
He graduated with honors (110 e lode, recommendation of publication) in Political Science (Faculty of Political Science, University of Genova, 1989). He is Ph.D. in Constitutional Law (Faculty of Law, University of Bologna, 1994) and Associate Professor in Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, University of Trento. He is qualified for the first level of university teaching in Constitutional Law (2017).

From 1994 to 1996 he was researcher-scholarship holder, University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas.

In 1997 he was researcher-scholarship holder, Centro di ricerca sulle amministrazioni pubbliche “Vittorio Bachelet”, LUISS, Rome.

Academic career and teaching activities

From 1998 to 2005 he was researcher in Public Law, Faculty of Economics, University of Trento. Fron 2005 to 2021 he was Associate Professor. From 2021 he is Full Professor. 

He teaches Doctrine of the State, Parliamentary Law and Public Law. He also taught Economic Public Law and Local Government Law.

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

He is member of the following associations: Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti (AIC), Associazione “Gruppo di Pisa”, Associazione Euroregionale di Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo (AEDPCE).

Since its foundation (2011), he has been member of the Executive Council of the Società Italiana di Diritto Sanitario (SoDIS).

He is member of the steering committee of the journals Quaderni regionali, le Regioni and Antologia di Diritto Pubblico and of the editorial series Sovranità, Federalismo, Diritti.

He is member of the editorial board of the journal Osservatorio costituzionale (Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti).

He is member of the scientific committee of the editorial series Ius Publicum Europaeum and of the journals Archivio Scialoja-Bolla and Corti Supreme e Salute.

From 2016 to 2018 he was co-director of the section “Ordinamento italiano” of the journal Osservatorio costituzionale (Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti).


Awards and honours

In the latest valutazione della qualità della ricerca (VQR 2015-2019) he obtained the best possible score, as all the products he presented were placed by the GEV area 12 of ANVUR in the highest class of merit (classe A "eccellente ed estremamente rilevante A").


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Other work

He was juridical counsellor of the President of Liguria Region (1995-2000), of the Conference of Presidents of Italian Regions (1995-2000) and of the Regional Council of Liguria (2000-2005).

He was juridical counsellor of the Health Secretary (2012-2013) and of the Parliamentary Committee for regional affairs (2013-2014).

In 2015 he was Chairman of the Committee for the referendum at the Provincial Council of Trento.

From 2016 to 2018 he was member of the Consult for the special Statute of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region at the Provincial Council of Trento, established by provincial Law 1/2016.

During the 2017 provincial elections, he was member of the Ufficio centrale circoscrizionale of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

Since 2017 he has been member of the Collegio regionale di garanzia elettorale at the Court of Appel of Trento.