.04.2018, Session 'The role of wealth in shaping social relations in early modern Europe', paper 'Merchant families and undivided patrimonies: a case study from the Prince Bishopric of Trento (18th century)'.

- 2018 Conference 'Arrivi', Trento, 18-20.06.2018, paper 'Mercanti tedeschi a Rovereto tra Sei e Settecento'.

- 2018 XVIII World Economic History Congress, Boston, 29.07-03.08.2018, paper 'Financing Trade in Early Modern Europe. Looking for Limited Partnerships'.

- 2018 International Workshop 'Sulle rotte di artisti e mercanti lungo i valichi alpini', Trento, 20.10.2018, paper 'Sete e mercanti tra Sei- e Settecento lungo l'asse del Brennero'.

- 2019 6th International Conference on Luca Pacioli in Accounting History, Napoli, 7-9.11.2019, paper 'Transizioni contabili. L’approdo di un’impresa mercantile trentino-tirolese alla partita doppia (secc. XVIII-XIX)'.

- 2021 European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) on line, 18-21.03.2021, session ‘Undivided property among brothers in the early modern period: legal norms and social practices. Four case studies in comparison’, paper ‘Between Business and Family Assets: Undivided Property among Brothers in Trentino (18th to mid-19th c.)’.

- 2021 Workshop ‘Affari di famiglia: i Salvadori tra impresa e committenze artistiche’ (Conversazioni storiche della Società di studi trentini), on line, 7.06.2021, paper ‘L’Archivio Salvadori: un progetto di inventariazione e valorizzazione (2012-2021)’.

- 2021 International Archives Day, State Archives in Trento, 9.06.2021, paper ‘L’Archivio Salvadori: una risorsa per la storia economica (e non solo)’.

- 2021 International Symposium ‘TIME-US. Remuneration and Time Use in the Textile Industries in France in the Longue Durée’, Lyon, 9-10.09.2021, paper ‘Female labour in the silk industry: evidence from nineteenth-century Tyrol’ (upon invitation).

- 2021 International Conference ‘Kinship and Business. Law, Gender and Generational Perspectives (16th–20th Centuries)’, Free University of Bolzano, 16–18.09.2021, paper ‘Merchant Families and Undivided Patrimonies in Trentino-Tyrol (18th to Mid-19th Century)’.

- 2021 Conference ‘Utile impresa. Rovereto e la sua Cassa di Risparmio 180 anni dopo’, Rovereto, 13.09.2021, paper ‘Le sete, i tabacchi e l’industria roveretana tra Ottocento e Novecento’.

- 2021 International Workshop ‘Oeconomia Alpium III – Towards an Economic History of the Alps’, Trento, 7-9.10.2021 (co-organizer), paper ‘Patterns of Trade in the Alpine Region from the Medieval to the Early Modern Period: Drivers, Structure, and Dynamics’.

- 2022 Seminar cycle ‘Rosmini e la società “domestica”. Crisi e trasformazioni della domesticità nella prima metà dell’800’ organized by Michele Nicoletti (Centro di Studi e Ricerche "Antonio Rosmini" - Corso di Dottorato in "Culture d'Europa. Ambiente, spazi, storie, arti, idee"), 13.01.2022, paper ‘Una famiglia, un’impresa in un’economia in trasformazione: la ditta Salvadori di Trento  (secc. XVII-XIX)’

- 2022 Journées d’études de lancement du programme Petites industries ‘Diversité des chemins de l’industrialisation et travail des femmes dans l’Europe méditerranéenne. Approches méthodologiques’, Athens, 31.03-01.04.2022, paper ‘Female Labour on the Southern Outskirts of the Habsburg Monarchy: The Silk Industry in Nineteenth-Century Tyrol’

- 2022 Cycle ‘Le vie della seta in Vallagarina', Conference ‘La seta. Per non perdere il filo storico’, Rovereto, 21.04.2022, paper ’Imprese, mercati, lavoro:  il significato del setificio nella storia dell’economia trentina'

- 2022 Conference ‘Famiglia, impresa, territorio. I Salvadori e il loro archivio (secc. XVII-XX)’, Trento, 06.05.2022, organization and paper ‘I Salvadori:  una famiglia, un’impresa  tra continuità e cambiamento’

- 2022 AIPAI Congress, 2^ Stati generali del patrimonio industriale, Roma-Tivoli, 09-11.06.2022, paper ‘Dentro la filanda: donne al lavoro nel setificio trentino dell’Ottocento'

- 2022 World Economic History Congress, Paris, 26.07.2022, organization of session ‘Enterprise Forms Beyond the Great Divergence: Merchant Practices and Institutions in Global Perspective (16th to 19th Centuries)’ with Francesca Trivellato (IAS, Princeton) – paper ‘Beyond Formality: Partnerships and Limited Liability in Transalpine Trade (18th Century)’

- 2022 World Economic History Congress, Parigi, 27.07.2022, session ‘Religious freedom, legal pluralism, and long-distance trade’, paper ’The Religious-Confessional Factor in Early Modern Business Relations: Some Evidence from Merchants Trading in and through Tyrol'

- 2023 48th Economic and Business History Society Conference, Porto, 27.05.2023, paper ‘What’s Behind a Wage? The Pay of Women in Tyrolean Silk Spinning Mills (19th Century)’

- 2023 Workshop ‘Minoranze e migrazione in Trentino tra Medio Evo e Modernità’, PNRR, Palù del Fersina, 17.11.2023, paper ‘Mercanti tedeschi a Rovereto in età moderna’

- 2023 Research fellow seminar, Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi LabiSAlp, Mendrisio, 02.12.2023, invited discussant 

- 2024 Workshop ‘Donne e lavoro in fabbrica nella prima industrializzazione’, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Management, 09.02.2024, paper ‘Donne in filanda all’esordio del sistema di fabbrica: spunti di ricerca a partire dal caso tirolese’

-    2024 5th ELHN Conference European Labour History Network, Uppsala University, 11-13.06.2024, session ‘Labour, gender and social mobility during the industrialization’ (Labour and Family Economy Working Group) co-organized with Llorenç Ferrer Alos (University of Barcelona), paper ‘Black swans? Female overseers in the silk industry in the 19th century’

-    2024 9th international SIS conference Gender and History beyond Boundaries, 10-12.06.2024, session ‘Women Work in Rural Areas in Early Modern Europe: New Research Perspective’, discussant


Other work

- 2018: Responsible for the PDE (Curriculum for Excellence) at the Dept. of Economics and Management (DEM).

- Since 2019: Responsible for the Double Degree programmes with the Universities of Bremen and Dresden at DEM.

- 2020-2021: Member of the evaluation committee for awarding teaching assignments at DEM.

- Since January 2020: Fire prevention and firefighting officer by rectoral appointment following the acquisition of technical qualification.

- Since March 2021: DEM's Delegate for foreign languages and relations with the University Language Centre.